I am your natural enemy

Chapter 305: Open the door and release the players, an old game (5k)

The head of the headquarters stared at Wen Yan for a long time. Now he actually felt that some of what Cai Qidong said was right, and he was beginning to worry that Wen Yan was causing trouble.

He fell into the underworld, threw things on the moon, and now he is obsessed with building a base in the wilderness.

To be honest, it is impossible for the most radical people in the Lieyang Department to be like Wen Yan, who slapped their foreheads and took huge risks to open a window on the moon.

"The situation in the wilderness is not urgent for the time being. The risk is too high. The ministry has recently done some research that may be useful."

"Can I know?"

"The Ministry has studied the program code of Cyber ​​Hades."

"Ah?" Wen Yan was shocked: "Does this thing really have a code?"

"Yes, some of the codes on the doomsday computer have been deciphered by many seniors, including Lao Tianshi, who also participated in this work.

Those codes were not normal codes. The contents contained not only ancient Oracle content, but also some modern symbols and characters.

The good thing is that the occult symbols in it are basically recorded and circulated in China.

Some symbols even have a basically complete evolution process, and we can reversely deduce the most complete meaning of this symbol. "

Wen Yan lamented that there were so many non-combat-oriented talents in the Lieyang Department. He had felt this way before in the Underworld.

"Is it a big gain?"

"The harvest is not small. For example, your black box is an experimental thing."


Wen Yan had thought before that the black box was really easy to use. He thought it was connected to the supercomputer of the Lieyang Department and had a lot of computing power that could be mobilized, so it was so easy to use and responded accurately and quickly.

Unexpectedly, something else was added.

“I heard that the construction of this system is very troublesome.

The result of the current experiment is something that is integrated with some other rune systems.

The level of intelligence is indeed very high, especially the understanding of fuzzy instructions, and the effect is much better than expected. "

When the head of the headquarters said this, Wen Yan's thoughts were spinning rapidly, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Didn't you have some clues about the server field before? Did you find someone?"

"No, according to the traditional method, it is difficult to find people."

The head of the headquarters looked at Wen Yan, making Wen Yan feel a little embarrassed.

Adding up the code and server, Wen Yan somewhat understood what the general manager was thinking.

“It’s not convenient for you to send people directly to the wilderness just to be on the safe side.

Just use the code you studied and write something in that server field.

Then send some players there via airdrop? "

"Huh?" The chief was slightly startled and his eyes lit up.

To be honest, they really have no idea.

They are just doing research, looking for the essence through experiments, and then starting from the essence, they can do many, many things.

"How to deliver it? You have to die if you send someone there. This is not the Underworld. Even if it is the Underworld, if you die there, you are really dead."

"It's great to send a dummy as the player's body.

There is a master who plays Taoist soldiers, which is a Taoist weapon created by combining modern technology.

If there was no need for the Taoist soldier to be conscious and just a descending body, it should be very simple.

After descending into the body and sending it there, there is no need to bring it back to the present world, so there is no need to worry too much about bringing something back from there.

Since those guys want to invade the real world, then it’s not too much to let the players go and bite them, right?

Since it is a copy of Hades' code, it's time to add a hardcore one-life mode.

If the advent body dies, everything disappears, everything falls.

Hardcore gamers like this mode, it’s exciting. "

Wen Yan became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, and the more he spoke, the more thoughts came out of his head.

What's the point of sending a large army over and washing the ground with rockets?

Opening the door and releasing players is a cruel way to play.

The more Wen Yan thought about it, the more appropriate it became, especially now that among professionals, there is the profession of player.

If those guys' game-playing mentality was put into society, they would start off like chandeliers.

But there are indeed a lot of talents among the players. If we don't find a direction and let these guys burn energy, go crazy, and use their talents, not only will they suffer a big loss, but they will also become a factor of instability.

Since the aliens on the other side of the wilderness are coming to cause trouble to the world, then they just let the players go there to cause trouble to the wilderness.

Wen Yan said in a crackling voice that the main focus will be an open world with high authenticity. There will be no main line and no tasks. Everything will be done by the players themselves.

Aren’t those players clamoring for this kind of game every day?

If you let them do it, if they can't play well and can't do any tricks, then just admit that they are not good at it.

The head of the headquarters watched Wen Yan eloquent and talked about a series of plans with great joy, and he almost couldn't help laughing.

Wen Yan was so courageous, and it felt like there was a hole in his brain.

Moreover, let alone other players, it is estimated that ordinary players do not have such extreme ideas as Wen Yan.

Opening the door to let players go is really cruel.

However, the more Wen Yan talked about it, the more perfect this idea became, and the head of the headquarters felt that this matter could indeed be discussed in a meeting.

The player with the mustache who appeared last time and another player who could seize the house are both unsettling factors.

But their power, to a certain extent, is indeed a talent, but there is really no place to put it to use in China.

If they were released into the wilderness, it would indeed be a solution.

Give them a stage and no one can blame them if they fail.

Speaking of the latter, using the Underworld as a reference, how can we prevent the real body from dying when the player dies in the one-life hardcore mode after arriving? In fact, all of this has been taken into consideration.

But Wen Yan didn't say anything. He also felt that he seemed to be a little excited, and he began to realize that the Lieyang Department might not have had such ideas and plans before...

Wen Yan came back to his senses and saw that the chief's eyes were a little complicated. He closed his mouth without saying anything and said, forget it, stop talking.

Anyway, if you open your mind, the Lieyang Department is full of talents. Let them fight head-on. There may not be many strong people, but if you let them do this kind of thing, the talents of the Lieyang Department will definitely be able to do it.

The problem now is that the server field is missing.

Without that server space, there would be no viable cornerstone for all of this.

According to previous experience, in the server field, there is no need for line connection at all. It is speculated that it may only be enough to have a content provider and a receiver.

Maybe if you use the server field, you don't need a soul to enter like entering the underworld. Maybe you only need a consciousness link.

No matter what, the feasibility is indeed there.

It’s just that we’re still not sure how feasible it is.

The headquarter commander reached out and patted Wen Yan on the shoulder.

“I knew that you had to do these things.

This time I came to you, in addition to confirming things about the moon.

One more thing, it's about that server area.

Those who are older cannot keep up with the changes of the times, especially things related to games.

Among the young people, there are those who are capable and reliable, have played many games, and have sufficient authority.

There are not many people who meet all the requirements.

It depends on whether you want to accept this task. In addition to the bonus, there are additional rewards. "

"Headquarters Chief, since you praise me so much, I feel like something is not right about this."

"I'm not complimenting you, I'm telling the truth."

The head of the headquarters pulled out a list.

"People under the age of thirty who meet some of the requirements are here, but there are not many in fact.

Thirty years old is not a condition we set, but the clues we have found so far. If we want to continue investigating, there is this limit.

At this age, there are not many people in the entire Lieyang Department who can match your authority.

And most of them are obsessed with all kinds of business in the eyes of ordinary people.

Among them, there are those who have been gaming for more than ten years, have played more than 30 games of various types, and averaged at least 100 hours per game.

Only three people can be found who meet all the conditions, including you.

But the other two are ordinary people who came up step by step. They are not good at fighting, and they have no experience in dealing with the things you can handle.

The most important thing is that when you really face these things, your psychological quality is far inferior to yours.

They are better suited as researchers, in the right position.

Finally, if the conditions are lowered, many people can indeed be selected.

But if the conditions are lowered, the risk will skyrocket.

Already three people have had various problems.

One became a vegetative state and entered a state of soul separation.

One of them is missing, and even the Lieyang Department can't find out why he disappeared.

Another one...has been sacrificed.

We really don't have the right and trustworthy manpower. "

The head of the headquarters opened a document, which contained photos of three people, two men and one woman. They all looked like sunny, confident young people.

"If the restrictions are slightly enlarged, even if we are thirty-five years old, if we can identify suitable people, we can dig out hundreds more.

Unfortunately, the restriction is that they are under thirty years old, even if they are on their thirtieth birthday.

A normal young person would be twenty-two or thirty years old when he graduates from undergraduate degree. Now with such a volume, it will take another two or three years to study for graduate school.

Those who start working are in their mid-twenties, and those who have some experience are basically almost thirty years old.

If you want to continue studying for a Ph.D., you will graduate even later.

As scientific research talents, those who can enter the Lieyang Department are all outstanding.

They have spent most of their energy on professional matters before, and it is difficult for them to go to the front line to deal with things that you can easily deal with.

These three……"

"Minister, stop talking. Please tell me the specific situation first." Wen Yan had a headache. The head of the headquarters was so kind to him. It was an inducement and he was telling him this here.

Wen Yan probably knew that this might be a bit difficult.

The head of the headquarters gave him the information and he read it himself.

The Lieyang Department had previously found some clues about the server field, from the lair of the Northeastern Demon King that had been exposed.

Then I followed the clues and touched someone along the way.

After checking all the information about this person, many problems were determined. This person is definitely directly related to the server field.

But a new problem arose. This man was already dead.

Has been dead for three years.

But a person who has been dead for three years has no trace of being active in reality, but there are traces of being active on the Internet.

After identification by a team of experts, various traces active on the Internet can be confirmed to be this dead man.

Continuing to investigate, it was confirmed that this person did not continue to play with his mobile phone after becoming A Piao.

Finally, after eliminating all uncertainties, I discovered an NPC character in a private server game that had already passed its popularity. Both in terms of appearance and behavior, it was highly consistent with the target character.

The people from the Lieyang Department came to a conclusion after eliminating other possibilities.

This guy has never been discovered by the Lieyang Department because he entered an old game.

This guy can leave traces on the Internet because he has to maintain various expenses.

These all require money, and this guy is afraid of being discovered.

Later, I don’t know why, but I came into contact with some black products and aliens.

Make money from those aliens and spend money to set up private servers abroad.

Use that private server as the anchor point of this world to connect everything in this world.

There are many experts in network security in the Lieyang Department, and they are good at all aspects.

One of them, a virus expert, made a new trap virus.

Bully the other party for not keeping up with the times in terms of professional knowledge and take advantage of this virus.

The area where the private server is located is indiscriminately infected.

The way to trigger the trap is to climb over the wall and enter China.

That guy set up a private server in a remote town abroad.

A lot of work went into this.

But precisely because of the remoteness there, not a single Chinese person could be found.

In that area, the only person who can connect to the China Network can only be this person.

After being targeted by people from the Lieyang Department, he quietly arranged for a face that would not attract attention to rent a house there.

While looking at the house, I quietly unplugged the other party's server.

Everything went smoothly after that. It was a private game server that didn't seem to be of much value on the surface, and it wasn't very big either.

To transport this kind of thing to China without anyone noticing is actually no more difficult than smuggling some pig's feet...

This server is now sealed in the Lieyang Department.

The reason why people are needed to solve it is because this server is not the server field, but just the anchor point of that person in this world.

To get more information, to confirm more information, someone needs to look at it.

At this time, the people from the Lieyang Department discovered that they could only enter this private server game to check.

The first restriction for entry is that you are under thirty years old.

Because there is a weird setting in this private server game, which is that virgins over thirty years old will become magicians, and the older they get, the more powerful they become...

The mage is the most powerful in the game, and the other professions are all one level behind.

And that guy's identity in this game is a mage NPC, an NPC who sells magic books and teaches magic. It can be said that he controls the source of power.

Moreover, although he looks like a young man in it, according to the setting, he is an old antique who has lived for five hundred years by relying on magic.

Wen Yan looked at the information and found that he had played this game more than ten years ago. It was a very old 2.5D brush game.

He also played it back then, and stayed in an Internet cafe because of it, because everyone in an Internet cafe served the same purpose.

At that time, he would hang the earphones around his neck and turn the volume to the maximum. When the gem fell, there would be a tinkling sound, which would be very clear in the quiet night.

Then he would sell the gems. When the price was the highest, one would cost ten yuan.

At that time, his daily living expenses were only three yuan, and accommodation was only five yuan.

At that time, he felt that making thirty or forty yuan a day was very, very much. He even planned to sell equipment to save himself tuition fees in the next few years, which was very ambitious.

Unfortunately, the game faded faster than his ambition...

I still remember that the biggest income was the updated version. In the new map, the last piece of the puzzle set of a suit appeared, which was an armor.

Within an hour of opening the server that day, he got a blank armor, took off all the equipment on the character, and just wore the armor and wandered around the city showing off.

Finally, there was a rich guy who gave me too much, so he sold the equipment without hesitation.

Then three days later, he saw that the equipment on the first day was in shoddy condition, and the price plummeted by two zeros. He didn't want to play anymore, and felt that the plan of relying on this game to save tuition was 80% unreliable.

After quitting the trap, I studied hard, made up for missed lessons, and relied on the living expenses I had secretly saved, so I felt at ease for a while.

Now that ten years have passed, Wen Yan still feels a little emotional when he sees this again.

He was considered the Liver Emperor back then. Others did it for fun, but he did it not only for fun, but also to make money. His energy was higher than others.

After roughly reading the information, Wen Yan raised his head.

"What do you want from me?"

“We don’t have much intelligence, so you act according to the situation, and everything is based on protecting yourself.

If nothing can be done, quit.

We will study other methods later. "

"That's what I'll do. Fortunately, the game I've been playing for the longest time is this one.

Other games last for more than a week at most, playing for hundreds of hours, and then stop playing once you clear the level. "

The headmaster smiled and nodded, thinking to himself, if the record hadn't been found, you would have been online for thousands of hours in this game, and I wouldn't have come to see you.

There is indeed no person more suitable than Wen Yan.

"There's no hurry about this. You can adjust your condition first and try again in two days."

"Okay, I'll come in two days."

Wen Yan was not in a hurry to rush up. He returned home first, continued to check the information, recalled what he had played that year, and started to make various preparations.

Two days later, he finished explaining the matter and came to the headquarters of the Lieyang Department again.

There is a special room with no wires leading outside.

Power is provided by batteries and backup generators.

The outer circle is also equipped with complete electromagnetic shielding to ensure that no electromagnetic signals can escape.

Wen Yan skillfully opened the computer in the room.

Opened the game, registered an account, and logged into the game.

The moment the game started, as the introduction began, Wen Yan felt that his consciousness seemed to be attracted.

He also saw the prompt at the same time.

"Walking without the sun: You can use your physical body to walk in places that the physical body cannot usually go to, and you are immune to the environmental damage inherent in those places → the effect is enhanced."

Then, he saw the game prompts on the computer, and they began to change.

"A wanderer from the outside world, covered in dust, has arrived..."

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