I am your natural enemy

Chapter 335 The last time of the corpse chaser, the flame is burning (5k)

The weak corpse energy was captured by the special equipment set up by the Lieyang Department. The people in the Lieyang Department were notified, and they immediately sent people to manually check and confirm.

This is not a particularly unusual thing, because there are actually quite a few things that can produce weak corpse energy.

Under normal circumstances, judging by the index, the corpse Qi of the corpse will not be low, it may be something else, or even a newly unearthed artifact.

Members of the Lieyang Department who were on duty at the train station rushed to the scene as soon as possible. Following the instructions of the instrument, they used the cameras in the station to conduct a preliminary AI screening.

This was just a standard procedure, but I didn’t expect that the answer was given in just the first round of screening.

An old man carrying a bamboo basket was marked in the video. He seemed a little inconvenient to move. However, the AI ​​combined with the large amount of existing data and immediately judged that the other person's gait was highly consistent with the walking zombie movement pattern.

The people from the Lieyang Department did not disturb the people at the station. They brought their things and wore the work clothes of the staff and came to the old man's vicinity.

Close-range detection with a portable device showed that the old man was the source of the corpse air, but it was very weak.

The two staff members looked at each other, looked at the pedestrians around them, and immediately reported to the captain.

The order is to operate in accordance with the standard plan. When there is no risk of harming others, focus on close observation and do not make irritating actions casually.

They followed the old man from a distance and left the station together. Once outside, the staff's shuttle bus slowly came over and extended an invitation in the name of carrying passengers with limited mobility for free.

The old man asked with a depressed look on his face.

"From the government?"

"Yes, government, free."

After hearing these words, the old man responded. At this time, the staff who were following behind him quickly stepped forward and helped the old man get on the shuttle bus. At the same time, the yellow charm on his palm was also attached to the old man's body. Test.

The yellow talisman is a standard system, which can easily suppress the mobility of walking zombies, and can also suppress the mobility of ordinary little Ah Piao.

Although the power is not very great, this is indeed what will be encountered in most cases.

The staff's tests yielded no results, and the old man's actions had no impact at all.

With his other hand, he held the old man's wrist. He could clearly feel that the old man's hand was cold, but he did feel his pulse.

The pulse is obviously much slower than that of normal people, and there is a kind of weakness that even non-professionals can feel.

"Old man, where are you going?"

"Decheng." The old man's eyes were a little hollow, and it took him a while to reply.

"Okay, we'll take you to the station."

The staff didn't say that you don't actually need to leave the station to go to Decheng, you just need to transfer within the station. They took the old man there and got his ID card in the name of helping to buy tickets.

The ID card passes through the machine and the identity is quickly recognized. The rest is very simple.

Less than twenty minutes later, Wen Yan's phone rang.

"Hello, are you Expert Wen Yanwen? I am Xiao Liu from the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou stationed at Yuzhou Railway Station."

"It's me, what's the matter?"

"It's like this..." Xiao Liu explained the matter again, and then said: "That's about it. We took this old man to the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou, but his consciousness didn't seem to be very clear. He only wanted to find you. I don’t know many things clearly.”

"I know, I'll be right over."

Wen Yan frowned slightly. Hearing the description, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Hearing the other party's description, he knew who it was. It was the clan elder in Ye's village. He was a very wise old man. He was once literate. Now he is seventy or eighty years old, but he is still trying to learn to use a mobile phone. .

He quickly called Feng Wei and asked Feng Wei to help open a road.

Then he checked Brother Ye's phone number and called Brother Ye again.

Brother Ye and the others are now looking for this clan elder everywhere. When they woke up and got up in the morning, they couldn't find anyone. They thought they hadn't woken up. After a while, when someone came to the door, they realized that he was missing.

Wen Yan notified them all, and he took the road to the Underworld first, and then to the Rakshasa Ghost Market. From the exit of the Rakshasa Ghost Market, he came out directly from the alley of Yuzhou.

He got in the car and quickly came to Lieyang Department. Before opening the door, he felt the corpse aura first. He was the most sensitive to this aura, as well as A Piao's aura.

He was sure without any equipment.

Wen Yan stretched out his hand, pushed open the door, and saw the clan elder inside.

When I met him a few days ago, this clan elder, although the skin on his face was full of wrinkles and very old, he always had a peaceful smile on his face. His eyes had become a little cloudy, but his eyes were very bright and energetic. .

It is a kind of indifference and peace that has gone through years and has looked down upon everything.

He heard the little girl with braided braids show off that when the clan leader was thirteen years old, he served as a soldier and fought in the war. Later, when he was only twenty years old, the war ended and he returned to the village because of the curse. inside.

The first time I learned to read was when I was a soldier. I wanted to understand orders and learn how to calculate the trajectory of artillery shells.

He is already a rare old man in the village with a long life. The average life span of the people in the village is far lower than the normal life outside.

His past experiences have made this old man with low education become very wise in life.

But now, I saw that the old man exuded a faint corpse aura, his complexion was very poor, his face was gray, his eyes were a little hollow, and he looked a little lifeless.

When Wen Yan looked at it, he felt that the old man was like a candle in the wind, which might be extinguished at any time.

And this time, a hint popped up in his eyes.

"The corpse chaser."

"When I was young, I was passionate and killed thirty-eight enemy bandits.

When he was young, he found a new place to live for the village and killed seventeen bandits.

In middle age, two sons and one daughter shouldered the burden and all died young.

As an old man in his twilight years, his end is approaching.

I also lost the obsession inherited from my ancestors and accumulated for two thousand years, and was struck by great joy.

He already felt that his life was complete and he had no regrets.

The only thing that he still thinks about every day is to repay Ye's benefactor.

It's a pity that he was possessed by a big demon and sucked away the desire that the old man didn't have.

Now, I just rely on my last bit of obsession to ignite the fire of life to complete the unfinished things.

Corpse chasers never leave a foreign land, the last time they chase is their own corpse.

They will take their bodies with them and return to their hometown.

It's just that he used this last chance elsewhere. "

“His will to live is gone, his fuel has run out, and there is no way he can be saved.

The moment I see you is the final countdown.

All you can do is accept his final gift. "

Wen Yan's footsteps paused, and he saw the clan elder turn his head. When he saw him, a smile began to appear on his face, and his empty eyes began to glow with a little sparkle.

Facing so many enemies in front of him, he had never been afraid. At this moment, he felt an inexplicable fear and wanted to retreat.

He began to regret why he didn't go next door first and take a look through the glass or through the surveillance camera. Why he wasn't more cautious and why he came in directly.

"Wen Yan, you are here, come quickly."

The old man's eyes were shining brightly, and his dull and gray expression seemed to have returned to normal.

He stood up staggeringly, holding on to the armrest. He pulled the bamboo basket placed next to him, opened the lid, and opened the plastic sheet covering it, revealing strips of dark bacon and a whole ham inside.

"I was afraid of getting wet. If it got wet, it would be bad. It took me a long time to find a suitable plastic sheet.

These are all chosen by me personally and are the best part of the village.

There is nothing in our village that I can thank you for, but seeing that you like eating this very much, I chose some for you.

Don't dislike it. This ham has been hanging for several years. In my opinion, it must be the best leg.

These things are all made at home, and the meat is from our own pigs.

Please tell your leaders that this does not count as taking something from the masses or making a mistake...

You must accept it..."

The old man babbled and turned over and over again, hoping that Wen Yan would accept this idea.

Wen Yan stood at the door. When he saw the old man's face glowing, he knew that it was too late and he had no chance to regret it.

He clenched his fists, stepped into the room, took out a small lunch box from his small bag, and handed it to the person behind him.

"Please heat it up in the microwave, please hurry up."

Wen Yan quietly came to the old man's side, tried his best to contain his yang energy, and then squatted next to the bamboo basket.

"I just like this. It tastes very fragrant. I raise full-year pigs at home and make bacon. It's much more fragrant than the ones sold in supermarkets."

"As long as you like it, it's not a mistake, right?"

"It doesn't count!"

"That's good, that's good..."

"You haven't eaten yet, have you? I made the meat myself and put it into a steamed bun. I brought it here specially for you. It's a little cold. I asked my colleagues to help heat it up. You must try my cooking. .”

"Okay, okay..."

Someone outside brought a lunch box, and inside it was lotus leaf pancake stuffed with meat.

This was offered to grandma. After being turned into an offering, Wen Yan brought it over.

The hot lotus leaf pancake with meat is definitely not as delicious as the freshly made one.

But the old man still ate happily, praising his kindness while eating.

"You need to work hard to make this meat. If you can endure it, you will definitely become something big in the future..."

As the old man ate and praised, his speaking speed began to become slower and slower, and the glowing complexion began to decline again at a speed visible to the naked eye. The look in his eyes, with a decisive attitude, gradually faded away bit by bit. disappear.

After the old man finished eating the lotus leaf cake with meat, his complexion had returned to its original state. His face was ashen, his expression was dull, his eyes were empty, and in addition to the corpse aura, there was also a faint trace of death aura growing on his body.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed Wen Yan's hand, and gradually began to exert force on his palm, chanting slowly.

"After you finish eating, I will get it for you in the village..."

My time has come, no one will harm me...

No one harmed me...

You protect yourself..."

The old man held Wen Yan's hand, his voice gradually lowered, his pupils began to slowly expand, and his eyes slowly closed.

Wen Yan's lips trembled slightly, and an emotion that he couldn't even describe was held in his chest, making him feel a little unable to breathe.

Grandma’s offerings were of no use.

Nothing can stop the old man's life from reaching its end.

Wen Yan held the old man's hand and couldn't hold it back, tears began to fill his eyes.

This old man's life had come to an end, but he still wanted to send him some bacon and ham. He came to Yuzhou alone from the mountains of Xiaoxiang County.

Even if it was the last moment, he might have remembered something, but he didn't tell Wen Yan what happened.

He didn't want Wen Yan to avenge him, nor did he want Wen Yan to take risks.

Because he knows what kind of person Wen Yan is.

He just felt that the big demon was too dangerous.

Wen Yan took a breath and opened his mouth, unable to speak.

After a long time, he said.

"I accepted the things. I bothered you to go all the way to deliver them to me. This is the best gift I have ever received.

Don't worry, I will definitely protect myself, I will.

Don't worry, I will send you back later so that you can return to your roots.

Corpse chasers will not die in a foreign land. "

As if after hearing Wen Yan's words, the old man's stiff body quickly softened again and fell sideways.

Wen Yan stretched out his hand to support the old man, supported him and leaned against the chair.

With a sullen face, he opened the door and asked the internal staff outside to bring a gurney. He personally put the old man on the gurney and covered it with a white cloth.

Then, he picked up the bamboo basket sent by the old man and sent the old man to the morgue of Lieyang Department to settle down temporarily.

He said nothing, and when he walked out of the morgue, closed the door, and returned to the first floor from the basement, he couldn't bear it anymore.

The tightness in his chest was about to explode.

His calm and calm expression completely lost control in an instant.

He gritted his teeth, and the yang energy in his body, the power walking in his limbs and torso, exploded in an instant.

His heart began to beat wildly, and violent power, blended with Qi and blood, started from the heart, and suddenly exploded in his torso, like an extremely bright firework exploding.

Flames ignited on Wen Yan's body, and the extremely terrifying Yang Qi, centered on him, instantly erupted and turned into shock waves, spreading in all directions.

The entire first-floor window glass exploded instantly.

The air waves spread in all directions, and the huge Yang Qi was even mixed with the power of Qi and blood, blending with each other and turning into wisps of blood-colored flames.

Wen Yan gritted his teeth, and the tears in his eyes were burning.

How could he bear it, how could he bear it!

I can't help it, it's impossible to hold it back.

Just carrying the bamboo basket felt like he was carrying a mountain. He had never received such a heavy gift in his life that he could not refuse.

Even in the end, the old man was afraid that he would take risks and told him several times that it was his time and it was not anyone's fault.

How can I bear this?

He understood that this was a moment for the old man to look back, understand a lot of things, and remember a lot of things.

Based on the prompts, Wen Yan understood very clearly that the old man was telling him.

The big demon that possessed him didn't actually want to harm anyone, but the old man was approaching his end, and after experiencing great joy, the biggest obsession in his heart disappeared.

Finally, he was given a slight push by the demon, which was like blowing out the remaining candle in the wind.

That big demon is particularly dangerous. Since you don’t want to harm anyone, don’t avenge me and don’t go.

If Wen Yan didn't prompt him, forget it. If he couldn't figure it out, forget it.

But he figured it out, how could he endure it?

It was the limit of how much he could endure that his chest was about to explode without showing it in front of the old man.

He was standing there at the moment, bent over in pain, his body ignited with bloody flames, and wave after wave of yang energy struck in all directions.

The formless Yang Qi, after adding Qi and blood, is like a real flame at this moment.

The stainless steel elevator doors behind him were gradually burned a little red.

He wanted to control it, but he couldn't.

He walked out of the building and could only barely control the power to bloom towards the sky.

In the courtyard, a figure with blood-colored flames burning on his body stood there. The flames on his body roared into the sky, and the flames hundreds of meters high spread out in a fan shape.

Vaguely, the huge flames could still be seen, as if they were forming a shape that looked like an angry face.

People from Yuzhou Lieyang Department immediately activated the emergency plan. Signal jammers around the headquarters were instantly activated, and the surrounding firefighting facilities were also prepared immediately.

In the building, the disgraced Feng Yao looked at Wen Yan standing in the center of the compound and smiled bitterly.

"Can anyone tell me what happened? Who made him so angry?"

There is no need to ask or sense, just the moment they see it, everyone can clearly sense the monstrous anger contained in the flames that soar into the sky.

That kind of violent thoughts spread to the surroundings in wave after wave. They are even more outrageous than those Yang Qi. As long as they are not emotionless and completely unable to empathize, everyone can feel it.

Many people in Yuzhou City saw the flames soaring into the sky, but ordinary people did not feel it too deeply.

But those monsters and professionals can feel the thoughts contained in the flames.

In the Montessori Insomnia Treatment Clinic, Meng An came to the top of the building and looked at the flames soaring into the sky in the distance with a look of shock on his face.

"This is……"

And dozens of miles away, in a martial arts hall, Lu Lu raised his head, and Zhang Xuewen, who had just been knocked to the ground, quickly got up.

Everyone in the martial arts hall came outside and looked into the distance.

Zhang Xuewen looked shocked. This time, he was really shocked, because he could feel the violent thoughts contained in the flames visible to the naked eye. Those thoughts spread with the Yang Qi, and he could feel it here.

"What happened? Who made Tuoba Martial God so angry?"

"I don't know, something big is going to happen. I have never seen Tuoba Martial God be so angry before. We are so far away, and I can actually feel it." The middle-aged man with a Chinese character face had a solemn expression and immediately turned to face the man behind him. Disciples warned.

"Be careful in the next few days, don't cause trouble, and don't run around casually, or something big might happen."

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