I am your natural enemy

Chapter 338 Follow the clues and run away (5k)

Wen Yan sat on the chair and flipped through the book "Jia Zi Dang Mo Ji", thinking to himself that the book given by Taoist Li was quite suitable.

In the Lieyang Department, there is actually very little information on monsters, because there are really no samples.

Consider again that monsters are a large category like monsters. Under the monster category, there are many types. Unless they are completely the same kind of monsters, otherwise, the experience brought by the current sample will not be universal. Others can basically be ignored.

This book records the records of Zhang Zhenren's suppression of monsters back then. It takes only a few months to select the representative ones of each type, which is enough to compile into a book.

Looking at the preface, it is true that the original version was not written by Zhang Zhenren himself, but was recorded by his apprentice.

However, the credibility of this is still very high. The original intention is that Zhang Zhenren thinks that he killed a monster today. He is relatively strong, so he can kill it by force, but how to deal with someone who is not so strong?

Many of the things recorded in it are Master Zhang's original words, recording how to deal with monsters.

Some special or stronger monsters will even be given three strategies: upper, middle and lower.

Of course, the Taoist Priest Li Qixue of Wudang gave Wen Yan this book, not to let Wen Yan learn knowledge. The point was to let Wen Yan learn how Zhang Zhenren used his bare hands to beat a monster with a body into a green shit flower, and how to make a nest of it. Kill all the monsters until they are completely wiped out. Learn this kind of energy.

Wen Yan really doesn't pay attention to these now. He is still paying attention to various monsters, even some monsters that are no longer recorded.

Zhang Zhenren's original words were that monsters do not have a permanent shape, and they are not any type among scales, feathers, and feathers, but they can be any type among wet, egg, fetus, and metamorphosis.

This thing is the result of normality becoming abnormal.

This thing is inexhaustible and inexhaustible, especially the metamorphosis, which can be born without inheriting DNA.

There are also some that are invisible and formless, and it is difficult to completely achieve the result of killing.

This book records a case of a suspected monster that was not killed by Master Zhang.

"It was a severe cold in the year, and the roads and fields were frozen to death. Three hundred and ninety-three people, all with dull expressions, were sitting in the ice and snow, stretching for hundreds of miles."

That year, the temperature dropped sharply and there was a blizzard. Suddenly, the weather turned from not freezing to a heavy snowstorm.

Zhenren Zhang happened to be chasing a demon and was in a hurry. On the way, he saw pedestrians freezing to death on the road.

Zhang Zhenren discovered that something was not right with some people. People who froze to death would either huddle up in a ball, or because of the illusion of dying, they would feel hot and take off their clothes.

No matter what happened, I would not be walking, so I suddenly sat down in the snow. There was no pain in my expression, just numbness on my face. I sat there very calmly, freezing to death in the snow.

The passers-by who were unusually frozen to death did not appear together, but one at every other section, stretching for hundreds of miles.

Naturally, Master Zhang noticed something was wrong. After killing the chasing demon, he immediately started tracking the matter.

Zhang Zhenren discovered that the monster was invisible and had the ability to possess people. In order to eliminate the evil, he tracked it down for the first time, so he opened the weapon directly and took the Zhenwu Dharma Sword. When it came up, he shook people and directly borrowed the Zhenwu Dharma Appearance.

Unfortunately, it was already the end of the Dharma's manifestation at that time, and it was not very far from the time when Lao Zhu stepped on the accelerator and accelerated.

Zhenren Zhang was still young at that time, but with just one blow, the monster disappeared, and I don't know if it was completely destroyed.

Since then, there have been no clues for more than a hundred years, leaving only this record.

And since this record appeared, no one in the younger generations has ever heard of any matching monster.

Naturally, no one took Master Zhang seriously when he said that the monster might not be dead.

In his later years, Zhenren Zhang's status was much higher than that of the current Heavenly Master. He was the only one who was different from everyone else after the end of the Dharma came.

Therefore, even if it never happened again in the following hundreds of years, when Master Zhang said such things, everyone would treat them as an old god who was self-effacing and did not speak the truth. The younger generation should learn this attitude and always remember the truth. Incurring losses, modesty benefits.

Wen Yan read the whole book carefully and then read the key paragraph again.

What is recorded in this paragraph is indeed very consistent with the person we are looking for now.

Wen Yan looked at the time and saw that it was still early, so he called Taoist Priest Li Qixue directly.

"Daozhang Li, I have received the classics, thank you for the gift.

I first read "Jiazi Dang Mo Ji" twice, and I was greatly inspired and encouraged.

Master Zhang is truly a role model for our generation. I only regret that I could not learn a thing or two from him.

Taoist priest, is there a more detailed version of "Jiazi Dang Mo Ji", or is it related?

I want to study it in more depth and detail.

Especially the part about real-life prostitutes. "

On the other side, Li Qixue received the call and originally thought Wen Yan was just calling to thank him.

Unexpectedly, Wen Yan was really interested in that book and the story of the ancestor who defeated the demon.

Li Qixue was overjoyed and felt a sense of accomplishment that his expectation had finally worked.

It was like a junior who had a clear hope of getting 100 points, but was just a little short of it. He gave some pointers and then forcefully pulled him back so that he could get full points!

This is a much more fulfilling feeling than him taking Wudang's disciples from sixty to seventy.

"Yes! There's more! Just wait, I'll send it to you right away."

"Thank you very much, Master. If it's appropriate, please let me borrow it."

"Suitable, extremely suitable!"

"Electronic or photocopied versions are acceptable. It doesn't matter how you carry the wisdom of your predecessors."

"Okay, okay, I'll send it to you now!"

Li Qi was a hot-tempered student and walked with a wind. He quickly grabbed a junior from Wudang, who was playing around with electronic products, and went to deliver something to Wen Yan.

All the things about Zhang Zhenren, the records about the demons, the records about the last monsters, etc. were all sent to Wen Yan in one go.

After the electronic version was distributed, he continued to look through the books. He went to select the books himself and asked his disciples to follow behind and pick up a box.

He picked out three more boxes of books, and then took the list of books to the head teacher for a look, showing off that his idea was still effective.

After receiving confirmation from the headmaster, there should be nothing missing from the book list, so Daozhang Li sent it to Wen Yan that day.

On the other hand, Wen Yan got some of the electronic versions first. He would definitely be able to read so much in a day or two. He fed the e-books to the black box and asked the black box to start retrieving related things according to the conditions he set. .

Soon, new parts were retrieved.

But this time, the content retrieved is not only the content in the e-book, but also the content in the Lieyang Department's database from an earlier era before the era where Zhenren Zhang lived.

There is a record among them, which happened in the era of the old Zhao family. At that time, it was recorded that someone suddenly seemed to be not interested in anything anymore. He would not reach out to pick up gold if it fell in front of him, but his brain was still normal and his memory was gone. No problem.

Records at that time called this disease apathy, and there was no record of treatment.

Because this record does not appear as a separate disease, but as a positive story.

It is said that there was a gambler with a bad temper and who loved to beat his wife. One day he lost all his money and bet all his money on the field, and finally lost it all.

When he returned home, his wife wanted to make peace with him, and his parents' family also came. When his brother's brother was taking people away, the gambler said from behind that he would definitely change this time and never gamble again. If you bet again, you will be struck by thunder and die.

Then after saying this, he fell to the ground. After waking up, his temperament changed drastically. He was no longer interested in gambling. His whole person became a little confused, but his intelligence and memory were normal. What could he do? They will all be done meticulously.

As an example of a prodigal son turning back, this incident was regarded by the local county magistrate as an example of good education and was recorded in the county annals in a precise manner. It was not a random story.

From the names of people to the names of county magistrates, everything is true.

According to the conditions that Wen Yan continued to add, Black Box dug out such a thing that fit the existing conditions from the huge database of Lieyang Department.

Wen Yan looked at it carefully and asked Black Box to confirm again and again that it was indeed true.

There is a continuation of this story. The county magistrate took this matter as bragging rights and reported it to the superiors. The superiors thought that he was too nonsense. Everyone doesn't know who it is. What kind of education are you bragging to me?

The county magistrate's superior sent someone to check, and after repeated confirmation, he found that it was true.

Then, this section was also recorded by the county magistrate in a strict manner.

After Wen Yan repeatedly confirmed that it was credible, he continued to ask the black box to check for similar symptoms of psychosis.

And various records, from ancient times to the present, have shown its benefits.

After waiting for a few minutes, the black box produced more than twenty records, all of which were highly similar and iconic.

The earliest record is from fourteen hundred years ago, and the latest record is from seven hundred years ago, spanning seven hundred years.

Wen Yan calculated the time when the last record appeared, and it basically coincided with the time when Zhang Zhenren started Jiazi Da Mo.

Now he basically had something in mind.

At this time, Feng Yao called.

"Over in Xiaoxiang County, I have confirmed that that aunt used to like growing flowers, and she was very precious.

She once had a quarrel with a neighbor because her child picked her flowers that were sticking out of the fence.

Now she didn't care about spending money at all. After that day, she didn't even pay attention to dressing up.

It's like I'm not interested in anything all of a sudden. "

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan packed up his things and prepared to go out.

Black Box once again sent him a new message.

The hiker he had just monitored was sent to the hospital by his family, and he made an appointment for an MRI. The medical records stated that his temperament had suddenly changed drastically, and he suspected that he had suffered a head injury.

Wen Yan's expression changed. Did the possessed demon escape? Another substitution?

"When did he start to look like this?"

Black Box paused for more than ten seconds and gave an answer.

"It is impossible to give a precise time point. After lowering the conditions, it should be within six hours before and after the flames ignite on your body."

Wen Yan was silent for a moment.

He had a bad feeling that this guy had run away and might be hiding again.

Could it be that this guy was far away and felt the thoughts directed at him?

No wonder the old Heavenly Master said that he couldn't take action at all. If he couldn't kill him at once, then the opponent would never appear again.

If my guess is correct, it was this guy who escaped with his life from young Master Zhang back then.

The ability to escape is really strong.

"Continue to follow the conditions I set, centered on that person, and continue tracking."

"As you wish."

Black Box replied, but Wen Yan had no intention of paying attention to this now.

He was thinking about how to catch this guy, once and for all.

The black box didn't respond for a long time. Wen Yan knew that it might be difficult to track it down.

The person possessed by that guy may not necessarily have obvious symptoms after the possession ends. Even if he does, it will be difficult for him to know if he stays at home all the time.

Wen Yan packed up his things, looked at the time, and then checked the location of the passenger ship that Su Mu's family was traveling on. He walked around and found that he was almost out of Decheng.

Wen Yan went south, entered the Xijiang River, and headed directly under the water. The big grass carp sensed Wen Yan's aura and reacted quickly as always, coming to Wen Yan's side.

"Go upstream."

Wen Yan caught the big grass carp and was led by the big grass carp. He quickly moved forward in the water. After a while, he caught up with the big boat that was moving slowly.

The big ship doesn't look luxurious at all, more like a floating restaurant that often docks on the riverside. The deck is only one meter high from the water at most.

The ship was sailing very gently. Wen Yan was on the side and boarded the ship from the water. The water traces on his body also flowed down on their own and flowed back into the river.

On the top floor of the ship, Su Mu stood on the edge, looking in the direction of Decheng with a smile on his face.

"Mom, why don't we buy an apartment in Decheng? The scenery here is nice, the climate is mild, and there won't be freezing rain.

Most importantly, the house price is half cheaper than the last time we looked at it.

It’s not easy for my dad to make money, so he’d better save some money.

I think there is a lot of investment here this year, and it is still expanding northward. You will definitely not lose money if you buy it. "

"I just thought about it. Now I know it's not easy for your dad to make money." Su Mu's mother rolled her eyes: "How can anyone go out for a two-day trip and just buy a suite? Just buy a suite. After all, it's not expensive. There is room for appreciation, and it’s fine to come and live here during the holidays, but how could you want to move directly?”

Su Mu's mother had complained a lot in the past two days. It was normal to travel on the fly, but after coming to Nanwu County, she wanted to buy an apartment for some reason. After booking the apartment, she even wanted to move here directly.

"I checked. The school I want to take the exam has built a new campus here. If I pass the exam this year, it will definitely be in the new campus. Then I can see my mother every day again." Su Mulian With longing on it.


"Really!" Su Mu raised the phone and let her mother see the content of the page.

Su Mu's mother couldn't say anything at this time. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was actually feasible.

Of course, the most important thing is that the house prices in Decheng are not expensive. If it were Yuzhou, she would definitely not consider it so easily.

Just when Su Mu was fooling her mother and preparing to move her family, her eyes suddenly changed. She slowly looked to one side and saw Wen Yan sitting at the edge of the top floor with a cup of lemon tea in front of her. .

Wen Yan raised his head, looked at Su Mu, and smiled.

Then the next moment, the boat suddenly paused and slowly stopped in the river.

Su Mu's mother immediately ordered Su Mu.

"Don't run around, put on your life jacket, I'll go ask what's going on."

When Su Mu's mother went to the lower floor, Wen Yan pulled out the chair next to her and reached out to Su Mu, asking her to come over and have a chat.

If before, it was certain that Su Mu would not cause trouble, and he had the protection of Empress Mazu, then Wen Yan would not bother to care what happened to Su Mu. As long as he did not cause trouble, there would be so many aliens in China, and they could do whatever they wanted.

But now, Wen Yan didn't want to test it slowly, so he wanted to ask directly.

Su Mu hesitated for a moment, then came over and sat opposite Wen Yan.

She vaguely recognized that the person who looked at her outside her home early that morning was Wen Yan.

Because the feeling of danger is exactly the same.

And this time, she could clearly feel that Wen Yan was much more dangerous than last time, like a powder keg that could explode at any time. He seemed to be smiling, but he couldn't tell when it would suddenly explode.

She didn't know what Wen Yan wanted to do after chasing him here...

While she was thinking, Wen Yan pointed at Decheng.

"I live here."

Su Mu suddenly realized that it was not the other person who was chasing her, but her pursuit to their lair.

"I'm just here for a trip, I..."

Wen Yan stretched out his hand to stop what Su Mu was about to say.

"Forget the false politeness and temptation, I will tell the truth."

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and placed it on the table. There was a photo on the phone of the aunt standing outside Su Mu's house that day.

"I want to know everything about him.

Let me tell you in advance, I already know part of it, and I want to verify it from you.

By the way, let me remind you, don’t fool me, and don’t say that he is your neighbor’s aunt.

I respect Empress Mazu, so I’ll give her face once.

I can also guarantee that as long as you don't cause trouble and just want to live a stable life.

The Lieyang Department will not come to disturb your life later.

And I'm not interested in who you are. "

Su Mu's stomach was full of words, but all of them were blocked at once. She couldn't keep up with Wen Yan's rhythm.

She pondered for a long time, and before she could think of what to say, Wen Yan continued.

"By the way, the reason why the Lieyang Department and I were able to track you down was because of his guidance."

Su Mu's eyes changed slightly, and she understood a lot at once, and she did not doubt that that guy could definitely do such a thing.

After pondering for a moment, she said slowly.

“I don’t know his name, I just know that he makes a living by devouring desires, and he can devoure many kinds of desires.

He has no body or soul. When he acts, he must possess an intelligent creature with flesh and blood.

His eating can only be done while possessed.

But he can choose whether to eat or not.

In addition, he wanted to return to where he came from to complete an advancement. "

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