I am your natural enemy

Chapter 344: Giving gifts in return, at the wrong time (5k)

Wen Yan had read existing books on meridians and also seen dummies, but the labeling was a bit different from what he wanted to compare.

Because this thing, unlike the blood circulation system, has the contributions of a large number of general teachers, and can accurately create three-dimensional modeling.

This thing is not accurate at all. It can be said that it exists. It is not accurate. It can be said that it does not exist. There are a large number of cases that prove that some things are indeed useful. Anyway, the result is that there is.

In the final application, it is extremely difficult to copy and the learning cost is high.

Just like Fuyu Mountain's Lieyang Boxing, children can learn it in the first stage, and it will be a basic boxing technique without any problems. However, from the second stage, without Lieyang, it instantly becomes a kidney deficiency boxing technique.

If Wen Yan wants something, he can only find someone to ask. In the end, he may have to let the other person apply acupuncture on himself so that he can accurately determine the location.

But at this moment, he looked at the book that Doctor Wei gave him. The meridian diagram recorded in the book was slightly different from what he had read before.

This meridian diagram is more like added on the basis of modern anatomy, as well as partial diagrams. The first draft should be purely hand-drawn, very detailed.

What Wen Yan is looking at at the moment is the meridian map of his right arm, which is a bit like a blood circulation map, and also like a tree branch, branching out level by level.

In such a detailed situation, Wen Yan looked at the picture and compared it. At a glance, it was at least 80% coincident with the one he had drawn.

The bifurcation point is the best for comparison, and this one has an 80% overlap.

Whether it completely overlaps or not, it is impossible to be 100% sure by looking at the pictures, because Wen Yan has experienced it too many times in his own practice. If some places are slightly off, big problems may occur.

But this picture looks fine.

This was the first time Wen Yan had seen such a high degree of overlap. At least in the information he had found before, such a high degree of overlap could not be seen by looking at the pictures.

If you look at the picture, there is some overlap, which has no reference value at all, because if you just look at the picture, the route opened by Wen Yan's practice partially overlaps with the blood circulation diagram.

In the book given by Dr. Wei, only the right arm, the first-level branch and the second-level branch have a high degree of overlap. As for the third-level branch, there is almost no one in the picture.

To be honest, Wen Yan was a little shocked. He was basically certain that this route was roughly the same as his practice.

And here's the shocking part. If his grandmother hadn't tricked him, he would have died a hundred and eighty times a day starting from his practice till now. Sometimes, he would have to trigger the blood lock three or four hundred times in a day's practice.

He tried so hard to cheat and risk his life, but the other party was able to achieve almost the same level of first-level branch and second-level branch. How did he do this? Is it cheating?

"This...is so precious."

Wen Yan only looked at a partial picture, and he was a little hesitant to accept it casually.

If it was an ordinary book, Wen Yan would just accept it, which he felt was too much.

A hint of surprise flashed in Dr. Wei's eyes.

"It's just an ordinary printed copy."

"No, I mean, what is contained in this is your father's hard work, which is too precious."

"If you can tell, then it's even more appropriate to give it to you." Wei Jing showed a smile on his face and pushed the book back.

"This book is of great value, but why is it not taken seriously?"

"I was born at the wrong time." Wei Jing smiled and said it calmly.

Wen Yan looked at the date when the book was printed. It was more than thirty years ago. Wei Jing obviously didn't want to say anything, so he stopped asking.

"My name is Wen Yan and I live nearby. I won't be polite when writing. Thank you very much."

"Wei Jing, you're welcome."

"Brother Wei, have you ever thought about re-publishing it? I believe that your father has spent a lot of effort on this. He is willing to publish it in a volume, and he must also hope to spread it. I happen to know some friends who should be able to help."

"This..." Wei Jing didn't know what to say for a moment. It would be inappropriate for him to say that he didn't want to reprint.

"Brother Wei, don't worry. You don't have to worry about it. You just need to nod and leave the rest to me. I think it's a pity that this book is buried."

"Then I'll trouble you."

Wen Yan's brows were filled with joy. He was really happy. He could get a big harvest even if he went out for a walk.

He bid farewell to Wei Jing, walked briskly, and left with the book in his arms.

Wei Jing looked at Wen Yan's back from a distance and walked deeper along the pendant avenue. He had an indescribable feeling, as if everything here should be like this, very normal.

He sighed secretly, not only happy that the book had met someone who knew the stuff, but also worried that the other person would be too knowledgeable and force him to appear on the table.

For a moment, Wei Jing felt quite complicated.

Wen Yan took the book and returned home. The content of the book was not particularly easy to understand. The first time he read it, he could only understand half of it.

But he can still understand those hand-drawn drawings that show great care at first glance. At least as a reference, there is no problem.

He carefully compared the limbs and trunk. The first-level branches and second-level branches in the picture are just for comparison, and there is no deviation.

After reading it roughly, Wen Yan knew that he had found a treasure. There were many things in it that he had studied deeply.

It's just that as a doctor, the research direction of the other party is basically related to medical practice and has nothing to do with spiritual practice.

The concept in the book is that the human body as a whole, as a doctor, cannot only look at the part, but must consider things from the whole, and then consider the parts, think dialectically together, and then adjust the treatment methods at any time according to the actual situation.

There are also some examples, such as some places on the hands. If the position, technique, and strength of the acupuncture are correct, it will affect the throat. There are also ready-made examples of this.

Wen Yan's detailed and in-depth content is half-understood, but the concept is still understandable.

Now he somewhat understands the angle from which some people say that medicine has the same origin. The content in this book has inspired him a lot.

After I went back to help Dr. Wei reprint it, I asked my uncle, the fourth master, to read it and teach him. It was really difficult for him to learn on his own. There were many things in this book, and he knew every word, but he couldn't understand them all together. .

After receiving such a good thing, Wen Yan didn't have anything suitable to give as a gift in return. Giving money was the most inappropriate thing.

After thinking about it, I decided to give him some food, as my wishes will be appreciated.

He put down the book and looked up, and saw the sparrow cat sitting on a small square stool like an old hen sitting on its nest, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Look at what I'm doing. Don't you look at how fat you've become? You've just flown out for such a short time, and your lungs are about to burst."

"I'm hungry." The sparrow cat held its head high and felt confident.

"If you are hungry, go and eat. If the housekeeper is at home, can you still be hungry?"

"I want to eat bacon! I want to eat ham! I want to eat lotus leaf pancake with meat!"

"Don't you just love to eat noodles?"

"You are stupid. If you like to eat noodles, you won't eat noodles all the time!" Quemao stood up, held his head high and spoke more confidently.


Wen Yan had nothing to say, so he stood up and went to the kitchen. He was also a little hungry.

Take the cooked sauerkraut out of the refrigerator, dig some out into a bowl, and steam it again. It will be even more delicious than the freshly made ones.

When he finished it and came out, he hadn't seen anyone yet, but now the whole family was here.

Come on, let’s have something to eat together.

As soon as it was done here, I saw Bai Jiahui peeking outside. The fat fox demon with a round face came in coquettishly. When eating, he was really not coquettish at all.

Halfway through the meal, Wen Yan knew that it was not enough.

He went on to steam some sesame seeds and some lotus leaf cakes.

After steaming this time, he let his family eat first. He sandwiched the cakes, packed them in a thermal box, picked up another piece of bacon, cut some ham, and went out.

Dr. Wei was very generous. He gave him a book of great value and painstaking effort when they first met him. He had nothing to give in return, so he could only give him some food to show his appreciation.

He carried the meat and the thermal box and came to Wei's Medical Center.

"Doctor Wei, let me give you a taste. It's really good stuff. This bacon and ham were given to me by one of my elders. They are full-year black pigs that eat cooked food. This lunch box is stuffed with lotus leaf pancakes that I made myself. You taste it while it’s hot.”

Before Wei Jing, who was taking someone's pulse, could say anything, Wen Yan put down his things and ran away.

After prescribing medicine and sending the patient away, Wei Jing looked at the things on the table with some helplessness.

He opened the lunch box, and the rich aroma of meat overflowed from it. At the same time, he also felt that this ordinary-looking lotus leaf cake sandwiched with meat contained rich and gentle yang energy.

He washed his hands, picked up the cake, and took a bite. He could feel the aroma of meat and pasta, filling his mouth. It was oily and salty, with Yang Qi, slowly. Escape.

After swallowing it, he not only had a satisfying feeling of fullness, but also the yang energy continued to emit, allowing him to absorb it.

Wei Jing lowered his eyes, said nothing, chewed slowly, and finished a piece of cake bit by bit. After standing there for a few minutes, he gently exhaled, and a trace of cold air was spit out by him.

Looking at the remaining cake in the lunch box, he was a little reluctant to eat it.

He didn't mention the value of the book and just gave it away. Wen Yan also didn't mention the value of the cake. After delivering it, he was afraid that he wouldn't accept it and ran away quickly.

He started to like Decheng a little bit. Although there were a lot of strange things here, so far, he felt pretty good.

He covered the lunch box and when he picked up the piece of ham and bacon, his hand trembled slightly and retracted.

"This guy is so generous and willing to give..."

Now it was his turn to feel oppressed and dare not take it back.

On the other side, when Wen Yan returned home, he saw that not only Bai Jiahui was there, but also Gauss, who went out every night and it was difficult for him to see people, also came to eat and drink.

Gauss is like a psychopath. He adds low-level invisibility skills to himself every day so that ordinary people cannot see him, and then rides a broom to work every day.

At first Wen Yan thought he was fooling around, but after asking, he found out that he thought the transportation expenses could be saved, and he could actually save one month's salary in a year, and then save some money to pay Wen Yan back.

Wen Yan was also surprised that in a small city like Decheng, this guy's transportation expenses were still so high. When he asked, he found out that this guy used to take a taxi when he went out, and he always took a taxi wherever he went.

Wen Yan looked at the room full of strange looking guys. Before he entered, he saw Pei Butu Gou's daughter walking over, holding her silly son who was crying loudly.

"What's going on here?"

Wen Yan took over his silly son, who immediately stopped crying, then tried his best to tilt his head, and tried to grab Wen Yan's hand with his little hands.

"He crawled out on his own. He wanted to crawl out of the door. If he wasn't allowed to come out, he would cry."

Wen Yan held Silly Son with one hand and stretched out the other hand. Silly Son's eyes were locked on his hand. Wherever his hand went, Silly Son's eyes followed.

"Are you not eating well?"

Wen Yan guessed that it was this little guy who couldn't eat tasteless food after he tasted it.

"That's not true. I ate quite a lot and my appetite is very good."


When Wen Yan heard this, he immediately became hardened. He was still eating well, so he must not let it go. He carried his silly son to Pei Tugou's house.

When the silly son saw that he couldn't eat anymore, he started crying, and Wen Yan patted his little butt.

"You are even more greedy than a sparrow cat at such a young age. You will have to eat it again. If you cry again, you will not be allowed to eat it in the future. If you stop crying, I will let you taste it next time."

I don't know whether he understood or felt that crying was useless. The stupid son's face changed instantly and he howled for a long time. His face without a drop of tears instantly returned to his naive and silly look with his mouth clacking.

After sending his stupid son back, Wen Yan immediately placed an order for a crib with a raised fence.

After everything was done, he called Feng Yao. The phone was busy. After three minutes, Feng Yao called him back.

"What mission are you doing again?"

"I don't have any mission here. It's in the eastern part of Xiaoxiang County. There are monsters appearing. There are more monsters than expected, and new things have been discovered. I sent the Sage Map there, maybe it will be useful."

"Oh, need help?"

"That's not necessary. The headmaster of Wudang personally leads the people to take action. There is no problem. You just need to have a good rest."

"That's fine. I have something to do. I received a book today and I would like you to submit it to see if it can be reprinted."

"What book? Is it very sensitive?"

"I think the value is extremely high, so I want you to see if it is suitable for reprinting. This book was published once more than thirty years ago, but the print run was probably very low, and it has never been reprinted."

Wen Yan opened the video and let Feng Yao take a look.

Feng Yao couldn't understand it, let alone discern its value.

"It's just an ordinary medical book, right? Is it of high value?"

"So far, including what I have searched in the Sun Division's database, the books with the highest value among the same type of books, especially the pictures, are at least three levels higher than the value of the same type of books."

"Such a high evaluation!" Feng Yao gasped. The Lieyang Department's database contains almost all existing valuable books.

With such a high evaluation, it stands to reason that it cannot be missing from the Sun Department's database.

Feng Yao was also keenly aware of this.

He immediately turned on the computer and asked Wen Yan to look at the publication information page.

He quickly searched for relevant records. The records appeared in the form of photocopies. The original records had no idea where they were.

“This book was published more than thirty years ago, and the record is that less than a thousand copies were printed, so it was published illegally.

Let me see, the author is a man named Acropolis, who has passed away.

Also, before this book was released from the warehouse, there was a disturbance in the printing factory and a fire broke out..."

"What happened?"

"Well, wait a minute. I'll check. These written records may not be very accurate."

Feng Yao began to check information continuously. Many related things may not be related on the surface. It is not suitable to use AI, especially when the written records themselves may not be accurate.

After more than ten minutes, Feng Yao raised his head.

"I can only say that this book was published at the wrong time."

"How to say?"

"At that time, the recovery of spiritual energy had already begun twenty or thirty years ago, and a generation of youth had passed.

But the recovery of spiritual energy at that time was progressing very slowly. Judging from the progress at that time, it would be impossible for a person to see any results until his death.

At that time, it was also the time when the conflict of ideas within the Lieyang Department was at its most serious.

Some people believe that we should make preparations early and start paving the way for things that will happen ten, fifty, or even a hundred years from now.

They believe that preparations for all people should start at that time, such as practicing martial arts to lay the foundation and cultivate martial arts awareness.

You must have heard of the qigong craze at that time, right? "

"Oh, I've heard of this. When I started to remember, the enthusiasm had already subsided." This Wen Yan was somewhat impressed, but he only heard about related things when he grew up, so he only had an impression of this matter. , I don’t know the specifics.

"It was at that time that some people in the Lieyang Department thought that it should be popularized by all the people immediately to prepare for what would happen decades later.

So many people whose names you should have heard are fans of this thing.

But another group of people think that taking too big a step can easily lead to trouble. Especially when the popularity starts to get crazy and outrageous, more and more people in this group think that they are too extreme and have not learned the lessons of history.

With such a big step forward, it won't take fifty or a hundred years before we have big problems now.

That was when this matter was in full swing, and the book you mentioned was published at this time.

Judging from the situation at the time, it might be normal to record it as a violation.

Moreover, the printing house incident at that time also involved many people and was involved in the incident that the Lieyang Department had to deal with.

At that time, all were paper documents, and many records were lost in a fire.

How specific it is, I'm afraid you have to ask people back then to piece together the truth.

The more valuable your book is, the greater the chance it will be affected at that time.

You know, it was the hottest period at that time, and there were countless similar books.

The average person cannot tell the difference between true and false at all, nor can they tell whether it is valuable or not. "

After hearing this, Wen Yan understood why he said he was born at the wrong time.

There is real gold, but it is also buried under a lot of shit, and treated as shit together, not to mention that most people can't distinguish this gold, and it happens to be the period when the conflict of ideas is most intense.

"Then please submit it to the newspaper to see if it is suitable for reprinting, how to reprint it, and how to operate it appropriately."

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