I am your natural enemy

Chapter 362 Temporary capacity limit, starting the second stage (5k)

Of the three identities of this guy, Wen Yan understood the last two.

He continued to look down and found that he was wrong. He only understood a ghost god of wealth.

“In the ancient times, the bravest warriors would be blessed by witches after death.

There is a very small chance that their souls will turn into Huoyong.

They hold fire, drive away wild beasts, and dispel darkness.

They started fires, slaughtered creatures, and burned everything.

This Huo Yong once%@#\u0026... # ¥*~ @, and then was sealed in the years, experienced the end of the law and recovery, and woke up again.

He transformed into a being between a monster and a ghost.

After regaining consciousness, I unexpectedly felt a call.

In order to obtain resources as quickly as possible, he accepted the summons and turned into a ghost god of wealth again. "

"As a Huoyong blessed by a witch, he has fixed characteristics. No matter how he changes his profession, he will also have the abilities of the previous profession.

At the same time, if you are killed while maintaining a certain profession, you will not die, but will only be at the cost of erasing the current profession.

He will not truly enter death until all professions have been erased.

friendly reminder:

1: Displaying garbled code will force attention from many parties, which is extremely dangerous and cannot be displayed.

2: Do not throw Huoyong into the River Styx. "

“Temporary capabilities.

1: The true treasure of Yushu Fire Mansion.

2: Zhenwu Dangmo Zhenlu.

3: Ju Ling.

4: Get up.

5: Wusong.

Note: The current upper limit of temporary abilities that can be generated simultaneously is 5. "

When Wen Yan saw the garbled code that had been forcibly blocked before, he knew that this face-scarred ghost God of Wealth might have a lot of background and involve many secrets.

In the past, when warnings of extreme danger were given, a chance to choose was more or less given, or not mentioned at all.

But this time, there is a special mention that it cannot be displayed, which means that the information cannot be obtained even if the prompt is given.

If he obtains it by force, it depends on whether he can obtain the information, but the price he has to pay will definitely be his death.

As for the temporary abilities, this time, five were directly given.

It also directly triggered a new prompt. There is also an upper limit on the number of temporary abilities that can appear at the same time.

It's just that he has never met anyone who would trigger the upper limit before.

This face-scarred ghost god of wealth is equivalent to having at least three professions on his own.

Considering that the devil is not the same thing as a devil like Gauss, if you insist on doing the math, this face-scarred ghost god of wealth may have at least four separate professions.

Coupled with the devil and ghost, being in the middle is obviously a profession. If other professions can also be integrated with each other, it is another matter whether this guy is strong or not.

But its number of occupations is definitely the largest Wen Yan has ever seen, and the background involved may also be the most troublesome.

Wen Yan tried his temporary ability first.

There is nothing much to say about the Yushu Fire Mansion True Treasure. In the past, when I encountered someone who would set fire, such as Xiao Huo Miao, the Yushu Fire Mansion True Treasure was a temporary ability that could guarantee that he would not be burned to death.

Most of the time, basic abilities can immunize or greatly reduce the direct damage of fire.

As for Juling and Qiji, I have seen them with other ghosts and gods of wealth, so there is nothing much to say.

Wen Yan continued to try the remaining two.

"Zhenwudangmo Zhenlu: Comes from Zhenwudangmo Saint Lord. After blessing, all your powers can be obtained. 20% real damage bonus against monsters and 10% immunity to ignore monsters."

"Wusong: the predecessor of rituals and one of the sources of Nuo opera. There is a carol and ritual specifically used to send off warriors who died in battle (all necessary props need to be prepared)"

Wen Yan looked at the last two temporary abilities. Wu Song probably knew that they should be the method to send Huo Yong away. This should be out of use for the time being. He didn't have any of the necessary props.

Even if the Lieyang Department came to prepare, it would obviously not be ready in a short time.

But Zhenwu Dangmo Zhenlu was really beyond Wen Yan's expectations.

He thought it was the same as the original Jiehe Shuiguan Lu or the Yushu Fire Mansion Zhenlu. The basic abilities were only used for basic protection.

I didn't expect it to be so cruel. The basic effects actually bring real damage and ignore immunity.

This is also the first time Wen Yan has seen such a ruthless effect in his temporary abilities.

He didn't even need to search for this Zhenwudang Demon Saint Lord. It was probably Zhang Zhenren's title that he didn't know about.

Wen Yan was equipped with the Zhenwu Dangmo Zhenlu. After sensing it carefully, he felt somewhat enlightened.

The description of the temporary ability was not detailed, but he almost understood that under normal circumstances, it would definitely not be possible.

It should be that he suppressed the big demon and sealed it tightly before, and also used a picture of Zhenren Zhang. It was equivalent to Zhenzhen Zhang himself suppressing the big devil. This was regarded as settling a regret that Zhenzhen Zhang had during his lifetime.

Now that the big boss has reciprocated the favor, his favorability with this big boss may be high, so a temporary ability will produce such a top-notch true skill that obviously should not appear.

Wen Yan knew how cruel it was to have real injuries combined with ignoring immunity.

But it's right to think about it. If you look at the past, the quantity and quality of the demons this boss killed, plus the duration of the matter, are indeed unprecedented.

It's not certain whether the average person can live for sixty years, let alone go out to slay demons after gaining strength.

He estimated that when Zhang Zhenren was at his peak, he must have 100% real damage and 100% immunity against monsters.

Wen Yan really didn't expect this when he read Jiazi Da Mo Ji. Now that he thinks about it, there is a high probability that this is the case. After all, in the later stages, this boss can kill demons more easily than chickens.

Wen Yan glanced at the Wudang leader who had already taken action. He changed into Wu Song again, continued to learn about this thing, and then crossed his arms and OB on the side.

Several people came from Wudang and are now surrounding him from all sides. Taoist priest Li Qixue, whom Wen Yan is familiar with, has also arrived, but he hasn't seen him yet.

Now, after blowing up the small temple and statue of the Masked Ghost God of Wealth, everyone started to open the altar together. To be on the safe side, they opened the Demon Trap Formation first.

When Wen Yan looked around, he could feel that the wind here seemed to be affected and began to circle the empty area centered on the face-marked ghost God of Wealth.

As the imbalance between internal and external yin and yang qi gradually expanded, Wen Yan saw that a huge cover seemed to appear on the ground, covering the ghostly God of Wealth inside.

It was an invisible force that could even isolate the surrounding Yin Qi. Wen Yan couldn't quite understand it, but he probably knew that it was a Wudang-specific method.

As soon as the formation was opened and maintained, the Wudang Master continued to do what he was doing. He made fingerprints with both hands and recited mantras. The invisible aura on the Master's body began to increase the pressure exponentially.

Wen Yan couldn't help but take two steps back.

To be honest, he has always felt that among the leaders of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains, only Lao Tianshi is so powerful that he can't stand him.

In his heart, he had always felt that the other figures at the headmaster level were only too strong, and they were far from keeping up with the progress of spiritual energy recovery.

But at this moment, he felt this invisible pressure, which seemed to be real, and he really felt it.

It's not that the others are weak, it's really just that the Old Heavenly Master is too strong. Only the Old Heavenly Master keeps stepping on the ceiling. It's the progress of the spiritual energy recovery that in turn drags down the Old Heavenly Master.

But other people, when they look like ordinary people, are completely different when they really start to take action.

Just like Cai Heizi, who is usually not very good and loose, but he really exploded, alone, and sent away a night wandering god more than ten meters high in one wave.

And Cai Heizi seems to have learned from Wudang...

The headmaster of Wudang rarely became serious. The pressure brought by the opening of the altar now, which is not a big altar, has also made the face-scarred ghost god of wealth, other than Li Xu, feel the pressure.

But at this moment, the small temple statue was destroyed instantly, and his escape route was cut off. With a flicker of his body, he disappeared as if he was hiding.

However, the next moment, the figure of the ghost-faced God of Wealth suddenly appeared on the edge of the sealing formation, as if he had hit an invisible wall of air.

Coupled with this, in order to ensure sufficient redundancy, every road here has been dug out at more than one point.

For safety reasons, several paths were dug out and talismans were buried to turn them into dead ends.

The face-scarred ghost God of Wealth wanted to escape along the road, but bumped into an obstacle with several layers of buffs.

The moment his figure emerged, it collapsed into a large piece of black smoke, just like the water hitting an obstacle when it hit.

The smoke quickly gathered and transformed into the face of the scarred ghost God of Fortune.

But at the same time, I saw the headmaster of Wudang, wrapping his left hand around his right hand, with the palms of his hands facing inward. The big finger of his left hand pinched the sub-line of the right hand, and the big finger of the right hand pinched the midday line of the right hand, forming the Tai Chi seal.

The energy around him was floating, the Taoist robes on his body were rolling around, making hunting noises, and his momentum increased to the point where Wen Yan's eyes jumped out.

"Friendly reminder: If you don't want to be killed, stay away from the 600-meter diameter area in front of you, and stay at least ten meters away from the altar."

Wen Yan stepped back more than ten meters after being persuaded. Fortunately, he had always been polite to his seniors. Otherwise, if he had been more aggressive that time in Wudang, he would have been the one squatting at the gate of Wudang Mountain to guard the door.

The headmaster of Wudang, holding the Tai Chi seal in his hand, chanted the mantra in a low voice, and then shouted the order.

The next moment, the huge pressure suddenly increased.

Wen Yan looked inside the cover, and vaguely saw that the air there was distorted, and the huge pressure caused the density of the air here to begin to change.

In a daze, Wen Yan seemed to see the yin and yang qi blending together, turning into a Tai Chi diagram, suppressing it from above.

The moment he saw it, what was vaguely a Tai Chi pattern had already landed.

The huge face of black smoke, which was two meters high, suffered a dimensionality reduction blow in an instant. In the blink of an eye, it seemed to be suppressed into a piece of paper. The black smoke began to rotate along with the vague Tai Chi pattern.

The black smoke was like falling into a millstone, being forcibly wiped out as the Yin Qi and Yang Qi circulated.

The face-scarred ghost God of Wealth was forcibly killed as soon as he met him.

The black smoke body, instead of helping him escape, actually made his death easier.

Wen Yan looked at the prompt content he had just seen in his mind. The prompt content for the guy inside had begun to change.

The ghost god of wealth at the end of the original three identities has disappeared.

Only Huo Yong and the devil are left.

Wen Yan originally wanted to remind him, but when he saw that the Wudang master and the Wudang masters who were setting up formations in other directions had no reaction at all and showed no intention of stopping, he shut his mouth and waited quietly. With.

The headmaster of Wudang looked at the compass placed on the altar, and the compass moved slowly.

His expression froze and he continued to wait for changes.

In the cover, the black smoke dissipated, the Yin Qi began to float, and a large number of illusory runes appeared. Wen Yan took a look at it from a distance, and immediately took out his mobile phone and kept zooming in.

He thought it looked familiar, so he recorded a short section and immediately handed it over to Black Box, who asked him to compare it with what he had taken last time.

As soon as he submitted the command, the black box gave the result, which was a perfect match.

It's the content of the contracts that Gauss pulled out, the contract of the ghost god of wealth.

After the contract fully appeared, it immediately began to collapse, which meant that the ghost god of wealth was dead and the contract began to be dissolved.

But Huo Yong's own ability allows him to have several professions at the same time. When one profession dies, the price is to erase the profession, but he himself will still not die.

As the contract was lifted, a cold breath, mixed with demonic energy, spurted out.

A soul appeared among the collapsed contract runes.

Wen Yan's eyes narrowed, he was startled, and he immediately understood what was going on.

Ghost Gods of Wealth have no souls, they are incorporeal and soulless existences. Therefore, no matter how insidious and sinister these ghost Gods of Wealth are, and no matter how unscrupulous they are for the sake of wealth, they will never think about their peers.

The body of a fellow traveler is worthless to the ghost god of wealth and cannot be counted as money.

This is a necessary basis for peaceful coexistence between them.

Wen Yan had always believed that the soul must be the initial price for transforming into a ghost god of wealth.

Unexpectedly, this contract was made from the soul, and the contract itself was the biggest restriction.

With this method of restriction, once the ghost god of wealth gets on the pirate ship, there will be no turning back.

But unexpectedly, Huo Yong relied on his own unique ability to get stuck here.

This guy turned into a ghost god of wealth not just to obtain so-called resources.

More importantly, this guy wants to completely hide his soul by turning into a ghost god of wealth.

The soul body was transformed into a contract and integrated into the body of the Ghost God of Wealth. Under normal circumstances, no one would be able to discover this, and the soul body was still under his control.

In this case, he is just a ghost god of wealth, and it doesn't matter how rampant he is.

One day, the Ghost God of Wealth dies, and that happens to stop the show.

With the help of the death of the Ghost God of Wealth, the contract will be automatically terminated, and his soul will naturally recover to the way it was before becoming the Ghost God of Wealth.

But the resources he acquired these days are still there.

In the black air, there was a person who was at least three meters tall, with muscles all over his body. His face seemed to have some lines drawn with blood. The color of those lines seemed to have been redrawn countless times after time, and turned red and black.

As he transformed into the devil's professional body, his aura was completely different from when he transformed into the ghost god of wealth.

As he began to exhale, the demonic yin energy visible to the naked eye hovered around him, and the flames suddenly burned, like two huge flame wings, protecting him within.

Wen Yan took a few steps forward and quickly recounted his speculation to the headmaster of Wudang.

And the prompts in front of him also began to change.

"Fire Brave/Devil."

"The weakest appearance has dissipated, and the boss has truly started the second phase. You should be able to predict that there are still three phases.

This is a particularly troublesome guy and very difficult to kill. "

“Temporary capabilities.

1: The true treasure of Yushu Fire Mansion.

2: Zhenwu Dangmo Zhenlu.

3: Wusong. "

When Wen Yan quickly told the headmaster of Wudang the information he had speculated, Huo Yong, who was trapped in the cover, had already started to take action.

The flames that looked like wings around him immediately spread to the surroundings as he spread his wings.

The surrounding vegetation was the first to be ignited, and in a blink of an eye, the flames spread around like a shock wave.

Huo Yong bared his teeth, looked unruly, and laughed strangely.

"You alone want to kill me?"

The flames spread rapidly, igniting trees and some ordinary houses in the distance. He bowed slightly, his muscles all over his body became more angular, and the ferocious aura like a wild beast continued to spread.

The next moment, his figure disappeared in an instant, and among the rapidly spreading flames, there was suddenly a path of fire that continued to rush towards the edge of the cover.

There was a thunderous bang, and Huo Yong appeared on the edge of the cover. His fist struck the invisible cover as if it had hit something substantial.

The next moment, the flames ignited behind him, like a huge wave being carried away, belatedly arriving and impacting crazily.

The whistling sound stirred up the Yin Qi at night, and the water vapor there was evaporated in large quantities. The invisible cover was continuously impacted by the violently fluctuating Yang Qi and Yin Qi, and it was on the verge of collapse in the blink of an eye.

Huo Yong stood inside the cover, looking at the Wudang headmaster who was opening the altar in the distance. The corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a mouth full of criss-crossed sharp teeth.

He opened his mouth wide and bit into it when the hood was impacted and the fluctuation was the most intense.

With a click, the invisible cover, like a piece of tempered glass, shattered instantly. The density of the air changed drastically, and the Yin Qi and Yang Qi continued to impact, making the area blurry.

The next moment, the blur suddenly returned to normal, and a wave of air spread in all directions. The unruly Huo Yong stood half-crouched on the spot, with his arms raised, and he lifted his head to hold the suppressed thing.

As he slowly lowered his head, the muscles on his back squirmed to support him, assisting his arms to support the Tai Chi pattern falling above his head.

The flames around him were like a flamethrower, constantly erupting, and the rolled up air waves seemed to be exploding, spreading to the surroundings one after another.

Suddenly, Huo Yong's head fell down and fell to his chest. The moment he raised his head, he opened his mouth and saw a cold light flying out and heading straight towards the headmaster of Wudang.

At the same time, Wen Yan held a pure mace and threw it fiercely.

The moment the sound of breaking through the air sounded, a clear clang sounded more than one meter in front of the Wudang headmaster. The pure weapon flew up in a circle, was caught by the flying gray cloth, and was pulled back again.

Wen Yan stepped out with a pure ace in his hand.

He hates the kind of guy who has no body. He can't hit him with a hammer and he can run very fast. How good it is now.

It looks like you are obviously stronger by more than one level, but now that you have a body, the rest is easy to tell.

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