I am your natural enemy

Chapter 39 Graveyard

"Hello, Fengyao?"

"I'll be there soon, let's meet you."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan walked downstairs and saw Feng Yao's car driving into the yard and parking in the parking space on the side.

Feng Yao came over with a small fish tank. There were two small golden-red goldfish in it, and there was also a bag containing a take-out box.

"Housewarming gift, I heard you said that you happened to want to buy this, so I bought it for you on the way. I guess you haven't eaten yet, so I brought you some food."

Feng Yao placed the fish tank in the living room on the first floor, and Wen Yan couldn't help but ask.

"Don't say you don't know the situation in the building behind. Isn't this the same as living in front of someone else's grave?"

Feng Yao nodded naturally.

"I know, this building has been here for a long time and no one has lived in it. Isn't it just right? The environment is good and there are few people around."

Speaking of this, Feng Yao suddenly reacted.

"Ah, you said that during the day, don't you care about it now?"

Wen Yan thought for a while and was speechless.

That's right. He even dared to keep the jumping corpse. He was not afraid of serious dead people. He was going to find a suitable opportunity to bring the jumping corpse out later. Is he still afraid of the memorial tablet in the building behind?

Speaking of which, it seemed like he really didn't care about this place.

"Can you tell me if there are any other rumors here that are true?"

"Most of the rumors you have heard have some truth in them."

"..." Wen Yan was startled and asked tentatively: "For example, this place was once a execution ground?"

"It's indeed true."


"Push forward a hundred years, and it's really true."

“Is there a problem with sewer pipeline planning?”

"There is indeed a problem, but the main reason is the heavy rain and a blocked sewage pipe. The rainwater mixed with the sewage seeped into a house below, causing people to become anxious."


"Anyone whose house is inexplicably flooded by smelly water should be anxious."

"That's true..." Wen Yan thought for a while and nodded.

"What's going on with the building at the back?"

"They bought it with real money. They like black curtains. They like to worship their ancestors at home. Who can say anything?"

"What about the building below?"

"This is sponsored by the boss here for free. He is a very thieving boss. He gave away a total of three villas. I hope some masters from the Lieyang Department can live here."

"He's such a monster and spends so much money? What's the problem?"

"Ghosts often appear in this area. In the past two hundred years, it has been a mass grave, a cemetery, and later an execution ground.

It didn't matter before. After all, in the land of China, wherever people have lived together for a long time, where has no one been buried nearby?

If there is something hundreds of years old, it is an antique and a cultural relic.

But in recent decades, strange things have begun to happen here and there, especially in the last ten years, which have become more frequent.

It's amazing that this villa area was built exactly ten years ago.

The Lieyang Department also sent people to check it out. The family that came out last time had been moved away, and there were still others.

In the final analysis, there are problems with this place itself, which cannot be solved at once. In addition, there are few people living here permanently and the popularity is weak, which makes it even more difficult to suppress.

If you can solve it, you can just pick one of the unsold houses here. "

When Wen Yan heard this, he was immediately curious.

"Will you still take this kind of job?"

"I'm not a formal member, but you can introduce me to others. There are many people in the Lieyang Department like you who have a special task force certificate, and there are also many professionals like Zhang Laoxi who are invited temporarily. Everyone needs to eat, and if there are needs, there will naturally be related businesses, so we can’t really let everyone generate electricity for love.”

"That's true..." Wen Yan nodded. He came to the funeral home in the first place because, overall, he felt that the treatment here was very good and he could still get off work normally.

"If it weren't for other people's taboos, it wouldn't be your turn here, and it wouldn't be my turn either."

Wen Yan felt that he was a little hasty and trusted Feng Yao's arrangements too much.

According to what he had learned these days, it was just a matter of arranging a place to live. With Feng Yao's ability, he could arrange everything in just a cup of tea.

In order to sleep directly in his new home that night, he didn't even come here to take a look. He just saw the address and probably knew it by heart.

In the past, Wen Yan might really care about those rumors, but after what he has experienced these days, even if the rumors about this community are true, he actually doesn't care too much.

He never expected that it would be even more explosive than the most explosive situation he thought.

"Just say, you can't live here. If not, there is an unoccupied house in a village four kilometers west of your unit."

"Live! Why not? It's free in Dabieye. It has front and rear gardens, two parking spaces, and it's well-decorated. I'll definitely live there!"

Wen Yan gritted his teeth and agreed directly.

If he was asked to save money to buy it and decorate it himself, he would have to save for thirty or forty years without eating or drinking.

When he thought of this, Wen Yan felt that these were just minor shortcomings and could be ignored completely.

He looked back at the backyard. He was not sleeping in front of their graves, but their tombs were placed outside his backyard.

I'll look for an opportunity to bring Uncle Mo out later.

Rumors are nothing, ghost houses are nothing, I just have a big zombie in my house!

My place is the most explosive place in the entire community.

Thinking of this, Wen Yan immediately felt much more comfortable.

The jumping corpse was originally meant to be taken out, so it was impossible to settle it in the funeral parlor for a long time.

I didn't take it away today. On the one hand, I had to let the curator know about it and make sure it could be controlled.

On the other hand, some people secretly watched the surveillance today. They must not be taken out. Only the back of the cremation department and the old office building without surveillance are the safest.

Furthermore, he is moving today and has not settled in yet.

Feng Yao, like the curator, openly said he didn't care and didn't interfere, but in fact quietly supported it.

If he hadn't moved and brought the jumping corpse to a densely populated urban area, neither the curator nor Feng Yao would have dared to take the risk.

"Are you sure you want to live here?"

"Well, isn't this house quite nice? The decoration is good and the things are new. I just need to add a few appliances and furniture. Please give me some information about this place when you have time."

"I'll apply for a mobile phone for you later, and you can see for yourself when the time comes."

Feng Yao stayed here for a while and then left in a hurry. He still had many things to be busy with. He hadn't written any reports until now. It was good to be able to take the time to come here and take a look around.

Wen Yan cleaned up the house by himself and chose a south-facing room on the second floor as the master bedroom.

He took out his small backpack and pasted the yellow evil-proofing charms given by Zhang Laoxi on several windows and doors.

After washing, he held the jade charm given by the curator and lay on the bed without playing with his mobile phone before falling into a deep sleep. The expected insomnia and nervousness did not appear, and he no longer felt the gloom from the inside out. With the cold breath, he slept peacefully.

As time passed, slowly, at eleven o'clock in the evening, the villa area, which had not many residents, became extremely quiet.

In the villa at the back, the black curtains slowly opened. Behind the windows, figures one after another slowly emerged. They merged with the darkness, motionless, and looked at the villa in front of them quietly.

On the west side of Wen Yan's building, something seemed to be moving in the darkness, and a pair of eyes reflecting green light flashed away.

To the east, in a villa on the edge, a man was holding a telescope and staring at the villa where Wen Yan was. There was a surveillance camera next to it, showing the outdoor scene.

Leaving the villa area, a few hundred meters south, on the roof of an eight-story residential building, two people were hiding in the elevator compartment on the roof, holding up night vision goggles and looking through a small window. Observing the villa area where Wen Yan is located.

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