I am your natural enemy

Chapter 396: Allergy, Graveyard Grass (5k)

Looking at the little girl's performance, Wen Yan knew in his heart that what Doctor Wei said was reliable.

According to the information he had obtained before, it was witches at first, then alchemists, and then witches and Gu.

What was inherited from the witch lineage was hit hard twice, that is, the Qin and Han Dynasties.

It is normal for this witch Gu to react to things made by the witch himself.

After all, according to his understanding and guessing, except now, for thousands of years, no one may have eaten the fried chicken made by Wuji himself.

In the era when witchcraft festivals were active, it was probably not luxurious enough to have so many kinds of spices and condiments, nor was it luxurious enough to use fat to fry chicken.

Witches and Gu in this era are considered to be very lucky.

There happened to be a shaman festival in Tok City, and he also loved cooking.

Wen Yan was eating fried chicken and drinking sour plum soup, thinking about these things in his mind.

The little girl kept slurping her food. She seemed to have no reaction from Wen Yan. She looked carefully at the fried chicken and didn't seem to see any chili peppers.

But think about it, I have seen abnormally spicy grilled wings before, and it seems that they are not made of chili peppers, but some kind of spicy oil.

After much hesitation, the little girl asked her doubts.

"Brother Wen, is this fried chicken neither spicy nor spicy?"

"Yes." Wen Yan nodded simply.

"..." The little girl held a piece of chicken leg and her face froze: "Then why do I feel numb and spicy?"

"You're allergic."


"It's not surprising that people with allergies will taste different flavors when they eat certain things. For example, people who are allergic to eggplant will taste numbing or spicy taste."

"But...but I haven't been allergic to fried chicken before?"

"There's nothing strange about this. Whether a person is allergic to something or not, the degree of allergies is not static.

Some people were allergic to eggs when they were young, and they slept soundly after eating one.

As you grow older, you no longer have allergies, which is normal.

Some people's physical conditions have changed. Things that they were not allergic to before are now allergic to them, which is normal.

You should be thankful that you still have something to be allergic to, which is a good thing.

It's just a change in taste, not a big problem.

As long as it tastes good, forget about the rest. "

The little girl looked confused. He felt that what Wen Yan said seemed to make sense, but she always felt that something was wrong, but with her knowledge base, she could not find anything wrong.

Wait, if the allergy is serious, it can kill people, right?

Do you really not need to worry about it?

Wait, Brother Wen seems to be right. She is just a doctor. She just wants to be happy. Why does she care about so much?

It's true that she hasn't experienced happiness when eating for a long time.

It was obviously spicy and spicy, and I was sweating a little, but I still felt inexplicably happy. Even after I ate it, I felt warm in my stomach.

The little girl ate a little awkwardly, sweating profusely, and her bangs stuck to her forehead, strand by strand. She ate and laughed to herself.

As she ate, the little girl's face became redder and redder. She coughed slightly, and blood began to spurt out from her nostrils and mouth.

After squirting out, the little girl's red face quickly cooled down and turned into a normal look, white and rosy, looking very healthy.

Wen Yan had quick eyesight and quick hands. The moment the little girl reacted, she was already holding fried chicken in one hand and sour plum soup in the other, and she instantly retreated two meters away.

Wen Yan put the things on the cabinet next to him, took out a few pieces of paper, handed them to the little girl, and then stared at the blood on the ground.

When the blood fell to the ground, it was still a little dark red, but soon the color began to dim and turned into a light red, as if venous blood dropped into water and fainted.

Feeling the vitality in the little girl, it seemed that she suddenly became a little stronger, and the anger of a living person became obviously stronger.

"It seems that you are not only allergic, but also have a fever, so don't eat it. If you want to eat it later, buy it again and control the amount."


The little girl wiped her nosebleed and wisely did not ask why.

No matter how stupid she is, she understands that it's impossible for her to get angry because she just ate something here, and before she finished eating, she got angry to the point of nosebleeds.

She knew that no matter how she asked, Wen Yan could find her an explanation that was very consistent with the perceptions of the people of Nanwu County.

Getting angry is a universal reason in Nanwu County. Any situation can be related to getting angry.

The little girl wiped the blood and felt a trace of regret in her heart. She really liked eating this fried chicken. It was so spicy and spicy that she couldn't even taste the delicious flavor of the chicken.

Logically speaking, chicken does not taste like chicken, which is very unacceptable in Nanwu County.

But she liked it inexplicably, it was so spicy that she was sweating, and she also liked it very much.

Wen Yan smiled. When he came back, he suddenly thought of it and wanted to try it. Unexpectedly, the effect was even better than expected.

Wang Jianjun was recuperating from his injuries in Decheng. He was also a restless person. When he was able to move around, he went to sit in a fried chicken restaurant and help with guidance. Wen Yan happened to catch him.

Then Wen Yan had this hot idea.

So far, it seems that the effect is very good. This little girl didn't even have the instinctive desire to survive before, but now it is stimulated.

It was so spicy that I couldn't eat it, and my nose started to bleed, but there was still obvious regret on my face. This is a sign that the desire to survive has been activated.

Looking at the light red blood stains on the ground, Wen Yan remembered the medical records he had read before. The problem was indeed in the blood. The previous treatments were not useless, and there was still some relief. However, the underlying problem was not found and it was not solved. Fundamental problem.

Now this fried chicken may not be very effective in curing diseases, but it is enough to alleviate problems.

Wen Yan settled the little girl and did not treat him as a patient. He just did whatever he wanted. On the contrary, the little girl felt very comfortable, at least without the pressure of facing everyone's concern.

If before, if she had spurted blood from her mouth and nose, she would have been sent to the hospital immediately.

After experiencing ups and downs, including her father being arrested and not knowing why, the little girl finally fell asleep tiredly.

When Wen Yan returned home, there was a lot of excitement in the house. A few guys who didn't eat fried chicken at home were nodding off with the sparrow and cat, discussing whether the sleeping native dog that Wen Yan brought back should get a share. fried chicken.

What the little zombie means is that we don’t eat because we can’t eat it or don’t like it.

But that local dog looks like a living creature and likes to eat meat, so it definitely deserves points.

The sparrow cat said that the native dog was still sleeping and couldn't eat it, but the little zombie bit him to death and it didn't matter if he could eat it because he was sleeping now.

When Wen Yan came back, he saw them discussing these things seriously.

He didn't participate, he didn't take any side, he just sat by and listened.

Anyway, there was no tendency to fight. Both sides were trying to reason with each other.

After arguing for a while, when Chen Qimo came back from school and joined together, Wen Yanxian got bored and put a phone on the coffee table. After dialing the call, he put the other phone in the basement and asked the people in the basement to The bosses also listen to the fun.

Wen Yan's place was noisy and bustling, but Wei Jing, who Wen Yan didn't pay attention to, had already boarded the high-speed train to Caiyun County.

You don't need to take a plane, you can arrive in a few hours. Every time Wei Jing takes a ride, he will feel a little emotional.

A few hours later, he got off the bus at a stop on the way. He did not go to the county seat of Caiyun County.

After leaving the station, I called a taxi and arrived at my destination in an hour.

In the mountains and fields, the vegetation growing along the road is very good. All kinds of plants that are carefully maintained in Nanwu County and will die easily for you to see are as vigorous as weeds here.

Oh, no, to the locals, this is worthless weed.

When the locals went to other places and heard that a bouquet of flowers cost two to three hundred, they all expressed shock.

The medicinal materials Wei Jing was looking for were here, and only here. He was basically certain that there was a high probability that the things he had seen many years ago were still in the same area.

He took the tools and the medicine basket and went up the mountain. After walking in the mountain for two hours, he saw a bright color faintly appearing under a bush. He immediately got close to it.

Pushing aside the leaves, he saw a wilted fungus underneath, which was green and blue in color. It looked like a deadly fungus at first glance. Wei Jing took a closer look and suddenly showed a smile.

"Good luck."

After picking them, he continued walking in the mountains.

After walking for another two hours, they came to a mountain. Looking at the scenery that was the same as before, Wei Jing saluted to the mountain.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and I'm here to bother you again. Wei wants to collect some medicinal materials."

Following Wei Jing's words, the rocks on the hillside slid down, and stone statues emerged from the ground.

The stone statues are separated, as if standing on both sides of a avenue.

A stone door also appeared on the mountain in front. The relief of the strange beast on the stone door moved. He opened his eyes and looked at Wei Jing in the distance.

"Doctor Wei, long time no see, why are you picking grass from my master's grave again?"

"Sorry, I'm really not sure if it's available elsewhere and whether it's effective enough."

"Then you know the rules. If you come to pick grass from graves, you have to give an explanation."

"Is it enough to send you a message that the mountain ghost is dead?"

"Huh?" The alien beast relief's eyes widened instantly. It emerged from the stone door, slowly landed on the ground, and turned into a gray stone alien beast: "Doctor Wei, you can't say such nonsense."

"What are you talking about? Someone has already found a way a long time ago.

Digging out mountain roots, destroying mountains, and breaking mountains into pieces.

The most difficult thing in the past was the broken mountain, but now the last step, which is the most difficult, is actually the easiest.

Part of the mountain has been suppressed under some intersections and used as roadbed.

It just so happens that the city where I live now can get a little bit of it.

I had nothing to do that day, so I looked around, if I read it correctly.

The gravel should have been buried three feet below the road surface. "

Wei Jing said so lightly that the stone beast's eyes bulged out of their sockets.

Now he believed it.

When used as a roadbed at a crossroads, it is three feet lower than the road surface. This is a standard of eternal life.

As long as the mountain ghost has a shred of vitality and a shred of room for resistance, it is impossible to be treated like this.

There is only one possibility. The first two steps have been overfulfilled. The mountain ghost who once lived forever has died.

The stone beast's expression was dull and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Wei Jing didn't push him, and after waiting for a while, he asked.

"Is this news enough?"

"Enough! Enough!" The stone beast stood on the side, moved out of the way, stretched out a paw and said, "Doctor Wei, you can pick as many as you want."

"You don't need too much. This thing must be fresh to be useful. Just enough for one use."

The stone beast led Wei Jing along the road guarded by the stone statue in the middle, and walked forward all the way.

As they walked, this ordinary mountain became gloomy, and the trees on the mountain disappeared. The lush hill suddenly became like a huge grave.

The stone beast led Wei Jing to the foot of the mountain and stretched out his claws to signal.

"Doctor Wei, please do as you please. I won't go up."

"Thank you." Wei Jing did not force it. It was indeed a bit too much to let the stone beast step on the grave of his boss.

Wei Jing climbed up the bare and gloomy mountain, and saw that there were dark green weeds growing on the top of the mountain.

Wei Jing took out the tools and picked carefully, only taking the part above the roots, not the roots, so that it could continue to grow here in the future.

But it can't be too little, otherwise the medicinal properties will change.

Some medicinal materials seem to be able to be artificially planted, but the medicinal properties of artificially planted ones are indeed much worse.

According to current research, there is a saying that the difference lies in the fact that some medicinal materials, wild ones and artificially cultivated ones, have slightly different ingredients, which are secondary metabolites and other ingredients produced by wild plants when they fight against the environment in harsh environments.

Wei Jing did not study other things so deeply, but he knew that the thing called grave grass has always existed and has a particularly good effect, and it is indeed only here.

Only the grave grass here can grow in this place where there is no grass, the environment is extremely harsh, and it is not suitable for any plants and animals to survive.

In this environment, the surviving grave grass has extremely strong vitality, and the series of ingredients produced when fighting against the environment here are what he needs.

But this kind of thing, obviously has extremely strong vitality, seems to be very good in other places. Wei Jing has tried it, and it is indeed easy to survive when transplanted, but it will become an ordinary weed with no medicinal effect.

He only picked ten grave grasses, wrapped them with cloth, and then came down from the mountain.

When he came down, the stone beast sitting on the side immediately came over.

"Doctor Wei, can I ask which mountain's immortal... helped?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know either. You just need to know that I'm here to make a good relationship for you."

"Okay, okay, what else do you need, Doctor Wei? Or you can take a rest, I'll go and collect it for you."

The stone beast led Wei Jing along the road. As they walked, the bare and gloomy grave mountain behind them turned into its original lush appearance again.

"No need, the most important thing is this grave grass, the rest is very simple, I can do it myself.

I see that you have always been quiet, not high-profile, not hurting people, and not harming people, so I came to remind you.

Don't take the wrong road, the times are changing too fast, and if you take a wrong step, you will be doomed forever."

"Thank you, Doctor Wei, for your advice."

When Wei Jing was about to walk out of the road guarded by the stone statues, he paused.

"Has your master woken up?"

"Not yet. Doctor Wei, feel free to ask whatever you want to ask. I will tell you everything I know."

"The inheritance of witchcraft was not completely destroyed back then, and some things were lost in Southeast Asia.

Do you know what kind of things might have been lost in Southeast Asia?

For example, things that smell like demons and can damage human blood and marrow."

"This... this is really difficult for me. How could I know all this? If I take a look at those things, I would want to knock my eyeballs off and crush them, and then dig out my brain and wash it, and quickly wash those things away, for fear of being contaminated by even a little bit."

"Times have changed. What are you afraid of? It's not the same as before."

"This..." The stone beast looked left and right, hesitated for a long time, thought of the information given by Wei Jinglai, and dug up the grass on the grave. It probably understood what this was going to do, and also understood what Wei Jing meant by making good connections.

Since you want to make good connections, of course you have to be thorough.

"Doctor Wei, that's you. If it's someone else, I really don't know anything.

I heard it, I really heard it.

You should also know that I wasn't there at that time.

It was some fools who didn't know how to count the days and were beaten to death.

There were indeed some smart low-level apprentices who escaped from the Silk Road to the outside world.

But most of those guys died on the way.

The very few who survived were also insignificant.

They didn't even make a splash, let alone stir up waves.

But they might have taken something out.

At that time, those Hu merchants dared to do anything to make money.

They might not dare to take away criminals who committed serious crimes, but they might not dare to take away apprentices who were not important and might not even have a portrait on the list. , these people are really brave.

Later, I didn't hear any movement in the west. I think they somehow ran to Nanyang.

At least, as far as I know, the people who practiced witchcraft back then were very arrogant.

Even if they died, they would not degenerate to have anything to do with the devil.

This is not a question of good or bad, it's just that they don't look down on the devil at all.

What is that word called? Wait a minute, let me think about it. I just learned it a few years ago.

Oh, I remember, the contempt chain.

In the minds of those guys, the devil is an existence outside the contempt chain, and it can't even be on the contempt chain.

I'm thinking that this is probably not a serious witchcraft inheritance.

At most, it's a latecomer who got something and figured it out by himself.

If there is still a relationship with the devil, then only the blood-sacrifice-loving lineage remains. "

When the stone beast said this, he looked up at Wei Jing's face and continued to ask tentative questions.

"Doctor Wei, that's about all I've heard. If you need anything, just ask. We still have some manpower here, maybe we can help."

"It doesn't matter. I'm just helping people heal their illnesses. It's not my turn to interfere in other matters."

That's what Wei Jing said, but the stone beast still stretched out a claw, took out a stone eye, and handed it to Wei Jing.

"I'm giving this to Doctor Wei. I hope it can be helpful. We are guarding this place and have no ability. All we have is a pair of eyes.

Dr. Wei gave it to anyone who needed it, just as Dr. Wei said.

Make a good relationship, make a good relationship. "

Wei Jing was amused by the stone beast and accepted the stone eyes.

"Okay, it seems you have learned a lot over the years while guarding this place."

"This is also based on your advice. There is no harm in reading more and learning more."

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