I am your natural enemy

Chapter 398: Go into the fire and go into the sea (5k)

Wen Yan took Wei Jingxin to send Shi Yan back home. He calculated the time and actually wanted to take Zhang Xuewen with him.

It is estimated that Zhang Xuewen himself should be quite happy, but the head of the headquarters is afraid that he is unlikely to let him go.

The appearance of Tuoba Martial God in Nanyang is probably no different from the people over there as he directly landed on an intercontinental missile.

Let's wait. Zhang Xuewen's advancement has reached a bottleneck. Before he can control the huge power, it will be difficult for him to advance.

Likewise, this also means that as long as he appears, it is absolutely impossible to hide.

The Yang Qi that radiates for dozens of miles can be sensed even by a blind person who cannot see it.

Wen Yan thought for a while and decided to start from Nanhai County, take a boat there, and fly directly. He felt somewhat insecure.

It just so happened that he also wanted to see the situation on the other side of the South China Sea. He had painted cakes for the water ghosts in the South China Sea before and always wanted to show his face. I heard last time that all the sunken ships of Ah Piao over there had been destroyed. Two ships or three ships?

The ministers of Nanhai County were able to cut out some of the funds that had been planned at the end of the year and turned them into special funds for Nanhai Apiao.

After waiting for another two days, Feng Yao sent the documents, including Wen Yan's passport and other documents.

Several phone numbers were also added to the address book. If Wen Yan had something to do, he could call any of these numbers, including people from Nanhai County to Nanhai to many places in the Nanyang Alliance.

It might not be possible for these people to ask them to fight with the magician, but apart from fighting, they can help Wen Yan handle other things, including arguing with local officials.

Feng Yao had arranged everything, so Wen Yan just had to go.

"That's good. What about the other one? Didn't it mean that the current generation of descendants from Laojun Mountain should also go?

How did you convince him?

According to Laojunshan's usual temperament, if he wants to leave China, they probably don't even bother to care about it, right? "

"I combined the information you gave me with the information we got, and conveyed it a little more objectively.

Then, a senior from Laojun Mountain personally arranged tasks for the current generation of descendants.

Saying yes is unjust. "

Feng Yao smiled shyly, and at first glance he looked like a good person.

Wen Yan was speechless.

According to what Wen Yan had learned before, the one who was most ruthless against these branches of witches and their subsequent continuation was Lao Junshan, who said "Don't disturb the Taoist master's ascension".

You brought these matters directly to the seniors at Laojun Mountain. These seniors did not go down the mountain in person and used anti-aircraft cannons to kill mosquitoes, which was considered restraint.

The Taoist men are actually quite good-tempered. Wang Jianjun and Mr. Wang were all trained at the foot of Laojun Mountain. These seniors are not the kind of people who will attack randomly based on their status.

Although strictly speaking, witch festivals are witch festivals and witchcraft is witchcraft, they are basically two different things.

But now that Lao Junshan had said the words "defeat unjust" in this matter, Wen Yan felt that it didn't matter whether he went or not.

The people in Laojunshan are just lazy, they just want to do their own thing in peace and contentment, and they are not soft-handed and unable to carry the knife.

Although he has never seen a contemporary descendant of the mountain, based on the bits and pieces of information he got, he is also a typical Laojunshan Taoist.

If nothing happens, don't look for me. If you really have no choice but to take action, then hurry over and beat him to death quickly, then turn around and leave, continuing to indulge in practice and unable to extricate yourself.

This time he sent people directly abroad, which made him really angry.

"Okay, you just need to arrange for him to take the normal route. While there are still a few days left, I will go to Nanhai County first. Then I will go directly by boat. I will paddle along with him and help him. ”

"Do whatever you want."

"Then when the meeting comes, you won't really have to attend it, right?"

"It depends on the situation. If everything is resolved by then, no one will dare to say anything if you show your face and act cool.

After all, you still have to have a decent reason.

When we do things, we always pay attention to the individual teacher's reputation.

When you went to attend an academic conference, you were just doing something good by the way. "

"Okay, then I understand."

"Besides, how's that little girl doing?"

"It's very good. We live next door. If you are sick, you can see a doctor and take good care of yourself and you will be fine."

Feng Yao wanted to take a look, but before he entered the yard, he saw the little girl sitting by the window through the window, holding a fried chicken leg in her hand, sweating profusely from eating and not willing to put it down.

Feng Yao's footsteps paused, and he was full of manuscripts, but he just couldn't find them. What should he say in this situation.

He took a distant look and saw that the little girl looked a little embarrassed. She was eating Coke and fried chicken, but her complexion was obviously much better, and her energy level had obviously increased significantly.

Feng Yao opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to say something.

"Is this treating a disease?"

"No, this is eating fried chicken and drinking Coke."

"You treat me like a mallet? Can you be so happy eating this?"

"Are you stupid? Don't you feel happy when you drink happy water and fried chicken?"


Feng Yao was choked so much that he couldn't think of how to retort.

That makes sense.

Feng Yao also wanted to ask what was going on with this little girl, but was choked by Wen Yan and couldn't ask, so he could only leave in anger.

Wen Yan watched Feng Yao step on the accelerator and leave in a hurry, and waved his hand.

Of course he knew what Feng Yao wanted to ask.

If the Lieyang Department wants to investigate, they will definitely be able to find it, but Wen Yan's authority is not low now. Whatever he usually does, unless he is performing a mission, the Lieyang Department will synchronize information such as his location.

Otherwise, most people are really not qualified to investigate matters related to him, and those who are qualified will not offend others blindly.

His current relationship with Wei Jing is very simple. Wei Jing opens a medical clinic not far from his home, and he takes people to see doctors.

As we got to know each other well, it was normal to give them some food to try.

But that's about it.

He didn't ask or go to find out Wei Jing's details. He also knew that Wei Jing could open a medical clinic in this small city and be so low-key, so he definitely didn't want to have any explicit connection with the Lieyang Department.

Wen Yan didn't ask why, all he had to do was respect other people's choices.

If there is any special patient in Lieyang Department and Wen Yan intervenes, it would be one thing for Wen Yan to take the patient directly to the hospital.

This is Wei Jing's own medical clinic, and patients come to the door.

Wen Yan's disclosure of Wei Jing's information to the Lieyang Department was another matter, of a different nature.

Feng Yao could definitely understand why Wen Yan didn't want to talk, or even didn't want him to bring up this topic at all.

On the way back, Feng Yao thought about it for a while, then put the matter behind him, and tacitly agreed not to mention it again.

On the other side, Wei Jing opened the door and saw Feng Yao's car, which was obviously heavily protected, passing by on the street. The driver didn't even glance at his medical clinic.

Wei Jing also smiled. He now understood why when he was in contact with Wen Yan, he always felt that Wen Yan was very relaxed and casual, but he could not relax.

People from the Lieyang Department probably didn't even notice his medical clinic.

With the strength of the Lieyang Department, as long as he is involved in something, it stands to reason that he will definitely be noticed.

Why can't he notice it now? Wei Jing can only guess that it has something to do with Wen Yan.

He somewhat understood why he was trying to persuade him not to move blindly.

He lowered his head and continued to process the medicinal materials without thinking about it anymore.

On the other hand, before going out, Wen Yan once again cooked for everyone in the family.

As always, the meal ended with everything to eat. When it got dark, Wen Yan paid homage to the big bosses enshrined in the basement before taking his things and going out.

Taking advantage of the underworld, he came to the cape of Nanhai County, and he was ready to set off from here.

He did not alert anyone from the Lieyang Department, nor did he go through the normal procedures. He did not need to worry about procedural issues. According to the documents Feng Yao gave him, it was recorded that he had left the customs today.

Going into the water from the seaside of the Cape, Wen Yan was carried by Huibu and swam in the sea. After swimming for a distance, he released a little bit of his yang energy.

For some people, his yang energy is like a beacon in the dark, very conspicuous.

Not long after, I saw a sunken ship on the bottom of the sea, covered with water plants and covered with barnacles, approaching silently.

On the bow of the boat stood a Piao with a long knife hanging from his waist. Behind him, there were densely packed water ghosts.

All the water ghosts raised their heads and looked at Wen Yan floating in the water. As they approached, a group of apiao saluted in unison.

"Meet Xingjun!"

Wen Yan slowly fell down and landed on the sunken ship.

"It doesn't need to be like this. I'm not a star king. We are like-minded people and we each perform our own duties."

A group of Ah Piao, some of whom were older, immediately became excited.

In China, this sentence is a highly respectful compliment.

People of the same race and hometown may not be trustworthy, but people who have the same aspirations and are willing to work together in the same direction for this ambition are definitely trustworthy.

Wen Yan erased some of Ah Piao's career inheritance characteristics last time, and also gave a thumbs up to other water ghosts. He heard from the Lieyang Department that these water ghosts are basically a force that cannot be ignored in the South China Sea. .

All the manpower of the Lieyang Department of Nanhai County went to sea. In this sea area that is nearly 2,000 kilometers long and more than 1,000 kilometers wide, the effect is the same as throwing a handful of sand into the sea.

Whether it's patrolling or vigilance, the effect is really much worse than these water ghosts who absolutely fight at home.

Recently, there have been sunken ships wandering around the South China Sea, and they have inevitably been discovered. Recently, no one has come here to cause trouble.

At least anyone alive knows that as long as they go to the sea, it is definitely an away game.

Wen Yan looked at these water ghosts, all of them were full of energy and had firm eyes. It was the kind of look that can only be seen after you have something to do, and you firmly believe that what you are doing is absolutely just, and you have put it into action. .

This is also the reason why Wen Yan's first thought when he wanted to go to Nanyang was to come to Nanyang first.

Now that you have drawn a cake, you can't just let it go and let people really eat the cake.

Especially now that the second batch of water ghosts may still be a little hesitant, he must come forward.

Wen Yan looked at the deck. There were obvious signs of cleaning on it. It was obvious that he had sensed his yang energy just now, so he quickly cleaned it up on the way here.

Wen Yan cupped his hands and smiled.

"Sorry, everyone, I've been busy with tasks and things lately, and I haven't been able to find the time to take a look.

This time, I actually have a mission to go to Nanyang, so I specially planned a few days in advance to come to Nanyang to see you all.

I have heard about what you have done, and I have also given suggestions to the Lieyang Department.

I don’t care whether you care or not.

However, since you have done a good deed, I will mention it to the Lieyang Department, and one code will be the same. "

As soon as these words came out, several Ah Piao quickly said they didn't dare, that's right.

The water ghost with a long knife hanging on his waist looked in a mess. Now that he had seen it, he quickly let the other water ghosts go to work.

He invited Wen Yan into the cabin.

"Xingjun, please come inside."

"I'm not Xingjun, just call me by my name."

"Okay, Mr. Xing." Ah Piao had a firm look on her face. She was convinced that Wen Yan was Mr. Xing who came down to earth. She could listen to everything else, but not this one.

He was afraid that if he really believed this, Wen Yan would never come again.

And this is what these water ghosts have discussed before, and it was said by an old water ghost.

All the A-Piao believe this so firmly that even Wen Yan cannot deny it personally.

"Forget it, you can call me whatever you like. Can you tell me about the recent situation?"

Changdao Ah Piao immediately started talking about the last time Wen Yan freed dozens of their Ah Piao.

They followed the tradition and set their aspirations.

Soon, hundreds of Ah Piao were gathered, and there were even three sunken ships.

Of course, the most valuable thing in the sea is a sunken ship, but it’s not easy to find the right one.

They gathered three ships, No. 500 and 600 Water Ghosts, helped the Lieyang tribe twice, completed the initial run-in, and started the first uprising.

They rescued hundreds of water ghosts from caves in the deep sea.

The monster in the deep sea cave still wanted to fight back, but after feeling the passing of the South China Sea Fleet, it was frightened away by the aura of the South China Sea Fleet.

Now they have six sunken ships and more than a thousand water ghosts.

There were only six ships, purely because three of them were barely serviceable.

Moreover, the water ghosts on the ship are not only water ghosts from China, but also a small number of water ghosts from Nanyang. These water ghosts also have no problem communicating with each other, and they do not have any violence or bloodiness on their bodies.

A water ghost who has harmed others will never board a ship.

But they only made a preliminary judgment and went to check it. The final details were left to Wen Yan to judge.

Changdao Ah Piao also specifically said that he did not promise these Ah Piao that as long as Wen Yan comes, they will be free.

He himself also advised Wen Yan not to be soft-hearted. People are like this, and Ah Piao is also like this. If you get it too easily, you won't cherish it.

Many of the later Ah Piaos were different from the previous ones. The previous Ah Piaos were originally in a group, and their original ambition was to free everyone.

Wen Yan pondered for a moment and said.

"I'm not 100% sure that I will be able to free the water ghost. Everything depends on fate."

"Xingjun said so!"

Wen Yan sighed secretly. What he meant was that although his thoughts would affect the effect of the ability to a certain extent, this influence was not 100%. It really depends on which one can be triggered and whether it can be triggered.

These words cannot be explained clearly to the other party.

Obviously, what the other party understood was not what he thought.

"Then just copy the rules of the Lieyang Department. Everything will be based on merit. This is fair and just, and everyone will have no objections."

"Listen to Xingjun!"

"Besides that thing in the deep sea, is there anything else happening lately?"

"A brother saw a big octopus before. The size of the big octopus was different at different depths. We suspect that the big octopus was raised by someone in Nanyang."

"anything else?"

"Also, yesterday a brother discovered a ghost ship that was about to float from the ocean to the South China Sea. We have already told the Lieyang Department."

"Well, if you find anything, just tell the Lieyang Department directly.

By the way, you just said that there are still a small number of people who were not from China during their lifetime.

Are there any water ghosts here who are familiar with Nanyang magicians? "

"Yes!" Changdao Ah Piao nodded immediately.

"There was a Piao who was forced by a magician to have his family destroyed and his family to be destroyed. He also had cement poured into him, his talisman was sealed, and he sank into the sea and died.

He is trapped at the bottom of the sea and suffers the process of death over and over again every day.

It was I who used the long knife left by Xingjun to cut open the talisman and free him.

His family came from his grandfather's generation, and his ancestors were from Haixi County.

He speaks with a more positive accent than I do.

We went to check specifically and there was no problem. "

"Huh? You can also find out these things?"

"Xingjun doesn't know that those magicians in that ghost place in Nanyang actually don't hide much.

Warlock is what we call it here, or it’s a translation.

Their local name is not actually a magician. The original meaning is a person who lives outside the city and controls the power of the gods.

This Ah Piao's surname is Chen. I heard that his grandfather went to the south and brought something with him.

Finally, it was passed to him, and the thing he was holding was noticed.

He thought it was an ancestral property and didn't want to sell it.

In the end, his wife and children separated, his wife fell into a vegetative state, and his son's leukemia disappeared.

But he himself was unwilling to give in, and was eventually poured with cement by the local gang, so he left his head outside and sank directly into the sea.

In the end, everyone can guess it, but they insist that this guy has a record of leaving the country. He is not considered missing, has no body, and has not filed a case. "

As Wen Yan listened, he caught the key words.

He took out his sealed cell phone and pulled up a list.

"What's the name of that warlock? Where is he?"

"To the east of the Nanyang Alliance, there is a place called Simple Island, and the magician is named Da En."

Wen Yan checked the list and found that the information Feng Yao gave was very detailed and marked on the map.

Sure enough, this person was on the list.

"Go and invite that water ghost here. I have something to ask him."

Not long after, a water ghost with cement blocks on his body and a bunch of stab wounds on his body followed him.

This water ghost was at the back just now and didn't even see what Wen Yan looked like.

Now at a close distance, I discovered that Wen Yan, a living person, could still look normal in the sea without any auxiliary equipment, with no signs of drowning. Moreover, he seemed to be more adaptable than water ghosts like them. Seeing this, The water ghost bowed his head.

"Chen Jiuming meets Xingjun!"

"Get up quickly. I have something to ask you. Do many of the people who offended that magician suffer from blood diseases?"

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