I am your natural enemy

Chapter 402 Self-doubt, ballistic path is also a path (10k)

The two big moves planned by the Lieyang Department are both related to Wen Yan.

One is to use the server field and Zhang Qihui's Bone Taoist soldiers to send players to the wilderness.

Now that the basic hard conditions are in place, the rest is a tedious process, from design to coding to logistics and a series of issues, which are actually very troublesome.

To ensure that it can continue to operate stably after it starts, and that any problems can be solved as soon as possible, the requirements are not low at all.

Significant progress can be made in one or two months, which is actually quite ridiculous.

And another thing is related to the moon, because Wen Yan was standing on a tree, and there was a guy cutting down the tree, and the essence of the bright moon fell into the bright moon bit by bit, and there was bound to be a change later. of.

The aerospace department's work focus has begun to make subtle adjustments in the past two months. Where is suitable for construction, resource issues, safety issues, etc., have all begun to quietly come to the forefront.

The big bosses in the aerospace department may not have the most detailed information on the Lieyang Department, but they also know what the Lieyang Department can achieve. As for how to do it, it is still top secret at this stage.

Among the many plans for the lunar base, the karst cave plan has the highest priority now, because in the reference opinions given by the Sun Division, this is the first choice.

To put it simply, you need to find a suitable place first and dig a hole directly. The construction of the entire base and most of the things are underground.

As for the Lieyang Department, they only took a first look at it, and everyone thought it was good.

Ever since Shenzhou went up there, they quickly came up with a moon base plan, and with the revival of spiritual energy, outsiders have always wondered whether Shenzhou had discovered something good up there.

There are a bunch of detectors launched outside, whether to log in or not is another matter, but as long as someone from China goes up, someone will definitely be watching.

They couldn't let people see the crazy construction of the Guihai building on the moon, so the cave plan was naturally the best.

As soon as we get started, based on China's past speed, construction is just a little faster. Is it normal?

They can even abandon some of the original stuff and just treat it as a backup research option.

Because of cost issues and the low gravity on the moon, we previously considered using materials on the lunar surface to build buildings with lower strength, which is actually sufficient.

After all, the biggest problem is cost.

It’s not that it can’t be researched, it’s just that the difference between all the plans is only to waste money and to burn more money. Only by looking for curved ways to save money can it be feasible.

Gold can actually be manufactured artificially, but the manufacturing cost is much higher than the value of gold itself by several orders of magnitude, so the gain outweighs the loss.

Many laboratory technologies are just to verify the feasibility and then keep them. They do not necessarily have to be put into application.

Maybe this technology is just a precursor technology for other technologies, maybe during the research, other things will be obtained.

In practical applications, cost must be considered.

When the biggest cost disappears, there is no telling what those scientific researchers will be able to research.

The two major operations of the Lieyang Department were still in preparation, and Wen Yan dug another deep hole.

A strange ship that exists both on the sea in this world and on the sea in the other world.

The boat is a ready-made door.

It is impossible for Lieyang Department to ignore it.

You also have to start some research and collect some samples and the like.

This ship has entered the territory of China, and now I am afraid that it will never get out.

Originally, the South China Sea Fleet only performed daily tasks on a routine basis, and was not specifically responsible for escorts or other matters.

Now that the head of the headquarters has contacted the superiors and directly explained the priorities, the sailing direction of the South China Sea Fleet has begun to change a little.

The head of the headquarters continued to hold video conferences with several big bosses from all over the world to discuss the following matters.

On the other side, in the actual capital of the Nanyang Alliance, the people who received the note from the Lieyang Department received news that the South China Sea Fleet seemed to have accelerated slightly and adjusted its direction before they could figure out what was going on.

Then, I received news that there were several ships outside the South China Sea. They seemed to have also received the news and had begun to make a detour to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Within the Nanyang Alliance, news began to be transmitted rapidly to various member countries.

Soon, a person who often appeared on TV made a call.

"Are you crazy? I told you in advance yesterday that the South China Sea Fleet from the north has come down.

Don't cause trouble! Don't cause trouble! Don't give them excuses!

Why don't you listen at all?

Do you think I don’t know what’s happening in the north recently?

The official note from the Lieyang Department was not polite at all.

Let us explain directly. How many people are staring at me? Before I called you, I had already received three calls.

They all tried to challenge me and asked me to explain to Dongda University.

How can I explain!

The South China Sea Fleet has come down, but they actually said they would increase necessary security?

How to increase it? Three aircraft carrier fleets? "

The "big man" in a neat suit was quite angry at the moment.

I usually just pull and jump a little, but the fleet has already come down. You are still jumping around, and you dare to attack me. Are you crazy?

On the other end of the phone, the young man frowned slightly and signaled to the man next to him.

The subordinate took out a tablet, operated it, and retrieved some information.

The young man looked at the information and there were a few unclear pictures.

There was the Dahlia, several sunken ships operated by water ghosts.

He looked at the official note from the Lieyang Department again. The wording was indeed not very polite, but the Lieyang Department had always been like this, either too lazy to pay attention to it, because trolling people was usually done by diplomatic people. If Lieyang Department When Yangbu is in charge, he is usually not too polite.

After figuring out what probably happened, the young man frowned and felt a little wronged.

They really didn't seem to be doing anything.

But considering that before, they rejected Taoist priests from three mountains and five mountains, they sent their juniors to come, and they also encountered attacks.

The young man flipped through the latest information.

Oh, not just one, but two juniors sent by China to attend the meeting were all attacked.

The other one, just after landing, encountered a stray bullet less than an hour after leaving the airport.

But the young man seemed to react very quickly and was not hit.

The other one encountered a ghost ship blocking the way, and the ghost ship was from Europa.

The two things are basically the time of the front and rear feet.

What does this make people think?

The young man raised his head, looked at the old man next to him, and gave him a questioning look.

The old man had a solemn look on his face, hesitated for a moment, and shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either.

Although it looked like he thought it might have been done by someone below.

The old man took out his mobile phone and made three calls before getting the confirmed result.

It really wasn't their people who did it.

The young man picked up the phone again and said.

"I have repeatedly confirmed that this was not our fault."

"Is the demon who has been active in Nanyang recently related to you?"

"There are many active monsters in Nanyang, but I don't know all of them."

"If they find an excuse to do something, we can't stop them. You should understand that it's impossible to have a head-on conflict with them here."

The young man hung up the phone, frowned, and looked at Lie Yangbu's words again.

He took the tablet and turned to one of the pages of information, which was densely packed with records of various monsters.

How does this make him judge?

There are quite a lot of active monsters in Southeast Asia, and the indigenous people on some islands even worship monsters.

The Lieyang Department has always been more rigorous in speaking. Only when they have 100% confirmation will they name names like this.

Otherwise, it would be just a yin and yang at best.

He looked through the information and couldn't determine which monster this incident was related to.

At a glance, at least half of the monsters in this information look suspicious, and they all seem to be capable of such mindless things.

He really plans to keep a low profile recently, he's not crazy yet.

He just wants to advance, make money, improve his control, and gain various benefits, but he doesn't want to fight head-on with China in Nanyang.

Even if they send people to China, they always hide in secret. If they want to do something, they always infiltrate and win over quietly.

The craziest thing is just advertising.

He turned over it and stared at the Dahlia in the photo for a long time.

I looked at the official information again and saw the two people sent by China.

One is from Laojun Mountain, and the other is from Fuyu Mountain.

I have basically never been to these two mountains before.

There is no detailed information about this person from Laojun Mountain. He only knows that his surname is Yan and his name is Yan Zhikong. However, according to the past habits of Laojun Mountain, those who can go down the mountain in the name of Laojun Mountain are not weak.

The other one is called Wen Yan. I heard that he was a half-way monk and joined Fuyu Mountain.

Recently, many cases in Nanwu County have involved this guy. I heard that he is a very pure martial artist and is considered outstanding among the younger generation.

And there are rumors that this Wen Yan is one of the people suspected of being Tuoba Martial God, and he is the one who is more suspected.

Young people automatically ignored that kind of gossip. If he were Tuoba Martial God, he would not be sent to Nanyang.

There have been various speculations before, as well as various speculations based on existing evidence.

Many people think that Tuoba Martial God may also be a relatively special professional. After all, that kind of outrageous power is completely beyond the power of other warriors by several orders of magnitude. It doesn't look like he relies on pure practice to practice martial arts. can be obtained.

Oh, and so is the old Celestial Master at Longhu Mountain. Many people here in Nanyang simply don’t believe that such a height can be achieved purely through practice.

Because there are also practitioners here, and it is precisely because I know how difficult it is that I don’t believe it.

The young man looked at the information and threw the tablet aside.

"Don't worry about it. After a while, catch two monsters and hand them over to the authorities and let them take care of them.

Our people have been keeping a low profile recently, so as not to be caught and let them find excuses.

Also, how are the contacts in the north going? "

"The contact is in order, but the progress may not be very fast.

Boss, you also know that the benefits of Lieyang Department are not bad and the status is also high.

In addition, people over there are very worried about being traitors.

Especially in today's situation, this concern is even greater. "

"Where's the wandering merchant?"

“We are also contacting people over there, but the progress is not very great.

At present, it can only be determined that he may not be detained for a particularly long time.

According to the information I received, it may be released in three to six months. "

"Half a year is too long. Find a way to fish him out and continue to increase the pressure. We must solve it within a month."

"Okay, boss, as you wish."

On the sea, the Dahlia floated quietly on the sea, motionless.

Hundreds of water ghosts boarded the Dahlia, and they were all cleaning the Dahlia's interior and exterior.

Before that, the first thing to do was to clean out some debris and bones inside.

On this side of the world, the Dahlia is an old, rusty shipwreck.

But on the other side, the rust here is gone, it has been purified and burned by Wen Yan.

Not long after this, looking again, the damaged fence and the gnawed areas have been restored to less than half.

Lying on the fence, I looked outside and saw that the corpses of the giant beasts were still hanging on chains.

As if sensing Wen Yan's arrival, one of the winches slowly squirmed, the chain tightened, and a giant beast's tentacle was pulled up, and landed on the deck in front of Wen Yan with a bang.

Wen Yan sighed, took out the tool, cut off another section, dragged it from the entrance to the warehouse to the bottom floor, and fed it to the dozen boilers here.

"Save some food, the supplies haven't arrived yet."

It’s not that he’s afraid that there will be too many Dahlias to eat.

How much can you eat?

The Dahlia's current appetite would be equivalent to that of a blue whale until it dies.

It saves a lot of money compared to oil-burning boats.

The Lieyang Department didn't ask about eating at all, and simply ignored this drizzle.

After feeding the Dahlia again, Wen Yan returned to the deck and looked around.

It was still a black sea, with no trace of land, and no living creatures around it.

Looking at the huge tentacle in the form of a soul that fell on the deck, Wen Yan could only put it into a jade pendant.

Look back and see how to deal with it, or go back and continue feeding your silly son.

He really couldn't eat it.

After turning around, there was no problem, and he returned to the living world.

When I came back, I received a call from Feng Yao, saying that the first batch of support was coming soon and asked him to receive it.

After saying this, Feng Yao's tone was a little weird.

"Also, there is one more thing that I need to let you know."


"The people who came down from Laojun Mountain were almost shot after getting off the plane.

Although he himself said that he was accidentally involved in a gun battle between gangs and was affected by stray bullets. "

"Uh, didn't you say he wouldn't be shot?"

Feng Yao's face darkened, he knew Wen Yan would say this.

"I mean, ordinary black guns can't hurt him!"

"Does he need help?"

"He said there was no need and he had already started his mission."


After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan looked at the location of the people at the foot of Laojun Mountain and felt bad, he was delayed for a while and everyone had already started their mission.

Don't think he won't even be able to grab a head by then.

But now he can't leave. The priority of the Dahlia is obviously higher. Also, he is not sure what the Dahlia is going to eat and whether it will eat water ghosts.

At least you have to delay a little time to make sure there is no problem before talking about other things.

Just as he was thinking about it, a plane in the sky began to lower its altitude, and soon after, small black dots appeared in the night sky.

Wen Yan looked through the telescope and saw several large zombies carrying huge backpacks falling rapidly from the sky.

Seeing that they had already passed the minimum height for opening an umbrella, they had not yet seen them open the umbrella. When they were still at most thirty meters above the deck, they saw one of them holding his hands tightly together and taking a deep breath. , opened his mouth and spat out, and there was a gloomy wind.

The howling wind blew around the bodies of several big zombies, causing their fast-falling bodies to suddenly slow down.

That too violent deceleration brought at least a dozen grams of excess weight at that moment, and the shoulder straps of the backpacks carried by three of them were forcibly broken.

The backpack with broken straps was also blown by the cold wind, and slowly fell together, landing on the deck of the Dahlia.

The leader was a slightly blue-faced Fu Shi. Wen Yan had seen him before. He was the male Fu Shi who followed Aunt Gan.

This person is following Aunt Gan, and I heard that he is a retainer, but it has been a long time, and there is no distinction between servants anymore. They are all one family.

This one seems to be following the path of the leftist corpse and the immortal.

At that time, if you could play like this and succeed, then you would not be an ordinary retainer.

In addition to him, there were eight Bai Zhan Hei Mao Zong who were full of evil spirits and restrained, and could no longer see any obvious black hair.

They were the ones Wen Yan had seen before, and they were completely different from the ordinary black-haired zombies.

The wild zombies outside, even if they are of the same level, will probably be easily torn into pieces if they encounter these zombies.

At least except for Fuyu Mountain, Wen Yan has never heard of or seen the black-haired zombie who can withstand thunder spells as mentioned directly in the prompts.

Wen Yan quickly stepped forward and met Li first.

"Uncle Ming, why are you here in person?"

"Second Miss is not at ease, and so is your great uncle. It just so happens that the Lieyang Department also agreed and asked me to bring a few people.

The second young lady said that if you are poor and rich, you have to be a bit crazy when you go out, otherwise others will think you are easy to bully.

If we don't do something, others may really think that there are only living people left in Buyeo Mountain. "

After Uncle Ming recited these words, he smiled warmly.

“We are here to listen to you, mainly to protect your safety.

After all, you are visiting on behalf of Fuyu Mountain, and safety issues must be ensured.

Whatever needs to be done, just tell me directly.

My brothers are not very good at dealing with living people. "

Wen Yan cupped his hands and led the big zombies to go in to rest first. Then he took out a few sticks of incense from the bag he had prepared and lit them with yang energy.

Just like when a guest comes and you have to pour tea for the guest, Wen Yan, a big zombie, first divided three sticks of yang energy to light them, and then blessed the fragrance of the yang energy.

A few big jerks couldn't help but smile while sniffing the incense. They wanted to look friendly, but with their mouths open, they looked even more ferocious and terrifying.

Looking at the ferocious face, Wen Yan felt much more friendly, as if he were meeting a fellow villager in a strange place.

"I'm sorry to thank you all this time. This ship is really important. The main thing is to defend this ship first.

If the Lieyang Department directly sends someone here, I'm afraid it won't be appropriate and others will notice something.

None of us in Buyeosan can say anything. "

"No matter what I'm told, I can do anything but quarrel with others."

"That's right, fighting is best, but other things are also fine, except reasoning."

These big zombies are very polite. They like to hang out with Wen Yan. At least Wen Yan is really particular about it.

After chatting for a while, seeing that it was almost dawn, Wen Yan gave several big zombies, each of them a blessing of yang energy.

After walking out of the cabin, he asked Ah Piao, the long sword, to hang the flag of fighting injustice directly on the Dahlia and continue moving forward.

He continued to do his business. The magician closest to him lived for another day. This guy made a lot of money.

Wen Yan is currently near the northeastern member states of the Nanyang Alliance.

The contemporary descendant of Laojun Mountain, Yan Zhikong, is in the western member states of the Nanyang Alliance.

Because there were still a few days left for the meeting, he said that he would travel thousands of miles. It was also a kind of practice to finally go out and learn more about the customs and customs of other places.

Who can say anything for this reason?

Less than an hour after getting off the plane, I was almost hit by a stray bullet.

The cheap Shenzhou car worth tens of thousands of yuan was walking on the dirt road in the countryside, swaying. Yan Zhikong closed his eyes slightly and swayed slightly, as if he was drifting with the current.

After a while, the driver stopped the car.

"Taoist Master, we've arrived."

Yan Zhikong opened his eyes, stretched out his hand, and a dark and primitive compass appeared in his palm.

He took out a triangular yellow talisman from his bag and clasped it under the compass. The pointer on the compass immediately started to move.

After turning three times, it pointed in one direction.

Yan Zhikong looked up in the direction he was pointing and saw the buildings in the forest. He nodded and found the right place.

He took out another yellow paper charm stacked in a triangle and handed it to the driver.

"Master Lao is driving to lead the way. Please accept this thing."

"Thank you so much, Taoist priest." The driver looked solemn and quickly took it with both hands.

"This is just an amulet, and the effect is not very strong. If you encounter evil, the courage and fire in your heart will not diminish, and the effect will actually be better. A clear mind and a firm will are the way to go. These external objects are just It’s just a help, don’t be superstitious.”

"Thank you Taoist Priest for your advice." The driver said this, but he felt strange in his heart. A Taoist Priest gave him a yellow talisman, but he told him not to be superstitious.

He didn't think much and solemnly put the amulet into his arms.

Yan Zhikong didn't explain much. He was indeed telling the truth. He didn't think the amulet was very powerful.

On the contrary, he felt that even if this amulet could only give people a little psychological comfort and make people courageous and strong-willed, the effect would be better than the amulet itself.

"Master, please wait a moment. I'll be back soon."

"Taoist Master, please."

Yan Zhikong got out of the car, holding the compass in one hand, and strode towards the wooden building in front of him.

It is not difficult to find this place. Find a local and ask him a little, and you can lead him here.

The so-called master here, this magician, also wants to open his business.

He is very rigorous in doing things. Even if the other party is a magician, he does not want to kill the other party directly without knowing what the other party has done.

So before coming, he found some samples in the Lieyang Department and sealed the power inside them in talismans.

After arriving, at close range, he could confirm whether those things had anything to do with this magician.

Of course, what he was using now was not the samples, but the bullets that almost shot him before, as well as the gunman's hair and fingertip blood.

He was indeed sure at that time that the gunman did not intentionally shoot him, but the bullet ricocheted and almost hit him.

But he also felt a little evil power in the gunman.

Just give it a try.

Unexpectedly, when I tried it, it really had something to do with this magician.

He tried other samples, and one of them had a slight reaction, which proved that he was not personally involved with this guy, but was also closely connected.

Yan Zhikong thought for a while and decided to be polite first and then ask questions first.

He put away the compass and adjusted his Taoist robes. He wore a simple Taoist bun on his head. He had a chubby face and a pair of glasses. He looked very kind and peaceful, like a Taoist man. feel.

When he was close to those wooden buildings, still twenty or thirty meters away, he saw a flash of lightning beside him, and a bullet deflected and hit the ground next to him.

Yan Zhikong frowned slightly and sang.

He made a sword with one hand, pinched the fingers of the sword, and the lightning flashed beside him, and he saw the bullet head that had fallen into the ground slowly float out.

Among the flashes of electric light, there was a vague form of a thunder talisman, and the next moment, the bullet disappeared with a whoosh.

In the air, there was only a trace of electric light, which flashed away.

The next moment, on a tree in the distance, a man was shot in the heart and fell from the tree.

"Supreme Taiyi saves Ku Tianzun."

Yan Zhikong recited his honorary title, his eyes becoming calm and cold.

His master once went down the mountain and participated in the war.

He has been taught to be compassionate since he was a child, but this compassion does not mean that he will be a purely bad person.

He still remembered that his master said that when facing the enemy, using the fastest speed to let the enemy die without feeling pain is compassion.

It's a bit cruel to injure and disable the enemy, and then wait for the people behind to save him, leaving him alive and spending the rest of his life in pain and disability.

Therefore, since he can be classified as an unjust enemy, Laojunshan's way of mercy is to send the opponent to heaven as quickly as possible.

And the greater mercy is to end the war as quickly as possible, using a crushing attitude, pushing all the way, breaking the opponent's spine, and letting the opponent completely understand that this is mercy.

Only in this way can we avoid more casualties and lay the foundation for peace.

A war that keeps pulling and stretching for too long is actually the meat grinder of life.

Yan Zhikong was convinced of this. He would either not take action, or if he did, he would do it neatly, so that the other party could ascend to heaven without any pain.

Therefore, he was originally planning to reason first, but the other party was unwilling to listen and launched a sneak attack on him without warning, so he had no choice but to give up reasoning for the time being.

He pinched his sword finger, and yellow talismans floated in front of him.

The electric light began to flash, and a sharp hissing sound sounded. Between the dazzling electric light flashing, a bolt of electric light flew out with a whoosh, and the light penetrated directly into the wooden house at a speed that exceeded the limit of the naked eye.

The next moment, Yan Zhikong got into a posture, stepped out with his feet on the ground, and left footprints on the ground to build a simple altar. He stamped his feet and shouted in his mouth.


The next moment, a thunder exploded in the sky, lighting up the dawn sky. Five thunderbolts fell in succession and struck into the wooden house.

The flames rose up and echoed with the thunder.

The evil energy rolled over and overflowed, and a head-shaped phantom flew out with a howl. The next moment, it was like a lightning rod, hit by a thunderbolt, and completely dissipated on the spot.

In the wooden house, evil spirits with black gas came out one by one, screaming, but as soon as they emerged, they disappeared one by one.

The wooden house was ignited by the raging fire, but Yan Zhikong still stood there, watching quietly.

After waiting for a while, he frowned slightly and looked in one direction. Then he took out the compass and watched the pointer on the compass rotate to confirm his induction.

He pinched his sword finger, and three talismans flew out, ignited in the electric light, and turned into electric light that seemed to be bound by some force.

As Yan Zhikong stretched out his hand, the electric light continued to condense and turned into an electric light track that was more than three meters long.

He took out a spherical yellow talisman, flicked it, and the spherical yellow talisman flew out and fell towards the electric light track.

Yan Zhikong looked in that direction and shouted in a deep voice.

"Laojun Mountain, Yan Zhikong, it is unjust to attack."

The next moment, the power of the electric light surged several times in an instant.

For a moment, there was only a fleeting trace of lightning in the air.

A few hundred meters away, a man with tattoos on his face and a naked upper body crawled out of the tunnel.

He was horrified. He never expected that the person coming was so powerful, and all the evil things prepared in his lair were taken away by the other party in one wave.

He was now glad that he had left a tunnel and could still escape.

But he was hunched over, and before he took a few steps, he heard a few words in his ears, and when he turned around, his expression froze.

A little electric light flickered between his eyebrows.

Instant death.

Immediately afterwards, the power of thunder and fire exploded, instantly covering his body and cremating him on the spot.

Yan Zhikong looked at the compass in his hand. After the pointer rotated more than ten times in a row, it stopped moving.

He put away the compass and turned back.

In the distance, the driver of the car turned pale. There was thunder and fire. It was like the master's house was struck by lightning in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Yan Zhikong approaching, the driver quickly lit the ignition.

Yan Zhikong sat in the car, as friendly as ever.

"You've been waiting for a long time, you can go now."

After driving away, the driver couldn't help but glance at the rearview mirror and hesitated to speak.

Yan Zhikong is very kind.

"Master, if you want to say anything, you can just say it."

"Is that Taoism?"

“It’s actually not traditional Taoism.

Just because the air here is humid, the clouds are supposed to cause thunderstorms today.

It was just a special method that caused the thunder.

As for the latter one, it is actually very simple and only requires simple electromagnetic knowledge.

It's just an electromagnetic orbit simulated.

My qualifications are average and I haven't learned much about traditional Taoism yet. "

"..." The driver looked confused and hesitated. He really didn't know what to say.

Yan Zhikong looked at the driver who looked like he didn't understand but was shocked, so he kindly explained.

"Tao is the Tao, mathematics is the Tao, physics is the Tao, compassion is also the Tao, the Tao is natural, and there are not so many restrictions."


"Master, your thinking may be a little shackles. Who said ballistics is not Tao?"

The driver was greatly shocked, as if he had a little understanding of the road for the first time.

He sent Yan Zhikong all the way to the border of the country at his feet, still a little reluctant to part with it.

Yan Zhikong was very talkative and even told him not to be too harsh on his children. As long as they don't go astray, the so-called "promising" is actually just that he hasn't found the right path that suits him.

"Taoist Master, walk slowly. When you get there, someone else will take over. I can't just cross the border."

"Master Youlao, thank you for your hard work. This is a video I watched when I was studying on my own. I have listed all the names. You can give them to your children after you go back. I think it will be beneficial."

Yan Zhikong handed a piece of paper to the driver. On it was marked the teacher of the course, what other courses were covered, and what content was covered in detail.

"Thank you, Taoist Master."

After watching Yan Zhikong leave, the driver drove home. He now felt that this piece of paper was much more precious than the amulet.

When he got home, he took a photo for backup, and then handed the piece of paper to his children.

"You can follow this and watch the video to learn. This was given to me by a very powerful person.

If you can learn it, it will definitely be of great help.

If you study well, I can find someone to help you later and let you study in a good school in China.

If you really can’t get into it, I’ll help you find out what you’re interested in later.

It would be a good idea to go to China to learn skills. "

The driver's children were a little surprised. Their father seemed to be much more talkative today and no longer forced them to study.

The driver didn't even explain, and he felt much calmer.

When he really saw that kind of amazing genius, he knew that there were some things that it was useless to rely on him to force him to do.

Wen Yan looked at his phone and sighed in his heart.

Yan Zhikong's attack speed was so fast.

He defeated a magician so neatly, and he had absolutely enough reasons.

Then why are the magicians so crazy? How dare they take the initiative to attack, and how dare they use black guns to kill them directly? Doesn’t this give people an excuse?

Wen Yan stood on the deck, looking into the distance, and had begun to see traces of land.

Some ships also began to appear nearby, hanging from a distance but not daring to get close.

Wen Yan waved to the water ghosts, and the several sunken ships that followed gradually sank into the sea and disappeared.

Only the Dahlia remained on the water.

Wen Yan did not let the Dahlia dock. He asked eight zombies to guard the Dahlia. He took the corpse with him and took a small boat towards the land.

Uncle Ming opened his mouth and vomited, and a dark wind emerged, swirling around the boat, pushing the boat towards the shore.

He looked at the map. The location marked on it showed that the warlock he was looking for was on this island.

When we got ashore, the people around us had been dispersed, and a few people with some strange powers came over.

One of them said with a sullen face in broken Nanwu dialect.

"No aliens can be brought here."

Wen Yan didn't wait for the person next to him to translate, and his face darkened.

"You mean, I, the people from Fuyu Mountain, are not allowed to bring Da Zang, right?"

Someone stood up immediately and pulled the speaker back.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, that's not what I meant. Of course you can take it.

What we are saying is that your Excellency was attacked and it was an accident.

It has nothing to do with us. We have arranged the flight and you can leave at any time. "

"I'm afraid of heights and don't fly. I came here to rest and visit someone before setting off. Excuse me, is Master Chen on this island here? I want to pay a visit. There are some things I want to ask in person."

"This..." The person who came to receive him looked embarrassed.

"If it's inconvenient, forget it and let someone else do it next time."

"This... your Excellency, please wait a moment. I have to go and make a report." The receptionist couldn't help sweating and quickly passed on the news.

Wen Yan was not in a hurry and just waited here.

When he goes out, he represents Fuyu Mountain and China. He can be kind to others and never make others think he is weak.

These guys outside may not understand that kindness does not mean weakness. They only think that you are easy to talk to and willing to take a step back, so they want you to take ten steps back.

I came here this time, to put it mildly, to call him unjust, but to put it bluntly, I came to fight.

If you have an excuse to kill those sorcerers openly, then let's see if the people behind these sorcerers can really endure it.

According to previous speculations, here in Nanyang, the magicians, Wuyuan Pawn Shop, and gold foil chocolates are already a complete assembly line for cutting leeks.

The magician is a front-line worker who operates on the surface.

He wanted to see what the directors behind the scenes who were seeking the best interests would do and whether they would show up.

The receptionist passed the news back.

In that room, the young-looking boss frowned as he listened to the report of the old man next to him.

"What do they want to do?"

"It should be to establish prestige and increase revenge. It may be that the exposed chess piece of Nanwu County was discovered by them.

Of course, it is more likely that the Taoist priests who had refused visas before were of high status and felt humiliated. This was because the younger generation was helping them vent their anger.

Boss, don't we care?

Master Chen there has done quite well this year. "

Just as he was talking, the old man glanced at the mobile phone in his hand, and his expression changed slightly.

"Boss, that Wen Yan has entered the island. He said he was corrupted by evil spirits."

Wen Yan took one step forward, covering a distance of more than ten meters. When he crossed the flat area near the port and entered the mountain range, the ground beneath his feet turned into waves, supporting him forward, one step at a time. That's a distance of thirty or forty meters.

He came all the way to the mountains and looked at a mangrove forest in front of him, which was red as if it was dripping with blood.

He stretched out his hand and touched a tree. A touch of red appeared in his palm. In an instant, the red color gradually disappeared.

He felt some power seeping into his body and into his blood.

But as soon as it penetrated, those things were forcibly crushed to death by the power in his body.

After sensing it carefully, Wen Yan opened his eyes and thought, this is it, it can't be wrong. He still underestimated the blatantness of these magicians.

The cultivated things are just displayed outside openly.

Fortunately, he came quickly. If it had been later, when Yan Zhikong arrived, he might not have been able to grab the head.

Uncle Ming walked to a red tree and kicked it out. The force fell into the tree, as if it was transmitted to the bottom of the tree, and the tree fell down directly by its roots.

In the root system under the tree, there were densely packed skeletons and two corpses that had not completely decomposed, all pierced and wrapped by the roots.

Uncle Ming was also a little shocked when he saw this scene.

"No wonder there are so many evil spirits in Nanyang. Anyone who dares to do this in China has already been reincarnated countless times."

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