I am your natural enemy

Chapter 407 The elixir of life, flipping the table (12k)

The head of the headquarters didn't give Wen Yan much advice. He was not present, and the information he got was second-hand and delayed. The real feeling is definitely not as good as Wen Yan, a front-line member, he just said.

“When Master Tianshi’s magic sword is delivered, your mobile phone will receive a notification, please pay attention to receive it.

It is enough to be able to reach this point.

When encountering any situation, retreat as soon as possible without forcing it.

There are eight locations in Nanyang, and someone can pick you up at any one of them.

You can check your phone to see if it is loaded first, in case there is no signal. "

The phone was hung up here, and the headmaster looked at the latest news.

To the east and south of the Nanyang Alliance, fleets from other places are already approaching.

On the other hemisphere, it happened to be daytime, and the Dahlia was already being claimed there.

The Church of Europa, as well as other forces, also want to take advantage of the opportunity to enter the Nanyang Alliance.

However, China has not said anything yet. There is a respected old man from the Nanyang Alliance who took the initiative to stand up and righteously rejected the so-called assistance from Europa.

The latest news received ten seconds ago was that one of the small members of the Nanyang Alliance, who had been promoted to be on vacation on a certain island, and who was ranked among the top ten leaders of this small member country, died suddenly.

The hospital said it was a sudden death. The details were not officially announced, but everyone in the know knew what was going on.

"It's really wronging Wen Yan to let Wen Yan go to such a cesspit." Wudang Headmaster spoke rudely, but at this moment, everyone was having a small meeting, and no one said that Wudang Headmaster's words were too vulgar.

Everyone just felt that the description of a cesspit was indeed very appropriate.

No matter what the outcome of this incident is, it will have a serious and long-lasting impact on people's bodies and minds.

Fortunately, Wen Yan is a martial arts practitioner. If he were a young man practicing Taoism, he would probably have to give his Taoist heart a complete shape first.

If this anger cannot be released at once, everything related to it will be unlucky for sixty years.

If Master Tao becomes stubborn, no one can persuade him.

The small meeting lasted for a while, then everyone retreated and started doing other things.

The representatives from Fuyu Mountain were the first to retreat. Uncle Taishi felt that in this situation and what Wen Yan had said before, they had to do something regardless of whether others could do anything.

The Grand Master's uncle asked the Fourth Master's uncle to call the little zombie.

The call was dialed and Quemao answered.

"Oh, uncle of the Fourth Master, what are your orders? Are you looking for Xiao Shao Bao? She is watching TV. Please wait, I will call her."

"There's no need to scream. Just open a window."


In the largest square in Buyeo Mountain, flags, altars, flags, memorial tablets, etc. have all been set up.

Both the Taishi and his uncle had changed from the simple Taoist robes they usually wore and put on a rather gorgeous red Taoist robe.

Grandmaster's uncle stood in front of the Dharma altar with a solemn expression. He was thousands of kilometers away and crossed a national border. Of course, he couldn't do this from such a distance.

But as a precaution, he had to watch out if anyone in China had any ideas.

The direction of major policies has begun to change, and things that have been suppressed will begin to be implemented in an orderly manner.

Rich experiences and lessons from the past have always told them that this kind of change, especially a big change, is destined to be impossible to satisfy everyone.

Under normal circumstances, people who are dissatisfied cannot just say a few words.

On the other side, Gan Tang walked out of the zombie cave and came to Decheng through the window opened by the little zombie.

When necessary, Fuyu Mountain will kill the chicken with a machete, and the lion will fight the rabbit with all its strength. They will not interfere casually in the process. In this matter, Wen Yan is practicing his martial arts.

However, the premise of all this is that Wen Yan is fine. If there is an unexpected situation, they will intervene immediately.

When Gantang appeared in the Wei's Medical Center in Decheng, which was not very far from Wen Yan's home, Wei Jing, who was lying on a recliner with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head slightly, and looked in the direction of Wen Yan's home. One glance.

Wei Jing had a hint of astonishment in his eyes, wondering in his heart.

Wen Yan's house is really a strange place. There are all kinds of strange things, and now there are even flying zombies.

However, Feizheng?

Is it flying now?

Ever stayed? From Buyeosan?

While he was thinking about it, Wei Jing smiled bitterly, Come on, no need to guess, we will see him soon.

Just one glance, so far away, but he was still sensed by the other party.

He sat up and put a box of cold fried chicken on the table into the microwave to heat it up.

Before it was warmed up, a figure fell silently from the sky and landed at the door of Wei's Medical Center.

Gan Tang raised her head and looked at the plaque of Wei's Medical Center. It was very ordinary, so ordinary that it looked like a standard printed font, but the word "Wei's" reminded her of something.

At this moment, Wei Jing appeared behind the glass door and opened it.

"Stop looking, come in first."

Gan Tang looked at Wei Jing with a look of shock and uncertainty.

"Wei...Doctor Wei?"

"Come in and talk. If you were elsewhere, you would have been photographed and triggered the automatic system of the Solar Department.

Fortunately, this place is different from other places, and not many people are eligible to receive this reminder. "

Gantang entered Wei's Medical Clinic with a shocked look on his face.

Just at this time, the microwave oven made a sound, indicating that it was ready.

Wei Jing took out the box of fried chicken and placed it on the table.

"Sit down and chat, this is the only thing you can taste here.

The fried chicken marinated and fried by Wuji himself has some special taste.

You should be able to taste the flavor inside, it’s very special, give it a try. "

Wei Jing felt relaxed as if he had met an acquaintance. Fortunately, he knew the person who came, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Gantang's head was buzzing. After she sat down, she was full of doubts. After just a few words, she was sure that they didn't look alike. They were really the same person.

"Doctor Wei, how do you..."

"Let's eat first and talk slowly."

Gantang picked up a piece of fried chicken and looked at it. It was ordinary. It was no different from the fried chicken she had seen. Maybe it was because it was cooled and then heated in a microwave, so it didn't look that good.

She took a sip, but it tasted bad.

In the past, she would have loved it, but today, she couldn't care less about it.

"Doctor Wei, are you a zombie too?"

"No, I'm just a doctor."

"Then..." Gantang hesitated for a moment, but still didn't ask the next words.

She just found it a bit incredible because she had met Wei Jing more than a thousand years ago when she was still alive.

The first time I met Wei Jing, Wei Jing appeared with Master Sun.

At that time, it was Mr. Sun who introduced him, saying that this was Dr. Wei.

Gantang was still young at that time and just stood behind and watched, but she took note of this young doctor.

According to the rules at that time, they were teachers, workers, and students. The earliest titles of doctors began to sprout at that time, but they were not used much at that time and not many people knew about them.

Those who can be called doctors are all top Xinglin masters. They must have unique skills that are enough to establish a sect, and they must be outstanding in one aspect to the ceiling level.

The highly respected Master Sun at that time, who is now the ancestor enshrined in Yaowang Mountain, introduced it personally, so naturally no one suspected anything.

Gantang remembered that she had met Wei Jing three times in total, and she was deeply impressed each time.

Unexpectedly, more than a thousand years later, she saw Wei Jing again, and Wei Jing seemed to be still alive.

She didn't dare to ask for more information, because she thought of the legend of the elixir of life, a legend that had been circulating since a long time ago.

If this was involved, it would be inappropriate for her to ask.

After all, Dr. Wei had been kind to their family. Not only could she no longer ask, but now she was thinking about how to help Dr. Wei hide his identity.

Like zombies, those who rely on sleep and evolution to escape the years and regain consciousness and memory may not be the only ones.

Wei Jing looked at Gan Tang who seemed a little nervous and smiled.

"Don't think so much, I'm fine here now, I like it here very much, no one cares who I am, I'm just an ordinary neighbor, an ordinary person who runs a medical clinic.

Damn, why are you here?

Because of Wen Yan? "

Gantang nodded.

"Well, there are some things that I can't ignore. Wen Yan is the blazing sun of our time. And, most importantly, he is a good boy, better than the Thirteenth Patriarch of Fuyu."

Gantang told what happened in the Nanyang Alliance. Wen Yan was there now, bringing hundreds of thousands of dead souls with him. The place was so attractive that something else might want to intervene.

Wei Jing suddenly realized that he was now completely sure of the core reason why no one paid attention to him here.

Because he was too close to Wen Yan, people who were qualified to investigate would not do it. People who might be able to investigate did not have such authority at all, and they would not be meddlesome.

Wen Yan asked him to treat patients. It seemed like he was about to show his face. In fact, it was safer this way.

According to the character of Chinese people, all professionals will not like someone checking the people around them.

As long as there is no danger, the higher Wen Yan's status, the fewer people who have contact with Wen Yan and are qualified to see their information.

And he happened to be in a position that was not particularly close, but not far away, and no one would check him out.

This is not to offend him, but to offend Wen Yan for no reason.

Wei Jing figured this out as soon as his thoughts changed. He looked at Gantang and said.

"Then go ahead, people from Nanyang still have complicated feelings towards China.

I have heard of people who have escaped from China or been expelled.

Either they went to Nanyang, or they crossed east to the neighboring island country.

In the past, these were areas where the consequences were relatively small.

After all, we are going to sea.

Earlier, there were people going west from China.

But after being attacked twice by those Han envoys, there were fewer people going west from the land, and there were no more people who dared to accept them. "

Speaking of this, Wei Jing paused slightly and said.

"Does anyone know the role Wen Yan plays there?"

"You know a little bit at the beginning, but you will definitely not know anything later. That is already beyond human effort."

"So, are people in Nanyang afraid of Wen Yan becoming a Han envoy? Or are there people in China who want him to become a Han envoy?"

Gantang thought about this sentence carefully.

At first glance, it sounds like someone wants Wen Yan to die?

But after thinking about it again, it doesn't feel that way. It is indeed more appropriate to use Han Dynasty to refer to it.

"I don't know, so if necessary, I will go there. The direction chosen by China is about to change. It may not be a bad thing for me to come forward."

"Then go ahead. There will be a long time to come."

"Okay, Doctor Wei, take your leave."

Gantang didn't waste any time. She might have to go there at any time.

After Gantang left, Wei Jing poured himself a cup of sour plum soup and looked south. He really didn't expect such a big thing to happen in Nanyang.

Here in China, hundreds of thousands of dead souls are patrolling, and they can still carry the banner of fighting injustice. It seems that it has only been two or three times in thousands of years.

However, Nanyang...

After thinking about it, Wei Jing came to a room, opened an ancient painting, hung it on the wall, and lit an incense stick.

“There is something that I think I still need to ask your attention to.

I know your rules, don't worry, I'm not asking you to intervene directly.

If there is something that wants Wen Yan to become a Han envoy, please help.

After all, what he does deserves support.

Moreover, I can count on his blessing to live here peacefully. "

Wei Jing only lit the incense but did not throw the wild rice.

He felt that if he asked, it might not be good, so he should maintain a tacit understanding.

In the Nanyang Alliance, Wen Yan's progress was very fast. He didn't care about the ending, the follow-up, the killing or the burial.

Later, some strange scenes even appeared in the Nanyang Alliance.

Many professionals who were supposed to stop these dead souls were watching with cold eyes. Some even detained those who wanted to escape or dragged them away.

People with an open heart will naturally know that even if they are washed away by the long river, at most they will be washed away by the cold air. Yes, they are not even washed away by the huge Yin energy of the evil land.

But the people who had something to do with these things were scared to death. They all knew that many people had been taken away from the first two places.

Especially the army of dead souls, who appear and disappear, sometimes here, and sometimes more than a thousand kilometers away, who can stand it?

Before the army of dead souls arrived, riots had already begun in some places.

Clashes have already begun between some armed forces.

The third location was swept across.

The fourth location, the southeastern side of the Nanyang Alliance, when this place was swept, the sun was about to rise and dawn had broken in the east.

Wen Yan went non-stop, leading hundreds of thousands of dead souls to the last location.

He had specially planned this, calculated the time, and put the fifth location at the end.

Because the fifth location is in the westernmost part of the Nanyang Union, on the peninsula.

And here, there is a difference of four or five time zones from the fourth location.

This means that when the sun begins to rise at the fourth location, the fifth location is still at least four hours away from sunrise.

The more this long river of dead souls gathers and the faster it runs, the more time it will take.

He even had enough time to clean more places.

No matter what the boss wants to do, he can't stop now. He must complete what he wants to do now.

Arriving at the west side of the Nanyang Alliance, they washed through the mountains and forests, causing heavy rains. In the mountains, souls of the dead emerged from the ground one by one and joined the army.

Wen Yan no longer wanted to care about what some people here did, he just wanted to send them to death.

His philosophy is different from Yan Zhikong's. He really doesn't care how these people die, and he doesn't have that kind of compassion.

He just felt that these people should die quickly and completely, the process was not important.

Within a day, after encountering such a huge psychological impact, he felt that Xunzi was right, and he had the emotion of "I'm tired, destroy it" more than once in his heart.

When we came out of the fifth location and swept for an hour, the celestial phenomena suddenly changed in the sky.

In the black cloud, the flashing thunder seemed to be attracted, turning into thick thunder light, falling from the sky, and falling into this long river of dead souls formed by the gathering of Yin Qi and resentment.

When the power of Zhi Yang Zhi Gang fell into it, a large number of dead souls were instantly shattered, and the entire river was forcibly penetrated.

But in a blink of an eye, those dead souls who were as if they were made of paper when faced with such a thunderstorm, condensed again in this long river of yin energy and resentment.

Their power has been gathered together and integrated into this long river. As time goes by, they themselves have integrated deeper and deeper. The advantage is that it is difficult to completely kill a certain soul inside with ordinary power. .

Wen Yan raised his head, feeling the power of the thunder, and had a clear understanding in his heart.

Over a million.

A parade of ghosts.

Finally caused a qualitative change.

The performance at this moment is a kind of qualitative change.

Thunder continued to fall from the sky and blasted into the long river. After the thunder almost cleansed the entire long river, it dissipated.

The thick black clouds in the sky seemed to have become thinner.

There is also a different smell in the entire long river. The extremely rich yin energy begins to have a trace of yang energy, and the marks on each dead soul seem to be glowing.

Those marks are the source of Yang Qi, but this time the Yang Qi does not come from Wen Yan.

After completing the thunder transformation and finally passing the million mark, the dead souls all turned their heads and looked towards the southeast.

At the same time, Wen Yan in this long river seemed to have gained the vision of these dead souls at the same time.

He saw that the world was gray, but some people were stained with bright red blood.

Some were stained on their hands, some were stained on their mouths, and some were covered in blood as if they were poured from head to toe.

That bright red blood color is as conspicuous as a beacon in the dark night in a completely gray world.

Now Wen Yan knew why the dead soul would not recognize the wrong person.

Even though they were far apart, they could clearly see and feel it.

At this moment, in the southeast direction, a blood-colored light pillar stood between the sky and the earth. Looking from a distance, it looked like a blood-colored waterfall that continued one after another day after day. Just the halo of light could illuminate the sky over there, turning it there. Stained with blood.

All the dead souls turned their heads in unison, the river surged, turned in a circle, and then rushed towards that direction at an extremely fast speed.

That must be where the culprit is. When the number of dead souls exceeds one million, and they are refined by thunder and complete the qualitative change, the biggest mark of hatred can no longer be hidden.

Wen Yan looked at the blood on the horizon, being held by the long river, quickly approaching there in mid-air.

Now he understands why the boss is not in a hurry at all. He knows that when these dead souls gather to a certain extent, they will definitely look for him.

And even Wen Yan couldn't stop the dead soul in this situation.

In the middle of Nanyang, at the underground intersection, the boss had completed the construction of the altar, but all five surrounding pillars collapsed.

He was still doing his own thing calmly.

When he was done, he reached out and flipped it over, and a simple copper-nosed scroll appeared in his hand.

The moment he opened the scroll, he saw black smoke rising from the ground not far in front of him. Amidst the rolling black smoke, a humanoid sheep-headed monster emerged from it.

"As agreed, I will help you take root in Nanyang and help you establish a sect.

Now it's your turn to return the favor and delay it for me for enough time. "

The sheep-headed monster laughed strangely.

"No restrictions?"

"Yes, no restrictions."

As the boss finished speaking, chains appeared on the sheep-headed monster's hands, feet, and neck.

The moment those chains emerged, they shattered and completely dissipated.

The sheep-headed monster laughed and moved its body, and black smoke began to appear around it. Its body also gradually dissipated in the billowing black smoke.

"as you wish."

There is a small town only a few dozen kilometers away from here.

There is no cross in the church here, and what is painted on the stained glass is not a figure, but a sheep's head.

In the church, black smoke emerged, covering everything here quickly.

Traces of decay began to appear on the walls, and traces of thunder and fire began to appear in the thick black smoke billowing on the ground.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound, the sheep-headed monster stood on the high platform, raised its arms, and recited a mantra in an unknown language loudly with an excited tone.

As he chanted, the rolling black mist on the ground slowly dispersed to both sides, and the earth began to tremble.

The fire below shone brightly, and hideous and ugly monsters climbed up from inside.

The goat-headed monster laughed wildly. He had been waiting for this day for too long.

He was summoned by someone, established a sect, and was bound by a contract to help that person do a series of things, including but not limited to finding intersections, building something, teaching the other person how to concoct souls, etc.

Just waiting for the day when I will be completely released and lose many of the restrictions I should have.

The cracks on the ground are getting bigger and bigger, and the buildings here are beginning to be torn apart by the cracks. The sheep-headed monster is floating on the cracks, raising its arms, laughing and shouting wantonly.

More and more monsters rushed out of the cracks. They poured out like a tide, billowing black smoke rose into the sky, and the smell of chaos and evil began to spread in all directions from here.

"I have done something that none of you can do." The sheep-headed monster looked up to the sky and laughed.

At the same time, Valak, who had already left the South China Sea and was on the way to be expelled following a group of Ah Piao, turned back and glanced east, and cursed for three minutes in a language that others could not understand.

Only now did he understand why the Dahlia drifted to the South China Sea.

Why did he hear that there seemed to be some kind of monster in the Nanyang Alliance that was related to him, and some people said it was his instigation, so he took a lot of blame for it inexplicably.

Because it really has something to do with him.

He sensed that one of his subordinates, a subordinate who betrayed him and sought his own way out, didn't know how to do it at the moment, but he actually came here.

Moreover, that guy didn't know how to complete all the prerequisites, and was able to open the gate of hell in the Nanyang Alliance and summon a large number of demons to come.

After scolding, Valak continued to lie down. He was on the way to be expelled, although no one was watching or forcing him.

But according to the rules, he is indeed being expelled.

"Let's see how you die! Idiot, you dare to come in person. Those terrible orientals don't know how to expel. They only like to kill aliens."

Valak muttered a few words and suddenly sat up again.

He found a big guy. He had a great time chatting with the water ghosts who came to escort them out of the country. One of the water ghosts taught him how to use it and told him to call if anything happened.

Valak followed the other party's instructions and clicked on 1. After long pressing, he saw a number automatically dialed on the big phone.

After waiting for a few seconds, a voice came from the phone.

"Hey, Ava? What's going on?"

"There was a goat-headed demon who once followed me but later betrayed me. I don't know how this idiot did it. He opened a door to hell in the Nanyang Alliance and summoned many demons.

This has nothing to do with me, he betrayed me long ago. "

"Oh, it turns out that guy is the 25th kid. I've always heard that it was you who arranged it."

"You Xingjun know best. I am trapped on the Dahlia. This really has nothing to do with me. I don't want our friendship to crack due to some misunderstanding. Please be sure to tell you Xingjun that it really has nothing to do with me."

"Okay, I'll tell our Star Lord."

Valak thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He didn't get any benefits, and he was still taking the blame, or he was taking the blame for a traitor.

In this case, it's not his fault.

“That guy is very afraid of light and won’t show up during the day.

It's a pity that his real name was stolen by him and I can't remember it. "

After the warning, Valak hung up the phone, finally feeling at ease.

In fact, after seeing Wen Yan this time, he never wanted to come to China again.

According to Wen Yan, his strength can only be regarded as a junior in China, at most he is only slightly good among the juniors.

And there are a lot of people in China who can push him to the ground and rub him with one hand.

Wen Yan was very serious when he said this, and Valak could tell that they were the most sincere words.

Moreover, there is a sect in China that is particularly dissatisfied with demons. There used to be a particularly strong person in it who killed almost all the demons in China for a full sixty years.

Coupled with what Valak had heard about before, he felt that Wen Yan was right. He was only expelled this time purely because Wen Yan was a moderate and reasonable.

If he met someone from the anti-demon radical group, he would definitely be worse off than dead. People from that group would regard killing a monster they had never killed before as the highest honor.

Wen Yan said that it was probably equivalent to a jewel in the crown of the church, and Valak understood it at that time.

He's so lucky.

At this moment, this blame cannot be shouldered no matter what.

On the other side, the water ghost received the news and immediately reported it.

Wen Yan's cell phone couldn't get through, so they sent a message. As long as Wen Yan's cell phone had some signal, he could receive the message.

Wen Yan was still being led on the road by Chang He. He picked up his phone and took a look. There was a text message.

He looked at it and frowned.

Shake people? Are you the only one who can shake people up?

Originally, strictly speaking, this matter is only a matter of the Nanyang Alliance. If you, an alien monster, open the gate to hell here, it is not just a matter of the Nanyang Alliance.

The news was pushed to him directly from the Lieyang Department's App, which means that the Lieyang Department must have known about it.

At this time, the river of dead souls has entered a state of madness, and nothing can stop them from seeking revenge on the culprits, including the newly emerged demons.

Wen Yan didn't say anything. Devils are different from devils. Devils like Gauss have no soul at all, and their form is not fixed. When they reach the level of the devil, they are almost the incarnation of a certain kind of devil. They are immortal and immortal. .

On the contrary, demons have souls and their shapes are mostly fixed.

At least those monsters with huge numbers cannot be exceptions.

As the river approached, Wen Yan could see large black smoke floating in the distance, and those evil auras gathered into clouds.

As soon as the two sides met, they collided together. The Yin Qi and resentment constantly collided with the evil and demonic Qi, pulling each other away.

Chang He's charging speed, just a moment's notice, saw countless dead souls fighting with countless ferocious monsters.

A large number of monsters continued to fall, but there were still monsters in the distance, pouring out from the increasingly larger cracks in the distance.

In the black smoke, a goat-headed humanoid monster with claws and animal feet was very conspicuous.

It's like a game Wen Yan once played. There are a bunch of normal-sized cannon fodder on the ground in an endless stream, and a seven or eight-meter-tall boss stands behind, directing the cannon fodder to die, relying on life to consume the opponent's strength. .

But, is there something wrong with your brain when using the human sea tactic with the river of dead souls at this moment?

Although the individual strength of these dead souls is weak, they will almost never completely dissipate in the long river.

Wen Yan thought about it, and the only possibility he could think of was that this guy didn't want to win at all.

Or, he feels that the door to hell has been opened at this moment, and that he has achieved his goal by opening the door.

Or, it is just delaying time, delaying the footsteps of the long river of dead souls.

Wen Yan looked at the sheep-headed demon in the distance, staring at the huge horns on his head that stretched out to both sides, with a touch of beauty.

"Goat-headed demon."

"He was once a subordinate of Varak. Decades ago, he betrayed Varak, stole his own real name from Varak, and disappeared.

Under the arrangements of certain people and certain forces, he was placed in the Nanyang Alliance.

He established his own sect here and brought his true form to the world.

At this moment, he has lost the bondage of the contract, and he wants to build an eternal portal.

Build his own soul ranch here. "

“His horns have a beauty that coexists with brutality and art, and must be a very good gift.

Demons who appear in their true form are, at least at this stage, very rare.

Tips from his former boss: He is particularly afraid of light and will never appear during the day. "

"Temporary ability: none."

Wen Yan pulled out the pure weapon he was carrying on his back. The gray cloth around him formed a surprised face, and then condensed into the shape of a hand. He carefully poked Wen Yan and pointed. In the sky.

In the sky, a stream of light was approaching rapidly.

The gray cloth flew out with a whoosh, flew high into the sky, fluttered crookedly, got entangled in the stream of light, flew down with the stream of light, and returned to Wen Yan again.

The gray cloth rolled and spread out, revealing the magic sword inside.

The power of the magic sword has no effect on the gray cloth, and can even be covered by the gray cloth.

Because this gray cloth was originally used by the Heavenly Master to wrap the magic sword. After seeing Wen Yan, he ran away with Wen Yan.

Wen Yan held Master Tian's magic sword in his hand and suddenly felt that someone was whispering in his ears.

"Inheriting the fate of heaven and following your orders, I specially command those who hold the sword to have no taboos."

The moment he held the magic sword in his hand, Wen Yan noticed that the emotions he had been suppressing, his heart, which had been numbed by the tragedies along the way, suddenly jumped.

Everything you do is righteous, no need to worry, just do whatever your heart thinks.

In an instant, Wen Yan's body was ignited with flames, his heart was beating wildly, and the heart fire spurted out. The magic sword was constantly changing its shape in the flames.

The gray cloth dragging the magic sword also changed along with it, and finally turned into a large black flag, with three burning characters "Fai Buyi" written on it.

Wen Yan gritted his teeth, and red-gold flames began to appear in his seven orifices, and the previous restraint also disappeared.

He blessed himself with a violent sun. In an instant, the raging fire burning in his body became more intense. The Yin Qi and resentment around him that were so dense that they could carry him forward were all forcibly rejected. open.

He fell to the ground, holding the flag of defeating injustice with one hand, the muscles on his body suddenly swelled, then he held the flagpole and threw it fiercely.

The banner rushed out with the light of fire and went straight to the horned demon behind the group of demons.

One by one, the cannon fodder monsters kept jumping up, trying to stop the big flag, but the moment they got closer, they were ignited and turned into ashes before they even hit the ground.

The horned demon stretched out a hand and tried to grab the flag, but the power attached to the flag was beyond the reach of a monster like him.

There was a sizzling sound, the flesh and blood in his palm was forcibly evaporated, and the flagpole transformed from the magic sword was directly inserted into the shoulder of the horned demon.

The next moment, the flag was seen fluttering in the wind, and a ripple spread out.

With a bang, the horned demon, which had swelled to a height of eight or nine meters, suddenly fell to his knees as if being crushed by Mount Tai.

The cannon fodder standing around the horned demon was swept by the ripples, and was suppressed to the ground in an instant, dying suddenly on the spot.

The ripples spread again, and a wave of air spread out from the Sheep-horned Demon. His entire body was forced to kneel on the ground, and his arms, which were supported on the ground, sank into the earth.

And when he looked up, he saw Wen Yan, who was more than ten meters away in one step, approaching quickly with flames and red light, and rushing towards him all the way.

Before he could get close, he jumped up.

The horned demon raised his head with a sinister smile on his face. When he opened his mouth and spat out, a black light appeared, leaving a trace of light in mid-air.

Wen Yan raised his left hand and flicked his fingernails, and then the little stream of light flew out and hit an unlucky devil. The devil let out a wail and quickly decayed.

The next moment, Wen Yan fell from mid-air, and his pure weapon turned directly into sharp thorns, piercing into the goat-headed demon's eyebrows.

Except for the handle of the mace, the whole thing is submerged under its skin.

The goat-headed demon wailed, and when he was about to do something else, the big flag on his body once again sent out a circle of ripples, and the goat-horned demon's entire body was suppressed and fell to the ground.

Wen Yan held a pure mace in his hand, and a violent sun blessed the pure mace.

"Welcome the sun."

The next moment, the pure weapon trembled slightly, blooming with a dazzling brilliance, as if it turned into a burning sun, blooming in the head of the goat-headed demon.

The purest light and heat bloom in the most explosive form.

The goat-headed demon didn't even have time to wail, as his body quickly dissipated under the sunlight that bloomed from his head.

The dazzling brilliance bloomed on the ground like a flash bomb after losing all the damage taken and blocked by the goat-headed demon.

Just like the sun rising suddenly, a huge amount of Yang Qi turned into shock waves and spread in all directions.

The huge amount of light that bloomed at that moment was at least more than 100,000 lumens. A large amount of cannon fodder summoned by the goat-headed demon was swept away in one encounter and turned into fly ash.

There were no shadows as far as the eye could see, just dazzling light.

Even those dead souls who were imprinted by Wen Yan and blessed with yang energy. Logically speaking, they should not be affected by Wen Yan's yang energy. Thousands of them were too close, and their souls were directly shattered.

Changhe avoided some of them, and the shattered souls recovered again in Changhe.

The sudden explosion of light gradually calmed down. Wen Yan held a big sun in his hand. The huge body of the horned demon almost completely disappeared, leaving only a normal-sized sheep skull with gorgeous long horns. .

The skull was covered in charred black, and there was a big hole between the eyebrows.

Wen Yan picked up the sheep skull and hung it on the flag.

He pulled out the big flag, looked back at the millions of dead souls behind him, and continued to move forward.

When we arrived here, we were already covered by the bloody brilliance that soared into the sky.

On the other side, on the underground altar, the boss stood there, reciting a mantra in a low voice. The gold bricks inlaid on the altar seemed to have melted, and something was outlined on the altar according to the established trajectory.

There are evil symbols and runes from China.

As millions of dead souls approached here, all the symbols and patterns lit up.

The boss's hair instantly turned white and he became extremely old, but immediately after, his appearance returned to youth again, and the cycle continued.

When Wen Yan dealt with the horned demon, he had already gone through the cycle many times.

He raised his head and looked up, feeling the movement above, and also feeling the horned demon rushing onto the street at a speed beyond imagination.

This time, the Ram-horned Demon was not even expelled, but was forcibly killed, leaving only the sheep skull representing the Ram-horned Demon.

The boss remained motionless, his aura began to rise, and the gold bricks that kept melting and surging began to gradually disappear.

At the same time, the power gathered by more than one million dead souls also began to decline.

This was a game he had prepared for a long time. The purpose of keeping the dead souls was to accumulate enough strength to complete this ritual.

In fact, not all of the dead souls left behind now, many of them have long since dissipated and been consumed.

In his logic, it was those people who "deathed" their lifespan, body, soul and everything else to him.

Therefore, these all belong to him. As long as he has enough gold, gold that contains special power, he can use the power of transactions to buy them all out.

The last step is to complete this ritual, using the power of millions of dead souls to force him to complete the path that he would never complete in his normal life.

If it were converted into money, it would mean that he alone would earn at least 30% of the world's money.


Fortunately, talent is the most valuable. Human life, body, soul, etc., all have a value that far exceeds currency.

When there are corresponding transactions in the market, there will be pricing.

With pricing, what he masters has a valuation.

He can push this valuation up to the point where it is absolutely impossible for anyone or any country to afford it.

As long as the value reaches it, it is enough, and he does not need to sell it.

The prerequisite that he could never achieve in his life was just completed.

What he has to do now is to truly attribute all the "wealth" to himself and complete the ultimate advancement in one breath.

He didn't care at all whether those pillars were destroyed, because he was sure that these dead souls would eventually come here, and he was the culprit, the source of everything.

Outside, the river of dead souls trembled slightly, and the weakness became more and more obvious, so obvious that some of the dead souls who were still conscious could feel it.

Listening to the dead soul's words, Wen Yan understood that his previous speculation was correct, and he was just delaying a little time.

Why delay? Because what that guy wants to do can only start when these dead souls are close enough, such as when they are enveloped by those bloody brilliance.

Wen Yan stood there, looking at the big flag fluttering in the wind in front of him.

Do you keep these dead souls just to absorb the power of all the dead souls with your own body?

No, he had already mastered some powers of dead souls before.

Wen Yan thought of the assembly line slaughterhouse he first saw. He remembered seeing that when each dead soul appeared, part of something would be taken away from him, and the rest would be thrown into the intersection like garbage. .

Wen Yan turned around and looked at the dead souls.

"Remember our agreement?

I understand now why the resonance between you has reached an extremely high level already, but has never changed qualitatively.

I used to think that he separated you just to avoid too much accumulation and qualitative change.

Now I understand that he took away a part of you and suppressed the qualitative change.

You are all being used as collateral in a pawn shop, and you no longer have complete autonomy.

I have reached a consensus with you, and I think there is no need for me to say too much.

This piece of shit, I forgot something.

People are not creatures who follow rules and regulations at all times.

People can flip tables!

Now that he is beginning to devour you, it is tantamount to letting go of his suppression and causing a qualitative change.

It's time to make a choice.

Or, according to the rules, take advantage of him and let that bitch complete an impossible advancement and transformation.

Or, overturn this stupid rule and create a new one!

What are you going to do? "

As Wen Yan roared, his voice echoed in the long river.

His will and anger were accurately conveyed to every dead soul.

The burning flames of the banner of defeating injustice behind him became more and more prosperous.

The flames roared past, and the fiery will, accompanied by brilliance, spread to all the dead souls.

The marks left on all the dead souls lit up at this moment.

Either wait for death, or resist and fight hard.

There is no third option.

The moment these dead souls were pulled out, they no longer had the thought of compromising with the enemy.

From the beginning, Wen Yan made an agreement with these dead souls and gave them a consensus.

After losing the last restriction, the greatest transformation finally began with the will of these dead souls themselves.

If there were no fundamental restrictions, with the ideas of these dead souls, a world boss should have been born long ago.

But as Wen Yan stepped in and made that consensus more detailed, everything changed.

At this moment, they chose to flip the table.

After all, they are not "wealth" without consciousness, thoughts, and consciousness.

They are sentient, have thoughts, want revenge, and feel pain.

Therefore, when facing oppression, their only choice is to kill those who control them.

Just like before, the slave owner who was aloof, even if he held a gun in his hand, would eventually be overthrown one day.

The power that was supposed to be swallowed up by the boss on the altar began to be suppressed by an unprecedented consensus, and all the power was poured into the consensus of all the dead souls.

And the mark that all dead souls have on them becomes the carrier.

Strong winds roared, the sky changed suddenly, thunder roared, and black clouds pressed overhead.

The marks on the dead souls flew out on their own and landed in front of Wen Yan.

Countless marks were stacked together. After pouring all the power, they gradually condensed and gradually turned into a black stone tablet sitting in front of Wen Yan.

On the altar, the boss's expression changed drastically, the ground began to tremble, and the altar began to rise.

He could no longer absorb any power, and his "wealth" rebelled.

But he was too late to stop it, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

When he began to absorb it himself, it was equivalent to releasing the last restriction.

Wen Yan, whose whole body was burning with flames, looked back and grinned.


He stretched out a hand and scratched the palm of his hand, leaving a bloody palm print on the stone tablet under the light of the big flag.

In an instant, the consensus between the dead souls and the living people was completely realized with the power that could definitely give birth to a world boss.

Lines of bloody words appeared on the back of the black stone tablet.

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