I am your natural enemy

Chapter 410: Dead end, fearful (8k)

Wen Yan was a little worried. At the beginning, there were only tens of thousands of dead souls. He thought that after the other party had taken revenge, there would be no problem in saving them. He was quite experienced in this aspect.

To be honest, in terms of the number of souls he has saved, the number of souls he has saved may be more than most professional players can save in a lifetime.

He didn't think much about it before, he just wanted to do business and charge with the souls of the dead. Now that he has come to his senses and thinking about it again, he is a little worried. There are millions of people. He will be saved until next year. I'm afraid he won't be able to finish it. Still under the premise of the cooperation of the dead souls.

With the pawn and the shopkeeper, the two culprits behind the scenes, and the actual shopkeeper all gone together, Wen Yan could feel that his temporary career as a crusader was beginning to count down.

This is a non-fixed profession, which can be obtained by meeting the prerequisites.

The prerequisites are not achieved actively, but if something similar happens in the future, it will be automatically triggered after reaching a certain level. Anyone and non-humans may obtain it, and it is objectively difficult to obtain it. very low.

Wen Yan looked at these dead souls and understood in his heart that the statistical blessings in this profession were not actually the most important, but the profession itself was the most important.

Just like these dead souls, their power has actually been exhausted a long time ago, and it stands to reason that it is about to dissipate.

But because they have the conqueror profession, not only have they not dissipated, but many of their previous weaknesses have been greatly made up for. The profession will not dissipate until they complete what they want to do. When they gather in such a huge number, they will automatically Triggers the undead effect.

This ensures that their struggle can be unfavorable and difficult, but they always have a safety net, ensuring that they will not reach a point of complete failure and no more opportunities.

This is the most important thing.

"That's enough." A still-conscious soul came to Wen Yan and comforted him.

The dead soul is filled with yang energy and maintains this weird state.

All the dead souls were in this state, which frightened many people. They couldn't understand why.

Even people from China didn't understand. The head of the headquarters knew that Wen Yan had a blazing sun, but he didn't think that Wen Yan was so strong that he could suddenly bless millions of dead souls with yang energy.

Some conscious souls came over and sat around Wen Yan.

"It's enough. Don't worry about transcendence anymore. Even if it dissipates, it's okay."

"Yeah, we don't know how to thank you anymore. Don't worry about what happens next."

"It doesn't matter if you are saved, there may be some fish that slipped through the net, it doesn't matter."

"When the crusaders appear, the flames of struggle and resistance will never be extinguished, and we are relieved."

"At least my children, if they encounter the same situation as me again, they will not be helpless and just wait there to die."

"Yes, I fell into that big pit and couldn't move. My consciousness and reason were slowly disappearing. All I had was despair. We are all the same despair."

One by one, the dead souls began to comfort Wen Yan, asking him not to embarrass himself so much.

It was not his responsibility that they did not want Wen Yan to continue. When Wen Yan was so tired that he could fall asleep leaning on the stone tablet and wailing, these dead souls felt that enough was enough and let Wen Yan rest.

The child that Wen Yan first pulled out of the pit, with holes all over his body and one arm in the shape of a bone, walked forward in a daze. He stretched out his arms, saying nothing, and just hugged Wen Yan gently.

The little dead soul stood aside, and the dead souls came up one after another and hugged Wen Yan one by one. The bolder female dead soul even hugged Wen Yan directly and kissed Wen Yan on the face.

The atmosphere that was originally a little sad suddenly became joyful. The dead souls couldn't help laughing when they saw Wen Yan, who was like the god of war before, now looking awkward and uncomfortable.

Language is no longer a barrier to communication. Under the unity of the people, all dead souls, even those who have lost their self-awareness, can feel what other dead souls can feel.

Wen Yan looked at these dead souls, felt their smiles, and didn't know what they were thinking.

Time gradually passed, and the flames and Yang Qi ignited on the dead souls gradually dissipated.

The time is coming soon, and Wen Yan still wants to save them. The same dissipation, being beaten, dissipating naturally, and being saved are all different.

Wen Yan took out a small lead box and opened it, revealing a Qin Banliang covered with patina.

"I still want to try to see if there are any other possibilities."

The gray cloth flew over in a swaying manner. When it came over, it did not forget to wrap up its old friend, the magic sword of the old Heavenly Master.

Everything Wen Yan couldn't care about, the gray cloth, was automatically picked up and stuffed into Wen Yan's bag. Then he rolled up the pure mace and magic sword and put it on Wen Yan's back, and it circled by itself. , from Wen Yan's back, wrapped around his left arm.

Wen Yan fumbled with Qin Banliang, took out the everlasting lamp, rubbed it with his fingers, and lit the wick. He held the everlasting lamp in his left hand and Qin Banliang in his right hand.

Arriving at a road not far away, he found a dirt road intersection. He changed his name to the Natural Enemy of Gold, blessed Qin Banliang with a violent sun, and then gently flicked it out.

The copper-green coin rolled and landed on the ground at the crossroads. After the coin landed, it kept spinning. The power of the countless dead souls here had not yet faded, and began to inspire the meaning attached to this Qin Ban Liang.

The title of Wen Yan has a strong affinity. When using this kind of thing, many preconditions will be omitted, and the meaning can be inspired very easily.

Coupled with the ever-bright lamp guiding the way, Qin Banliang rotated and emitted a faint light for an instant. When he looked through the square hole in the middle of the coin and looked at the other side of the square hole, a new road had appeared.

The road is getting longer and wider, starting from nothing.

Gradually, at the crossroads, an extra road appeared silently.

Wen Yan looked at this road and it seemed a little different. It was not the wide, flat concrete road with curbs that he was familiar with before.

This road is just a dirt road, and it is slightly uneven, as if it has not been shaken by a road roller.

However, that kind of aura and feeling are indeed from the underworld.

Moreover, Wen Yan vaguely felt something familiar. He thought for a while, looked back at the dead souls, and took a step forward onto the dirt road.

The dead souls did not hesitate at all and followed Wen Yan into this dirt road to the underworld.

A large number of dead souls disappeared here, and the Qin Banliang left behind seemed to have exhausted all its power. The patina on the surface had disappeared, blending into the crossroads and disappearing.

A gust of wind blew over the place, leaving nothing behind. When the black clouds in the sky disappeared, those who had been trying to use satellites to observe the situation here could not see anything.

Where the dead souls stayed, not even the corpses were left.

On the dirt road, Wen Yan looked at the dead souls around him.

As the temporary professional crusaders faded, their power also dissipated, and each of them returned to the most ordinary appearance of the dead souls.

However, at this moment in the underworld, this is the most suitable place for all the dead souls. They will not be forced to dissipate because their power is completely exhausted.

After walking a short distance along the dirt road, the road disappeared.

There was a wilderness ahead, and there seemed to be nothing, but Wen Yan heard the sound of water.

He took the lead to step into the wilderness. When he looked back, the road was still there and had not disappeared. He could still see the souls of the dead.

It proves that entering this wilderness is not affected by the characteristics of the underworld.

He followed the sound of water and continued walking forward. He didn't go far before he saw a sea, a black sea.

When standing on the beach and looking into the distance, what you see is always darkness, and you can't see the edge.

But Wen Yan closed his eyes and felt the familiarity more and more clearly.

Wen Yan waved to the dead souls in China.

"Here, you won't be forced to disperse. I said I would save you, and I will definitely save you. I can take my time, and as long as you are not in a hurry, if it doesn't work for one day, it will take ten days, and if it doesn't work for ten days, it will take a hundred days. , it will be done.”

Saying goodbye to these dead souls, Wen Yan went directly into the black water ahead.

The gray cloth was like a water snake, squirming rapidly in the water, moving forward quickly with Wen Yan.

In just a few minutes, he stepped onto the shore. After walking a few steps, he saw a dead end road suddenly appeared in front of him.

The familiar cement road and curbs.

Faintly, a green glimmer can also be seen.

Wen Yan smiled, and he said that he would definitely not feel wrong.

The moment the dirt road he bought appeared, he felt that there was something very familiar to him in the depths.

This feeling became even clearer when he stood on the black seashore. He could even clearly sense the ghost lamp.

At that time, he guessed that it might not be very far away, and the place where it might be connected was the intersection, the broken road extending from the intersection.

And the seemingly endless, boundless black ocean was the same as what I had experienced before.

It can be said to be a river or it can be said to be a sea, because for different people, the width is not fixed.

He only swam for a few minutes and then swam over.

But maybe for some Ah Piao, this sea is an endless sea that can never reach the other shore.

Wen Yan stepped onto the dead end road from the end, and looked back. Sure enough, there was a vast expanse behind him and nothing could be seen clearly.

Only this time, when he walked forward along this dead end road, he never triggered the situation where he got lost when he walked to the crossroads last time.

When we arrived at the intersection, the ghost lamp beside the road was emitting a gloomy green light, and the street lamp installed by Wen Yan was still emitting warm light, illuminating the road here.

On the road to death, there are always countless souls walking along the road.

Just like before, all the dead souls will slow down slightly under the warm street lights when passing by this road, enjoying the colors that should not be on the road to death, and the warm light that will not harm them.

When Wen Yan appears, the dead souls will automatically make way for Wen Yan to pass.

Wen Yan cupped his hands and expressed his gratitude to them.

He followed the main intersection, walked on a road that could be walked back with his eyes closed, and walked out of the basement of Lao Zhao's house.

When they came to the living room on the first floor, they saw Lao Zhao and the five brothers surrounding the altar table. There was a plate almost one meter wide on the altar table. It was filled with plain-cut chicken that looked very high-quality at first glance. Even in front of everyone , there is also a separate small dipping plate, and there are also three bowls in the middle with three kinds of dipping ingredients.

"Hey, are you eating?"

"Oh, you're just in time, come on, come on." Lao Zhao had quick eyes and quick hands. He took out a pair of unused chopsticks and took out an empty bowl with his other hand and put a few pieces of meat into the bowl. .

The five brothers all had their eyes wide open. The eldest brother opened his mouth and then closed it. The second brother was about to say something when the eldest brother covered his mouth. The third brother stared at Lao Zhao. As soon as he opened his mouth, the second brother was blocked by Hooped around the neck.

As soon as the fourth child raised his head, the third child caught his neck with a scissor kick.

When Lao Wu saw Wen Yan, grinning stupidly, Lao Si slapped him.

"Are you promising? Now that Wen Yan is here, can't we still eat plain chicken?

That must be given, and it must be the best chicken tail and breast tail! "

Lao Wu was slapped inexplicably and felt a little aggrieved.

"I didn't say anything."

"You're about to say it!"

"That's right!"

"You are so useless!"

"I thought something was wrong with you before, but now I dare to cut the chicken indiscriminately! It's terrible!"

The remaining four brothers denounced the fifth brother together.

As soon as Wen Yan came up, in the blink of an eye, he saw the five brothers changing into strange shapes again, pulling one by one and stringing them together.

Wen Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly waved his hand to Lao Zhao.

"It's okay. I've eaten. You can eat. Let's eat together next time. I have something else to do."

Wen Yan quickly opened the door and left.

Seeing that Wen Yan refused to eat and left, Lao Zhao held the bowl and quickly stretched out his tongue to lick several pieces of chicken in the bowl.

"Well done to you, old Zhao!"

"I didn't expect that!"

"You thick-browed old Zhao!"

"I've actually learned to be cunning!"

"You actually want to eat the best part to yourself!"

The five brothers sang in harmony and stopped fighting among themselves. They stood up together and cursed Lao Zhao angrily.

Lao Zhao looked innocent.

"Is there any problem? If Wen Yan doesn't eat, why should he put the food back on the plate?"

"..." The five brothers suddenly became silent. Indeed, one of the rules for what they were eating was that anything taken out of the plate could never be put back on the plate again.

Old Zhao grinned. Seeing that the five brothers were misfiring, he immediately took the bowl and sat aside. He breathed in happily and saw a piece of chicken in the bowl shrinking rapidly.

The most delicious part of this plain-cut chicken is not the chicken legs.

The first is the chicken tail part, the piece near the bottom of the chicken butt. It is evenly fat and thin, the meat is delicate and extremely tender. If you like delicious food, eat this piece.

The second is the tail of the chicken breast, where the skin is thin and the meat is still there, as well as the cartilage. When eating, be sure to keep the skin on. If you like the texture and chewiness, this is the best piece.

Of course, it's not that other places don't taste good. If it's a barbecue, the chicken butt is the best. After being cleaned, this piece is the fattest, and there's only one piece of chicken.

It's just such a piece, with no bones, no toughness, easy to chew and extremely plump. In the past, it was only used to honor the old people with bad teeth.

In the past, when Lao Zhao and the others ate plain-cut chicken, it was not easy to compete for the two most delicious pieces of meat.

There were two chickens on the plate today, and Lao Zhao wrapped them all by himself.

When Lao Zhao was about to finish eating, the five brothers finally came to their senses, and they were taken to the ditch by Lao Zhao.

"Old Zhao, you are so shameless!"

"Eat alone! Struck by lightning!"

"If you can't pour it back onto the plate, why can't you divide it and eat it!"

"Each person can get a piece today!"


Lao Zhao put down the empty bowl, smiled, patted his belly, smiled even more proudly, and stretched out a hand.

"Five! I remember, I've had five plain-cut chickens in a row, and I haven't had the most delicious piece yet!"

"Kick the shit out of him!"

On the other side, Wen Yan opened the door to his backyard and looked back. There was a lot of liveliness in Lao Zhao's house. He smiled. It was still lively and lively in his own house.

When he returned to the backyard, he saw the little zombie flash into his arms, hugging his neck, and hanging on him.

When the little zombie looked up and saw Wen Yan's face, he suddenly jumped out with a look of shock on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh-huh-huh..." The little zombie looked shocked.

The sparrow cat flapped its wings and flew out. Listening to the little zombie's words, its pupils instantly enlarged to their maximum size.


"What did the little guy say?"

"She said why you have so many lip marks on your face, each one is different." Quemao was so shocked that he didn't dare to approach Wen Yan: "Did you fall into the female ghost's den?"

"Ah?" Wen Yan was even more shocked than the little zombie. He touched his face, entered the room, and looked in the mirror. He couldn't see anything?

Is there anything he can't see?

But except for the little zombie, no one in the family saw the lip marks that the little zombie mentioned.

Wen Yan felt relieved. His house was so rich in species and only the little zombies could see it, so it would be fine.

If he can't see it and others can't see it, it means nothing.

Anyway, he believed that those dead souls would definitely not harm him.

When Wen Yan returned home, he felt relaxed, but no one could relax elsewhere.

The case in Nanyang has just begun. The excavation of a large number of corpses buried in those locations has just begun.

The funds were approved very quickly. On weekdays, there must be a lot of people making money for this kind of work. The excavator driver was given a salary of 300 a day, and those guys dared to quote 3,000.

But this time, no one dared to reach out for the money, and the three thousand a day's wages for the expedited batch were all paid out.

Many people in Nanyang are almost scared to death now.

Because the countless dead souls suddenly disappeared again just like yesterday.

They are really afraid that the souls of the dead will disappear in this place and suddenly appear more than a thousand kilometers away.

The people who died in the past two days have not been cremated yet, and they have not dared to bury them. But next door to China, a member of the Nanyang Alliance has quietly found the Lieyang Department and asked what to do with those killed by the souls. Human corpses are safer.

The Lieyang Department didn't hide it, so they told them that cremating them in a luxurious furnace, or an enhanced version of the luxurious furnace, and then throwing the ashes into the sea was the safest way.

Then, the other party expressed that he wanted to purchase three sets of luxury furnaces.

Lie Yangbu said it was out of stock and could be delivered in four months at the earliest.

The other party said that they could add more money.

The Lieyang Department said that it was not a matter of adding money, but that everyone in front of them had their own owners.

The other party said that he could add some more money and help with lobbying to see if there were any customers, and he could give it a try first.

Lieyang Department said, this is really useless.

The other party said that for more money and a matter that was being discussed with China, we could make concessions.

Seeing that the other party was so sincere, the Lieyang Department felt very embarrassed, so they said, "Well, let's take apart a set of our own that is 80% new and give it to you for use first."

Then the Lieyang Department sold the other party a set of luxury furnaces and corresponding systems for a price of 80 million.

Including the furnace itself, plus a series of things such as exhaust purification and fuel supply, it can be installed for them in up to seven days.

Within these seven days, some other things will be given first, and experts will be sent on a business trip to ensure that there will be no problems with the bodies of those who were killed.

The head of the headquarters was willing to approve this kind of deal, so he naturally knew the first-hand information. According to what Wen Yan said, the guys killed by the dead souls might not even have the chance to transform into corpses.

As for becoming a Piao, it is even more impossible. Their souls were torn into pieces in the group of dead souls, and the torn parts were all involved in the group of dead souls. They were crushed and crushed again. They literally went to hell. No chance.

Seeing that the other party was so sincere, the Lieyang Department told them their judgment, but the other party said yes, yes, but in fact they were more eager to purchase. So what can anyone do?

People also think that you said this just to avoid selling it to me because someone else paid a higher price!

It’s not like no one has asked about the Lieyang Department before, but when the Lieyang Department asked for a unit that cost tens of millions, no one bought it. It would be more cost-effective to hire someone.

After all, not just anyone can build the luxurious furnace of the Lieyang Department.

The ordinary version is just fine, it's not too difficult to manufacture, but the enhanced version of the luxury furnace costs Shenzhou its own starting price of 50 million.

The enhanced version will definitely not be sold outside. This thing is already the latest version.

The ordinary version of the luxury stove can be used as a foreign trade version for takeout, but there has never been a market.

Even the people of the Lieyang tribe did not expect that the Nanyang Alliance's most direct and fastest impact on China would be to make their cremation system become a popular item.

In the past, it cost eight million units, plus supporting systems and three maintenances per year, but no one wanted it.

There was no intention to make any money, and any money earned would be invested in subsequent research and development.

The purpose of selling takeout is purely to prevent the production of many parts from stopping, prevent skilled workers from being handicapped, and at the same time try to reduce costs.

Naturally, the greater the quantity of something that can be reproduced, the lower the cost of each piece.

Unexpectedly, now the second-hand ones have been raised to 80 million. With this, people still think you are a kind and righteous person. Fortunately, we had a good relationship before. When there is an emergency, you are really helpful.

Something that had been losing money suddenly turned a profit, with profit margins soaring to more than 800%.

No one in the Lieyang Department thought of this in advance.

In the headquarters, the head of the department had just signed the documents and gathered the parts together. The few units he could save were sold first.

I’ll talk about it later.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a prompt on the computer nearby, indicating that Wen Yan's location had changed and had appeared in Decheng.

He rubbed his temples and said in his heart, Wen Yan was beating too fast.

He couldn't keep up. Why did Wen Yan come back?

What about those dead souls?

He picked up the phone, thought about it, and sighed inwardly when he thought of what Black Box had said before. Wen Yan was tired enough, so he put the phone down again.

Since Wen Yan dared to come back, it meant there was nothing wrong, otherwise he wouldn't have come home.

The follow-up events have actually just begun, and these are what the Lieyang Department is going to do.

A large amount of news has begun to spread on the Internet in China, but it is still under control for the time being. It is in a state of reading foreign magical news, both false and true.

The hot searches are still about this celebrity cheating on someone or that celebrity's new drama being released.

But there is already a lot of information among the people and it has begun to circulate.

The workload of Lieyang Department has begun to increase, and the workload of other related departments is also increasing.

It's a novel website. The supernatural category has been cut off a few years ago. Now some people are opening new books and writing about supernatural things, and they find that everything seems to be fine?

Changes and impacts are all-encompassing, and will appear in places that many people don’t expect.

This is also the reason why the Lieyang Department and the higher-ups are very cautious about disclosing certain information.

The head of the headquarters was reading the information and thinking about things when the secretary knocked on the door and came in.

"Headquarters Chief, there are already seven companies in the Nanyang Alliance who have sent invitations and want to talk to the Lieyang Department.

Someone from the capital of the Nanyang Alliance also came to negotiate, saying that one of their ministers, together with the top leaders of the other three departments, wanted to visit China.

It specifically stated that he wanted to have some friendly exchanges with the Lieyang Department, especially to meet the head of the headquarters.

Over in Europe, people from the church also wanted to visit China... Well, they said they wanted to read the three scriptures of the second son of God. "

When the head of the headquarters heard this, he raised his head and glanced at the secretary.

The big secretary immediately added.

"These are their exact words."

The head of the headquarters was a little nervous.

Although Lao Hong was indeed certified back then, and the other party had never argued before, the reason for the final result was multifaceted and very complicated, involving the interests of many people and various considerations.

All the sects have a tacit agreement to never mention this matter, and China will naturally not mention it either. They don't want to talk to them in the first place, so how can they implement it? It's not bad if it's not banned.

No matter how coldly they treat it, according to their own legal principles, there is really no problem with this matter. The most difficult thing is that there are complete records of this matter.

During those years of the end of the law, there were naturally no problems, but as the spiritual energy began to recover, things became a little more risky.

In the early years, many sects wanted to spread their religion in China, but they were ruthless in spending money. They distributed eggs, grain and oil every week, which suddenly made many old ladies nearby become active.

But after the spiritual energy was revived, the eggs were no longer given.

The Lieyang Department didn't quite understand it at first, but later they found out a reason that none of them had expected.

They are afraid that after the sect in China develops, if Lao Hong is brought out again, he will make a strong claim with the help of legal legitimacy and then be counterattacked.

Of course they are not afraid of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains, and it is impossible for people from the Three Mountains and Five Mountains to come to their territory to seize faith and crush them to pieces.

However, if they believe in the same god, their properties will be completely different, and it is really possible to crush them.

Especially after the recovery of spiritual energy, the progress is getting faster and faster. This kind of small probability event that can be ignored is really possible.

The simplest thing is to have a so-called miracle.

The head of the headquarters really didn't expect that after so many years, something he couldn't remember under normal circumstances would be mentioned by a sect over there first.

He rubbed his head and closed his eyes to think.

He understood that this was due to different ways of thinking, creating completely different brain circuits.

He is now thinking about what those guys think and how they use their brains to reach such weird places.

After thinking about it again and again.

"Tell them that they have been busy recently, there are too many things going on here, and the Nanyang Alliance next door to China still has huge risks, so let him not come.

Forget it, just respond politely according to the template. "

The secretary also felt a little nervous. He thought he had seen a lot, but he had never seen what happened in the past few days.

The head of the headquarters glanced at the phone and couldn't help but sigh, because Wen Yan disappeared again with those dead souls, which suddenly caused a lot of things. Now a lot of people are on tenterhooks.

There are very few people who know that Wen Yan was involved in this matter, and even more people cannot know about it now.

The head of the headquarters did not intend to tell others kindly that the souls of those who disappeared this time should not suddenly appear from thousands of miles away.

For some people, it is good to be afraid, and it is also good to have some awe in their hearts.

In this era, if you lose your sense of awe, you will die faster, and you will have a greater chance of causing a huge disaster.

Even if the head of the headquarters has seen a lot of things, he can't help but get angry when he sees the things Wen Yan passed back this time. It has nothing to do with his position and is purely human instinct.

The head of the headquarters picked up the phone and called the Heavenly Master.

"Old Heavenly Master, there's something wrong. Those dead souls have disappeared again..." the head general said roughly.

"Wen Yan is home, why don't you ask him directly?"

"Let him rest. He has done his best and exceeded his limit."

The old Heavenly Master smiled and said.

"Why do you think it's so complicated? Wen Yan definitely doesn't want to scare everyone. With his temperament... I'm afraid it's just to save those poor souls."

"Uh..." The general manager was slightly startled and nodded: "That's right, then it's okay."

At the cliff of the sea of ​​clouds, the Heavenly Master hung up the phone and shook his head.

"How far has this little guy gotten now? The way he came out is already a bit incomprehensible."

As for Decheng, Wen Yan came to the basement, opened the prison, and found that the Chao Feng inside had disappeared. The core members who were attached to the system were completely wiped out after losing their last refuge.

He offered incense to the big bosses in the basement, and after paying his respects, he came to the next door.

Silly son is very impressive this time. You should take a look at it. You can't go on business trips every day without seeing people. By the way, let's take another look. Don't let silly son know how hungry and full he is.

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