I am your natural enemy

Chapter 412 Immortal tree, dead bug (10k)

Ji Shanyue's attitude was very enthusiastic and sincere. Wen Yan thought about it for a moment. If he were Ji Shanyue and didn't know many things, even if he wanted to do something practical and give an attitude, he wouldn't do it. Maybe such a low attitude towards a junior.

Especially when he said that he was not from the Lieyang tribe, Ji Shanyue was even happier.

Even if you want to have a relationship with Fuyusan, it’s not a big deal, right?

There would be no problem if he invited Qin Kun. Qin Kun was well-known because he had really gone abroad and gained a reputation outside.

Ji Shanyue's own words of praise were all about talent.

Complimenting someone's talent means, to put it bluntly, you just have a good talent, but your current strength is not good enough.

When Wen Yan heard people talk about Senior Brother Qin, they always said that Senior Brother Qin was strong and that he was definitely among the top three warriors of his generation.

He had never heard anyone make excuses for Senior Brother Qin's talent while praising Senior Brother Qin.

Thoughts turned around quickly, Wen Yan showed a smile and said.

"Minister Ji is so polite and gracious, I personally have no objection to it.

But Minister Ji should know that I have not yet left the army, so I am not considered a disciple.

If I teach people casually, mislead others, and tarnish the reputation of my school, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave the mountain for ten years.

I have a senior brother who is several dozen years old. He was taken to the division for special training and he has not been released yet.

As a lesson from the past, I have to go back and ask the elders of the division in person for their opinions.

As a junior, I dare not make the decision without authorization. "

When Ji Shanyue heard this, he was a little disappointed, but he couldn't say anything.

He still knows some of the rules of China. Since ancient times, he has been the master of heaven and earth.

Especially the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, they attach great importance to the reputation of the mountain gate.

There is a word called cleaning up the family. If there is a criminal in the mountain gate, the Lieyang tribe must first notify the other division.

Under normal circumstances, it is the masters themselves who clean up the door.

Similarly, "misleading others' children" is also a very strong word. In this case, the family will not be cleared, and even if you say it less, you will get a severe beating.

Ji Shanyue secretly regretted it, but she still said to wait for the good news, and then listed a lot of benefits.

After hearing this, Wen Yan still said the same thing. I was very moved, but I had to go back and ask the elders of the sect first.

Seeing that the time for the meeting was coming, Ji Shanyue could only give up temporarily.

When they arrived at the venue, someone led Wen Yan to take a seat.

Wen Yan looked at the position of the seats and was still a little surprised. The first row, even the first row was not in the center.

Judging from the experience of Shenzhou sending juniors to go through the motions in previous years, the most they can do is sit in the second row, and they have to be juniors like Qin Kun who are strong in their own right.

The first row is basically composed of leaders representing officials from various places, such as the chief minister of the Department of Marine Management in the capital of the Nanyang Alliance.

The most important thing is that those who can sit in the front row are basically people who can make decisions on behalf of the force they represent.

Wen Yan looked next to him. Yan Zhikong was also sitting next to him. He was also a little surprised. Neither of them could make decisions.

It seems that after the organizer and the people behind it were changed, the ideas and policies began to become different.

Wen Yan wore simultaneous translation headphones and was mixing in here.

The various speeches and reports were no different from a meeting in China. The real focus was definitely the private exchanges before or after the meeting, and everyone was a little absent-minded.

The only thing Wen Yan found interesting was that some people who gave reports would cite some typical cases, which were of great reference value and interesting.

Just like the person who is speaking now, the case he shared was about resurrection.

They had previously encountered a professional who could resurrect the dead, but the limitations were very high, and there were only two confirmed successful cases.

Once it was a macaw that this professional had raised for forty years, and once it was a mummy from his collection.

The macaw cannot communicate or obtain information, but the mummy is certain to have regained consciousness and claims to be an astronomer under the Pharaoh.

It's just that it's not certain whether this consciousness comes from the mummy himself, because after the mummy wakes up, it can speak fluently in Eagle language.

What's even more troublesome is that the mummy ran away, and the professional who was said to be able to resurrect living things also died.

That's why this kind of case can be told publicly here.

Because no one believes it at all.

This case is not the focus of the speaker's speech.

Wen Yan just listened to the story and pondered the possibility of these things in his heart.

Judging from the current situation, any kind of professional may appear, and any kind of professional ability is possible.

It is not necessarily impossible to resurrect a dead creature, but the cost may be very high.

Moreover, Wen Yan knows all the ready-made examples.

In Europa, the Paladin profession naturally has a higher status than other professions, not because the Paladin may have the ability to resurrect.

Regardless of whether the hope is great or not, at least there is real hope.

Wen Yan thought he was here to gain experience. After listening to these people's speeches, an uncle from the easternmost part of the Nanyang Alliance mentioned something.

It is said that they are tracking and studying the increasing number of strange beasts in the sea and looking for the root cause of the appearance of these strange beasts.

Find some spaces that may not exist in this world.

Of course, this kind of thing has been verified a long time ago.

What everyone has some doubts about is that if you find the kind of space that can last forever, you still say it here?

But others didn't get any information in advance.

The uncle who spoke listed a picture of a gold coin that was not particularly round.

“We speculate that it may be related to this gold coin.

This kind of gold coin should be cursed. All holders who enter the ocean will eventually drown in the sea.

But we can also deduce that this gold coin is the key to a certain space.

It has something to do with those giant beasts, and according to the information we got, it may also have something to do with the immortal tree. "

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

Wen Yan looked at Yan Zhikong next to him. Yan Zhikong, who seemed to be in trance, also raised his eyelids with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Brother Yan, have you heard of it?"

“There are five related legends that are the most widely circulated that I have heard of.

The Kingdom of Immortality, the Grass of Immortality, the Medicine of Immortality, the Tree of Immortality, and the Fountain of Youth.

The Immortal Tree and the Fountain of Youth are the most widely spread outside China, but they are not sure if they are the same thing.

They also believe in these two the most. "

"Do you believe it?" Wen Yan asked casually.

"If you don't believe it, do you believe it?"

“I do think there may be some truth in what he said.

I also think there may indeed be something relevant.

But I don't believe what this person said, he was too deliberate.

I just have to say that I have discovered something, and there is actual evidence, but I really don't have the ability to continue exploring, and I need you to fill in the holes. I can only pull out a gimmick to attract people. "

Yan Zhikong burst into laughter. What Wen Yan said was too straightforward.

Wen Yan also smiled. He only believed in the gold coin because he already had three in his hand.

As for the rest, he didn't even believe in a single punctuation mark.

The person who spoke believed that he knew it, and there were almost no people who would completely believe it.

There are very few people who believe some of it.

But I can't stand this gimmick, it's really attractive.

Especially when the pawn was turned over and the gold foil chocolate was out of stock.

There will definitely be many people who need other solutions and paths.

Those who are in need, have money and resources may not know where gold foil chocolate comes from, but they have probably bought it.

If you think about it this way, the guy who jumped out to speak now will seize the opportunity, and he doesn't know who the person behind him is.

The sense of smell is really sharp and bold.

At this time, talk about this topic.

At this point, Wen Yan felt that this boring meeting seemed to be somewhat interesting.

Wen Yan continued to listen until the afternoon meeting was over. Wen Yan saw several people leaving with the uncle, probably talking about something in private.

He also felt that there were a few people watching him. Before anyone else could make any move, Ji Shanyue appeared in front of Wen Yan like a ghost and invited Wen Yan and Yan Zhikong to dine together.

It would be too disrespectful to refuse such a thing.

When they had dinner together in the hotel, Ji Shanyue used similar words to invite Yan Zhikong, but Yan Zhikong thought that it was not convenient for him to tell others what he had learned, and he would not refuse if he could tell others.

Ji Shanyue was not embarrassed and began to ask Wen Yan for advice on how to deal with the remains of the Nanyang Alliance.

After hearing this, Wen Yan had a thought, if this guy doesn't ask Yan Zhikong, the Taoist master, what is the point of asking him to be a warrior?

Do you know that he has some relationship with the previous dead soul?

Wen Yan hesitated for a moment, then told the truth and gave him some serious advice.

"Just deal with it normally and don't mess with it."

Ji Shanyue nodded to express his thanks and said that he would go to the scene in person later to ensure that there would be no problems.

Just these words, Wen Yan always felt that they were not just a casual remark, as if they were said to him specifically.

At night, Wen Yan rested in the hotel. There will be a meeting tomorrow.

On the other side, Ji Shanyue returned to the Marine Management Department of the capital and met his minister.

"Did anything come out of the discussion?"

"No, they were all declined."

"What about other things?"

"The Taoist priest from Laojun Mountain should have nothing to do with the previous incident. He was too straightforward and ruthless when he took action.

Based on his behavior and what I learned about Laojun Mountain, it shouldn’t be him.

However, the warrior from Fuyu Mountain may indeed be related to the previous incident.

But it might only be relevant at the beginning, and it won't be something he can control later on.

I asked a dozen professionals from all over the world for their opinions, including people from Europe and China.

Their views were basically the same. They all believed that there were too many dead souls and too many victims, which had caused a qualitative change and gave birth to a king.

And those dead souls were all taken away by the king of dead souls.

Based on the experiences and resentments of those dead souls, they must have great resentment towards the living.

No one can control them except the King. "

Ji Shanyue talked about the results of his investigation and consultation.

The Minister of Marine Management nodded.

"What about the other thing?"

"There are currently many people interested, but due to the recent situation, there may not be any strong force coming soon."

The minister sighed, looking tired.

“Our voice and power are still too weak, and there is no way to solve the problem.

Every time I go to a meeting, there are endless quarrels over interests and rights.

Could it be that they can't see that if more strange beasts and giant beasts appear in the sea, they will be gambling with their lives every time. Do they think Nanyang is the same as Shenzhou? Shenzhou can take land transportation routes, and their railway network is expanding rapidly. They have other options. But here, without shipping, we are an isolated island. Can the money idling in the financial market be eaten? No, they can see it clearly. It's just that they are reluctant to give up their current rights and interests, and can't take the right steps. Many people died this time, which is considered retribution. "But, is it too risky to do this now? After all, the gold coin thing is true, and we have no way to predict what will happen next." Ji Shanyue was a little uneasy. "There is no time. I got the news that Shenzhou has begun to lay the groundwork for the release of spiritual energy revival. "This..." Ji Shanyue was shocked. He knew too well what this meant. Shenzhou would not do this unless it had to take this step or it might be too late. The intelligence and information of the Shenzhou Lieyang Department, plus the foundation of Shenzhou, were far stronger than them. "One is a foreseeable terrible future, where even the capital may be destroyed. The other is an unforeseeable, but hopeful future. Which one do you choose?" "Minister, I understand. "

Ji Shanyue sighed, his face complicated.

This is not groundless worry, but it is really foreseeable.

Just three days ago, when everyone's attention was attracted by those ghosts, a small island in the southern part of the Nanyang Alliance was directly flattened.

In the sea near there, a giant beast that had been observed appeared.

The giant beast set off a tsunami, which directly destroyed everything on the island.

Fortunately, there were not many people on the island at that time. Someone bought it before and wanted to develop tourism. After several years of procrastination, it was almost renovated, and the sand on the beach had been sifted several times.

Now everything on it has been flattened by the tsunami.

After careful analysis, the most likely possibility is that the giant beast may not have intended to destroy everything on the island.

Either it was done unconsciously, or the giant beast was fighting with other giant beasts in the sea, causing these things.

In any case, it was not deliberately targeting the island and the people on the island.

Nowadays, there are already giant beasts with this ability, which is at least two orders of magnitude stronger than the giant beasts observed ten years ago.

And according to the current situation, it can be confirmed that this is definitely not the limit, there must be more troubles, or there will be more in the future.

There is no need to deliberately suppress the news about this island, and there is no way to break through the ghost incident. , and the heat brought by the remains that were dug out.

Most people are paying attention to the dead souls, but the Minister of the Ocean Management Department and Ji Shanyue judge that this matter has reached the end stage, and the dead souls should have taken revenge and will not suddenly appear again.

What they need to pay attention to is the risks that may arise in the future.

Shipwrecks, water ghosts, Dahlia, sea monsters, etc., so many things are enough to make them understand that future dangers will mainly come from the sea, not from land.

In the past few days, the incense in various temples in the Nanyang Alliance has been several times more prosperous than before. The stocks of incense, candles, and paper money prepared by merchants for the New Year are now given to The dry stock is out of stock.

The impact is in all aspects. They are not strong enough, so the best people to cling to are naturally their neighbors in the north.

But the Marine Management Department does not have these powers and influences at all, so it can only use other methods to let outsiders take the initiative to help.

The matter of the immortal tree was not arranged by them, and the person who went up to speak was indeed not arranged by them.

It’s just that when this thing was discovered, the previous organizer did not give this person a chance to speak, and the previous organizer died, so the Marine Management Department got the authority, took over the mess, and gave that person the right to speak.

"Continue to contact the two people in Shenzhou, and then actively contact the Lieyang Department of Shenzhou."

"Okay, I understand. "

On the other side, Wen Yan was in the hotel room, holding his mobile phone, checking the information of Ji Shanyue, whom he met today, and the Ocean Management Department.

To say that this department is roughly equivalent to the Lieyang Department is really flattering them.

They really have no say, no power, and no funds. Wen Yan looked at the information and almost understood why the evil magicians of the Nanyang Alliance were rampant before, and the demons could hang around here.

And now, they came down and killed most of the evil magicians who showed up in one wave, and the ghosts killed many people who had resources and power. The wave took it away, plus the current surging public opinion.

This Ocean Management Department has finally turned over and started to get more resources and funds.

No wonder they dare to give benefits directly. This is obviously to grow quickly and prepare to spend money to poach people.

It doesn’t matter whether Wen Yan does anything or not, as long as he has the title of a disciple of Fuyu Mountain.

With this title, the people of the Ocean Management Department can use this title to poach others.

When poaching people, they say that the most talented warrior of the younger generation of Fuyu Mountain is here. Come on, the benefits will definitely satisfy you.

Wen Yan looked at the information on his phone and couldn't help but laugh. Sure enough, there is no free breakfast, lunch, or dinner in the world.

He did not interfere in the affairs of the Nanyang Alliance. After the meeting the next day, he was ready to leave.

When we arrived at the port, we saw some people who had just disembarked from the ship and were standing at the smoking spot. Listening to their conversations, they seemed to be non-locals and came from other places. One of them was a professional.

Seeing these people being dragged away by familiar license plate numbers, he guessed that these people were probably recruited here.

After boarding the Dahlia, Wen Yan left by boat. The main purpose this time was to take the Dahlia back.

As soon as we went out to sea, we met a transshipment fishing boat. Wen Yan asked and found out that it was not too expensive, so he packed up all the worthless fish, shrimps and crabs and fed them to the Dahlia.

The boilers on the Dahlia all have big mouths, waiting to be fed, and they are not picky about their food. If they feed giant beasts, they will eat giant beasts, and if they feed fish, they will eat fish. Anyway, it is much cheaper than burning oil.

Wen Yan was particularly curious about how the Dahlia maintained power after eating such a small amount of food. Isn't this energy utilization rate a bit outrageous?

Or, this guy doesn’t actually rely on eating to replenish energy?

So Wen Yan gave it a try and fed it non-stop to a boiler. He fed most of the things purchased this time to this boiler, and the big mouth didn't stop.

Wen Yan thought for a while, forget it, paused the experiment, and waited until he got back and got closer to the land.

As we moved forward, gradually, the surrounding area became the same color as sea and sky, and no trace of land could be seen in all directions.

As we marched into the night, the Dahlia's whistle suddenly sounded, and black smoke began to billow from several large chimneys.

Wen Yan frowned slightly and looked outside. He didn't see anything, so he immediately opened the door on the right side of the bridge and went to the other side to take a look.

The dark ocean on the other side was very calm and there was nothing. However, the corpses of the giant beasts that were tied with iron chains and hung on the side of the ship were still there, and even the iron chains that were tied to the corpses of the giant beasts were still there. There are more than before.

He sensed it carefully, but still found nothing. He returned to the living world through the bridge. The sea surface began to fluctuate a little, and the waves began to gradually become larger.

On the calm sea, you can see the undulations of the sea gradually increasing. Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and took a look at the real-time positioning, as well as a lot of corresponding data.

It stands to reason that the weather here should be calm, the wind speed is only level 4, and there are no clouds or rain. It can be said to be a very comfortable weather.

But now, he looked up and saw the undulating sea surface. The highest point was already as high as the deck, and the ship's hull was also constantly rising and falling in the waves.

He sent a message to Black Box and asked Black Box to check the situation nearby.

The results given were the same as before, the weather was calm, the weather was very good, and the sea breeze was relatively comfortable.

Wen Yan walked out of the bridge and took a look outside. He didn't feel anything, so there were only two possibilities. Either the thing below was very good at hiding it, or the other party was in a relatively deep place.

Let's go back and find a way to get a sonar device for the Dahlia, otherwise it won't be easy to deal with things under the sea.

The Dahlia was already accelerating, but the waves around it were still getting bigger and bigger.

The nearest ship is still some distance away from him, and it carries corresponding weapons and cannot reach it in a short time.

Wen Yan patted the rudder.

"The guy below seems to want to sink you. Does he have any grudge against you?

If it does, it will ring once; if it doesn’t, it will ring twice. "

The Dahlia didn't respond at all. Her IQ is too low, so she might not be able to understand it well.

At this moment, the turbulent waves in front dissipated, but the sea level on the side was still rising rapidly.

A huge wave higher than the bridge directly caused the entire ship to tilt, and the ship almost turned sideways.

The next moment, a large package of water dozens of meters in size bulged out from the huge swell on the left side. It crossed the hull and fell to the other side.

In the water bag, a giant beast that merged with the sea water emerged. Tentacles were placed on the Dahlia, which was almost overturned. With the force, it gave a strong push, causing the Dahlia to completely roll over. , the bow of the ship was even pulled under the sea by the giant beast.

The Dahlia rolled over and began to take in water. The steel plates in some places were twisted into weird shapes by the huge force.

Wen Yan flicked his wrist, and the gray cloth flew out, rolled up the pure mace, and fell into Wen Yan's hand.

He walked out of the bridge, took a step forward, and struck down with a single blow. The pure weapon struck the huge tentacle, but it seemed as if it had hit the thick tanned cowhide. The tentacle dented a little, and Wen Yan's strength was loose. of exhaustion.

Even the force of the shock made Wen Yanhu's mouth numb from the shock. This ghost's body is extremely tough.

When being hit, it will even tremble rapidly, constantly losing strength.

After being attacked, the tentacles that were placed on the side of the ship and almost integrated with the water quickly changed color and became the same color as the side of the ship.

The color seemed to be contagious, and the impact was instantaneous. In the sea water, a dark blue with rust color, at least forty to fifty meters in length, like a giant squid appeared in the sea water.

Those two dark eyes turned to look at Wen Yan, and then immediately looked back at the bridge of the Dahlia.


"Although they don't look alike, the corpses of the giant beasts hanging on the Dahlia are all of its own kind.

And it also has some unclear old grudges with the Dahlia. It has been looking for the Dahlia for several months.

Unfortunately, after it swallowed a strange native octopus, it gained some special abilities and became stronger when it encountered strong ones.

Now he was hunting, killing the Dahlia, devouring the Dahlia. "

"Don't let it swallow you, you may be transported to the other side."

"Temporary ability: none."

Wen Yan frowned slightly, stretched out a hand and slowly touched the body of the giant squid. Its body felt as soft as a bag of water. He slowly penetrated in, and this time the depth of pressure was slightly. It easily surpassed the force of hitting it with a pure mace.

He stretched out his left hand, and his nails slowly stretched out a little, and penetrated into the skin easily. He was like stroking a kitten, exerting force gently, and when he gently rubbed his nails, he saw a wisp of black, Spread inside.

The next moment, the giant squid's eyes moved, and its big mouth disappeared from its original position in an instant, while a big mouth suddenly opened on the thick tentacles in front of Wen Yan.

After opening the mouth, no teeth were seen, only a black hole.

The hand he penetrated into the tentacle naturally penetrated into the darkness at this moment.

The next moment, a huge suction force came. Wen Yan's vision went dark, and he appeared in a dead black ocean.

Wen Yan looked around, feeling the feeling here, and immediately located the location of the Dahlia.

He shook the gray cloth and moved forward quickly underwater. After a few minutes, he surfaced and saw the Dahlia floating on the sea in the distance.

But at this moment, the Dahlia seemed to be dropping frames and flickering occasionally.

Wen Yan's face darkened. Fortunately, he could locate the direction. Otherwise, if he was teleported here, he would be lost immediately.

He held the gray cloth and quickly returned to the Dahlia. He entered through the door on the right side of the bridge. He immediately saw tentacles wrapped around the glass outside the bridge, and a big mouth biting on the bridge, where it was bitten. , began to distort, and everything around him began to flicker as if the frame was dropped.

The only thing that didn't flicker was the bridge door, a door that could cross two worlds when opened.

The door was just changing color and texture, approaching the color of the giant squid at the moment.

Now Wen Yan somewhat understood what the grudge between the Dahlia and the giant squid might be, and why the giant squid was called the door squid.

I don’t know what happened, but the result was that the Dahlia swallowed and fused some of the abilities of the squid, combined with the strangeness of the Dahlia itself, and the power that had been accumulated before, the combination allowed the Dahlia to surface.

This guy may be the advance army in the Black Sea, just to come and build a door.

This guy's big mouth may not be controllable at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been far away from the Dahlia after being teleported there.

Wen Yan glanced at the big mouth, walked out of the bridge, and immediately a tentacle rolled over him. Without even looking at it, he quickly rushed towards the huge upper body of the giant squid.

He stretched out his left hand again, stabbed it into the giant squid with a slight force, and added a little more poison. The moment the big mouth gnawing on the bridge was transferred, he had already retracted his hand.

The tentacle behind him pulled out, and when he was about to hit his back, he pulled the gray cloth, and his speed suddenly exploded. He did a backflip, bypassed the tentacle, and kicked it fiercely. He kicked the tentacle and kicked the tentacle toward the big mouth.

His speed was too fast, and neither his mouth nor his tentacles had time to react.

The moment part of the tentacle was submerged into the darkness of the mouth, a terrifying suction force suddenly erupted.

When the tentacle was pulled by a huge force, it instantly triggered the effect of becoming stronger when strong. The tentacle became extremely tough. In this case, it was impossible to be torn off instantly.

Wen Yan kept retreating and stood on a high place, fixing his body with gray cloth.

He looked at the tentacle, twisting and being sucked into the large mouth. The large mouth could not be moved or closed, and was forcibly held up by the giant squid's own strength and characteristics.

The suction force became stronger and stronger, and the giant squid's tentacles were sucked into the big mouth like noodles, and the big mouth began to be stretched wider and wider.

It's like a greedy snake, eating itself.

Its other tentacles also want to help, tear the tentacles apart, or interrupt this suction.

The more it struggles, the greater the pressure it receives, and the strength of its body begins to get stronger and stronger, thus falling into an endless cycle.

Wen Yan watched as the giant squid gradually twisted into a weird shape. The large mouth swallowed its own tentacles, and then began to swallow its own body, making its shape more and more distorted.

Seeing that the giant squid became weaker and weaker as it struggled, Wen Yan quickly came to the bridge, opened the door on the left, and took a look towards the Black Sea.

He saw that the giant squid did appear in the distance, but here it looked like the giant squid was devouring itself instead of spitting it out.

He left his phone here taking pictures and returned to the other side.

Just a few minutes later, accompanied by an unpleasant crunching sound and a feeling so awkward that Wen Yan wanted to spit it out, the giant squid's big mouth devoured itself and disappeared entirely.

Wen Yan endured the awkward discomfort and quickly came to the bridge, entered through the door on the left, picked up his phone and watched the video.

That side swallowed itself from the outside, but the twisted and weird monster here seemed to swallow itself from the inside and disappeared.

Wen Yan turned off his phone and just watched the video, which gave him an extremely awkward feeling of discomfort.

Back in the present world, the Dahlia, which had rolled over, had righted itself, and the water that had entered was being discharged on its own.

There are only some damaged areas that have not yet been restored.

Wen Yan looked at the doors on both sides of the bridge. The doors had returned to their original appearance. What was incompatible with the surroundings was that the doors looked new and no longer felt old at all.

Wen Yan patted the rudder of the ship.

"How on earth did you get into a grudge with that guy? Let that guy cross the border to hunt you down?

Why doesn't it find you over there? Do you have to come here? "

The Dahlia's whistle blew, but I didn't know what it meant.

Wen Yan sighed, let's go back and understand it slowly.

He was attacked inexplicably. He originally just guessed that the giant squid's ability was defective. After being teleported once, he remembered his previous messy thoughts.

For example, can a portal teleport itself?

So I improvised and wanted to give it a try.

Unexpectedly, its mouth, which can move freely throughout its body, can actually swallow itself.

It seemed to trigger something like a bug, which made him feel physically and mentally uncomfortable when he saw it, and he felt like he wanted to vomit.

He held the phone and looked into the distance, and saw a fighter plane approaching rapidly in the sky and circling around him.

Then his phone rang.

"Are you okay? You couldn't get through the phone just now. Are you in a place with no signal?"

"Well, I was suddenly attacked in the no-signal area just now. It was the enemy of the Dahlia. It had nothing to do with me or anyone else. It's okay now. The attacking giant beast is gone."

"What giant beast?"


"Wait a minute!" On the other side, Feng Yao immediately checked the satellite image. When he saw the Dahlia rolled over on its side with a huge squid lying on it, he was a little confused.

He didn't remember it at all. When he saw the image, he felt uncomfortable and felt nauseous.

After taking one more look, he immediately spat it out with a whoosh.

He immediately closed the image and vomited twice more before feeling better.

"Feng Yao? What's going on?"

"It's okay. I saw something I shouldn't have seen and couldn't help but vomited it out. This is a normal physiological reaction."


“It was an instinctive self-preservation reaction, to interrupt what I was doing.

The strong physiological impulse at that moment suppressed all thoughts and reactions and forcibly interrupted the impact I was receiving. This is the instinct of living creatures.

There are similar things recorded in the Sun Division because it was my natural reaction when I saw something that shouldn't be there.

There is a big boss inside who once issued a conjecture that cannot be completely verified.

He said it was something that once existed, and suddenly, as if it had never existed, the matter suddenly completely disappeared.

Substances that exist generally only undergo transfer, and their components are transferred from one place to another.

When matter disappears, it changes from matter to energy.

When this energy is not vented directly, it will be transformed into something else.

For example, the image this thing may have left behind, confirming its past existence, will turn into an inexplicable bug.

This instinctive reaction will be triggered when the creature sees it again.

In this way, the energy will be consumed bit by bit, until in the end, the inexplicable bug will become an ordinary thing and will no longer have any impact.

I remember this is about it. With your permissions, you should be able to see it. If you are interested, you can check it out for yourself.


As he spoke, Feng Yao started to vomit again.

"Are you okay?" Wen Yan listened to the sound of vomiting on the phone and felt that Feng Yao was about to vomit his stomach.

"No...it's okay..."

"If it's okay, can you send me what you saw?"


Feng Yao hung up the phone.

Wen Yan couldn't help but laugh as he listened to the busy tone on the phone.

He looked at the remaining traces here, but he still remembered what happened just now, and he had not forgotten it. He just felt a little sick when he thought of the distorted scene of the giant squid disappearing at the end.

Come on, let’s go back first.

After returning home, feed the Dahlia well, and at least the communication will be smoother. The current Dahlia is at best intelligent.


Ji Youli listened to the electric car, picked up the takeout, and prepared to go home.

Two young people downstairs were discussing something.

"It must be true. It's normal to have no pictures and no truth. A normal camera can't capture A Piaoduo. It's normal. No matter how fake it is, it's impossible for everyone to say so. I went over the wall to see it, and there are many Look, it’s just ordinary people talking.”

"I also think that maybe the spiritual energy has recovered."

"I have a book at home that my grandpa left behind. It says it's Baduanjin. It's different from the one on the Internet. I'll take it out when I go back and practice."

"Don't be stupid. If you could practice this thing just by reading a book, you would be dead by now."

"You idiot, don't you know how to speak well? If I can practice and feel better, I might teach you."

"Young man, you can definitely learn it! Oh, by the way, does your grandpa have any Qing Gong?"

Ji Youli listened to the young man's lively discussion and smiled without paying attention. He carried the takeout upstairs.

When I arrived at the door of his house, I saw a girl with heavy makeup talking on the phone at the door opposite his house.

"Well, I forgot my key. How much does it cost to open the lock? One hundred? Why don't you go and grab it!"

When the girl saw Ji Youli, her eyes lit up and she immediately hung up the phone.

"Brother, I remember you know how to pick a lock, right? How much does it cost to open a lock?"

Ji Youli smiled and said.

"We are all neighbors..."

"Then it's one hundred! I've made it easier for those profiteers, so why not treat me to tea!" Without saying a word, the girl took out a one hundred card from her bag and stuffed it into Ji Youli's pocket without any explanation.

Ji Youli wanted to say that they are all neighbors, so they can get whatever money they need with a little effort.

But the girl couldn't help but interrupt him.

"Brother, can you hurry up? I need to pee."

"Hold on."

Ji Youli quickly opened the door and went in to find tools, forgetting to ask the girl to come directly to his house to use the toilet.

Outside the door, the girl was holding her mobile phone and said to herself that she was very forgetful and forgot to take the key every now and then. This time I gave her one hundred. If she encounters this kind of situation again next time, the big brother would be embarrassed to accept it again. Money, right?

Ji Youli found a plastic piece with good toughness, put it against the crack of the door, poked it, pulled and scratched it, and the door opened with a click.

The girl was stunned for a moment. Is it so simple?

"The door and lock installed by your landlord are not very good, so it can't work like this. A better lock, or if it is locked from behind, it won't work. Don't you need to use the toilet?"

"Oh..." The girl rushed to the bathroom in a hurry. When she reached the door of the bathroom, she hesitated for a moment and turned around and said: "Brother, remember to collect the money from now on. Last time you helped the eighth-grandmother upstairs unlock the door, the money was confiscated. That bitch just lied about you going in and asked everyone to change the locks better. It’s really a good idea but no reward.”

After the girl finished speaking, she rushed into the bathroom.

Ji Youli stood there, a little stunned, and finally smiled, put the hundred yuan in his pocket on the table, turned around and left.

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