I am your natural enemy

Chapter 415 Follow the clues, Ah Piao’s version of Ah Piao (8k)

Wen Yan thought about it, turned on his phone, and searched for keywords. Sure enough, he found something similar.

In some previous fraud cases, some victims went to Nanyang and disappeared completely.

After the events of the Nanyang Alliance broke out a few days ago, these ordinary cases were also used as relevant information and entered the jurisdiction of the Lieyang Department.

When Wen Yan looked at information related to Nanyang every day, he happened to glance at it and took a look at the relevant things. The relevant people went to Nanyang, and the people related to Nanyang were also in contact with the Lieyang Department.

In the past, Wen Yan was basically certain that as long as these people ran out of China, it would be difficult to catch them back.

But now, there is constant quarrel within the Nanyang Alliance.

Some of them hope to get Dongda University into trouble quickly and come to help explain the situation. Such a big thing happened a few days ago, and a lot of people who are not dead will take the blame.

In addition, everyone who should know also knows that the progress of spiritual energy recovery is still continuing and accelerating.

Moreover, the conclusion reached by the Lieyang Department is that the current stage is the most favorable stage for Ah Piao.

This makes many people there feel that it is time to follow the tradition of the past and recognize a big brother or a father.

But there are also some people who are particularly afraid that after China starts to intervene, its influence will be pervasive, just like before.

A few words in the official history of China are equivalent to several books written by some members of the Nanyang Alliance. To sum up, today he beat me, and tomorrow he will accept me as his younger brother and say that he will not beat me in the future. I even made a written statement that he really stopped beating me, but the day after tomorrow, his son beat me again.

From that perspective, it's normal for the feelings to be a little complicated.

So this time, the Lieyang Department had just been contacted, and when they were chatting about the matter, they brought it up.

No matter which faction they were on, they all felt that they should catch those turtle boys and send them back as soon as possible.

Currently, it is said that three people have been captured. Maybe more will be captured in the next few days, and they will be handed over to the Lieyang Department.

Wen Yan glanced at it before and didn't remember everything. He only remembered a rough idea and knew that there was such a thing.

Wen Yan looked at his phone and remembered that when he was a teenager and still in Guanzhong County, he once saw a little girl in school uniform next to the train station and said she was five yuan short of fare home.

He had never seen these tricks before. He had a total of ten yuan with him and gave five yuan to the other person.

Then half an hour later, he saw the little girl sitting in the Kaifeng dish on the street corner. At that time, Wen Yan didn't think much about it. He couldn't see clearly through the glass. Who would have thought that he would have to leave. When he saw the little girl The girl finished eating, walked out, returned to her original position, and continued to beg for fares.

Wen Yan squatted in the distance and watched for twenty minutes, and saw that the little girl had made another thirty yuan.

This was a blow to Wen Yan, who at that time claimed that he was out to make money and was admitted to a social university. After all, he was still young.

What he thought at that time was that he worked hard every day, climbing mountains in the middle of the night to help people do errands, and the money he earned might not be as good as others cheating people on the street. If he was lucky, they would work harder than him in an hour and a whole night, and his hands would be better. Even if the skin on your shoulders is scratched, you still make money.

In the end, due to various reasons, I didn't go over to question him in person.

But now, Wen Yan took the phone, looked at the call history, and started searching for the phone number.

Well, no surprise, virtual number.

It doesn't matter, continue positioning.

There is no technical content, these functions are built into the Lieyangbu app, which is very convenient, as long as you have permission.

Now that the calls have been made to Wen Yan's phone, both the single-event authority and Wen Yan's own authority level are enough.

The people who used this technique have all run away and are about to be handed back. If there are still people using this, then maybe something has slipped through the net.

The speech skills of these guys have been carefully rehearsed and the most suitable ones have been found after a lot of practice.

If you hang up after hearing the first few words, people who are very wary will not look for you again, which is a waste of time.

Those who can listen to the conversation and still follow along are the goals.

Anyone who can be greedy or fooled by talking on the phone like this, hey, this is the key goal.

Those people will immediately switch from the mode of casting a wide net to the mode of focusing on fishing.

There are also models that directly focus on fishing, but those require a large amount of information to be obtained from the beginning, and they have to make bureaus, make fake documents, etc., and the investment is not small. For example, international students are the targets of special care.

But no matter which one, these words may have been tried out at the expense of many people stepping on the sewing machine. How could these people give up?

Wen Yan started to position himself, and soon got feedback.

Good guy, it’s in Nanwu County.

How could this guy have such courage? They all found him?

His official information is that he is a regular employee of the funeral home... Well, it sounds right when you think about it. It may be the stereotype that this status does not have much social contact, he may have savings in his hand, and he may also like to play cards.

Wen Yan has met many people doing idle things before, and they all really love playing mahjong.

But after thinking about it again, it was impossible for his private mobile phone number to be leaked casually from the time he joined the company to later.

And his account has only been used for a few months in total.

Thinking of this, Wen Yan was ready to continue checking. The Lieyang Department's App did not have the ready-made functions he wanted, so he just asked the black box to come.

"Help me check if there was another owner of this number before."

Soon, Black Box responded.

Indeed, the owner of this account is really named Li.

The owner of the account is from Nanwu County. At the beginning of this year, the account was in arrears and has not been paid since. Three months later, it was taken back by the operator.

A few months later, after Wen Yan came here, he didn't really want to use the original number, so he got a new mobile phone number, and this number fell into his hands.

The original account owner has no records since the beginning of the year. The bank card under his name has no access to the account, there is no mobile phone number under his name, and there are no assets under his name.

The most recent record related to this account owner is an alarm record.

He was a relative of the owner of the account. He was frequently harassed by debt collectors, so he directly called the police.

The owner of the account sold his house at the end of last year, took out a bunch of online loans, withdrew all the money and disappeared. The last recorded location was in the city next to the port city.

Seeing this, Wen Yan understood that this was a route that was at least thirty years ago.

It’s just that no one does this anymore. It’s no longer the time 30 or 40 years ago when a taxi driver over there could hire two girls. There are no smugglers on this route anymore because it’s too risky and not profitable.

No one reported her missing, and her family only found out about it when they were notified by debt collectors.

Judging from the records, this is a common way for a Run person to leave, nothing special.

Even now, it is normal for many people to never hear from them again after they left.

No one would report a missing person in this kind of case. Unless there were any accidents, it would be basically impossible for him to appear in the case of the Lieyang Department.

The manpower of the Lieyang Department is not enough to begin with, so how can it be possible to waste the energy of grassroots personnel on such a matter.

Wen Yan looked carefully and saw that the person who had just called him had not made any more outgoing calls for several minutes.

He thought about it and called Feng Yao.

"Hey, are you busy? Can you spare two minutes to help catch someone?"

"What's wrong?"

"At first, a scam call came to my phone, but I checked and found that he was still using the information of the previous account holder. Moreover, after he called me, he did not continue to cast a wider net. I don't think it is right. So right."

While Wen Yan was on the phone, he sent the information to Feng Yao.

Feng Yao couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"What the hell? Did you get scammed?"

Feng Yao quickly checked and added the information sent by Wen Yan, and his smile slowly faded.

He clamped the phone on his shoulder, changed from one-hand operation to two-hand operation, and quickly used his authority to start tracking along this point.

Two minutes later.

"It's really not right, that's not a scam call, it's more like a code.

The main phone owner who called you has dialed more than a dozen numbers in the past few days.

Two of them, like the previous owner of your private number, have disappeared.

There are also two numbers. The nominal account owners sold their mobile phone numbers. The actual users of those two numbers have been using sewing machines there last month.

For the rest, if you just look at the numbers, the account owners are all ordinary people, but these people don't have any serious jobs.

Judging from the current situation, it is speculated that the probability of them selling their ID cards and mobile phone numbers is not small.

This is not an ordinary wide-net scam, this is a code match. "

After Feng Yao said this, he immediately began to arrange manpower. He first went to the location to see if he could catch someone on the spot.

"Didn't two of them go in before? Let's find someone to ask. Now I feel that these guys might have something to do with the Nanyang Alliance." Wen Yan replied casually.

"I'm afraid these old fools won't tell. If they have anything to do with the case, it will be an explanation, not meritorious service. They may not even think about reducing their sentences. If they are involved in a new case, they may have to increase their sentences."

"I have great confidence in the department's interrogation experts."

"Okay, I'll ask right now."

Soon, people from the Yuzhou brigade appeared at the location. On the surface, it was still a serious foreign trade company. However, the recent recession had caused a ship carrying their goods to capsize on the other side of the world. Now Still wrangling.

The technicians quickly determined which piece of equipment was being operated and who had left the company.

But in the city, my face was photographed, and it only lasted less than twenty minutes. The probability of running away was really low.

Ten minutes later, someone blocked the other party where he got off the bus and took him back.

On the other side, the interrogation experts from the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou who had been idle for the past few days walked into the detention center with a smile, handed over the documents, and began the interrogation.

When he saw the first person, the interrogation expert was still smiling and looking up and down at the shaved prisoner.

"Don't be nervous, I have something I want to ask you about other people.

You're lucky, you're the first person I ask.

If you fail to do this, you will make a great contribution. It's up to you to decide. "

The prisoner opposite was very vigilant, and after hearing these words, he became even more vigilant.

"You guys are inside, you must have seen the news, right?

To tell you the truth, the person I am looking for this time may have something to do with the Nanyang Alliance.

Moreover, these daring guys have cast their net on the personal mobile phones of the leaders above me.


"Government, this has nothing to do with me!" When the prisoner heard this, his scalp went numb. Of course he had watched the news. The only thing he could watch inside was the news. Of course he knew that something big had happened in Nanyang.

Now after hearing this, he quickly denied it.

"I really only seek money, not life."

"Don't be nervous, I'm just asking. If you know something, just say what you want to say. If you don't want to say, then I'll ask someone else. You're just lucky enough to be asked first."

After hearing this, the prisoner immediately began to wonder why he had started betraying his colleagues.

He himself knows that he does not do anything harmful, and even cheats money by never seeing the victim. He is following the path of the new era.

If a colleague was killed, it would definitely have nothing to do with him. This was a standard meritorious service.

Especially if he may be involved in such a major event that attracts worldwide attention, and may even be a murder case, if he really gives out some key information and is guaranteed to be a major meritorious service, his sentence may be reduced by 30 to 40%.

If you just report your peers, they are all cheating, then the most you can do is to sentence him lightly. You may be given a lighter sentence depending on the circumstances, but it will also offend people to death. If you go out in a few years and want to find someone to help, I'm afraid. No one pulled him.

The prisoner's thoughts were racing and he began to recall things he knew and heard before.

"I have heard some, but I just heard, I can't guarantee it's true..."

"It's okay, just speak slowly and say whatever comes to mind."

"Can I have a cigarette?"

The interrogation expert smiled and took out a cigarette. Seeing this posture, the prisoner became more sure that a colleague had committed a serious crime and came to help him reduce his sentence.

Half an hour later, the interrogation expert took the records and left, going to another place where there was also a detention center.

"Don't be nervous, just chatting, I have something else I want to ask you.

You are lucky, the first person I look for when I come here is you..."

After a while, he left with the transcript, satisfied.

He understands the mentality of these guys very well. Knowing that the matter is big enough and the target of the crime is probably dead, they become more active.

On the other side, the person who called Wen Yan has also been taken back for interrogation.

In fact, there is no need to interrogate. As long as you know who the other party is, you can dig out a lot of things. If you are caught again, the guy has not thrown away the few mobile phone cards he bought, so things are even simpler. .

The interrogation expert from the Lieyang Department always smiled during the interrogation. This task is really comfortable. Although it is not difficult, it is a big deal. Anyway, it is better than being idle. How can he use these people? Exchange bonuses and make meritorious deeds.

Two hours later, Feng Yao called Wen Yan.

"It really has something to do with Nanyang. These people rely on deception to deceive greedy people and then sell piglets.

According to the existing intelligence, it can be basically inferred that the targets of these people are those who have the idea of ​​dying outside.

In recent years, one after another, at least thousands of people who yearned for the outside world have actually died outside.

It had been speculated before that among the skeletons excavated from Nanyang, there might be people from China.

I didn't expect it to happen.

Especially in the early years, there should be the most, but in the past two years, many intermediaries have been full of food.

The new route they developed is to go directly to the other side of the ocean and walk through the rainforest, without having to go to Nanyang at all.

In addition, we have started to crack down on fraud in the past few years, and almost no one has taken this road. "

Wen Yan suddenly understood, that is to say, he had not seen any of the dead souls he had seen before. It was not that there were no dead souls, but there were real dead souls from China, but they were all dead souls that had lost their self-awareness, not those in the past two years.

"What else was dug up?"

"The one who called you is taking over the connections and resources of my seniors.

Unfortunately, she was also deceived. The latest resources she thought were actually from more than a year ago.

She also spent a lot of money to buy these materials.

Now that she heard that calls were being made to the private mobile phone number of a leader in the relevant department, she felt that she had been cheated.

Now the person who sold her information has also been sold. That person was about to leave the customs and was caught.

What do you think happened to this person after he was caught? "

"Hey, you've learned how to tell the truth? What's wrong?"

"After this matter was implicated, the relevant cases were transferred to the Lieyang Department, and it was our field team who went to arrest him.

The field officer looked more fierce, and the uniform he wore was not the uniform of the police system. This guy thought he had committed something else.

He directly begged for mercy, and with a bald mouth, he said something he shouldn't have said.

Do you still remember the ghost god of wealth from before? "

"Why does this involve the Ghost God of Wealth?" Wen Yan was a little confused. How did this involve the Ghost God of Wealth? Isn’t it basically finished?

"There's nothing strange about it. It's all deception. It's normal to have contact.

Do you remember the previous information?

Those small temples of the ghost god of wealth in the underworld are still there, and the big hall there is still there.

It was not affected at all by your trip to Nanyang.

In fact, this thing is really not created by the guys over there in Nanyang.

They don't have this kind of strength and foundation at all. This thing already exists in China.

They added their own things to the original foundation, and then transformed it into what we see.

The original ghost god of wealth is actually a very niche thing.

They were worshiped by some people who specialized in selling shady things in the ghost market in the past.

But this disappeared decades ago before the spiritual energy was revived. At that time, it was hit and completely disappeared.

Later, when the spiritual energy revived, someone wanted to do something about it, but the one who came was the real Ah Piao, and something happened to him, but he disappeared again.

Now, the ghost market we are talking about is a serious Rakshasa ghost market, and it is a serious place to receive Ah Piao.

No one had contacted him in this regard before. He had disappeared long ago and his name had been replaced.

A few days ago, all the ghost wealth gods who were caught were all killed, and no one even thought about it.

Unexpectedly, a fraudster I encountered today is really related to the ghost god of wealth.

Moreover, he worships the original ghost god of wealth. "

"He wants to run away, does it have something to do with this? Or does it have something to do with Nanyang?" Wen Yan asked.

"It's all related. He saw that many skeletons were excavated in Nanyang and made the news. This matter is too big to be suppressed. Everyone who should know knows what the inside story is. A lot of people who have experienced it posted content on the Internet.

In addition, we have hosted many small temples with ghost gods of wealth before, so he also knows some about them.

But he thought that the ghost god of wealth he worshiped was the same as the ones we took away before.

So, he cleared everything and prepared to run away.

This guy is greedy, but he doesn't dare to sell his latest resources for fear of being implicated.

So I sold the information from a year ago to get whatever I could.

He didn't expect that he would be arrested on the same day. He thought he had taken the money and ran away, and was caught by those guys who worshiped the ghost god of wealth.

At that time, with his bald mouth, he let out a lot of things.

During the interrogation later, he repeatedly determined the place where he was being held. Since Ah Piao couldn't get in, he gave up the struggle. "

Wen Yan scratched his head when he heard this. Does this mean that something was really dug out?

When he started, he really just thought that any bullshit would dare to trick him.

Unexpectedly, the person who wanted to deceive him was also deceived.

It also involves the ghost God of Wealth who is also a deceiver. At the beginning, this ghost was still local?

"It sounds like that guy knows about Ah Piao and is particularly afraid of him? Why can Ah Piao go to the Lieyang Department and kill him?"

"He was indeed very scared. When he was caught, he was bald because of fear. He said that Ah Piao was not an ordinary Ah Piao. There once was a Taoist priest who used all the methods against Ah Piao, but it was useless. The Taoist priest He was also killed.

Through the clues that guy mentioned, I have confirmed that a Taoist priest from Nanwu County has indeed disappeared and has not been found yet.

Just a month ago, the Taoist priest indeed went to capture Ah Piao. "

"Profess a Taoist priest?"

"No, but he is not a liar either. He is a Nanmo who uses whatever is useful. He has good strength and rich practical experience.

There are records of escaping from Mao Zhan and setting a trap to lure Mao Zong into the trap and trap him.

Even if that Mao Zang is just a wild Mao Zang that is far inferior to your Fuyu Mountain Mao Zang.

There are very few people who can do this. "

"Any clues?"

"There are very few clues. At that time, the Taoist Priest probably just thought he was catching an ordinary Ah Piao. At most, he was filled with resentment and left without leaving much information. He must have been careless and did not leave much information.

If it was a slightly difficult matter, according to the rules, he would leave a message about who the target was, where it was, and who invited it.

If no one invites him and he just wants to gain merit, it will be recorded.

But there is no such record now.

No one in his Taoist temple knew about it, so the possibility of artificially stealing the records can basically be ruled out. "

"Give me the clues and I'll find someone to ask."


After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan received the information pushed by Feng Yao. After looking at it, he looked at the time and the sky, and then he made a call to Feng Wei.

"Feng Wei, is Prince Zhu here? I'll go over and pay a visit."

"Here, I'm awake. There are no guests today. Prince Zhu has braised a large pot of beef, which is just ready to eat today."

"Okay, then please lead the way."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan called the little fox.

"Is your master here?"

"here I am."

"How much more do you have prepared by your master?"

"There are still more."

"Then let your master blow up ten copies for me, and I'll take it away."


Wen Yan went to get the takeout and followed Feng Wei to Guanzhong County with the takeout in hand.

The original purpose was to ask someone for advice, so it would not be appropriate to come in empty-handed.

Carrying a bag of boxes, Wen Yan greeted some familiar Ah Piao and came to the inner courtyard as if he were returning to his own home.

"Hahaha, brother, you're already here, why do you bring something with you?

Why, Crazy Thursday is gone, so you just join in the fun. "

Prince Zhu was not too polite and started joking when they met.

"Prince Zhu, you taste it first before talking. I don't dare to take ordinary things."

"So, I have to try it."

Wen Yan opened a box and placed it in front of Prince Zhu.

"Prince Zhu, just eat it, it should be fine."

Prince Zhu picked up a piece and took a sip. The Yin Qi in his body began to boil. In an instant, the churning Yin Qi was suppressed.

"Hey, good guy, what is this?"

"Good thing. For thousands of years, no one had such a good thing."

After Prince Zhu ate a piece, he felt like he was about to sweat.

"That's awesome. You're too polite."

"I want to ask Prince Zhu about something."

"Just say it."

"Things about ghost markets and ghost gods of wealth."

"Hey, weren't all those guys arrested?"

"No, this thing originally came from China. They changed it to look like that. The information I got is that nearly a hundred years ago, before the spiritual energy was revived, some people in the human ghost market worshiped the ghost god of wealth."

"Hey, I don't even know about this kind of thing. Just wait, I'll ask a friend."

Prince Zhu picked up the phone and made a call.

"Let your grandpa answer the phone, why should you sleep? Didn't you get enough sleep while you were alive?

How many years have you slept since you died? Why are you sleeping now?

If you have serious business, come to him. Hurry up and don't dawdle. If you dawdle, be careful next time I see you and I'll beat you up. "

After a while, I heard Prince Zhu continue.

"Old ghost, don't talk nonsense. I have something serious to ask you. If you know, you'd better tell me directly.

Do you know the Ghost God of Wealth?

Don't tell me you don't know. You old man was a black marketer when you were alive. Don't think I don't know.

Hey, don't worry about how I know this. I also know that you were smuggling horses from outside and you were so rich that there was oil on the surface of your urine. "

After Prince Zhu said a few words, he listened to what the other party said. After a while, he hung up the phone.

“I asked an old ghost that this guy might have been in contact with these things before he was alive.

He said that now there is no such thing as A Piao worshiping the ghost God of Wealth. They are all worshiped by people.

Especially those who are interested in the side, there may be people who worship them.

But he didn't know the specific details, so he said he would ask his old friends first.

When there is any news here, I will tell you immediately. "

"Okay, I'll help you, Prince Zhu."

"Why are you so polite? Now that you're here, don't leave. Beef is cheap recently. I braised a lot of beef. You can try it. It's refrigerated and set. I'll pick some beef tendon for you. You can slice it when you go back. , guaranteed to be delicious.”

"It's easy to talk about anything if you don't drink."

"Hahaha..." Prince Zhu laughed. He drank too much last time and fell into the underworld. Now he doesn't force it. This reason is more legitimate than alcohol allergies or driving.

Wen Yan was dragged by Prince Zhu to eat meat and drink wine together. While others were drinking, Wen Yan was drinking, and no one dared to persuade him to drink.

After a meal and when the meal was almost done, Prince Zhu's phone rang. After answering the call for a few minutes, Prince Zhu brought Wen Yan to the study.

"The news came very quickly this time. My old friend said that he had indeed heard of it.

It is said that there was indeed a temple in the past, and it was built secretly by those guys who took advantage of it.

It is to worship the God of Wealth during the day and worship the ghost God of Wealth at night.

But that temple disappeared when the underworld appeared. It must have fallen into the underworld just like my original manor.

He didn't know exactly where it was, he just said there should be such a thing.

I don’t know who it is, with such great supernatural powers, that he can build a temple under the eyes of the Lieyang Department, and still let the Lieyang Department not know about it.

This is a strange thing. My old friend has only heard of it but never seen it.

I'll ask you later. "


At the same time, in western China, a Piao, who was about fifty or sixty years old and had a wrinkled face, was walking along the road in a long coat.

Pedestrians and vehicles on the road turned a blind eye to him.

It wasn't until a road management vehicle appeared that A Piao, who was barefoot and carrying shoes, slowly turned her head to look at the road management vehicle.

People in the car also saw a strange old man walking on the roadside with bare feet and shoes.

"Old man, what's wrong with you? Why don't you wear shoes? There may be broken glass and rocks on the roadside, so be careful."

Ah Piao slowly turned her head and looked at the driver of the road administration vehicle with cloudy eyes.

The next moment, the driver took out a water gun and shot the water on Ah Piao. However, the water neither penetrated Ah Piao's body nor caused any harm to Ah Piao. The water flow seemed to irritate her. On the umbrella, it rolled into beads and slid down.

The driver's expression changed slightly, and he immediately took out the talisman and threw it, but there was still no reaction.

On the passenger side, a small compass that could sense the Yin Qi suddenly began to rotate.

Ah Piao originally looked like an old man, but the shoes in his hand were already on his feet. He looked at the driver.

"Are you the one who can make the decision?"

"What?" As soon as the driver said two words, he saw Ah Piao stretch out a hand, passed through the car door, through the driver's clothes, and into his chest, and the driver's soul was pulled out.

Old Ah Piao took one look, then let go of his hand, turned around and left.

The driver on the seat, his eyes widened, rigor mortis began to appear on the surface of his skin, and he sat there motionless.

After a moment, two cars appeared.

Several people got out of the car, and one of them removed the driving recorder and found that the thing was not turned on at all.

The other person looked at the body and his expression suddenly changed.

There was a sinister handprint on the chest of the corpse, but the coat the driver was wearing and the old money in the mezzanine were intact and not used up at all. This had never been encountered before.

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