I am your natural enemy

Chapter 419: Both Want and Want, Introduction to Martial Arts (5k)

Wen Yan took a routine journey to the underworld and arrived at the suburbs of the capital. Then he took a car to the headquarters. The traffic was so jammed that he had already slept and he still hadn't reached the place yet.

At first, Wen Yan wondered if there was another possibility, just like the entrance and exit of the Underworld could not be opened in the capital, and the entrance and exit of the Rakshasa Ghost Market could not be opened in the capital.

But then I came more often, and I couldn't help but ask, and I found out that it was simply because there were too many people and traffic jams. Especially on holidays, the popularity was almost burning.

If you want to talk about the side benefits, it is that with such popularity, it is indeed very difficult for ordinary monsters and ghosts to cause trouble.

When he arrived at the headquarters, the secretary of the general manager personally came to pick him up. After seeing him, he enthusiastically took him upstairs and asked him to wait in a study room. There were many books and computers here. If he wanted to check Whatever, you can read whatever you want. There are many records here that are not available outside.

Wen Yan is also idle, just waiting here.

He randomly pulled out a book, and as soon as he glanced at it, he saw that the gray cloth wrapped around his wrist was quietly untied a little bit, and then that little bit condensed into the shape of a hand, and he pointed mischievously. Pointed in a direction.

Wen Yan followed the gray cloth's guidance and bypassed several bookcases. He looked behind and saw a shelf with a sword on it.

The first time he saw it, Wen Yan was sure that it was Master Tian's magical sword.

After returning from Nanyang, he gave the magic sword to the Lieyang Department. Unexpectedly, the Lieyang Department didn't return it to the Heavenly Master?

Just when he was wondering, he saw the halo on the magic sword flowing and getting bigger, and the figure of the old Heavenly Master stepped out of the halo.

Wen Yan immediately looked solemn, stood up straight and bowed.

"Greetings to the Heavenly Master."

The gray cloth wrapped around Wen Yan's arm awkwardly formed the shape of two hands, and he followed Wen Yan's example and bowed.

"No need to be polite. It's not convenient for me to come in person. I can only attend the meeting under such circumstances."

The old Heavenly Master returned the gift, and then looked Wen Yan up and down, his eyes filled with brilliance. At a glance, he seemed to see a tree of life where all the branches and branches were extremely perfect. It was so perfect that he felt that there was more. One point is superfluous, one point less is a big shortcoming.

Just by looking at it, he understood that his previous thoughts were correct, and only Wen Yan could take this path.

In other words, he was too conservative before. Wen Yan didn't get it right, but he did it too perfectly, just like this tree of life should be like this.

The only shortcoming is that what Wen Yan has developed now only has the trunk and limbs, and the head only has some peripheral details.

After one more glance, the Heavenly Master couldn't help but close his eyes. He couldn't look at it any more, or it would affect his Taoist heart.

At this moment, he felt that Wen Yan was taking the most correct path. If he looked further, he would doubt himself.

There is not just one path in this world. There is no absolute right or wrong. You just have to see whether it suits you.

Wen Yan's path was indeed too perfect, and Heavenly Master just felt that he was right in not continuing to mindlessly copy everything except one hand.

Just because you are strong does not mean that the path is suitable for you.

What he has to do is to follow his own path on this basis.

Wen Yan looked at the old Celestial Master with a strange look on his face, but he didn't bother or ask. He was very envious in his heart. The old Celestial Master didn't have to go out, he only needed to throw the magic sword out. When necessary, people could directly use the magic sword. After completing his exit from the body, he descended directly to a place thousands of miles away.

Of course, Wen Yan was just envious. So far, Wen Yan had only heard of Lao Tianshi, who could play such a skill with such ease.

He is completely different from the other Taoist priests.

So far, the Tianshi Mansion has not yet determined the candidate for the next Tianshi.

None of them have been confirmed yet, and even if they think it is possible, they themselves dare not admit it at all.

The gap is too big.

The Taoist priest from the Tianshi Mansion who is slightly qualified to be one of the candidates doesn't even want to be this candidate. The question is that the old Tianshi is always strong and it's still early to become an immortal and ascend, so there is no need to be so anxious.

Wen Yan was just envious. Even if the Heavenly Master was willing to teach him, he wouldn't be able to learn. He has no soul and is out of body.

He just thinks that this is really convenient, even more convenient than taking the underworld.

After all, walking on the underworld is actually quite risky. If you get lost, you won't even be able to find your body.

Wen Yan was envious here, and the old master was sighing. After a few seconds of silence, the old master stretched out a hand, put it on Wen Yan's shoulder and patted him.

"Work hard. The future will definitely belong to you young people. If you encounter problems in practice, just deal with it based on your own situation. There is no need to pursue perfection."

"Thank you, Heavenly Master, for your guidance."

"I heard from the headmaster that you made a special trip. Is there something you want to talk about?"

"Yes, I don't feel safe if I don't say it face to face."

"Let's talk about it later."

After waiting for a while, the door was pushed open and the chief of staff stepped in.

Wen Yan looked at his surroundings and asked, still feeling uneasy.

"Anything said here will not be sensed, right?"

The headmaster nodded solemnly.

"If we can't talk about something and complete the communication here, there won't be any place even in China."


Wen Yan told him exactly what happened when he met the strange old Ah Piao, what happened to Old Ah Piao, and what happened later that was erasing those memories.

The head of the headquarters frowned when he heard this, and the Heavenly Master lowered his eyes slightly.

After Wen Yan finished speaking, Master Tian asked.

"Do you know why a lot of things happened to Lao Zhu's family hundreds of years ago?"

"I don't know, I just read a little bit of history when I was in school, but obviously the history I read omitted a lot of things."

“Because at that time, something similar might have happened, and it involved the royal family.

There are only a few words from the Tianshi Mansion, which are vague. Just looking at those records, you can't see anything at all.

Earlier, when communicating with the ascended Tianshi Mansion seniors, I got some side evidence.

At that time, Lao Zhuke was still alive.

Do you want Lao Zhu to endure it? Is this possible?

Even if we don't mention the death of the prince, there are still many things that make Lao Zhu unbearable.

Even if Lao Zhu is gone, the fourth Zhu is not a good-tempered person.

The only emperor in history who bestowed upon the wolf Juxu, his murderous spirit was not much better than that of Lao Zhu.

Even Lao Zhu would not have fought from the north to the south, chasing him all the way to Nanyang.

But I really don’t know what I was chasing at that time.

Some even had their names completely wiped out in history, with no chance of recovery. "

"Hiss..." Wen Yan took a breath of air. Damn it, he was patronizing Lao Zhu and forgot about Lao Zhu. Did he do this casually during his seven trips to Nanyang? Isn't it?

"Wait a minute, are you saying that this incident involving Nanyang was completely expected?"

The head of the headquarters took over the conversation from the side.

"Exports have been switched to domestic sales, so many things can proceed smoothly, and the Lieyang Department can be kept hidden in the early stage.

The connection between Nanyang and China has existed since ancient times, so it is normal for them to be involved.

Back then, there were things that were afraid of being killed, or were directly beaten until they were forced to sleep, or were forced to collapse when they entered the end of the Dharma.

Even though times have changed now, for the guy who was silent at that time and is just recovering now.

The shadows in their hearts are not easily dissipated.

This is quite consistent with the big data records of Lieyang Department.

The revival of some old antiques is either very crazy or very low-key.

Those who remain silent during troubled times are more likely to become crazy after recovery.

But it seems that they were silent in Lao Zhu’s era, or even earlier in the era of Lao Liu’s family. Now they have revived, and they are all more low-key than the last.

This is actually their character and foundation shaped by the great era at that time.

Many of the people recruited into the archaeological team are people like this who lived in an era when the emperor was extremely powerful. Most of them have a peaceful temperament and are very low-key.

Unlike those A Piao in the troubled times, some of them are not human when they are alive, and they will only become worse after death.

This time, it should be directly related to the Nanyang incident.

Maybe he is one of the driving forces behind the scenes.

It's just that something unexpected happened this time. A temple blessing that should have died in the water and drowned, but in the current version, it directly turned into a very special Ah Piao.

Not only can it easily walk on land, but it can also ignore many methods aimed at Ah Piao.

The most important thing is that Ah Piao's main purpose is to flip the table.

The guy behind the scenes was so anxious that he could only show some tricks.

It can only show that compared to the information that the temple blessing will eventually reveal, even some flaws are completely acceptable to him or them.

As for saying that someone has succeeded before..."

The head of the headquarters looked at the old Heavenly Master.

The Heavenly Master thought for a while and said.

“Ever since Heaven appeared, a situation has arisen.

Some people are willing to ascend to heaven after their lifespan is exhausted and become the essence of heaven.

But some people don't want to.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to, it's not forced in the first place.

It’s just that according to Shenzhou’s consistent thinking, becoming famous throughout the ages and ascending to heaven are the ultimate pursuits.

But as time passed, some people began to have other ideas.

That is what is often said now, both need and want.

It is necessary to embody the benefits of ascension and transform into a god, but at the same time maintain self-awareness and not give up.

So later, after a period of troubled times, the struggle produced some results.

You should have guessed it. "

The old master looked at Wen Yan.

Wen Yan thought about it.

"Water God? Temple God? Land of Mountain God?"

"Well, that's about it. They have the characteristics of gods, but they still have self-awareness.

But at that time, an iron law was set.

All of these can still only be banned.

But at that time, although the things those guys created were basically cleaned up, there was still a bit of negligence, and a little bit of it was passed down.

That little bit of fur was passed down to the aliens, just like the still-circulated practice of asking for a title, which is what was contained in this little bit of fur.

The iron law has been set, and the rest needs to be solved by others.

Therefore, there have been rules in the past dynasties. All those who seek a title are evil heretics, and everyone will punish them.

Nowadays, there is no need for the Lieyang Department to take care of it. Whenever there is such evil among the monsters, the monsters themselves will clean up the house.

As long as there is a shortcut, there will definitely be something that will continue to rush forward without fear of death, and there will never be a day when it stops.

In this situation, there must be some ghost thing that wants to become a god, but does not want to give up self-awareness.

This is nothing new.

Wen Yan listened to the words of the old Taoist priest, and felt more at ease.

Fortunately, there are still some advantages to a longer history. To put it bluntly, it is to have stepped on all kinds of shit and seen all kinds of ghosts.

As soon as he said that, the old Taoist priest could find the most likely purpose of the other party.

Knowing the purpose of the other party, then there will be no need to bump around like a headless fly.

"Senior, is there a successful case?"

"Indeed, there is, he ascended to heaven, but he could not shake the rules of heaven."

"Can I ask who it is?"

"Fierce God, have you heard of this word?"

"I have heard of it."

"It is one of the fierce gods. I won't say his name. You can find out by reading the book carefully when you go back. ”

“…” Wen Yan was speechless. He was talking fine, why did he start to say that he didn’t read books? He wasn’t really illiterate. He was a latecomer, so it was normal that he didn’t know a lot of things.

The headquarter director laughed beside him. He reached out and patted Wen Yan’s shoulder, and pointed upward.

“Some things are known, but it’s best not to say them casually. There’s no need. Just like the hand seals taught on the Internet, they are never taught in the most complete way, because you don’t know if someone is gifted and practices randomly, and accidentally gets into trouble. ”

“I understand, the blood bar can be used as the blue bar…”

“Yes, that’s what I mean.”

After Wen Yan reported the matter, he felt much more at ease.

The old Taoist priest glanced at the headquarter director.

“Give him the booklet and let him have a look and give him some advice. ”

The director looked at the old master with some surprise, but didn't say anything. He took out a booklet from the bookcase next to him and handed it to Wen Yan.

It said: Introduction to Martial Arts.

Wen Yan flipped it open and took a look. The content inside was very simple and very detailed. Every action and how to do it could be described on a page.

And the content was not biased. There was no lethal training method. It was purely for laying the foundation.

"Director, is this what you want to promote? If you lay the foundation, generally speaking, the effect will be much worse after adulthood, right?"

"Yes, so the current plan is to promote it from the third grade of elementary school."

"Third grade of elementary school, I'm afraid you can't understand it at all, and you don't know how to do it right, right?

This definitely needs to be taught step by step. If no one teaches, it's impossible for a child to do it completely right by self-study.

If you get it wrong, it will be difficult to correct it later, right?

When I went to Fuyu Mountain, I saw a senior brother teaching a new disciple.

I feel that he may not be able to teach even if he teaches step by step, which is very troublesome.

Also, calling it "Introduction to Martial Arts" directly, isn't it a bit inconsistent with the usual naming habits? "

The general manager and the old Taoist priest looked at Wen Yan and said that this was too difficult, that was too difficult, and they couldn't teach it step by step, and they couldn't help laughing.

When Wen Yan said this, there was indeed a sense of disobedience.

But the general manager felt that Wen Yan was right. He had tried to be as concise as possible, but it was still a little complicated.

After all, this booklet was produced several years ago, and the latest one is still being revised.

"What do you think it should be called?"

"However...call it the 14th set of radio gymnastics for primary and secondary school students?"

"Hahaha..." The old Taoist priest laughed out loud and patted Wen Yan on the shoulder: "Okay, okay."

The general manager was a little helpless. How could Wen Yan's name be more official than the official one?

They really planned to use the name "Introduction to Martial Arts" before, because they didn't want to act anymore, so they used this name to convey some information to the public.

"Okay, we will consider your suggestion later. "

Wen Yan saw that he had almost finished talking, so he left first and let the director general talk to the old Taoist priest. They seemed to have not finished talking yet.

When Wen Yan walked out, the director general looked at the old Taoist priest.

"Old Taoist priest, I know that Wen Yan has excellent talent in martial arts, but it is a bit inappropriate to focus on his suggestions for this matter. After all, this is something that needs to be settled. "

"You are wrong. It is because he has only practiced martial arts for a short time and has achieved such achievements that his suggestions are more suitable for those pure novices. I think the difficulty has been reduced to the lowest possible level, and it cannot be lower.

Because in the Taoist temple, the dumbest disciple who can be brought to me can understand these contents at a glance, and can perform the above movements perfectly without guidance, and understand the key points of exerting force.

But although those people in the Taoist temple did not say it, I also know that the disciples who can be brought to me must be extremely talented and comprehensible, one in a million.

If you want to promote something, you must consider universality.

I think what Wen Yan said is very good. Just follow the radio gymnastics. Even if you practice poorly, there will be no problem. If you don't practice well, you can still exercise your body.

It's really a bit difficult to teach elementary school students breathing formulas right away. "

The general manager pondered this for a while and figured out something.

"Old Tianshi, are you saying that Wen Yan's martial arts is now stronger than Qin Kun's?"

"It's not the same concept. I want to learn something from him, something very important and can affect the direction of my practice."

The general manager was shocked. Has it come to this?

It has only been a few months since Wen Yan started practicing martial arts!

This terrifying talent cannot be explained by the Lieyang Divine Power and Fuyu Mountain's Lieyang Fist.

The Heavenly Master smiled and did not explain, at least until Wen Yan got the answer, there was nothing he could say.

As an elder, whenever Wen Yan greeted him, he would return the favor.

Because he learned extremely important things from Wen Yan, and this time, he saw the concrete manifestation of life blooming. He already understood how to go next, which was a completely different direction from Wen Yan. , but what suits him best.

When he saw Wen Yan this time, he probably understood why Wen Yan was stuck all the way to his head. It must be that this step was the most difficult for him, the most difficult to develop and the most difficult to start.

It just so happens that this part is the easiest for the Heavenly Master to get started with.

If someone gives you guidance, then you can give some guidance to Wen Yan later.

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