I am your natural enemy

Chapter 423 Throwing a stone to test the water, insufficient authority (5k)

Wen Yan stood on the underworld, looking at a few Ah Piao wrapped in gray cloth. The remaining Ah Piao were basically completely lost the moment they fell here, and were trapped by countless local dead souls. They would do anything. No more.

Wen Yan looked at the countless dead souls in the underworld and shouted tentatively.

"Can you do me a favor? Get those guys who broke in together."

He was just giving it a try. After all, the dead souls here were basically unconscious.

But unexpectedly, after he finished shouting, the dead souls who were walking along the road gathered together and pushed aside all the new intruders.

There was an intruder who might still have some sense of consciousness. He was still struggling in the confusion. He was slapped by an old man and was slapped back.

As for the underworld, it is extremely dangerous in itself, and it is also the place where the dead souls gather the most.

However, ghost markets are generally very secretive, with hidden locations, and they rarely set up a stall in the venue to wait for someone to take advantage of them. From sellers to buyers, everyone wants to hide themselves tightly, and they dare to sell any ghost things in them, and basically Nothing can be legally bought or sold.

"Your permissions are insufficient to view all data."

Wen Yan was stunned for a moment. The dead old man's eyes were empty and he obviously had no self-awareness. His temper was so explosive.

"Oh, my God, is this guy so reckless? He's so sick. How could I have imagined it? I just see someone summoning spirits. If it doesn't work once, I'll do it again. How can I bear it? I didn't know it would be like this. Don't You scolded me, what’s the use of scolding me, what should I do now?”

"It's late at night and I have to trouble my brothers."

To be honest, he hoped that some bold guy would silence or let go of those Ah Piao at this time.

The further they walked in, the more Piao began to feel uncomfortable.

Before dawn, he was woken up by a phone call. He didn't know where Wen Yan got so energetic. He stayed up all night and ran out of the city. Now he was dragging a few dead souls with him from the suburbs to the city.

This makes things simpler.

That Ah Piao didn't say anything, just sneered. Wen Yan nodded and looked at the other Ah Piao, but no one was willing to say anything.

The underworld is not something anyone can come to if they want, including the dead soul Ah Piao.

He had heard this story before, but at that time, he only regarded it as a related part.

Of course Lao Li knew what Wen Yan was doing in Mingtu, and he also knew under what circumstances A Piao could inexplicably go to Mingtu to attack Wen Yan.

"That's probably what it looks like. Let's see if there's anything matching in the records."

"But, I'm already dead in the records. The death certificate has been issued and I'm cremated in the records. How can I run away? What if I'm photographed..."

"Okay, please sit down..." The visitor did not dare to say more and quickly retreated.

He doesn't have enough authority. Doesn't someone else have enough authority?

Now that he was a relevant party, and he was attacked by Ah Piao, and the Ghost God of Wealth was involved, he had absolutely enough reasons to go directly to the head of the headquarters to ask for permission.

"This is the headquarters..."

Wen Yan took out the cell phone issued by Lieyang Bu, took a photo of the guy and kept it, then opened the match and took a photo of the guy.

The protection level in the capital is the highest. Guys like them who are not authorized and have bad auras will feel more uncomfortable the closer they get. If they reach the large area of ​​the headquarters of the Lieyang Department, they will not even have the ability to stand there alive. .

There is a Piao in the local area, but they can't cause any trouble. They are completely incomparable to Guanzhong County.

"Yes, I don't know either. How could I know? I thought this was some goddess asking Mi, how could I possibly know that someone is summoning souls in the underworld.

There was nothing that matched, but Wen Yan looked at the last lantern. Except that they were both octagonal lanterns, there were not many similarities in other places.

Even at night, the headquarters of the Lieyang Department is crowded with people coming and going in a hurry.

I actually found something crucial in a place like this.

He placed three handfuls of incense infused with yang energy at the intersection, so that all the dead souls passing by could inhale some. It was somewhat meaningful.

"In the underworld."

The most typical place where China's local ghost god of wealth appears is in the ghost market.

The middle-aged man quickly pulled out a box from under the bed, which contained cash and documents.

"Now, immediately, right away, get out of here, whether it's north or south, anyway, get out of here. If you can't get away, then you should die immediately. You should die completely now. Don't leave any body behind. Don't implicate others." ”


He continued to ask about the black box.

For example, in some places in the north, what they are good at is making red lanterns. That kind of technique and materials are actually not suitable for octagonal lanterns.

"I said, you paint."

"I'm sorry, I was attacked by Ah Piao, and I'm going to take him back now."

"Don't call me an expert. It's too awkward. Just call me Wen Yan."

While walking on the road, he also held up a handful of incense, so that the souls who passed by could benefit from it.

This time, he had no intention of hiding it at all, so he threw these Ah Piao over and treated them as if they were asking for directions.

Wen Yan brought Ah Piao to Beijing without any cover-up, and now he knows everything that needs to be known.

But when Wen Yan saw this lantern, he felt that the style and feel were somewhat similar.

"Where did this last lantern come from?"

I didn't expect it, I never expected it.

Tong Si looked at the two soul lanterns at the intersection, and then looked up at the street lamps that were incompatible with the environment here and kept casting soft and warm light. He was not surprised.

Those released A Piao might be a big threat if put in other places, but if put in the underworld, it would be equivalent to drowning a river with a basin of water.

There are more than a dozen places, from the vicinity of the capital to the northeast, from Guanzhong County to Tianfu County, and then to Nanwu County.

Wen Yan couldn't help but laugh. He was now at the headquarters of the Lieyang Department.

After coming out of the suburbs of the capital, Wen Yan asked Feng Wei and Tong Si to go back first. He flicked the gray cloth and released the few souls he had captured before.

At least there are various small cases to accumulate experience and slowly accumulate merits.

Wen Yan continued to take photos of several other Ah Piaos, some of whom could be identified, and some who could not. Those who could not be identified probably died earlier.

Unexpectedly, Wen Yan had to go to help him without sleeping that night, and almost fell into trouble.

"Huh?" Wen Yan was stunned and suddenly became energetic.

"Thank you very much."

This time, I got some merit for nothing, and everyone was very happy.

This Ah Piao is still a modern person. He died more than ten years ago. When he died, there were formal procedures. This guy just happened to be replacing a new generation of ID cards. He also stayed because he had a fight with someone on the street. Record.

In the past, there was a black market and a ghost market, which were calculated separately.

"No, just similar photos."

Although they are both called the hometown of lanterns, the skills, styles and cores that can be passed down are very different.

"Have your brain been kicked by a donkey? How can you be gentle?" A roar came from the phone.


Then he went up from the main intersection and went home to get some more things.

He was holding a thermos cup and sitting on a cold bench. From here, through the glass at the corridor door, he could see the corridor inside and part of the interrogation room door.

Wen Yan dragged several Ah Piao from the suburbs of the capital towards the city.

"Do you want all the associated information?"

On the other side, some people in the capital could not sleep.

"Okay, they are all talented people. They come out to hang out and show loyalty. That's fine."

"I found out that this lantern is purely handmade, and the related techniques are difficult and the processing of related materials is also very troublesome. I found the following places where these techniques may be mastered. The following list is sorted from high to low likelihood."

There are more than a dozen options in total, and this is the first time Wen Yan knows that there are more than a dozen in a place called the Land of Lanterns.

"Send me the information on that closed ghost market."

Wen Yan swaggered and dragged several Ah Piao into the capital, and was directly caught on camera. Even though it was not yet dawn, there were already many people who knew about this.

Wen Yan didn't go far when he received a call.

Wen Yan didn't explain clearly what was going on, and the chief secretary didn't ask in detail. He changed his mind and said immediately.

"Thank you for your help. It's just a small thing, but it's not disrespectful. Please."

The black box immediately generated a version of the picture for Wen Yan to choose.

"Ah?" The big secret was even more confused. You stayed up late at night and stayed up all night to go to hell?

"During the day, Lao Li asked me to do something. I couldn't sleep, so I went early to do it. I didn't expect it to end up like this."

Seeing this, Wen Yan put away his phone and took a nap before dawn.

"I can't sleep, so come here and feel the atmosphere here. When you go back, you can educate the younger generations and they will learn from you."

After he finished pretending, Wen Yan sealed up those A'Piao who were obviously conscious and knew what they were doing.


Now those Ah Piao have entered the Lieyang Department headquarters!

Do you think you are brainless? If you eat pig brains every day, you are almost turning into pig brains! "

While walking on the road, Wen Yan chatted with the field workers, but they were all picking their feet.

"The highest degree of matching is only 45% similar."

"You asked me, I asked who was going to go! Several Ah Piao were caught!

Wen Yan didn't have any idea. He took those Ah Piao directly into the capital, where he was caught on camera and triggered the alarm.

He quickly took out a human leather mask, put it on his face, put on a leather hat, surrounded his face, and drove away quickly.

The middle-aged man was sweating. This time he was in big trouble. He had never heard of anyone in his life who dared to summon spirits in the place where A Piao gathered. Isn't this just looking for trouble and death?

"What do you want to say? I'm just sitting here. If you're not welcome, or it's not acceptable, then I'll get out now."

This...isn't this a disease?

who? Gentle words? Which gentle words? "

He didn't care about the few Ah Piao who were taken away. He was sleeping soundly now, and it was others who should be panicking.

"Ah...then...then...what should I do?"

One is related to a previously closed case, and the lantern is an exhibit.

After a few seconds, the black box answered and then listed three pictures.

Arriving at the headquarters, Wen Yan watched as the Ah Piao were sent to detention for interrogation.

Fortunately, he had been prepared beforehand. He had already faked his death and had a death certificate issued. Now he was not afraid of anyone finding out about him.

"I didn't know the cameras in Beijing were so good. There are special cameras in the suburbs. I didn't go far when the call came. I was really embarrassed."

Wen Yan, a living person, might know and understand, but he would never be able to empathize with it. How important the ordinary warm-colored street lamps here are to the souls of the dead here.

"No trouble, no trouble, buddy, if there is such a thing, just call me directly, it's convenient." The leading captain had a big beard on his face. When he laughed, his beard seemed to be shaking, which was particularly funny.

They were originally on patrol, and received a call that there was a mission here. There were several ghosts who attacked the experts of the Lieyang Department. They immediately stepped on the accelerator and rushed over. Unexpectedly, after coming over, they picked up merits for nothing.

Patrolling for a month may not see two ghosts, and there are even fewer who make trouble. And if they can make trouble, they can't solve it.

Lao Li took a sip of the thermos cup, spit out a mouthful of tea, and replied slowly.

Although the welfare and treatment in Beijing are good, there is no opportunity to accumulate merits at all. Those who are a little motivated want to go to the Lieyang Department in other places.

Wen Yan was ready to go to bed, and the black box sent a message.

Wen Yan looked at the message on the phone and looked at the ghost in front of him.

It’s not like there haven’t been cases in the Lieyang Department before where someone has linked up with a suspect, especially ghosts, who have disappeared after entering the Lieyang Department. This has happened before.

One of the ghosts had a gloomy face and sneered. The next moment, a gray cloth flew over and bound him tightly.

He took a few more sticks of incense by the way. After going down to the underworld again, he lit the incense with his own yang energy and held it up to signal the surroundings.

“He’s very arrogant. He was hacked to death in the street even though he was so arrogant. He’s still so arrogant after he died. It seems that he’s really brave. I’ll ask you one last question. If you want to tell me, tell me. If you don’t want to tell me, don’t waste my time.”

“Is there any record of the origin of this lantern?”

What else can it be besides summoning spirits?

He was just trying to save his life. He didn’t know what to do. When he heard Wen Yan talking about it at the meeting, he was so excited that he shamelessly asked Wen Yan for help.

Wen Yan looked at a few and paid attention to three of them, one in Tianfu County, one in Guanzhong County, and one in Nanwu County.

In the corner of the phone, a black box pattern popped up.

"A lantern, overall, it should be an octagonal lantern, the light is dim, and it is a bit like the prop palace lanterns in movies and TV dramas, with some patterns on it, very blurry, can't see clearly."

Wen Yan returned to his place, took out his mobile phone and tapped the screen.

"Then wait a moment, if you take a few ghosts to the city like this, they will disappear at most when they reach the fourth ring road."

After a few minutes of revisions, Wen Yan looked at the last picture, which was 90% similar to what he saw, but it was only similar in appearance.

Soon, an identity information was given.

"Is the lantern in the ghost market in the Lieyang Department?"

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and added a friend, Cui Yan was full of smiles.

The black market is generally about illegal or illegal, or things that are repeatedly jumping around on the edge of the law, but the sales inside are really like a market, waiting for customers to come.

The black box cannot distinguish some things that cannot be quantified, but it gives Wen Yan reference pictures.

Without consciousness, it does not delay these dead souls, and excludes those intruders with bad intentions.

Wen Yan had heard of this story before. Since then, the ghost market specifically refers to the Rakshasa ghost market, and no one dares to use this name for the ghost market of the living anymore. It is honestly called the black market.

"Before dawn, if you are still in Shenzhou, I will go there and kill you personally!"

He looked at the time and waited until dawn.

The visitor looked in the direction that Lao Li had been looking at and smiled bitterly.

Someone saw Lao Li sitting here and came over to ask.

Wen Yan did not understand the technique very well, but purely from the comparison and feeling, these three places are the most likely. In addition, he carefully read the detailed description and compared the technique and material selection. These three places are still the most likely.

"There is no direct record... Please wait."

Related to a ghost market, there was once a ghost market. When it opened, a lantern would be hung at the entrance.

When Old Li heard that Wen Yan left the city overnight and went to the underworld, and was attacked by a ghost in the underworld, and brought the ghost back, he immediately woke up, washed his face, made two phone calls, and sat here waiting.

Soon, the warm white jade sculpture quickly turned gray, and finally turned black, with a gloomy and cold air. You can feel a biting chill in your hand.

The black box lists a long list, and there is a brief introduction, like a public account.

I didn’t take much equipment for fighting when I went to the meeting before, so I took it all this time.

"Brother Wen is so polite. If you have anything, just call me. It’s so difficult to catch some ghosts in Beijing. I heard that the secretary has woken up this time and gave special orders."

He felt in his bag and took out a jade cage, caught the ghosts, and stuffed them in one by one.

Wen Yan looked at the intruder soul who was pushed to the side of the road by a large number of souls and bowed.

The patriarch of the Li family appeared in the headquarters of the Lieyang Department before dawn.

"Attacked? There are ghosts so brave near the capital?" The chief secretary was a little shocked.

In a small mountain village in the northeast, a middle-aged man was holding a mobile phone, sweating profusely.

Wen Yan waited for a few minutes, and saw a car parked in front of him. Several field staff on duty got out of the car, took out their equipment with ease, and took in these ghosts.

"Wen Yan, what's going on? If there is anything, just notify me directly." The chief secretary of the head of the headquarters had a little fatigue in his tone.

Wen Yan chose one of them.

"A little more like this."

Wen Yan was right, it was others who should panic.

There was a bang and the phone was hung up. From the sound, it seemed that the phone had been dropped.

"There used to be a ghost market, a living ghost market that only dealt with all kinds of shady things, but it was patronized by Ah Piao. Later, something happened and disappeared. This lantern was the one that would be hung in the ghost market when it opened. Sign at the entrance.”

One is a rare object collected by the Lieyang Department. The light of the lantern can illuminate things that ordinary people such as A Piao cannot see, so that ordinary people can also see them.

"My name is Cui Yan, Expert Wen. Can you add me as a friend and leave your contact information?"

Calling souls in such a place simply did not exist in his cognition.

"Tell me, I'm in a hurry. What's your name, where are you from, what's going on, please finish it quickly. I'm not a professional interrogation expert, and I don't know much about interrogation, but I can tell you responsibly, I did it on the spot I’ll beat you to pieces without even a single flaw.”

Wen Yan quickly fell asleep. On his phone, a black box icon quietly retreated from the screen and disappeared.

If he now pretends that he doesn't know anything and doesn't care about anything, is he still a human being?

Lao Li didn't say anything, he just sat here on the cold bench and squatted here to watch.

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