I am your natural enemy

Chapter 427: Reopening an old case, intelligence network (5k)

Fan Zeyun came to surrender, no matter from any angle, Wen Yan had no reason to stop him.

Even if Fan Zeyun surrendered, he would have to stay in jail for the rest of his life, or even die.

Even if Fan Zeyun surrendered so openly, according to the rules, the Lieyang Department must reopen the dusty files and re-investigate the previous case.

According to the current rules, as long as Fan Zeyun gave new clues and new confessions that were not recorded before during the initial interrogation, the probability of judging them to be true is not low.

Then, this old case must be reopened.

This is what Fan Zeyun wanted, he had lived enough.

When he went down to the underworld, Wen Yan saw that this guy had a serious tendency to self-destruct and didn't care about life or death.

There were only two things he cared about, one was Dao Ge, and the other was what happened that year.

When he followed Wen Yan down to the underworld and was rescued by Wen Yan, and Wen Yan's reaction when he saw Dao Ge before, Fan Zeyun was convinced that he could entrust Dao Ge to Wen Yan.

Now it's not Fan Zeyun who is uncomfortable, but others.

The Minister of Guanzhong County felt very uncomfortable. Of course, he knew about the case back then. With his relationship with Cai Heizi, he couldn't have been unaware of it.

Cai Heizi led the team in that case, and the current Minister of General Affairs supervised it.

That was the time when Cai Heizi offended the most people in one breath.

The young Cai Heizi was stubborn, hard and tough. He was indeed the one who could do the most, but at the same time, this was also the most offensive job. Several bigwigs were involved in it.

When the matter of spiritual energy revival itself was still controversial, the voices of reducing the funds and authority of the Lieyang Department, or even abolishing the Lieyang Department, were the loudest at that time.

In this situation, even the young and energetic Cai Heizi, at the request of the so-called victims' families, began to compromise in order not to pit the entire Lieyang Department. He changed since then.

From a stubborn, hard and tough iron-headed kid, he gradually became someone who was so angry that he wanted to beat him, but still held his nose and endured it.

Then gradually, it became that even if you really cursed and beat the bastard afterwards, you couldn't deny the incident itself, and you couldn't blame the Lieyang Department. You could only blame Cai Heizi, but the matter had to be done.

At this point, Cai Heizi finally became Cai Heizi.

As one of the people who had been offended by Cai Heizi, Minister Guanzhong County certainly knew where all this started and which incident had the greatest impact on Cai Heizi.

Now someone has directly surrendered and admitted the incident. When he heard that this person came with Wen Yan, even before the preliminary interrogation, Minister Guanzhong County's eyes went dark and he knew in his heart that it was probably true.

Especially when Wen Yan was asked, Wen Yan said that he didn't catch this person at all, and Minister Guanzhong County was even more certain that the incident must be true.

He couldn't make the decision on this matter, but he couldn't help but accept it.

Now, listening to the phone call and Wen Yan's words, Minister Guanzhong County thought about it and said.

"It's a rare opportunity for you to come to my place. Is this your first time to visit Guanzhong County? Come up and sit down. Let's have a meal together later and let you taste Guanzhong cuisine."

"I have lived in Guanzhong County for more than ten years."

"Oh, that's even better. Let's eat some hometown cuisine. Forget it. Let's go now. I have reserved a seat. You are in the lobby on the first floor, right? Wait, I will be down soon."

The Minister of Guanzhong County did not give Wen Yan a chance to refuse. He hung up the phone after saying that.

Wen Yan looked at the phone and was a little stunned. Of course, he knew what this was going to do. He didn't want to embarrass the Minister of Guanzhong County.

It's just that many things have rules. Fan Zeyun has lived in Guanzhong County for so many years. If he suddenly surrenders now and bypasses Guanzhong County, it will be troublesome.

Now according to the rules and normal procedures, at least the Lieyang Department of Guanzhong County will definitely have no problem.

Wen Yan did not leave. After waiting for a few minutes, he saw the Minister of Guanzhong County coming down and directly pulled Wen Yan's arm, saying that he would not let go no matter what.

"Let's go, let's go home. How can we just leave like this?"

The Minister of Guanzhong County took Wen Yan and did not go to eat any big meals. They just found an authentic Pao Mo restaurant.

"The water basin mutton here is authentic. The crescent cakes are all hand-baked, not electric. It is the most suitable to eat this season. It's comfortable."

Wen Yan saw that this man had put down his business and wanted to take him to eat water basin mutton. Naturally, he knew that the case that year was not a small matter, so he comforted him first.

"That Fan Zeyun has a serious self-destructive tendency. If he goes to other places, it may not be good."

"I understand this." The Minister of Guanzhong County understood that if someone went to other places in his jurisdiction, he would be the one who was bypassed regardless of whether there was any inside story.

The Minister of Guanzhong County thought about it and said something that surprised Wen Yan.

"This case will probably be reopened, but it's not certain what can be found after the reopening.

If the information provided by Fan Zeyun is not particularly important, especially if it is particularly important now, the probability of digging deeper is not particularly high.

Since it has been done, it must be done to the end. It cannot be reopened and then abandoned halfway and left unresolved."

Wen Yan raised his head and looked at the Minister of Guanzhong County. He was a little surprised. The Minister of Guanzhong County is much more moderate than Cai Heizi. He should not be so extreme.

Extreme people are unlikely to be placed in Guanzhong County as Ministers. Such people are unlikely to be able to balance the relationship between the many ghosts and people in Guanzhong County.

"Don't look at me like that. Who hasn't sharpened their edges yet? It's just that my edges have been smoothed out long ago.

Although I find Cai Qidong very annoying, I admire what he does.

Everyone else is dead. If this case had a chance to be restarted, I would certainly hope to restart it, just to help Cai Heizi settle his regrets. "

After hearing this, Wen Yan cupped his hands to show respect.

At this moment, the mutton in the water basin arrived. Wen Yan took a sip of the soup first, thought about it, and suddenly figured out something. The minister of Guanzhong County was afraid that the matter was not big enough and would be suppressed in Guanzhong County, and the case would fall into his hands. .

By then he will be in trouble. If he wants to dig deeper, he will be trapped in Guanzhong County.

Now that the beautiful words have been said, the matter has been pushed out, and if it can still cause a big mess, that will be the result that best suits the wishes of the Guanzhong County Minister.

Wen Yan was speechless, and he didn't say anything. Sure enough, these old fritters are not fuel-efficient lamps.

This matter cannot be suppressed.

The head of the headquarters handed him the information, and he knew what the head of the head meant.

If he didn't want to lift the lid, he wouldn't see the information.

After eating, Wen Yan called the headquarters director.

"Headquarters Chief, I accidentally found out some information."

Wen Yan didn't mention Fan Zeyun's matter. He just told the truth about the findings and the characteristics of the location where the lantern was located.

Recent events are all related, and anything that may be related to the local ghost god of wealth is a high priority.

Wen Yan's attack on the underworld was actually a priority incident, but this was not because Wen Yan was attacked, but because someone attacked someone on the underworld. No matter how the other party did it, the nature was different.

And being dragged into this kind of incident, the ghost market case back then was added to the story.

Judging from the current situation where the spiritual energy recovery progress is accelerating, no one can stop it.

Blocking the case of reopening the ghost market is equivalent to blocking the investigation of the attack case, blocking the investigation of the local ghost god of wealth, and a series of related things.

After Wen Yan finished his routine report, the rest was for the Lieyang Department to work hard.

In the headquarters of Lieyang Department, the head of the headquarters hung up the phone and waited quietly. After waiting for a few minutes, the call from the director of Guanzhong County came over.

This is not a formal report, just an informal first exchange.

The head of the headquarters was also a witness.

The minister of Guanzhong County spoke for about ten minutes. After hanging up the phone, formal documents were sent over there, as well as a preliminary confession from Fan Zeyun.

The chief sat on the chair, looked at the document quietly, and took a deep breath.

For many years, the Lieyang Department was almost suppressed by people using this as an excuse. If they were suppressed like this, it would only be a waste of five years.

But if we missed the five-year development period at that time, by now, the Lieyang Department would be completely unable to keep up with the times.

He knew rationally that there was really nothing he could do at the time, but this incident had always been a thorn in his heart.

Some of the regrets I have when I was young and strong will gradually turn into a vague phantom as time goes by, but some will be remembered more and more deeply.

The head of the headquarters looked at the message from Guanzhong County and picked up the phone on the table.

"Come to my office."

The chief secretary came in quickly, and the chief began to make arrangements.

He is not in a hurry to restart the case. Fan Zeyun is already in the Lieyang Department of Guanzhong County anyway. This case has been going on for so long, and he is not in a hurry to do it for a day and a half. This requires an impeccable reason.

Twenty minutes later, the Northeast Lieyang Department received the mission.

The information given by Wen Yan made it easy to determine the location. Starting from this location, it began to radiate outwards, and names began to appear in the information.

When you have authority, people, priorities, and resources, many things will be much easier.

It’s not that we don’t want to handle many cases, nor that we want to delay them. We really don’t have the resources to invest in them, so we can only focus on high-priority matters.

Representatives of the shaman sect who were still meeting in the capital at this moment had received a call. The Lieyang Department took action, and very quickly. The Northeast Lieyang Department took action.

Moreover, the person who led the team was also from a sect that came out of the church to start a horse, but unlike them, they did not bring the spirit of Qingfengyanhun, but only the yellowish beard and white willow ashes, so they themselves could not urinate in the same pot as them.

Coming from the same sect, but from different branches, you can understand many things better than outsiders.

In less than an hour, a large group of people appeared outside Ma's Ancestral Hall.

A strong man with tendons and a skinny old man with a long beard entered the Ma family's ancestral hall. The skinny old man stopped there when he was about to enter the main hall.

"Stop it, don't go in."

He saw the lantern hanging on the main beam of the main hall roof, and the hair on his body stood up.

"Hey, I've said before that our ancestors who banned Qingfengyanhun must have suffered big losses and stepped on big pits.

Otherwise, it would not be explicitly prohibited. Violators will be expelled from the family tree, their records of leaving the court will be erased, and Sanjiao will be crucified. Even future generations will never be allowed to come back.

How can these guys with Qingfengyanhun be honest?

They are not Qingcheng. Qingcheng's people are from medical to spiritual, and their natures are different.

It would be better to believe that I am the Emperor of Qin than to believe their lies about being able to restrain myself. "

"Uncle, what did you see?" The strong man beside him was also shivering all over and asked hurriedly.

"What did you see? I saw that this is a big pit. I'm afraid that thousands of dead souls have been suppressed here, and there are many resentful ones among them.

The Ma family has found a treasure. These filial descendants have suppressed all these things here.

Hehe, I don't know if the ancestors will be angry and become ghosts, strangling these filial descendants in the middle of the night."

"Uncle, you are wrong. Even if the ancestors of their Ma family become ghosts, they will probably be suppressed here."

"Ha..." The old man squinted his eyes, and his beard was shaking with laughter. He looked around and sniffed his nose: "It smells a bit familiar. It's so strong. I'm afraid this familiar bastard has lived here for a long time and has fought here these two days."


"I don't know, I just feel that I have seen it before. We have fought before."

The old man stamped his feet and made a squeak. He waited for a long time, but there was no movement around.

The old man was a little confused, looked carefully, and then came to a corner of the wall. He saw that there seemed to be some powder on the corner that had become damp due to time. He stretched out a finger, wiped it, and put it in his mouth to taste it.

"Bah, this bastard is not on guard against outsiders, but on guard against us! I was wondering why there was no movement. This bastard put old bricks soaked in cat urine here."

The old man walked outside quickly, walked a few dozen meters, stamped his feet again, and squeaked twice.

Ten seconds later, a big gray mouse was seen in the bushes with half of its head sticking out, looking outside cautiously.

The old man puffed his cheeks, spit out a sticky thing that looked like a chewed bun, and threw it to the big gray mouse.

"Go and ask where the guy who has been here has gone."

The big gray mouse ate the sticky thing, a little green light came out of his eyes, and immediately turned around and disappeared in the bushes.

Ten minutes later, the big gray mouse came back and squeaked for a long time.

The old man returned to the original place and told the strong man about the matter.

"There was a guy who ran away overnight yesterday. There is no surveillance in this village, but fortunately, where people live, there are rats. This guy ran away in a hurry and forgot to guard against rats."

"There is no surveillance in the village, but it does not mean that there is no surveillance everywhere."

The news spread quickly, and the people in the technical department also began to work hard. With the approximate time and direction, especially this time is still the time when normal people are sleeping, the difficulty of tracking began to plummet.

Especially in the Northeast, after December, if there is no urgent matter, who lives far away from the city and rushes to travel at night at three, four or five in the middle of the night?

In this large area, dozens of miles in radius, there are not many such people at this time of night.

Soon, there was a result. A camera hidden to shoot wild animals captured a person.

The man's appearance was not clear, but the man was carrying a bag and walking all the way north. He did not enter the city at all. It was obvious that he was preparing to cross the mountains and leave.

The thin old man with a mustache saw the person under the night vision camera and looked at him carefully.

"This person's figure looks familiar."

"Oh, uncle, do you really know him? Then take a good look."

The old man stared at him for a long time and said.

"This bastard must have changed his appearance! He looks like a guy I saw a long time ago, but that guy is dead. I heard that he wanted to be buried in the ground to keep his body intact, but he didn't satisfy him and burned him."

"Are there any other people?"

"No, I just remember this one. This figure and walking posture are really similar."

"No matter, let's catch up first."

The old man nodded and glanced at the Ma's Ancestral Hall.

Based on what we have found now, there is no need for any more reasons. The person will definitely be caught first.

As soon as the news came out, a helicopter flew over soon, carrying the strong man and the old man, and went north together.

After flying twenty or thirty kilometers, the old man jumped off the plane, opened his arms, and fell rapidly into the woods.

When he was about to fall on the treetop, the old man's falling speed slowed down rapidly. He landed lightly on the tree, grabbed the trunk with his skinny hands, and fell to the ground.

He squeaked a few times, and a few squirrels quietly poked their heads out.

A moment later, he climbed to the treetop with nimble hands and feet, exerted force on his feet, jumped several meters high, grabbed the landing gear of the helicopter, and swung his body back into the helicopter.

"Continue to the north, that bastard passed by here.

He is really stupid. In order to drive away insects and some animals, he has such a strong smell on his body.

You don't even need to get close to know that he passed by here."

No matter how fast a person walks, walking on a mountain road, running for a day first, it is not enough for a helicopter to chase for half an hour.

As long as the direction is correct, it is easy to catch up.

At the same time, combined with the information given by Wen Yan, the Northeast Lieyang Department also formally filed a case.

It is indeed unclear what the things in the Ma's ancestral hall are.

But it is a very reasonable suspicion to suspect that these guys specifically killed people in order to artificially create a superb breeze.

Because the charred, smoking ghost is now in Guanzhong County, and the other two who were burned to death with the charred ghost were suppressed under the soul-soothing lantern, which is also a solid hammer.

Now it depends on how many people to arrest and who is implicated.

As for the involvement, whoever has been here from that faction should be arrested first, and it is basically unlikely that there will be any injustice.

Those with slightly higher spiritual perception, who have been a horseman or worshipped by a fairy, will not be unable to feel anything after entering here.

While there was a commotion here, on the other side, in the headquarters of the Lieyang Department, the interrogation results of the interrogation experts also went smoothly. It was just that a guy who seemed easy to cut in pretended to make a slip of the tongue and mentioned the soul-soothing lantern, and the other party's mentality collapsed.

With one person, it would be much easier to cut in the other.

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