I am your natural enemy

Chapter 430: The old dream that cannot be returned, special potion (5k)

The general manager was a little speechless, but although Wen Yan's words were a bit rough, the meaning was correct.

"Then tell me, why do they do this?"

"It's not like you're out of your mind, right?"

"Well, if it's a separate person and a separate case, it can indeed be inferred that the other party has a problem with his ideas and has done some mysterious operations.

The Lieyang Department once solved a murder case involving a professional, and it took three years to track down the murderer.

We checked the victim's interpersonal relationships and found all the people who might have grievances or emotional disputes, but no suspects were traced in every direction.

It wasn't until this professional killed another person, this time that he was caught on camera in the store, that he was caught.

He killed two people, but he did not know the victim, had no contact, and had no grudges.

Just because he was too short and the other person was tall, when they walked towards him and looked at him, he felt humiliated.

This kind of reason is impossible for us to think of even if we think about it.

But the people involved this time knew how to drag a bunch of children or family members of powerful people onto the pirate ship decades ago.

When something goes wrong, they don't even need to do anything. Those powerful people will take the initiative to suppress the matter, even if it's not for their children, for their own status or for their reputation.

At that time, I did not have the right to speak as I do now, and I did not even have the support of the military. The three mountains and five mountains were basically in a secluded state.

At that time, we were fighting for the general direction. In almost every meeting, fierce arguments would break out. Even people looking in the same direction would have different ideas.

In order for the Lieyang Department to continue to exist, I can only give in. Qidong will give in, and I persuaded him.

These years have passed, and those people back then retreated, fell, and died. I used to think it was almost over.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered again this time that the person who really controlled this behind the scenes was actually still there.

Maybe the people back then are still alive and well.

No, they are definitely alive. "

When Wen Yan heard this, he immediately remembered what happened before.

"Gold coin chocolate?"

Wen Yan felt that this set of operations looked familiar. Wasn't it what that guy from Nanyang wanted to do before?

So, when that guy from Nanyang tries to win over people and hook up with people who have resources, he doesn’t go directly to the door to win over, but there are local people in the middle?

Yes, if you use that kind of direct wooing method to win over people at the grassroots level of the Lieyang Department, there is no problem. You can exploit the other party's weaknesses. Even if it fails, the other party will most likely not tell them.

But for those who really have the resources, I'm afraid they can't be so presumptuous. Having a trustworthy local middleman who can talk to both parties is the most appropriate way.

The guy from Nanyang before had really extremely scarce resources in his hands, and some people didn't care where the gold coins came from.

"Yes, they must have it in their hands, so there must be people from that time still alive.

This time they absolutely should not have summoned the arch of bones, which resonated with the Decheng Funeral Home.

Now this matter has been listed as the first priority, and all related matters are also in the same sequence.

Things are different now. "

"What are they trying to do?" Wen Yan didn't quite understand. The headquarter commander called him here. He could actually guess that the headquarter chief wanted to tell him something. Likewise, there must be something he needed to do.

Since the other party did not do this out of ignorance, there is always a purpose, right?

"There is only one possibility left, and that is to deliberately let the Lieyang Department see it, and let the Lieyang Department help them step into the trap.

If the Lieyang Department sees it, then it is impossible to pretend not to know. It must maintain the idea of ​​​​bold assumptions and careful verification to find out.

Then determine whether there is a threat, how big the threat is, whether the threat can be eliminated, and at what cost.

What is certain is that they may not be aware that the arch of bones resonates with the Decheng Funeral Home.

Based on the existing situation, it can be reasonably inferred that this is not the first time they have summoned the skeleton arch.

They must have experimented many times and paid a huge price to know that by summoning that door, they could completely silence that person.

But they probably aren't very familiar with what's behind the door. "

"Is this what I can hear? I remember that the matter of Decheng Funeral Home is top secret, right? Isn't this not in compliance with the procedures?" Wen Yan did not expect that the head of the headquarters would dare to tell him directly.

"You dug up the incident at Ma's Ancestral Hall in Northeast China, as well as the incident about the Ghost God of Wealth. You are still an employee of Decheng Funeral Home and are a standard relevant person. After setting the priority, you have the authority to know the relevant information of the incident. Necessary information.”

"What's there?"

"We call it an old dream that can never go back."

When Wen Yan heard the name, he didn't quite understand what it was. He just felt that the name must have been given by modern people.

The head of the headquarters knew that Wen Yan would not be able to understand the name. He thought about it and said.

"Have you ever heard of the story about a mortar without a cauldron?"


"Have you heard of the story about Liu You begging to see his wife?"

"I've heard of this." Wen Yan nodded immediately. He had actually heard of this story. When he was learning the dream technique from his grandma a few days ago, he took his cell phone and looked at the relevant information in the Lieyang Department. Been to this story.

It is said that there was a man named Liu Youqiu who was walking home at night one day and encountered a dilapidated temple with collapsed walls along the way.

In the middle of the night, the dilapidated temple was brightly lit, with laughter and singing, as if someone was having fun inside.

He got closer to take a look and saw a group of people playing music, dancing, drinking and singing happily.

And his wife was the most cheerful one in the group, laughing so happily.

When Liu Youqiu saw this situation, he was furious on the spot, thinking, I worked so hard until the middle of the night and went home in the dark, but you are drinking with a group of strangers in this dilapidated temple.

He picked up a big stone and smashed it on the table inside.

Then the next moment, the bright lights disappeared, all the people disappeared, and all the things disappeared. The dilapidated temple was still the dark dilapidated temple, with nothing.

Liu Youqiu was confused and didn't know what was going on. When he got home, he found that his wife was sleeping well at home. Seeing that he was back, she heated up his food and gave him hot water to wash.

Liu Youqiu was full of doubts, wondering if it was true or false. Then he heard from his wife that she had just had a dream. She dreamed of singing and drinking with a group of people. When she was having fun, a big rock fell and she woke up. She couldn't continue the dream when she went back to sleep.

This is a story recorded in ancient books. Wen Yan read it at that time. Some people said that it was Liu Youqiu's wife's dream that manifested and condensed into reality, and some people said that Liu Youqiu entered his wife's dream.

Now that the general manager talked about this story, Wen Yan probably had some rough guesses about what the old dream that could not be returned to was.

"It's good that you've heard it. This is probably very similar to the situation in this story.

Maybe this is something that happened that year, and someone changed the name and recorded it.

In the past, there was a saying that time flies like this, day and night, and this is also the truth that has always been recognized.

Later, it was also verified that the speed of the passage of time is not constant.

Moreover, you have also experienced some things before, so you should understand it better than others."

"Yeah." Wen Yan nodded. He had experienced the event of the player's backtracking.

"So there were some big guys in Shenzhou before who believed that time was not only now.

A moment in the past will only remain in the past, not disappear.

Especially some special moments, or a moment with a strong will, will be more...heavy and real in this past.

The things in the past years, frozen at that moment, are called old dreams.

Old dreams that can never be returned."

The general manager said this, looking at Wen Yan, waiting for Wen Yan to understand.

Wen Yan was shocked. The first person he thought of was Wang Jianjun's grandfather, the first generation of witch priests after the revival of spiritual energy. He was a witch priest with incredible talent but did not catch up with the good times.

Wang Jianjun's grandfather sealed the mountain ghost, and the seal was the past.

"Director, is this the matter of the mountain ghost?"

"It is impossible to be sure, but it should be. There should be the old dream of the sealer. You have been there."

Wen Yan suddenly understood why he could enter the seal even though it was clearly a seal, and enter the seal from a strange place.

Why could someone ask his grandmother to ask him for help, and how did the other party contact his grandmother.

Now he seemed to understand. If it was the old dream, then it was normal for someone to contact his grandmother and ask her to ask him for help.

When he entered the seal, he encountered those weird things, which seemed to make sense.

And Wen Yan understood why the director wanted to find him and spent so much time talking to him.

Because he had experienced the player's replay, the distortion of time, the waves jumping on the long river of time, and personally went to a person's dream and solved the mountain ghost sealed there.

He was even a formal employee of Decheng Funeral Home, and he had seen or flashed into the other side of the world of Decheng Funeral Home.

And now, he is also directly related to this matter.

No one is more suitable to know these things than him.

Wen Yan had a hint of surprise on his face. He really didn't know these things before.

The general manager smiled and said.

"Everyone may have an old dream that they can't go back to.

It's just that the corner of a person's old dream may not be dangerous, and may be a good thing.

This is what the old Taoist said. The old Taoist didn't say what it was specifically. He only said that it was unique to him and could not be said.

But as time goes by, there are more and more living beings, and there will be more and more old dreams.

When they accumulate to a certain level, and more and more common old dreams are connected.

There will be another change. A person's old dream is just a corner.

And this corner is not all. There will be other dangers outside this corner.

In addition to the environment itself, the danger also includes those things that exist in the old dream.

Some may have been there originally, and some may have escaped there.

Those guys are the most dangerous things besides the environment itself."

Wen Yan knew as soon as he heard it that the Lieyang tribe seemed to have done a lot of similar research.

"Has anyone gone in to study it?"

"Only a very small number of people have had the experience of entering the old dream, but most of the people here may only enter for a moment.

Maybe they just entered for a blink of an eye when they were stunned, or for a few seconds.

They themselves may not know this, but they will receive gifts from the old dream that they can never return to.

Some calmed down, and some became clear-headed, but this gift will not last too long.

And it is like a sudden flash of inspiration. People will only focus on this inspiration, fearing that it will run away, and will not pay attention to how this inspiration came.

Only people like the old Tianshi will know clearly that he has entered his own old dream for the first time, and even figure out how to enter his own old dream.

There are related studies in the Lieyang tribe, but there is no clear method to enter the old dream.

The experience of the old Tianshi does not apply to others.

But this time, the skeleton archway summoned by someone is almost certain to be the portal to the old dream that can never be returned.

According to our experience, these guys, even if they have a way to summon the skeleton archway, they have no way to enter safely, and can only use it to silence them.

By the way, lead the Lieyang tribe to tread on the thunder.

Unfortunately, they don’t know that the old Tianshi has already been there.

And you have also been there.

You should be the only person known so far, besides the old Taoist priest, who is very sure that he entered actively and still came back alive.

Those who don't know that they entered, or who entered passively for one second or a few seconds, are not of much reference value.

Entering your own old dream is completely different from entering other people's old dreams or old dreams that you can't return to.

I asked you to come here, in addition to you being a person related to the incident, to remind you to pay attention to safety. "

"Director, I'm timid, don't scare me."

"You can't run away. If it involves things that happened decades ago, then it will definitely involve a dispute over the general direction, a general direction that is different from before.

Some information can be classified as top secret, but some information is too late to hide.

Other cases may not be mentioned, but many people know about the case of the mountain ghost.

Maybe someone will target you.

No matter what you want to do, a successful case, as long as those people know about it, they will never give up.

After all, you are not the old master. Even if someone knows about the old master, they will just pretend not to know.

You are different. You are too young.

This has nothing to do with your strength. It is purely because you are young that some people think you have a chance. "

The headquarter director did not continue. He listed the relevant incidents as the first priority this time. In addition to meeting the requirements in all aspects, one of the additional items was to protect Wen Yan.

As long as Wen Yan is a person related to the incident and is working hard for these things.

Then, Wen Yan is under the protection of the first priority.

Unless someone is desperate and willing to sacrifice his own status and future, the future of his family, and all the related people to be implicated, in order to destroy Wen Yan at all costs.

Otherwise, at least in the Lieyang Department, no matter where some people are or what they think in their hearts, they dare not do anything to Wen Yan.

Some of the people back then are still alive, and some of their disciples and old friends are still there.

It is impossible to trample to death all the people who stood opposite the Lieyang Department in the incident that year, including their children and disciples.

It is also impossible to suddenly press people down when they have done nothing.

What can be done is to deter, and make the price so high that the other party cannot bear it before something may happen.

"What do you want me to do? "Wen Yan thought about it and asked the question directly.

It is impossible to hide, the head of the headquarters told him this.

Someone has been hiding for decades, and this time he is playing a conspiracy, and the things are in front of the Lieyang Department.

The Lieyang Department cannot ignore everything, and the Lieyang Department must investigate.

Investigate what the skeleton arch is, who made it, how it was made, what the other party wants, what they want to do, everything must be known.

The private room in the detention center is probably ready, just waiting to see how to catch people.

"You don't have to check deliberately, just do your job normally, and do what you should do.

You go back and rest for two days, and in two days, there will be new things delivered to you. ”

"Can you reveal something in advance?"

"The last sample of gold coin chocolate has been studied out.

Originally, it was planned to develop an instrument, preferably one that could detect people who have eaten gold coin chocolate.

But later it was found that this was too difficult, and the basic materials could not be met.

Later, the people from Yaowang Mountain took the medicine produced in cooperation with you and sent it to the Lieyang Department to find someone to cooperate in the experiment.

The people from the research department talked with the people from Yaowang Mountain and changed their ideas.

They changed to making a potion that would make people very sensitive to people who had eaten gold coin chocolate after taking it.

According to the current experimental results, as long as this potion is taken, people who have eaten gold coin chocolate within a hundred meters nearby can sense it.

The stronger the body and the stronger the sensitivity, the better the effect of taking it.

In two days, the stable potion determined by the experiment will be sent to you, and you can keep it for use.

I don’t ask to find anything actively, I just ask that when such a person approaches you, you can react in advance. "

Wen Yanxin said that there are so many talents in the Lieyang Department. He used to think that the Lieyang Department wanted those gold coin chocolates to use them as samples to study the same thing.

Unexpectedly, the first thing they studied was how to find people who have eaten gold coin chocolates.

Yes, someone used gold coin chocolate as bait before, so the person who took the bait must have taken the gold coin chocolate before.

As long as we find out who has eaten it before, we can reversely dig out who has taken the bait before.

After leaving the headquarters and passing through the underworld, he didn't rush home. He went to the crossroads first, completed today's salvation, and then returned home.

Looking at the night, Wen Yan stood in the backyard again and continued his routine practice.

The limbs and torso parts have been completed. Now, he has to start the head.

Wearing the gray cloth, Wen Yan practiced for ten minutes and then stopped. His neck was stiff and his head tilted slightly to one side.

He reached out and touched his neck, and his eyelids twitched wildly.

I knew the head would be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult.

He just started to move from the neck to the head, and was very careful. He hadn't reached the head yet. It was just the neck. After just a few minutes, he felt his neck was stiff, as if he had a stiff neck, and he couldn't turn his head to the other side.

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