I am your natural enemy

Chapter 432: If you keep thinking about it, there will be a response (5k)

Early in the morning of the next day, when the sky was bright, Wen Yan opened the window and came to Fuyu Mountain.

Fuyu Mountain's dawn is slightly earlier than Decheng's. At this time, the disciples have already started morning classes.

The younger ones are mainly exercising and laying the foundation, and their schoolwork is still mainly going to school. After finishing the morning class, they will go down the mountain to the nearby school. Going up and down the mountain is also part of the exercise.

Usually, at most on weekends, they will practice the classics. They don't ask to understand, but just to understand it imperceptibly.

Only the older disciples will continue to study the scriptures after the daily morning class of physical exercise.

In order to prevent the disciples from developing the habit of leaving their jobs, even the disciples who do not go down the mountain need to work.

Unless they are disciples who are expected to be ordained, they will go down the mountain after a certain number of years.

Some go to college, and some do other jobs. Fuyu Mountain never forces every disciple to follow the path of cultivation or martial arts.

When in the sect, the atmosphere is also to encourage everyone to find the path they like and suit themselves.

Wen Yan arrived just in time and was caught by the leader, who immediately asked him to lead the young disciples to practice the Fiery Sun Fist to lay the foundation.

After half an hour of physical activity, Wen Yan was refreshed and strode to the courtyard where the fourth uncle was. The fourth uncle had already gotten up and finished his morning lessons and breakfast.

"Why are you here so early today?" The fourth uncle asked casually while looking at the book in his hand.

"I want to ask the fourth uncle something."

"Tell me."

"It's like this..."

Wen Yan recounted what happened in his dream last night.

"I was nightmared, I feel very uncomfortable, is there any way a warrior can prevent it?"

Wen Yan's strength is actually not afraid of face-to-face confrontation. He is a warrior, and his physical strength is getting stronger and stronger, and his bone density and muscle density are increasing.

He looks thin now, and his muscles are not particularly big, but when he weighs himself, he is already more than 180 pounds, which is obviously not in line with his body shape.

The best way to restrain him is this kind of remote method where you can't see the person, don't know who the other party is, and can't even use real means to track him in reverse.

After Wen Yan finished speaking, the fourth uncle put down the book in his hand.

"It is true that he was bewitched, but he didn't want to kill you.

It is too difficult to want to kill you in a dream and suppress you.

People with such strength don't need to go through so much trouble.

It just wants to bewitch you, or do something else."

"What could it be?"

"I don't know. I'm not good at these. The way of Huangliang is mysterious and bizarre, and the changes are endless.

Even many things in it will completely subvert normal cognition and lose many restrictions.

So, in today's words, there is no fixed method, and you can't copy the answer directly.

There is only a way to get the answer. When you encounter something, you rely on yourself to use the method on the spot to get the answer.

The practice of this way is the same. In fact, there is no mysterious fixed method at all."

Wen Yan was a little stunned. He remembered that when his grandmother taught him to enter the dream, it seemed that there was really no method that needed to be practiced. He met some conditions, and with the guidance of his grandmother, he could enter the dream smoothly and wake up in the dream after he became proficient.

This is completely different from practicing martial arts or cultivating the Tao.

"Fourth Master, you told me this, but I can't guess what the other party can do. You are knowledgeable and experienced, so please give me some suggestions. It doesn't have to be exact, just the most common and uncommon ones, as long as they have been recorded."

"The Way of Huangliang is not good at the kind of killing in dreams that you think.

The most typical example is the so-called killing in dreams, which is just turning the dream self into reality and killing people in the real world.

You should have read the story of slaying a dragon in a dream, right?"

"I've heard of this." Wen Yan nodded. Who hasn't read Journey to the West? When he was a child, he wanted to find a straight and even stick, so he set his eyes on the big rolling pin in the yard. Later, he heard that natural ones are the best, and rolling pins are too low-end. So, in order to find a straight and even natural stick, he has been looking for many years, but he hasn't found it yet.

"It looks similar to that one, but it's essentially different. The reason why the dragon can be slain in that story is that the person can leave the body quietly, has a sword of wisdom, and doesn't need to fight.

But if you understand it directly, it's not a big problem.

What do you do in dreams? The biggest possibility is to affect people's mind and thoughts."

"Psychological treatment?" Wen Yan thought of Dr. Meng in Yuzhou, who is an expert in related fields. He actually relies on his own talents to treat insomnia and eat at the same time.

"That is used in the right way."

"What about the wrong way?"

"You know the right way, think about it the other way around."

"Exerting psychological suggestion, distorting the subconscious, conveying wrong information, changing the crisis perception of certain things, shaking the will, tampering with ideas, and changing the view of someone?"

"..." Fourth Master Uncle couldn't help but retreat tactically, and his eyes changed when he looked at Wen Yan. You said you couldn't expect it, and you blurted out the crooked way?

To be honest, Fourth Master Uncle didn't know so many ways when he read the materials and records himself.

But in theory, what Wen Yan said is indeed possible.

As soon as he saw the look in the eyes of the fourth uncle, Wen Yan felt itchy all over and had a sense of uneasiness.

He was not afraid of a head-on fight with others, but he felt uncomfortable with things that might be played by others and might affect his consciousness and thoughts.

Because he knew best that if someone planted some hints or quietly changed some ideas, he would most likely think that it was his own idea and that his own ideas had changed slowly.

And people's ideas are easy to change. Their views on many things will also change with the passage of time, and their feelings and thoughts will be completely different.

When I was fifteen years old, I felt that I was sitting in front of a garbage computer with a chassis fan like a tractor, and when I was thirty-five years old, I felt and thought in front of a computer with a 4090 graphics card. That must be completely different.

Many times, people themselves can't tell whether some ideas are really what they think, or whether these ideas are evolved from hints planted by others.

"Fourth uncle, is there a way to find out who it is?"

The fourth uncle frowned slightly and shook his head in embarrassment.

"We in Fuyu Mountain are not very good at these things. You should go back and read the Neizhaojing more. If you can wake up in your dream when you fall asleep, then you have a basic protection. It is difficult for what you said to work on you."

"But I think the people who came to me this time don't seem to do these things. I can hear some sounds. I have heard those rustling sounds before. They should come from the hometown that I can't go back to..."

"Stop!" The fourth uncle immediately stopped: "Don't say it, and don't think about it."

"Hey, fourth uncle, you knew it a long time ago?"

The fourth uncle didn't say anything. He looked at Wen Yan for a long time, pondered for a while, and said slowly.

"If you keep talking about it and thinking about it every day, something bad will happen. This is not a good thing."

"What about the person who used these things to cause trouble?"

"He is probably dead. He dared to do this and was forcibly broken by the witch in the most brutal way. He will definitely be retaliated.

It may be just a dream to deal with you, but if he is retaliated, if it is not in a dream, then it will definitely become a reality.

It's just like the sharp weapons in the stories you read that will draw blood and kill people when they are unsheathed.

It's either the enemy or yourself who will suffer.

When you use things that cannot be fully controlled or beyond the control range, this situation will basically occur."

"I understand."

Wen Yan originally wanted to go back and let the black box check the death cases of the day, but after thinking about it, if the person who made the move was killed by the backlash, he probably wouldn't go through the normal procedures, cancel the household registration, and declare death.

Perhaps the person who made the move had died many years ago in terms of procedures, and now has a new identity, or is an unregistered person without an identity.

It should be impossible to find any results on this road.

Then we can only follow the original path and follow the clues when the other party attacks.

I can't rest outside recently, I can only rest at home, at least my home is very safe.

Wen Yan felt a little regretful, forget it, wait for the results of the investigation of the Lieyang Department, this time the priority is high enough, there will be enough resources, and there will always be some clues.

Wen Yan stayed in Fuyu Mountain, chatted with the great master uncle, and had a meal with him, and then called Que Mao to ask Que Mao to open the window.

After returning home, Wen Yan thought about it and called the general manager to tell him about the attack last night.

If someone wanted to kill him, Wen Yan would not be surprised, but if it was not to kill him, but to do something to him, then it would be difficult for Wen Yan to know who it was, and the suspects were not easy to find.

After staying at home, Wen Yan couldn't sit still, so he ran to Yuzhou again, ready to ask Dr. Meng, who was a professional.

After walking through the streets of the village in the city and turning a corner, he saw a newly opened skewers restaurant, and he was slightly startled.

This was the first time he saw a restaurant with this name in Nanwu County. It was actually a hot pot restaurant, but the ingredients were all skewered with bamboo sticks. You could take as much as you wanted, and only the sticks would be counted at the end.

The sign also looked familiar, very much in the style of Guanzhong County.

There were not many people at this time, and Wen Yan stopped at the door. The big sister at the bar in the store saw Wen Yan and immediately waved at him.

"Handsome boy, do you want to try it? The soup base is free! The ingredients are guaranteed to be fresh!"

Wen Yan touched his stomach and entered the store.

Sitting on the wooden table, looking at the big hole in the center of the table and the small hole next to it for the sticks, the familiar feeling came back all of a sudden.

Wen Yan touched the table, and a daze, and before he knew it, all the people on the street outside disappeared, and the noise gradually faded away.

The shop's signboard also changed from brand new to old, and the prefix in front of the three words "Chuanchuanxiang" also changed accordingly. One of the words even fell off as if it had been too long.

Wen Yan sat in the shop, touching the table in a daze. The wooden table gradually seemed to have more patina, and the smell of hot pot base gradually emerged in the air. That special fragrance kept drilling into his nose.

Outside the door, several teenagers walked in. The young one looked about eleven or twelve years old, and the older one looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

Several teenagers sat around a table, and one of them, who was wearing cropped pants, said.

"You can take whatever dishes you want to eat later. Take as much as you want. Don't take too much at one time. Take it after you finish eating. Don't waste it. The same goes for dipping sauce. But I think it tastes better without dipping sauce. I can't eat spicy food." You need dipping sauce!”

"I can eat spicy food!" A boy shouted immediately, as if saying he couldn't eat spicy food would be embarrassing.

An aunt in an apron brought a spicy pot bottom to the boy's table. Several boys coquettishly asked others to get the food, saying they were not picky eaters. Then one of the boys went to hold a frame. , I took more than twenty skewers in total, all of which were meat.

“Each skewer of meat and vegetables is the same price, so it’s a good deal to eat meat!”


As soon as the pot was cooked, the aunt in an apron brought over a five-yuan bottle of red Coke.

"I'm having an event today, so I gave it as a gift."


"Thank you, auntie!" The boy who looked like the oldest immediately stood up and thanked her loudly.

The aunt in the apron smiled from ear to ear, put down a few disposable cups, and waved her hands.

"Eat it. The beef will be cooked quickly. It will not taste good if it is overcooked."

Several teenagers arranged several disposable cups in a row. The oldest boy unscrewed the Coke and poured the exact same height of Coke into each cup. After confirming that there was no problem and that they were indeed the same, he poured each cup into the cup. Distribute to other teenagers.

One of the thin young men took a sip of Coke. He couldn't help baring his teeth because of the cold, but his eyebrows seemed to be smiling with joy.

"Brother Qing, just wait, I will definitely find the best holy sword for you in the future!"

"Eat yours. Who can eat this enough? Go get some more meat."

The thin young man listened and went to get more than twenty strings, but he didn't dare to take more.

After coming back, several teenagers who said they could eat spicy food kept sucking their mouths out because it was so spicy, but they were reluctant to take a big sip of Coca-Cola. When it was too spicy, they would take a small sip to try to neutralize the spiciness.

"Is it too spicy?"

"not spicy!"

"It's not spicy! I just sweat when I eat spicy food!"

“Not spicy at all.”

The teenagers were each more aggressive than the other.

Wen Yan sat diagonally across from them, looking at these teenagers with a smile on his face unconsciously.

He looked back and saw that the people on the bar had disappeared. The kitchen was very dark. Wen Yan saw the aunt in an apron appear again, so he raised his hand.

"Auntie, let me have a bottle of Coke."

"Only the big ones."

"Yeah, just the big bottle."

When the aunt brought the Coke, Wen Yan motioned to the young man's table.

"Give it to them and treat them to a drink."

The older boy stood up immediately when he saw the Coke brought to him, came to Wen Yan to thank him, then got a cup for Wen Yan and poured a cup for Wen Yan.

Several teenagers, holding disposable cups as if they were holding wine, gathered around to clink glasses with Wen Yan.

Wen Yan looked at several young men who were sweating so much that their lips seemed to be swollen. Then he looked outside the shop. The sky seemed to be getting darker. He sighed softly, opened the phone case, and took out a cell phone. A spare hundred was placed on the table.

The next moment, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"What kind of pot do you want, handsome? There are spicy and non-spicy ones."

As soon as Wen Yan raised his head, the noise and traffic seemed to flow silently from a distant place.

In the shop, those teenagers are no longer there, and the pulp-coated wooden tables have become new tables.

The darkness outside disappeared, and the light was dazzling.

Wen Yan said directly without looking at the menu.

"I want a spicy hot pot."

"The spicy hot pot is only medium spicy or extra spicy. Which one do you want?"

"Extra spicy, add a bottle of Coke from the red bottle."

"Okay, whatever food you want to eat, you can get it yourself."

Wen Yan sat on the chair, poured himself a glass, and raised his glass to the empty table diagonally opposite.

He just fell into an old dream.

He wasn't really sure at first, but he knew where he was from the moment he saw the teenagers coming in.

Because that skinny boy was who he used to be, when he was eleven years old.

A big brother in the courtyard spent his summer vacation delivering briquettes to people and collecting paper shells and plastic bottles. After most of the money he earned was taken away, he secretly hid a little money to treat a few of them to a meal. Chuan Chuan Xiang which I have never tasted before.

Because this was already a luxury for them at that time.

In order not to show their timidity and just to have a taste, they chose to go in the afternoon, not during meal time.

That day, an aunt gave them a bottle of Coke. He could remember this for decades. From that day on, he always felt that the red bottle tasted better than the blue bottle, and the blue bottle didn't taste the same.

He was always timid when taking food, and he didn't dare to take more. He only dared to take twenty skewers at a time.

But because they took less at one time, several people took two bites at a time and then disappeared. They ate more than expected that day, and they ate all the money hidden by the eldest brother in one go.

That day was the happiest day of his years, even though he was found to have gone out to spend money and eat food afterwards because of the smell on his body, and was scolded and beaten.

He remembered looking for a natural, very straight and even wooden stick for many years. At that time, this thing was called a holy sword.

But they haven't found it yet. The eldest brother who invited them to eat Chuan Chuan Xiang is no longer there.

Wen Yan is now alone, eating skewers and drinking Coke. The taste is still the same, indeed quite authentic, but the feeling is completely different.

At least now, he can really eat spicy food.

Wen Yan took a sip of Coke and burped. The air rushed out of his nostrils. The whole person seemed to be transparent, and the anxiety and uneasiness that was suppressed in his heart also dissipated.

"I think it's enough. There's no need to take risks again." The old man with flowery hair shook his head and rejected the plan of the inverted triangle eyes to take action again.

"Really don't care? I have already consumed precious materials several times. I can't give up halfway." The inverted triangle eyes suffered a backlash last night, and he was still a little unhappy. If he hadn't been prepared in advance, he would have died.

"You don't understand. That guy is actually very important. He is not an ordinary disciple of the Three Mountains and Five Peaks.

You have told him that he encountered that kind of situation. He may be able to sense it, so he will definitely ask someone.

As long as he asks someone, his seniors in the sect or the Lieyang tribe will definitely guess what happened.

There is a saying that if you keep thinking about it, there will be a response.

As long as someone tells him the truth, as long as he knows it, he will think about it in his heart, and he has just experienced it.

Then, according to the news we have received, he is quite vengeful and will definitely keep thinking about it.

Maybe he fell into it himself in the past few days.

As long as he falls into it, he can't come back, so we don't need to do anything.

No matter what happens, it has nothing to do with us, and no one can find us here.

That kid has offended a lot of people and blocked the way of many people. Someone will always take the blame when the time comes."

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