I am your natural enemy

Chapter 433 Cai Heizi's dirty trick, triggering the fall (10k)

Wen Yan began to understand why the general manager said that the old dream was not completely negative, and even the old master would enter the old dream.

At least now he was very happy, especially from the perspective of a third party, he saw himself in the past and could still experience the simple happiness at that time.

Just entering it for a while, he felt that his mind seemed to be healed, and the haze seemed to have been mostly wiped out.

He did not suffer direct harm last night, but according to his current feelings, he should still be affected, and his heart was covered with a layer of haze.

At this moment, this layer of haze also dissipated most of the time after entering the old dream, and the remaining part was also continuously dissipating.

It seems that the speculation is correct. The other party is not trying to kill him at once, but to influence him.

Whether there is ability or not is one thing, and doing it now is another. The latter is obviously more cost-effective and less risky.

It is just a test that does not hurt anyone at all, and it will not trigger too many resource counterattacks, but if Wen Yan has something in this situation, it will automatically trigger the current first priority event.

Because Wen Yan is now participating in the Gu Meng incident, if someone uses the means in the dream to harm the key members of the incident, then it must be attributed to this incident, without any dispute.

Wen Yan had a meal in the Chuan Chuan Xiang restaurant. The boss was right, the ingredients were indeed fresh.

As long as the ingredients are fresh, no matter how you eat, it will not be too bad.

After walking out of the restaurant, Wen Yan went straight to Dr. Meng's clinic. There was a U-shaped lock and a sign on the glass door of the clinic.

"The world is so big, I want to see it. I'm going out for a trip. The date of return is to be determined."

Wen Yan looked inside through the glass door and seemed to see someone.

He knocked on the glass door and shouted.

"Dr. Meng?"

Hearing Wen Yan's voice, the little head of the girl at the front desk popped up in the corridor behind the lobby on the first floor. Seeing that it was indeed Wen Yan, she immediately came over.

"Mr. Wen, Dr. Meng is not at home. He went home to visit his family."

"Huh? Going home to visit his family? What's the matter?"

"I don't know..." The girl at the front desk hesitated for a moment, standing behind the glass door, and whispered: "When Dr. Meng left, he locked the door from the outside and told me not to unlock it or go out. There is food and drink in the clinic. Wait until he comes back."

"Did something happen?" Wen Yan picked up the U-shaped lock and took a look. Sure enough, on the back of the lock, he saw some special symbols. The symbols seemed to be engraved on it and then stained with blood.

"Dr. Meng didn't tell me, he just said so, but I feel like he ran away..." The girl at the front desk slandered the boss a little uncertainly.

"Why do you say that?"

"He ran away once before, and it took him half a month to come back. Later I heard that during that half a month, several aliens in Yuzhou left Yuzhou and disappeared completely."

"Is his phone turned off too?"

"Well, he said there was no need to look for him, he would come back later, and he said that even if there was an earthquake, he was not allowed to leave this door."

Wen Yan nodded. The girl at the front desk was also a little monster. Dr. Meng was obviously protecting the girl at the front desk.

And the thing was that Dr. Meng needed to run away, but the girl at the front desk didn't.

Wen Yan looked back at the way he came, and he was a little surprised. When he was about to reach Dr. Meng's clinic, he entered the old dream. There must be a reason.

It may be his own reasons, and there is also luck. Maybe it is also because of being close to here.

Well, by the way, I can't forget that it is probably because of what happened last night.

"Did Dr. Meng leave you any other messages? Didn't he tell you what to say if someone wants to see him? How to contact him in case of emergency?"

"No, if you don't know him well, just say you're traveling. If you ask, just say you have money.

If you know him well, just say you're visiting relatives. You might come back in half a month. It's always like this."

"Ha, then why did you tell me the truth?"

"Mr. Wen is different. Even if Dr. Meng were here, he would definitely not use that excuse to fool Mr. Wen." The girl at the front desk told the truth. She still remembered that day when Wen Yan's Yang Qi exploded. At the moment of the explosion, it almost covered several nearby streets. No matter how quickly it subsided, she still remembered the terrifying explosion.

She never dared to tell anyone about this kind of thing. She had already guessed it in her heart.

"Okay, then you listen to Dr. Meng and stay at home. If you have any problems, call me. Do you have my phone number here?"

"Yes, yes."

"Well, that's fine. I'll leave first. If Dr. Meng comes back, tell him I've been here."

Wen Yan turned and left, feeling a little regretful. The only expert on Huangliang Dao he knew was Dr. Meng, and there was no one more professional than him.


At the headquarters of the Lieyang Department, the head of the headquarters stood in the command room, watching the small squares appearing on the screen.

Each small square was a place in action, and his face was as gloomy as water, watching with cold eyes.

When the previous matters of Gu Meng and the Skeleton Arch were listed as the first priority, the resources and permissions that could be invested were completely different.

They really couldn't lock onto the target directly for a while, but according to the information they had obtained before, they could continue to investigate.

After confirming the identity of the gatekeeper, they could check the phone number, mobile phone number, account number used by the guy when he was alive, and so on.

Use this as a starting point, spread outward, and manually and AI screen together to find the direction that can be traced.

When that guy is alive, he will be in contact with other people. With a smartphone and not just making phone calls, there will be more connections.

As long as you are willing to invest resources, there will definitely be clues.

The janitor was a bastard when he was young. In the local parlance there, he was called a second-rate man.

Later, many of the people I became acquainted with and had contact with started working on sewing machines.

The Lieyang Department found out that in the place where this guy was, someone used a mobile phone to contact some former second-rate guys.

One of them entered the palace for the second time this year. His record was for burglary. It was a case handled by an ordinary uncle and had nothing to do with the Lieyang Department.

However, the Lieyang Department has traced out that there is another key target who is already staying in this prison. It is speculated that this guy who entered the palace for the second time may have gone in specifically to do something or obtain some information.

The head of the headquarters came to see it in person. They were just arresting some ordinary people, and there was no need for him to direct them. He was just here to express his attitude.

When Wen Yan was attacked while he was sleeping, it was after he had prioritized the relevant incidents. If he didn't express his position, some people would think it was not a big deal.

Is this a provocation? Is it a test?

If you dare to attack Wen Yan today, what will you do tomorrow?

We must strike hard and our attitude must not be soft.

Once you have the funds, authority, and resources, you don't need to find a reason to arrest some old gangsters.

Just dig up some of the previous cases. Pull out the backlog of non-homicide cases that were not listed and lacked resources in the past. As long as relevant evidence is found, just arrest the person first.

In a case where the sentence is one to three years at most, if you arrest the people first and let them bite each other, there will always be someone who wants to make meritorious deeds.

No matter how loyal you are when you come out to hang out, after entering, your brothers and colleagues will be used to reduce your sentence. If you don't betray others, others will betray you.

Within a day, dozens of people were arrested, and there was a lot of noise on the road. Even those who were not well-informed had heard about these things.

Some people began to keep a low profile, and some who were clearly not affected began to run away quietly.

Some of the better-informed people began to panic when they learned that so many people had been arrested and that there was no crackdown on crime at all.

People who were fine at first were frightened and started to do some tricks, but they were caught instead.

There was a guy who couldn't help himself and went to dig up the murder weapon he had buried in the mountain. But the barren mountain that was once barren has now been developed into a scenic spot.

This guy ran away from the route, was discovered, and got into an argument with someone, thus exposing the dug-out murder weapon and losing his performance in vain.

The so-called road was suddenly disturbed and became very uneasy.

While the head of the headquarters was thinking about it, the chief secretary next to him came over and whispered.

"Wen Yan went to see a Mengtapir who opened a shop in Yuzhou. He said that the doctor was his friend and he was worried about his friend's safety, so he wanted to check the matter. However, he did not have permission for the relevant information and had just applied for permission."

The head of the headquarters looked around and left with the big secretary.

Back in the office, the head of the department looked at the records and did not grant permission for approval.

The matter of Meng Tapir is very important. He wants to ensure the safety of Meng Tapir's clan. Especially this time, he has recruited members of the Meng Tapir clan. Among all the aliens, this is the only one who has a whole clan specializing in this aspect and is willing to integrate. Society, a group of people who are willing to cooperate with the Lieyang tribe.

The relevant permission information does not belong to the single-event permissions, but to the general permission level.

Single-event permissions are for relevant personnel. After approval, they can indeed view it.

However, the general authority level, according to regulations, means that the person viewing the information must have a sufficient authority level before he or she can view it after getting approval.

This type of top-secret information, even if it is viewed by the head of the headquarters, must still follow the regulations. The time, place and person must be clearly recorded.

Back then, there were people in the Mengtapi clan who made great contributions. Now, they live in places not far from the military area. This ensures that the air units will appear on the scene within five minutes of receiving the order, and the ground personnel can On scene within fifteen minutes.

The head of the headquarters thought for a while and called Wen Yan.

"What? Did you find something?"

"I entered once today and saw..."

"Stop!" The headquarters chief immediately shouted, interrupting Wen Yan's words.

"Remember, don't tell others what you have seen or experienced. Some things cannot be told to others. Before you can distinguish what can be said and what cannot be said, it is best not to say anything. Do you remember?"


"Don't think that what you have experienced and seen may be ordinary. According to normal thinking, it may not be important. But whether it is important or not cannot be judged according to your usual thinking. You said, maybe It will bring about bad changes, and in the worst case, the Taoist conduct may be destroyed.”

"Ah?" Wen Yan was shocked. Is it so serious?

"Don't say 'ah', it's just that serious, because there is precedent for this. There was a Taoist priest whose whole life was ruined because he said something he saw inside that he thought was normal. "

"I understand!" Wen Yan responded solemnly.

"Okay, so did you find out anything key?"

"No, I went in when I was near Dr. Meng's house. I found that Dr. Meng was not at home. It seemed that something happened, so I checked it out. I didn't expect that the authority required was very high."

"According to the regulations, your authority is not enough. I can't approve it for you. You don't have to worry too much about him. He has things to do."

"Okay, I understand."

Wen Yan felt a little regretful, but he still understood that the director general knew what Dr. Meng was doing, but the confidentiality level of this matter was very high. Unless it was absolutely necessary, the director general could not approve the authority casually.

When he was about to hang up the phone, the director general saw new information on the device.

After he looked at it, his expression was a little strange.

"Wait a minute, there's something I need you to do."

"What is it?"

"There's a prisoner here, I need you to go see him."

"Ah? I don't know how to interrogate him, you can't ask me to perform the Great Memory Recovery Technique on him, right?"

"No, I've sent you the relevant information, take a look, if you have time, just go and see him, it doesn't matter whether you can find out anything, the important thing is that you have to go."


After hanging up the phone, the head of the headquarters looked at the long paragraph of text messages that appeared on the device.

The sending device showed Cai Heizi's mobile phone, and the account logged in was Cai Heizi's account.

The content was also completely in line with Cai Heizi's style.

Yesterday, Wen Yan was attacked in his dream, and the head of the headquarters opened the relevant permissions for Cai Heizi, and even left a message for Cai Heizi to see.

Because he really didn't dare to trust anyone casually now, there must be a ghost inside the Lieyang Department, there's no doubt about it.

But what he didn't expect was that he really received a reply here.

On the other side, Wen Yan took the phone and looked at the information sent, a lot.

The Lieyang Department has been busy these days. Starting from the gatekeeper, they have investigated a lot of things.

There are a lot of ordinary cases that have been investigated, so I won’t talk about this one. There are also several cases that need the Lieyang Department to intervene directly.

The person Wen Yan is asked to meet now is a key target. This guy has been in prison for the second time and has been squatting there for burglary.

It is speculated that this guy knows a lot of things, and he went to a place to do burglary specifically, just to determine the jurisdiction and go to a certain prison.

Wen Yan didn’t understand why he was asked to meet this person?

He couldn’t persuade this old-fashioned man to speak.

But the director of the headquarters personally explained it, so he went to take a look.

When he arrived at the place, someone was waiting for him here, and the relevant procedures were all done. He met this old-fashioned man smoothly.

He asked for cigarettes at the beginning, but he only gave some trivial information, or information that had been given before.

Wen Yan asked for a long time, but he really didn't get anything out of him. Even this old man thought that Wen Yan was a novice and was playing tricks with him.

Then, Wen Yan came out after asking questions and replied that he didn't get any important clues or information.

The head of the headquarters also comforted him a few words and told him that it was okay to go to the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou. There was a tool to assist in handling the case there, so he should take it temporarily. If there was any danger, he should call someone as soon as possible.

Also, pay attention to the confidentiality of the information and don't talk nonsense.

At this point, Wen Yan understood that the head of the headquarters was really telling the truth. He really didn't expect him to get anything out of him. The purpose was just to let him come. His appearance was enough.

Wen Yan left, and the conversation was not recorded or recorded, and no one heard it.

And an hour after Wen Yan left, new documents were sent to the prison, and the old man who was imprisoned for the second time was told that his case had turned around.

This was considered an attempted crime, and although he had a criminal record before, he had no criminal record of theft or burglary, so he could not be judged as burglary by burglary.

I heard that the people from the procuratorate had already discussed it with the people from the court, and at most he would be detained, but not sentenced.

So, according to the maximum sentence, he has already exceeded the time he has been in prison, so if he signs, he can go out today, and he can even pay more than 400 yuan a day for the extra days he has been in prison.

The old man who had been in prison for the second time got goose bumps all over his body when he heard the other party say these "good news".

Especially when he heard that the procuratorate had discussed it with the court because of his case, his face turned pale with fear.

He did study it in advance, and even consulted with professionals, and burglary is indeed not the same as burglary.

But he had admitted it before, so why did he suddenly let him out now?

The prison guard helped him pack his things, and smiled and patted him on the shoulder, telling him to be a good person after he got out.

Many people in the prison saw this scene.

He didn't want to go out, but rules are rules, and the time was up, and he couldn't stay in there for another day.

He was driven out, carrying his personal belongings, standing outside the gate. It was sunny outside, but he felt cold all over.

He stood there for a long time before he quickly took out his phone, which had been automatically turned off because it ran out of power.

He walked along the road, trying to get a ride, but no one stopped on the road.

He didn't get a taxi until he saw a taxi and returned to the city.

Less than two minutes after walking out of the wilderness where the prison was located, he saw a mud truck with a license plate covered in mud whizzing past from the side.

The taxi driver reacted very quickly, braked suddenly, turned the steering wheel sharply, and rushed into the fields beside the road.

Sitting in the car, Er Jin Gong's face was pale, and cold sweat soaked his back. He saw clearly that the speeding dump truck seemed to turn the steering wheel towards them.

If the taxi driver hadn't reacted quickly and rushed into the fields beside the road, he would have been happy to get the most common way of crossing.

"Brother... buddy, can you borrow a phone for a while, I'll make a call."

The taxi driver was still in shock and called for help. With their strength, they might not be able to lift the car from the fields beside the road to the road.

Er Jin Gong got the phone and made two calls in a hurry, but each call was unreachable.

The third call was finally connected.

"Hey, didn't you go in? How did you call?

What? You came out?

Do you know that something big happened these two days, and a lot of people were arrested today."

"What? Where are you? Come pick me up, I'm..." Er Jin Gong hurriedly asked someone to pick him up, but before he finished speaking, the other party shouted like a madman.

"What? I'm outside, just got here...hiss...it's you, damn it! You bastard, you betrayed your brother, be careful not to die a horrible death!"

The phone was hung up quickly, and Er Jinzang's face became paler and paler.

His worries were more serious than expected.

So many people were arrested today, but he was suddenly told today that he could be released from prison. There were too many loopholes in his case. He admitted that only confessions could not make up for those loopholes. In addition, he had been in prison for some time, and this had to be counted.

He was just interviewed today and was released immediately. His brothers, at this moment, were running away or being arrested.

If he were those arrested, what would he think?

He would think that it was the people he betrayed, and they had made great contributions, so they could be released so quickly, and even let the procuratorate appeal...

His hand holding the phone began to tremble.

He made three more calls, all of which were turned off.

The fourth call, the moment the call was connected, the other party hung up the phone as soon as he heard his voice.

Instantly, he felt that all the bones in his body seemed to soften.

He went in with a mission this time. The last few calls didn't go through, which proved that the matter was not an ordinary case.

He hung up when he heard his voice, instead of asking where he was.

This means that he didn't want to have anything to do with him at all.

Er Jin Gong knew what this meant best.

He stood up tremblingly, and left without waiting for rescue.

When he saw a big car whizzing by on the road, he would suddenly break out in a cold sweat.

Not far away, he didn't even dare to walk along the road.

He came all the way to the village and borrowed a charger from a roadside store to charge it. When the phone turned on automatically and connected to the signal, the phone rang immediately.

"Hey, Lao Er, you are out, right?"


The other party was silent for a while and said.

"Lao Er, I want to ask you something, tell me the truth."

"It really has nothing to do with me! I don't even know why I was released today!" Er Jin Gong was a little anxious.

"Hey... take care of yourself. I won't tell anyone. I called you, so don't tell me where you are."

The call was hung up, and Er Jin Gong was so anxious that he was angry. Why didn't he believe it? This had nothing to do with him.

Even if he wanted to make a contribution, how could he know so many things and let so many people be arrested? !

Just after hanging up, the phone rang again within a few seconds. This time there was no caller ID, and it showed an unknown number.

"Hey, Lao Er, I want to ask you something. If you tell me the truth, I will keep you alive."

"Sixth Master, it really has nothing to do with me!"

"Well, let's talk about this later. I want to ask you, what did you say to Wen Yan when he came to see you today?"


The person on the other side was silent for a while, still speaking in a calm tone.

"That young man who saw you today, what did he say to you, and what did you say to him?"

"I really didn't say anything. He just asked me about some cases, and I just fooled him."

"Second brother, you know, I have always trusted you the most, and I always let you do anything important.

You couldn't possibly tell me that someone overturned your verdict so that you could be released from prison within a day.

You are completely unaware of this matter, and it's purely for the rule of law, fairness and justice?

Just for your little thing, your little sentence, so much energy was mobilized, and you don't know anything?

I believe you, but others may not.

Now many people have been arrested, and the news of your release has also spread.

Be careful, many people think you betrayed them.

Where are you now, I will send someone to pick you up immediately.

I have sent someone to pick up your wife and son, and I will protect them first, don't worry."


Second brother was holding the phone, his lips were trembling.

Then he hung up the phone.

He has been in the business for so many years, how could he not understand what this meant.

He turned off his cell phone, bought a pack of cigarettes in the store, sat at the door with a dull look on his face, and smoked several cigarettes one after another, feeling a little dizzy. He only came to his senses when the last cigarette burned his fingers.

He was set up, but he had no way to explain it. No one would believe him if he couldn't explain it clearly.

There is always a reason why so many people were arrested in one day.

There was always a reason why he was released today.

When these people encounter this kind of thing, they have no trust in each other at all.

But now, he has no choice, his way is blocked.

He put out the cigarette, turned his phone back on, recalled the number he had memorized today, and dialed it.

"Hey, it's me, second child, don't you want to know something? I can tell you, but first I have to ensure the safety of my wife, son, and my newborn grandson. Otherwise, if I die, you won't even think about it. I know one word, I know the Lieyang Department, it’s your handiwork, right?”

On the other side, Wen Yan was confused as he listened to the phone.

But he understood that the old fritter in the first half of the day actually wanted to see him again and was ready to tell him everything.

Moreover, the Lieyang Department was specifically mentioned this time, which means that it is definitely not an ordinary case.

"Where are you?"

Er Jin Gong told him the location.

Wen Yan hung up the phone and immediately called the head of the headquarters to explain the matter. Then he asked hesitantly.

"By the way, can we still play like this? Is this appropriate?"

"That guy entered on purpose. His ordinary case had loopholes and problems. Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with the current approach. It is very in line with the procedures and the principle of fairness."

"What do you need me to do?"

"You just go and see me, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

"All right."

Wen Yan hung up the phone, feeling that there was something wrong with this. According to the Lieyang Department's style of conduct, it seemed a bit inappropriate to do this, right?

But now that he has reached this point, he can only hurry over.

At the same time, the head of the headquarters hung up the phone and stood in the command hall, giving orders with a stern face.

“Pay close attention to all suspicious targets, and you must pay attention to any movement they make.

All relevant personnel are on standby and ready to go at any time. "

"Line 3, there is movement, a crane is passing by, something may need to be moved."

"Line 7, someone just made a call and someone drove away."

"Target No. 9, the hall is closed."

The headmaster watched quietly, making people continue to pay attention.

For an old man who may know a lot of things when he enters the palace for the second time, he certainly won't go into such a big fight.

On the one hand, it is to determine what important information the second palace official may indeed know.

On the other hand, this is also a way of trying to alert the enemy.

So many people were arrested today, and none of the things that came out were particularly important, at least on the surface.

There might be some important information in it, but they are not sure yet.

And after arresting so many people, except for the so-called Dao, where the Lieyang Department needs to pay attention, there really is no big reaction.

But when Wen Yan went to see Er Jingong and released Er Jingong, it had an immediate effect.

Some people who were only within the investigation scope at most could no longer sit still.

The people hiding in the dark can’t sit still anymore.

The headmaster looked at the reactions here with a sullen face.

Another thing was confirmed, and the response was so fast, which means that there is indeed an insider within the Lieyang Department, and it is definitely not the most basic field or internal staff.

The lowest level field or internal staff may not know what Wen Yan's appearance represents, nor do they know Wen Yan's specific authority, specific identity, strength and status.

Only people with certain authority, or those who have actually been exposed to relevant cases, know some of the inside information of the case, and have an understanding of Wen Yan, would have such a big reaction to Wen Yan meeting an ordinary criminal.

No matter what the situation was, they didn't dare to gamble whether Wen Yan had nothing to do and was just going through the motions.

A very simple operation has opened up the situation, muddied the waters, and startled the snake.

The headquarter manager secretly sighed, this is a standard Cai Heizi-style operation.

Well, it's OK, it has what every program should have, but it's OK, it feels weird and a bit crooked, but in the end, it turned out to be far more useful than expected.

The members of the Lieyang Department who were on standby began to take action.

The first step was to rush into a small farm in the suburbs and arrest the people inside.

The person who called Er Jin Gong and told Er Jin Gong's wife and children that their children were taken away for protection is here.

One phone call and he was exposed.

People were taken away, and the family members of Erjin Palace who were playing here were also taken away and protected for some reason.

There is another clue. The owner of this farm may know more things.

On the other side, Er Jingong was still sitting in front of the shop, staring into the distance in a daze. He didn't know if his choice was right.

But he knew that as long as the superiors lost trust in him, no, it didn't need to be completely lost, as long as they started to have a little doubt, he would be close to death.

Because he knows a little bit, but not too much.

He had no choice. He knew that the Lieyang Department was different from those brothers, so he could do many things that those brothers could not do.

While he was in a daze, he saw the mountain suddenly cracked open on the side of the hillside, and Wen Yan walked out of it.

Seeing this scene, most of the uncertainty about entering the palace disappeared.

A concept that has always been in my mind began to surge in my mind. These people can mix and mix well because they have not encountered any taboos, the iron fist has not fallen on them, or there is no time to pay attention to them.

As long as they cross the line and commit a crime, it is a tradition to settle accounts later. The so-called big men above him will also be hit hard when such a time comes.

Wen Yan walked out of the desolate graveyard. As soon as he came out, he saw Er Jingong sitting at the door of the small shop.

Er Jingong had lost the sense of relaxation in the past two hours. He looked depressed.

When Wen Yan walked up to him and hadn't spoken yet, the owner of the small shop came out and handed the phone to Er Jingong.

"Your phone, for you."

Er Jingong listened to the phone and heard his son's voice on the phone.

His son was a little panicked. He didn't know that he had been released. Now he was taken to the police station. It was said that he was to assist in the investigation.

When Er Jin Gong heard that they were brought from the farm, the farm had been seized, and there were gunmen on the scene, Er Jin Gong was completely relieved. He comforted his son and told them that it was okay. It had nothing to do with them, so they just needed to say whatever they knew.

After hanging up the phone, Er Jin Gong returned the phone to the owner and followed Wen Yan to a farther place.

He touched his body, and Wen Yan handed him a pack of cigarettes.

"Take mine."

Er Jin Gong lit a cigarette and sat down against a tree. He had completely given up struggling.

"I don't know what you want to ask, but I guess it has nothing to do with ordinary cases."

"Well, ordinary cases are not something I can intervene in."

"The one you just arrested is called Liu Ye in the underworld. I followed him when I was young.

Later, I followed him to do engineering, earthwork, demolition and so on.

If Liu Ye eats meat, we can also drink soup, and we don't have to be a gangster like we did 20 or 30 years ago.

If you have money, you can do real work.

When I was young, I was bold. After a few encounters with large trucks, I dared to drive directly.

At that time, it was the middle of the night, and no one cared. The driver was tired all day, so he let me drive.

Later, because of this, plus my quick mind, Liu Ye took a fancy to me.

I have helped transport things many times over the years, but I don't know what they are.

According to the regulations I only take the money, I don't ask what it is.

Sixth Master personally told me to do this three times.

The first time was to deliver a stone coffin that was tied up with iron chains.

The stone coffin was still moving on the road, and the things inside almost rushed out.

The second time was to deliver a dead person.

The old man was already dead, and I took him to the Northeast.

It was nothing, but the next day, I saw the old man, alive and well, and looked a little younger.

The third time was this time.

Sixth Master asked me to enter this cell and find the guy named Luo Ming.

Then get some information from him.

The guy had stabbed someone on the street before and was locked up here.

As far as I know, he came here specifically to take refuge.

People outside don't dare to do anything here. "

"What information did you ask for?" Wen Yan asked while recording.

"Ask him where the thing is. I don't know what it is.

This is just a match. It would be best if I can find out.

The main thing is to ask me another thing. That is, he went to Tianfu County before and disappeared for a few days. Where did he go during those days and how did he go."

"Did you find out?" Wen Yan continued to ask.

"I definitely didn't find out the thing. I don't even know what it is. How can I ask.

But there is another thing. I want to find out something. That guy went to Tianfu County before and disappeared for a few days.

It is said that he fell into some paradise. The people there are all surnamed Meng.

Many people are very curious about him. There is also a monster with panda color matching there.

When he saw the monster, he fainted. When he woke up, he was already outside.

I haven't found out where it is specifically, and he won't say.

He is a bad person. He likes to talk in his sleep. I followed his sleep talk and was able to get some information."

Wen Yan's eyes condensed slightly. Tianfu County, surnamed Meng, panda color matching, isn't this a dream tapir.

Is anyone looking for the habitat of the dream tapir clan?

"Anything else? Don't be in a hurry, take your time, and talk about the first two things in passing, and be more specific, such as what it looks like and what the person looks like."

"The sarcophagus, it looks like a funerary object, the kind that has just been dug out of the ground, and it has a strong earthy smell. I have seen something similar from a gravedigger before.

The pattern on it looks like clouds, and there are some symbols I don't recognize.

Oh, there should be another layer of coffins inside."

"What about the old man?"

"The old man looks quite distinctive, with inverted triangle eyes and a little baldness.

On the day of his death, I tried it, and he was not breathing.

When I saw him the next day, his eyes were a little scary, and the yin energy on him was heavier than that of a tomb robber.

I heard Liu Ye call him the third brother.

But I have never heard that Liu Ye has any brothers.

I actually asked other brothers in the underworld secretly later, and Liu Ye had no father, no mother, and no brothers.

He was able to get ahead in his early years because he dared to fight and run to the north to mess things up.

At that time, the people over there pointed a gun at his head, but he did not retreat. After drinking a few people, he opened up the situation. "

Er Jin Gong recalled the appearance of the inverted triangle eyes and described it to Wen Yan.

As he was describing it, Wen Yan's face changed slightly.

He noticed that the surrounding environment began to change.

The mountains in the distance seemed to become blurred. When looking into the distance, everything was blurry.

And the Er Jin Gong in front of him began to blur, as if it was gradually disappearing into the air.

Wen Yan's face changed slightly, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed Er Jin Gong's collar.

But the next moment, he saw Er Jin Gong disappearing in front of him bit by bit.

And he began to feel the surrounding sounds dissipate, and his own characteristics also played a role at this moment.

He was too close and fell into it.

The surrounding sounds dissipated, and everything began to become clear from blurry.

The surroundings turned into a street that looked very old, and there were distinctive slogans on the walls.

Wen Yan grabbed Er Jin Gong, looked at everything around him, and took a breath.

I don't know if this is a domain or an old dream.

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