I am your natural enemy

Chapter 441: Seal, Request for Title (5k)

Wen Yan was greatly disappointed. This old dream didn't work. The blessings he got for the second time were obviously not as good as the first time. Forget it, it even had a built-in CD.

But now that we are here, we have to move forward if we want to go back, so why not collect more information.

Dazheng, dressed in Chinese clothes, sat on the coffin, eating small tomatoes, looking at Wen Yan a little dumbfounded. He had too many questions to ask.

Then, before he could say anything, Wen Yan came to him and gave him another box of tomatoes.

"I brought it for you this time, don't ask, it won't work."

"You told me, I remember."

Wen Yan almost forgot that this place hadn't been reset yet.

This time, the Chinese-serviced guy started fighting before he came up. He was simply confused by Wen Yan. His mind was filled with questions and he wanted to find out what was going on.

"Don't ask. You can't get out. I've seen you several times. You know everything I know."

"Oh, I understand, I don't remember you."

"Yes." Wen Yan thought for a while. Anyway, he was not in a hurry now, so he asked something else: "If you don't remember me next time I see you, how can I prevent you from fighting when you see someone? I can't Every time I see you, I have to fight first, right? If I fail, it won’t be good if I kill you or you kill me.”

Huafu was speechless. He thought for a moment. Even this time, when he found a living person here, the first thing he thought of was to test it first.

If the other party is too weak, one temptation may lead to death of the person.

From what Wen Yan said, it was obvious that he had experienced this kind of thing before. This time he threw a box of tomatoes at him, which was obviously experienced.

Huafu Dazhang lowered his head and looked at the box of small tomatoes in his hand. This was something he could taste, and it was very precious.

He guessed that when he met Wen Yan before, Wen Yan used this thing to end the battle.

He thought about it carefully, and he couldn't think of anything that he could trust immediately. In the end, the only thing he could find was his own power.

He stretched out a finger, and a little bit of gray air emerged from his fingertips. The bit of gray air slowly floated up and fell into Wen Yan's palm, where it turned into a symbol.

"This is my power. This is all I can think of. Even if I don't remember you, as long as I see this mark..."

Speaking of this, Huafu Dazhang glanced at the box of tomatoes and quickly added.

"Also, as long as I taste this thing and add the mark, I will definitely know that this is a friend I can trust."

"Okay." Wen Yan looked at the mark on his palm. There was no corpse poison, it was just a very simple mark. He could even erase it on his own initiative. It was not difficult and had no power. It could only be used as a pure token.

Wen Yan was satisfied. This was enough. He would come here again in the future to save time and the possibility of trouble.

The most important thing is that since the great zombie here is a projection, with the strength of this great zombie, 80% of its true form still exists. When the time comes to meet its true form, it can save a lot of trouble.

Wen Yan still remembers that the coffin where Dazong, who is now dressed in fine clothes, is sitting, was transported away in this world.

No one knows where it is specifically now, nor does it know when it enters the palace for the second time. As for what it will do after being transported away, no one knows.

After chatting with Huafu Dazhai, this guy didn't remember anything as usual. Apart from instinctively remembering how to fight, everything else was confused.

Wen Yan did not continue to waste time here, and continued to shoot some more videos as material, then walked into the fog behind the town.

After crossing the fog, the place that appeared this time was not the puzzle pieces that I had passed before, nor the puzzle pieces of the statue in the small temple, but in a wilderness.

Wen Yan glanced at Er Jingong, who looked confused.

"Don't look at me, I'm sure I've never been here before."

Er Jinggong pointed to a mountain not far away. There was a lone tree there, which was obviously much higher than all the surrounding vegetation. The branches of the big tree extended to both sides. From a distance, it looked like a giant. He raised both arms, very recognizable.

"If I had been here, there's no way I wouldn't remember that tree. It's so conspicuous."

Wen Yan looked at the tree in the distance. It was more than a thousand meters away from where he was in a straight line, which was not very far.

When he came here, he looked around, and the first thing he noticed was indeed the tree, which was too conspicuous.

Wen Yan pondered for a moment, this was a puzzle that he had never seen before.

"It's indeed possible that you were here before, but you forgot."

Wen Yan walked around, inspected the nearby plants, and then looked at the distant hillside. They all contained the most common plants in the coniferous forest belt. Coupled with the mountainous environment here, if it were within China, , it can basically be determined to be the old forest area in Northeast China.

"Can you tell where this is?"

"It should be the old forest, but I don't know where it is specifically. The old forest is also very big, stretching for more than a thousand miles." Er Jinggong squatted on the ground and inspected it before making a judgment.

Wen Yan looked around, it was very quiet, and this quietness can be classified as the safe time that comes with entering an old dream for the first time.

According to the information he had obtained and personal verification, even a guy like him who came in through a special route could enjoy this kind of safe time.

The difference is that according to the existing information, you can naturally enter your old dream and leave naturally. This kind of safe time exists once and will also happen next time.

But for someone like him who didn't enter his old dream naturally, he only had one chance to get the complete safety time.

After that, there would be no safety time, or the safety time would start to shrink.

Wen Yan seized the time, looked around, filmed the material, and then took Er Jin Gong to the giant tree in the distance.

Three minutes later, in the originally quiet forest, a flock of birds were startled and flew away. A large number of birds flew from the forest to the sky, chirping and flying away.

Wen Yan even saw some birds holding their nests, and the young birds fell from the nests, and the big birds did not stop.

When he arrived at the place, he looked at the tree in the distance, which was at least fifty or sixty meters high. The tallest tree around the tree was less than ten meters, and the nearest tree was more than ten meters away. The nutrients were all swallowed up by the giant tree.

When he got closer, Wen Yan found that it seemed to be a banyan tree that was not suitable for growing here. There were obvious aerial roots on the branches, and all the gullies on the ground were filled with roots.

The tree was baring its fangs and claws, and Wen Yan felt that the tree seemed to be about to turn into a monster.

In the forest, there was a rustling sound. Wen Yan carried Er Jin Gong, and the gray cloth flew out silently and landed on the tree crown high up. Wen Yan pulled the gray cloth and quickly climbed up the tree, hiding him and Er Jin Gong in the dense branches and leaves.

Er Jin Gong lay on the thick trunk and dared not move. Wen Yan squatted there and looked from a distance.

In the open space around the giant tree, weasels rushed out of the woods and gathered in the open space.

After these weasels appeared in the open space, they kept chirping. Wen Yan could hear them shouting from a distance, saying that they had to kill another wave of weasels first, and then deal with the dead rats and other characters.

Hearing this, Wen Yan knew that this group of weasels must be from the Hu Huang Chang Mang Qing faction.

Suddenly, all the chirping sounds disappeared, all the weasels became quiet, and Wen Yan also felt the danger approaching.

The sound of snapping... snapping appeared in another direction.

A few seconds later, Wen Yan saw in another direction that a giant python at least as thick as a bucket slowly swam out of the forest. The giant python slightly raised its head, spit out its snake tongue, and after looking around, it suddenly looked in the direction of Wen Yan.

The vertical pupils began to flicker with a faint light.

Wen Yan shook his wrist, and the gray cloth silently and quickly wrapped up Er Jin Gong and Wen Yan, and attached them to the branches of the big tree under his feet.

The giant python in the distance slowly raised its head, with a glimmer in its eyes. Everything it saw began to lose the few colors it had, and turned into black, white and gray.

In this world of black, white and gray, only the brilliance of living things was unusually conspicuous.

The giant python looked around and saw that there were several weasels in the forest approaching here at a rapid speed. Apart from that, there was not even a mouse nearby.

The giant python lowered its head, which had been raised high, and its eyes returned to normal. When it saw several weasels that were late in the forest, the giant python's tail suddenly appeared from the other end, rolled up the weasels, and threw them directly into its mouth, ignoring the panicked cries of the weasels and swallowed them directly.

"I hate monsters who have no sense of time the most. They can be late for such occasions. Keeping them is just a waste! Waste of resources!"

All the other weasels were silent. Some were afraid to speak, and some who were obviously in a high position acquiesced to this matter.

The giant python squirmed its body and crawled around the giant tree. Some fine wrinkles began to appear on its skin. It shed a layer of skin, along with some blood and mucus, and left it on the tree together with the snake skin. The snake skin continued to disintegrate and was swallowed by the wrinkles on the giant tree.

Gradually, a groove appeared on the giant tree.

The giant python completed all this, and there was some fatigue in its tone.

"This is our great cause. The future is destined to be chaotic and dangerous. If we don't prepare early, we will inevitably be eliminated.

After countless years, only our kind of creatures can finally become immortals. There are reasons for that.

This time, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, there will be no more.

Except for Fuyu Mountain, it is rare to find such a real big zombie.

Don't let me down."

"Don't worry, the tribesmen who came today are all ready to die, and their beliefs are comparable to fighting those heretics!" An old weasel replied in a deep voice.

The giant python responded, and its abdomen began to pupate. It opened its mouth and vomited out a stone coffin with mucus and blood. The giant python rolled it and put it into the groove of the giant tree.

The giant tree slowly crawled, swallowing a part of the stone coffin, almost completely merging it into it, and countless roots crawled up to cover the stone coffin.

Two minutes later, the two lids of the coffin were thrown out, and the face of the big zombie in gorgeous clothes was revealed under the dense roots.

However, at this moment, the big zombie in gorgeous clothes had a dull face and empty eyes, but the momentum on his body was much stronger than what Wen Yan had seen before.

The giant python looked at the big zombie in gorgeous clothes in the stone coffin, with a sigh in his tone.

"You are so lucky. This big zombie is obviously of a very high grade and very strong, but I don't know who he offended.

He was suppressed there, and his strength was completely suppressed and drained. He couldn't even wake up before.

After being dug out, his strength began to recover. If it was three days later, no one could control him.

Fortunately, he didn't know how he was suppressed before, and even his strength could be drained.

You are so lucky.

A big zombie that was born because of the world's mistake represents the loophole of the world.

There is no more suitable target than this.

You start. "

In the distance, the gray cloth showed a little gap. Wen Yan looked at the scene in the distance and glanced down again.

Sure enough, it was related to the second time in prison, but it might also be related to him this time. He had the mark of the big zombie in gorgeous clothes on his body.

He guessed right. The big zombie in gorgeous clothes could be taken away because of the black stone.

He had never heard of the big zombie in gorgeous clothes. That was because this guy was suppressed by the black stone, which could be called the materialized "natural enemy of zombies", and there was no movement at all.

Until someone dug him out, but only the big zombie in gorgeous clothes was taken away , did not take the ordinary black stone.

The second visit to the palace should have sent the sarcophagus to the vicinity, and then the giant python brought the sarcophagus.

Wen Yan did nothing. This should be a projection of the past. What he does now will not change the established facts. He just wants to know what happened in the past.

In the distance, a weasel came forward and stood up like a human being. It was still covered with rags, like clothes.

The weasel stood in front of the sarcophagus, looking at the big zombie in gorgeous clothes with lifeless eyes, and bowed.

"Do you think I look like a human?"

The big zombie in gorgeous clothes looked dull and said slowly.

"No. "

As soon as these words came out, the man stood up. The weasel in clothes seemed to have been hit hard. Its straight body bent down in an instant and lay on the ground again. It wailed twice, and the wisdom in its eyes quickly dissipated.

In a flash, it lay on the ground, chirping, like an ordinary wild beast, looking at everything around it in horror.

The giant python raised its head and overlooked the scene. With a spit of its tongue, it swallowed the weasel whose wisdom was backfired and collapsed.

The weasels behind were not afraid of this situation, but became excited.

The fellows in front failed, and the guys behind were qualified to try and gamble their lives.

If you fail, you will die, and if you succeed, you can soar into the sky. Not to mention these weasels, many people may not be able to resist this temptation.

This tree is the source of the original request for a title.

If you don't work hard, you will have the opportunity to soar into the sky. Don't you want to give it a try?

This is the difference between the monsters of their faction and the monsters of the other faction. , the main reason why they can never pee in the same pot.

It is not only a problem of concept, but also a problem of core interests.

The weasels behind rushed up one by one, and the continuous experiments ended in failure.

In the past, when asking for titles, they all asked for titles from people. It didn’t matter if they failed. At most, they continued to accumulate. If they succeeded, they would borrow the power of people’s luck.

But this time, the loopholes to be exploited were too big. If they failed, they would inevitably be backfired by using the big zombie, a mistake between heaven and earth that should not exist. At the least, their wisdom would collapse, and at the worst, their souls would dissipate and they would die on the spot.

One by one, the weasels died suddenly. After more than 30 in a row, the old weasel who led the group also went up to try.

But this old weasel also failed and died on the spot.

The ones left in the end were all at the end. One of the little weasels came forward, and the clothes on his body were all picked up just now.

It stood up, looked at the face of the big zombie in gorgeous clothes, and asked hot-headedly.

"Do you think I... look like a human or a god? "

The big zombie in fancy clothes paused for a long while before replying.

"Not like a human, but like a god."

As soon as these words came out, a huge gray gas emerged from the big zombie in fancy clothes, and all the power quickly spread along the gullies on the surface of the giant tree and covered the entire giant tree.

The giant tree that looked like it had opened its arms slowly lowered its arms and wrapped the weasel inside.

The wind blew up suddenly, thunder burst out, and dark clouds covered the sky, as if blocking everything.

The huge power wrapped the weasel inside, and after a long time, the giant tree stretched out its branches and leaves again, as if it had opened its arms, and the weasel on the spot had turned its head into a statue of a god, with a circle of black light on its head.

Seeing this scene, Wen Yan suddenly understood why he saw the jigsaw puzzle of the big zombie in fancy clothes and the jigsaw puzzle of the statue of the small temple.

This is indeed related.

This group of weasels with wild imaginations actually went to the theoretically The zombie without life span asked for a title, and they succeeded.

When asking for a title from a person, it consumes the person's luck and life span.

But zombies don't have life span at all.

The key should be the tree, their ritual, and the fact that a real big zombie must be used to complete the ritual.

They were lucky before, and they met a big zombie in gorgeous clothes suppressed by black stone, so they had the possibility to control the other party.

Otherwise, the big zombie that can meet this requirement in the world can be confirmed to be basically only in Fuyu Mountain.

And it is obvious that going to Fuyu Mountain to attack the zombie cave and control a real big zombie is something that you dare not dream of.

Wen Yan looked at the weasel with a head like a statue of a god. If he guessed correctly, this guy was the one who blessed him.

He couldn't help it.

I thought the copy CD had not been refreshed, but unexpectedly, he found the dream of the statue when it first became a statue.

When he was about to do something, he saw the giant python suddenly move, and the giant python quickly swallowed the remaining weasels.

Then he walked to the big zombie in gorgeous clothes and asked.

"Do you think I look like a human? Or like a god?"

"Not a human, but a god." The big zombie in gorgeous clothes replied.

In one sentence, the black clouds covering the sky became thicker and thicker, and a large amount of power turned into gray mist, wrapping the giant python and covering its body.

A hand stretched out from the gray mist, and a man with a bare upper body and disheveled hair walked out of the gray mist.

"Finally, I'm back..."

The next moment, a drizzling rain began to fall, covering the entire puzzle world.

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