I am your natural enemy

Chapter 448 Yiqi, the natural chasm (5k)

The Lieyang Department has always been very cautious about giving identities to aliens. Without an identity, they are wild monsters and cannot go to human settlements.

In places where non-human settlements are located, under normal circumstances, there are at most roads, water and power grids and other things that everyone is accustomed to, don't even think about it.

No matter what you want to eat, it is sold in the supermarket downstairs. If you don’t want to go out, it can be delivered to your door. Even if you are in the Northeast in winter and want to eat coconuts from Hainan, it can be delivered directly to your door.

There are some things that you can never go back to if you experience them even once.

Without an identity, you can’t get a bank card. Without a bank card or a mobile phone, you can’t enjoy most convenient services.

As for things like insurance, I want nothing to do with it.

If a person commits something serious, the most likely to be implicated for his or her descendants is that they cannot enter the public security bureau or other institutions. Normally, it only depends on whether the person has a criminal record or not.

And this kind of monster enjoys the current preferential policies. If an ordinary excavator accidentally digs out a pangolin, he will have a cardiac arrest and immediately stop the machine to see if half of it is dug out...

If you enjoy preferential treatment, you will naturally have obligations. When monsters commit crimes, their offspring will inevitably be implicated. Especially some monsters can give birth to a litter in a year, and the cubs will mature in a year, even if there are not cubs in every litter. It is not too uncommon for people who are qualified to transform into demons to have four generations living under one roof within five years.

After so many years of subtle influence, coupled with the increasingly strong contrast, monsters that are more closely related to people, such as foxes, and Huang Pizi who loves to seek titles, really take the matter of obtaining an identity very seriously.

Some people are willing to risk their lives, and they really value getting their identity more seriously than their lives.

Especially in Caiyun County, many monsters there almost treat certain death row prisoners as walking ID cards, randomly refreshing them in the wild. In addition to being high-risk, the benefits are also high.

Of course the officials like these. Just spending a little money can reduce casualties and total expenses overall, and the coverage area is larger and more concealed.

Even if in total, most monsters don’t like to go to human settlements, but if you have an ID card, then you are a legal citizen of China. You can see that the power grid is connected to your door and the road is repaired. At your doorstep, there will be tap water that is far safer and cleaner than wild water, and the Internet will be available. Even this address will naturally be included in the coverage of the postal service. You may even buy special medical insurance and see a veterinarian...

Over the past few decades, as long as the monster is not completely isolated, how can anyone not know the general policy?

Cai Heizi said this at this moment,

The stunned yellow men said nothing, but it was obvious that the demon had naturally begun to think about it.

Although they may not understand that the first meritorious service does not affect the status obtained by future generations≠ the future generations will definitely be able to obtain status.

But they knew that after this incident was exposed, under normal circumstances, their descendants would conservatively estimate that they would not even think about such a good thing in the next ten years.

Ten years from now, there might be a hustler who is drinking at home and saying, "My grandpa's grandpa's grandpa's grandpa didn't know what kind of madness they had back then, and they were messing around, and now I can't get my identity."


I don't know who fired the gun, but the sound of the gunshot immediately made these nervous yellow-skinned people nervous.

"Damn it, I knew you were going to do something dirty to me!"

"Damn traitor, I'll kill you first."

Cai Heizi stood in the distance, motionless, not worried about anyone shooting him.

Several big zombies in the distance were stunned. There was a big zombie with a worried look on his face and a low voice.

"Tell me, he didn't wake up just now. Did he hear what I scolded him?"

"Maybe I heard it, Cai Hei... Minister Cai doesn't hold grudges. If he heard it, he definitely wouldn't let you know."

"..." Da Zheng, who had just scolded Cai Heizi for being a bastard, had a worried look on his face. He just said it smoothly. Grand Master's uncle treated Cai Heizi like a bastard and a bastard every day. Everyone was used to hearing it.

But they have only now seen how dark Cai Heizi really is.

Even though he could crush him, this guy was still cautious enough to instigate the opponent to fight among themselves. Even the first shot was caused by Cai Heizi's suppression and caused the misfire.

After a martial artist in the fifth stage of martial arts turned into the half-dead ghost he is now, he was like a dark person who had turned dark again.

These big zombies all feel a little scared. They were like this back then. They were never afraid of fighting head-on, but they were afraid of that kind of shady guy who would kill them without knowing how.

Cai Heizi drooped his eyelids slightly and quietly watched the yellow-skinned men fighting. A long-lost feeling of being alive came to his heart, making him feel a lot more comfortable.

As the head of the branch, he actually doesn't like to take the lead. He feels that this is of little significance. How to strategize, ensure the safety of his subordinates in the field, and get things done at the minimum cost is what he pursues.

If he really wanted to be on the front line, he would stay up all day long and be busy from morning to night.

Huangpizi's fire did not end quickly. Huangpizi, who were in a state of stress, didn't think much at all. They just felt that someone was shooting, and it definitely seemed to kill me for meritorious service. Then I couldn't sit back and wait for death, so I could only kill him first. Kill my people.

In less than a minute, the gunfire stopped, leaving only a yellow man alive with his mouth torn.

Cai Heizi stepped forward, nodded, and asked cautiously, what if he is actually a die-hard?

"Do you want to get the first merit?"

"Go to hell, damn it!"

Cai Heizi nodded regretfully, flicked his finger, and a sharp stone flew out, hitting the other person's forehead.

He stepped into the small temple through the gap in the wall.

It was so chaotic just now, but there was no explosion. There should be no mines, traps or anything like that, so it should be safe.

In the distance, several big zombies hesitated whether to follow, but finally decided to stand still. They were really afraid of Cai Heizi now.

The moment Cai Heizi entered the courtyard of the small temple, he saw a black light flying out of the temple and heading straight for Cai Heizi's face.

Cai Heizi stopped and formed a circle in front of him. The black light that rushed in, sank into the circle, spun rapidly, and then slowly slowed down, and was absorbed by Cai Heizi.

His face, from the pale look of a dead person, gradually changed to a green face and stiff appearance. His clothes began to bulge, and muscles appeared on his cheeks and neck. His face looked much younger and fiercer.

He raised his foot and chopped down, and saw a crack suddenly appear on the bluestone floor in front of him, and a visible force rushed directly into the temple.

With a puff, a crack suddenly appeared on the top of the temple.

"Cai Qidong, from the Lieyang tribe of Nanwu County, was ordered to come and kill the evil. Please die."

Cai Heizi's face was solemn and he shouted in a deep voice.

There was a roar from the small temple, and a thick yellow and black claw rushed out from the cracked temple roof.

A huge yellow-skinned creature with a stone head and a stone body, only four legs and four claws, and yellow and black fur rushed out of the temple.

The yellow-skinned beast's limbs fell on the top of the temple, and its body was still growing. With a sweep of its tail, a corner of the temple collapsed.

Cai Heizi watched the yellow-skinned beast grow bigger. He took out his mobile phone, took a photo, and threw the phone to the big zombies behind him. It was not difficult to get a new mobile phone, but in his current situation, applying for a new mobile phone was equivalent to telling others that he was coming back.

When the huge yellow-skinned beast, whose body had turned into stone and whose length had become seven or eight meters, suddenly rushed forward, Cai Heizi's feet suddenly had two more footprints, and his feet were half-buried in the ground.

The moment he touched it, his upper body clothes suddenly burst, revealing a body of angular tendon meat. He was the first to arrive, and grabbed a finger of the yellow-skinned beast with his right hand, pressed the other's joint with the other hand, and threw it along.

When he threw it out, at the moment when the opponent resisted, he suddenly exerted force with his right hand and forcibly broke one of the opponent's fingers, interrupting the opponent's force. With a deep shout, he saw that the huge yellow skin, which was seven or eight meters long, was swung into a circle by Cai Heizi and fell heavily on the wall.

With a click, the back of the yellow skin hit the wall, a lot of stones broke, and the waist was directly broken.

Cai Heizi frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied.

"Where do you get the courage to fight me in close combat?"

Cai Heizi used his strength to fight back and hit him hard. The huge yellow skin wailed and climbed up again. The large number of cracks on its back disappeared rapidly, and the fallen stones also flew back and reassembled to return to normal.

But the finger that was broken by Cai Heizi did not return to normal, and it was obviously still crooked.

Cai Heizi nodded. This made sense. If it was a flesh and blood body, the Dazhui should have been broken by the blow just now. It seems that the part of this evil that has turned into stone is not only on the surface, but also the same inside and outside. The weakness of the flesh and blood body is not present in the stone part.

On the other side, Wen Yan has been fighting with the yellow-skinned man's real body for a long time.

He held the Chunjun mace in his hand, as if holding a big sun in his hand. The moment he took a step, he stepped on the knee of the yellow-skinned man's real body, and flew in front of the opponent with the gray cloth. The huge sun in his palm was directly pasted on the opponent's face.

With a muffled bang, half of the opponent's head was blown away.

But the opponent's body still seemed unaffected, and stretched out his hand to grab him.

Wen Yan had experienced it just now, and was well prepared. He held the gray cloth and dodged it very flexibly.

But this time, he found that the man stood up, and the yellow-skinned man, who was more than ten meters tall and almost in human form, suddenly paused.

The temporary ability on his equipment began to take effect at this moment, and he saw a phantom.

He saw another yellow-skinned man with half of his body made of stone in another small temple, lying on a collapsed wall, and the broken stones on his body were flying back to recover his body.

And next to him, there stood a big zombie with a blue face and tendon meat on his neck.

No, why does this big zombie look more and more like a young version of Cai Heizi?

Wen Yan saw that the stone yellow-skinned man stood there and roared after recovering, and was not in a hurry to attack again.

At this time, Wen Yan also keenly noticed that this time, the more than ten meters tall Huang Xian'er's real body recovered much slower than before, and after the stone yellow-skinned man stood up, the head of Huang Xian'er's real body began to recover suddenly faster.

Wen Yan was not in a hurry to continue, and silently calculated the recovery speed of Huang Xian'er's real body.

The opponent took less than three seconds to recover after his head was blown up before. This time, it took a total of nine seconds.

At the moment when Huang Xian'er's real body recovered, the stone yellow skin on the other side also took action decisively.

Sure enough, he saw the connection, this is the connection.

No wonder the prompt said that it was impossible to kill Huang Xian'er's real body alone. This guy was equivalent to being locked by the original body, and he could also be continuously healed by the original body.

The original body and the real body locked each other's blood and healed each other. To kill Huang Xian'er, they had to kill both sides together.

Wen Yan looked at the big zombie on the other side that looked a bit like the young Cai Heizi and started to attack. As soon as he saw the posture and saw that there seemed to be several big zombies in the distance, he knew that this must be Cai Heizi!

There was no big zombie in Fuyu Mountain who could practice Tai Chi to this level.

At the moment when the opponent attacked, Wen Yan also attacked. He held the Chunjun mace in his hand and did not blow off the real body's head, but broke the opponent's two legs first.

Huang Xian'er's real body was still blessing Wen Yan, but Wen Yan didn't care. He didn't care at all.

He wanted to send a message to Cai Heizi now.

He tried the second temporary ability, using the connection he saw at this moment to build a "bridge" for communication.

But it was difficult to build, as if it was seriously interfered with.

According to his previous experience, the true vision can only be seen when both sides are injured at the same time and heal each other at the same time.

For some reason, this connection is not very useful.

He thought about it and waited for a while. When Huang Xian'er's real body recovered and the stone yellow skin on the opposite side was injured, Wen Yan took the Chunjun mace and ignored the continuous curse of the real body. He hit it hard first, and the recovery speed of the stone yellow skin on the other side suddenly slowed down.

After confirming, Wen Yan began to try, heavy and light, to grasp the recovery time of the other side.

On the other side, Cai Heizi also found that the stone yellow skin was simply an indestructible cockroach. He had broken ten toes of the weasel, making the other side extremely irritable, but the petrified part, even if it was smashed, could still recover.

Five minutes later, Cai Heizi found something wrong.

The recovery speed of the stone yellow skin was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and there was a certain pattern that was constantly repeating.

After summarizing, Cai Heizi frowned slightly, and he summed up the brief pattern.

"Long short long long, short, long long short long, short."


Cai Heizi looked around, he could not see or feel anything, but he still shouted in every direction immediately.


He also found that the recovery speed of the stone yellow skin was fast and slow, which must be affected by other places. There must be a reason for it to be able to recover all the time and not be killed.

The stone yellow skin, feeling the changes in its body and hearing what Cai Qidong shouted, immediately became anxious.

Of course, it knew that its recovery speed slowed down because its real body was injured, and there was also a fight over there, and it was a fight with Wen Yan.

The real body was completing its mission and ruining the future of the contemporary Lieyang.

This was the most suitable route after their discussion.

Killing Lieyang directly would cause too much backlash, and more importantly, they were afraid that if the contemporary Lieyang died, there might be another one later, and the next one, if he had a talent for cultivation, it would be even more difficult.

Keeping this contemporary Lieyang, whose future is blocked and who has no achievements in martial arts, alive for a few more decades, and wasting the most critical decades after the spiritual energy recovery begins to accelerate, their strategic goal will be achieved.

Huang Xian'er had already arranged a retreat, abandoning his true body and hiding his original body. After completing these, he can get the promise and get more.

But I didn't expect that a weird guy would come out halfway.

Cai Qidong and Cai Heizi of Nanwu County have died a long time ago. This is very certain news.

Even if Cai Qidong wanted to become a big zombie, it would not be possible to complete it in such a short time.

Who is this guy?

Huang Xian'er began to feel that he had lost control.

It began to get a little anxious. At this time, the voice of the inverted triangle eyes appeared in its mind.

"Don't be afraid, do your best and curse the contemporary Lieyang first.

Your original body has been exposed, and it is impossible to hide.

We still have a backup plan. Even if your real body and original body are gone, you still have Gu Meng.

The more you pay, the more rewards you will get!

Someone is trying to establish a connection. I will block it for you. Don't hold back. Solve it quickly!

It will be too late if you are late."

Huang Xian'er, who was contacting while doing the inverted triangle eyes.

After hearing the guarantee of the inverted triangle eyes, Huang Xian'er became ruthless and immediately began to recite malicious blessings.

The recitation of the stone yellow skin and the real body gradually crossed to the same frequency.

Their power began to overlap, increasing the connection between each other, and the power of the malicious blessings also began to surge.

Cai Qidong listened to those words and immediately understood that this was not aimed at him. The most suitable target for those malicious blessings was Wen Yan.

He shouted angrily and took the initiative to attack.

On the other side, Wen Yan felt that the sixth mountain that had just emerged with great difficulty in his mind, at this moment, the seventh mountain and the eighth mountain, unexpectedly appeared at the same time.

He couldn't help but smile crookedly.

At this point, he felt that it was almost enough, but there was still a little more to go.

He shouted angrily, as if he was in a hurry, waving the Chunjun mace that turned into a big sun, like a madman, starting from the feet of the real body, and smashing the opponent's real body bit by bit, all the way to the head where the real body was promoted.

The real body laughed crazily, as if he saw the eight mountains that appeared behind Wen Yan's head, which represented many obstacles.

It had long been prepared to lose its true body. Seeing this scene, coupled with the determination from its original body, it immediately gave up recovery and sacrificed its true body to give the last blessing.

It saw Wen Yan coming like crazy, but it didn't care and screamed to send the last blessing.

But at the last moment, Wen Yan slapped it in the face and blessed it with a bursting sun.

In an instant, the ninth mountain, burning with flames, fell from the sky and hit the eighth mountain heavily. The flames instantly swept across the eight mountains in front.

The nine mountains were connected into one, turning into a mountain range, and dense sub-peaks and small hills appeared on both sides of the mountain range.

"This is a natural chasm! It's also a punishment from heaven! You're done, you're completely done, hahaha..."

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