I am your natural enemy

Chapter 450: Psychopath, old acquaintance (5k)

Wen Yan looked at the inverted triangle eyes and laughed dumbly.

"You are really not afraid of death. You all know that I have been to an old dream that is not mine, and I can still come back. You actually take the risk of dragging me in here. You don't think you can trap me to death in this place." Here?"

The inverted triangular eyes looked very calm, without the ferociousness and madness before.

"I no longer expect to trap you in your old dream. Your future is ruined. You have no talent for cultivation, and now your path to martial arts is blocked.

If you don’t die, the next generation of Blazing Sun will not appear.

Many professionals have unique professional abilities, and there is no other person at the same time.

The same goes for the blazing sun.

Even if you die, you don’t know when the next generation of blazing sun will appear.

And you are obviously not the kind of person who is willing to admit defeat. The people of Lieyang Department and Fuyu Mountain are even less likely to let you die to gamble on that extremely unreliable uncertainty.

The rest of your life is still very long. As long as you are here, in this era, you can ignore the scorching sun.

I could have left, but I wasn't willing to just leave.

I chose to stay and had no intention of leaving alive.

It doesn't matter whether you kill me or not, I have done what I have to do.

Besides, you can’t kill me here. "

Seeing that the inverted triangle eye seems to be really ready to be killed, and he has said so much, Wen Yan is not in a hurry to kill him. He has many problems, and I believe the inverted triangle eye at this time should be able to say.

"We don't have any deep hatred, do we?"

"There are grievances, but not much. At least it's not worth the price I paid." He nodded with inverted triangle eyes, which was sincere.

"Then why are you chasing me? Is it because of the blazing sun?"

"Yes and no."

Wen Yan motioned for Ye Er to continue.

"At first it was because of the blazing sun, but then I learned some things. I think you are more dangerous than the blazing sun.

When you master the blazing sun, you will be the most dangerous one among the blazing suns in history.

I even think you are much more dangerous than the Thirteenth Patriarch of Buyeo back then.

When he was the Thirteenth Patriarch of Fuyu, what he wanted to do could be said to be the enemy of everyone in the world.

But now, times have changed, and if you do the same thing, there won’t be that much resistance.

The Iron Fist of the End of the Law, crushing it indiscriminately, has dealt devastating blows to too many things in the past.

Either he was crushed to death, or he is still lying down and unable to get up.

In this case, I really feel that your probability of success is the highest in history.

Even if you have almost no talent for cultivation, you are still more dangerous than the former Lieyang.

That's what I think. Unfortunately, I've lobbied to get help.

However, they all feel that even if the Heavenly Master personally helps you, you will not be able to build a foundation, and your cultivation talent is so weak that they can completely ignore your existence and don't need to worry.

I don’t care whether others believe it or not, but I believe it.

I have an advantage that others don't have. I've been to many old dreams, and this is one that I accidentally entered.

My ancestors are here.

Once upon a time, a generation of blazing suns died here.

It was here that I first saw a power far beyond the present world.

At that time, demons were just learning how to stand, and they still had to walk on all fours. Even if they had supernatural powers, they were just to scare people.

Those professionals, even if they are strong martial arts practitioners, can knock down a wall, they are considered rare.

And here, the aliens I saw, in this era that has almost reached its limit and has completely entered the end of the Dharma, still have unimaginable power.

You know, at that time I knew how desperate I was when I knew that this old dream would one day fall into the real world and merge with my life.

Maybe when a family gathers for dinner, something will appear from the old dream to the present world.

No matter what profession, under such a huge difference in strength, the most they can do is struggle a little more when their brains are being sucked.

A warrior is the one with a little more strength among a bunch of grasshoppers stuck on the dog's tail grass.

It's of no use.

I've been looking for a solution for a long time, but I'm just certain that there is no other way but to accept it. "

Wen Yan could tell that Ye Er might have come in more than 20 years ago, or more than 30 years ago, or even earlier.

At that time, not long after the spiritual energy recovery started, the progress was very low. He had not left the novice village, and he was still looking for the blacksmith in the novice village. He saw the boss battle on the big map, which left him with an indescribable feeling. Psychological shadow.

Let this guy who was not normal in the first place gradually run towards the abnormal road, and finally became a psychopath.

"I don't want to interrupt you, but what does this have to do with Lieyang? What does it have to do with me?"

Ye Er glanced at Wen Yan and said.

“Because starting from your Thirteenth Patriarch of Mount Fuyu, the blazing sun has been the source of disaster.

Every time the blazing sun appears, there will be troubled times, and human lives are like grass.

After each generation of Liyang dies suddenly, the troubled times will end at an extremely fast speed and enter the prosperous age.

Whether your thirteenth ancestor of Fuyu is the first generation of Lieyang is actually unknown.

But he is the most famous among those recorded.

But when he was alive, the world was in chaos and heroes rose up.

The old Li family killed his brother and imprisoned his father, and the country in the Western Region was destroyed overnight, leaving eight hundred miles of yellow sand empty.

For his ideal, he made everyone in the world the enemy, and finally died a violent death.

After his death, the world immediately became peaceful and the prosperous Tang Dynasty ushered in. "

When Ye Er said this, he pointed at his feet.

"And it's the same here. After the death of this generation of Lieyang, the old Zhu family aspired to the Central Plains in the second year, and all the sixteen states of Yanyun that had been lost for hundreds of years were recovered."

"..." Wen Yan was dumbfounded: "No, how did you come to these conclusions?"

"It's not just the conclusion I've come to, it's been the same conclusion throughout the ages."

"Isn't this nonsense? Are you praising Lieyang, or are you criticizing Lao Zhu and Lao Li?"

Ye Er said without being angry.

“Actually, after decades, I don’t quite believe in this conclusion.

I have read many history books and many records that have not been publicly circulated.

I have also ventured to many old dreams to confirm, but I don’t quite believe what they say.

But there is another conclusion that I came to after personally coming to Gumeng and constantly confirming it.

That is the era of the blazing sun, so dreams will be very strong and will last for a long time.

Even now, it may still exist.

Even if it is a modern old dream, the one in the second half of this year is far stronger than the one in the previous decades. Much stronger.

At first I thought it was due to the acceleration of spiritual energy recovery this year.

But I have personally confirmed many times that the second half of this year is much stronger than the first half, with almost cliff-like growth.

This cannot be just because the recovery of spiritual energy has accelerated.

And this time is exactly the same as the time when you were born.

The blazing suns of past generations have created too many dangerous things, which will be integrated into the present world in the future.

And you are more dangerous than the previous generations. I can’t even imagine what you will create.

Those idiots just don't believe this, and would rather believe that your martial arts strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and it's incredible, all because of Lieyang.

They would rather believe that you can do things that Lieyang has never been able to do in the past, because of Lieyang and because you have the support of Lieyang Department.

What a bunch of jackasses! "

Ye Er, who had always been calm, couldn't help but start gnashing his teeth when he said this.

The relationship between him and Wen Yan is not a personal grudge or a life-and-death feud. He is practicing his own way. He doesn't hate Wen Yan, but he hates those who seem to be on the same side as him but are so arrogant that they don't believe it at all. His people.

Wen Yan could understand this and what Ye Er said, but he really didn't understand why Ye Er understood it this way. This guy must be really crazy.

He felt a little ridiculous. Was this the reason Ye Er convinced him?

When you do something that ordinary people cannot understand, the first person you have to convince is yourself. You have to do it for something.

Ye Er looked at Wen Yan's eyes and roughly understood what Wen Yan was thinking.

"Do you think I'm crazy?"

"Yes." Wen Yan nodded simply.

"Do you think I'm telling you this to make you agree with me, that I'm brainwashing myself into doing the right thing?"


"I admit, I have done a lot of things, and I can't even tell what is reality and what is a dream.

But I feel that there is no difference between the two. The reality is real and the old dream is also real.

You may not know it, but there are always examples of old dreams being integrated into the real world.

Even, you have been there. "

"Huh?" Wen Yan was surprised. He really didn't know this.

“Some fields are actually the result of a very stable old dream integrated into the present world.

The white fox clan is an example. You have been there in person. Did you find anything wrong?

You can't feel it, because the specialness there is only for white foxes.

Have you ever been to the Kingdom of Shadows? Do you know why a new one appeared not long after the last Kingdom of Shadows was destroyed?

Because the root there is the old dream, which cannot be completely destroyed.

That is the collection of all Ah Piao's unconscious old dreams. When enough Ah Piao appear, the Kingdom of Shadows will appear.

The underworld will also appear, which cannot be stopped and is completely uncontrollable.

It's just that such a big thing, although it can't stop it from appearing, it can guide the direction after it appears.

After letting something appear, it is controllable to a certain extent.

But you are different. All the old dreams related to the blazing sun will not die naturally for a long time.

If it is integrated into the present world, it is equivalent to recreating something from the past.

Lieyang Department doesn’t dare to tell you these things, right?

Because they are afraid of affecting your cognition and causing greater trouble.

After it is confirmed that you are the root cause, the first person to deal with you is the person you trust the most.

If I kill you, I can avoid the casualties of 100,000, 1,000,000, or tens of millions of people in the future, don’t you think? "

Wen Yan looked at his watch.

"It has been ten minutes and you are still here. It seems that the time you spent in the old dream was indeed much longer than ordinary people.

Moreover, after ten minutes, there is still no special change here.

It seems that you can already choose the safe time and increase the safe time limit to a certain extent.

By telling me so much, do you want me to realize that I am in danger? Or do you want to instill in me the idea that I am dangerous?

Is this why you took the risk?

Do you really think I can't solve you here? "

Ye Er smiled and said.

"I just adapted to the new era earlier than others. It was like this when it was opened, and it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future."

As he was talking, Wen Yan looked into the distance. The dangerous atmosphere was approaching rapidly, and the fierce battle fluctuations could be faintly felt.

If this was not the old dream, Wen Yan almost thought that this was a mountain being bombarded.

"Feel it well.

When I first came here, I saw the following.

After so much time, the level here is even higher than what I saw back then.

I know you are probably not going to die, I just want you to understand that what I said is not a lie.

Some of the things I did were indeed to adapt to what will happen next in advance.

As for you, you can also think that I did it to live better in the future, not so dangerous."

The tremors of the earth became more and more obvious, and Ye Er's figure, like before, began to blur and was about to leave here.

And the moment his figure began to blur, in fact, even if he had already left, ordinary means were no longer useful to him.

But the next moment, Wen Yan didn't seem surprised and didn't do anything. Wen Yan just recorded the time, accurate to the second.

Wen Yan continued to look into the distance, but Ye Er, who was about to disappear here, seemed to be stuck there when he was halfway to disappearing, and could no longer leave.

Ye Er's face changed slightly, and he looked at Wen Yan, and saw that the connection between them was stretched to the maximum, as if it had turned into a tight suspension bridge, extending from Wen Yan's feet to his feet.

If he took another step, he might be able to completely leave this old dream.

But he couldn't move.

Wen Yan put away his phone and looked at Ye Er.

"I've said it before, you are really not afraid of death, you don't think I'm talking nonsense with you, right?

Have you forgotten how you dragged me in?"

Wen Yan glanced at Ye Er, moved his feet, and slowly took a step back, as if dragging something heavy. With one step, two clearly visible footprints were left on the ground.

"Dream Chaser."

"You can catch up with the footsteps of the old walker."

This is a temporary ability for Ye Er, the old walker.

If used normally, it means that Ye Er, the old walker, is used as a key to enter and exit a certain old dream, which is completely different from the previous passive fall into, but unable to walk out normally.

But when Wen Yan first established a connection with Ye Er, and Ye Er used this connection to drag him here.

Wen Yan found that he could not use it in the normal way.

Dream Chaser is actually a kind of ability to establish a connection.

Since there was already a connection before equipping Dream Chaser, Wen Yan chose to use it in reverse, and strengthen the connection established by Dream Chaser to the original connection.

It has become both a connection and a shackle.

Ye Er dragged him here, so he dragged Ye Er here and made Ye Er not leave.

Wen Yan slowly stepped back three steps, and the bridge between him and Ye Er dragged Ye Er back from the semi-empty state, back to the old dream.

Wen Yan felt the tremor of the earth and glanced at Ye Er, who was shocked.

"It seems that you don't know as much as you act. All the connections are mutual. You don't even know it?"

Before Ye Er could say anything else, a thunderclap exploded in the sky, and a figure flew through the air, and fell on a hill in the distance with a whoosh.

With a loud bang, streaks of lightning spread from that foothold in all directions. In the mountains and forests, thick smoke rolled up, and it seemed that open fire was about to appear.

After the huge impact spread, Wen Yan saw a figure with lightning all over his body staggering to his feet.

The man's right arm and shoulder had disappeared, and the wound was charred. After struggling to stand up, he coughed up blood.

At the moment of coughing up blood, the man stretched out his left hand, grabbed the coughed blood, and drew a talisman in the air. The blood just hung there, and was drawn with his fingers.

At this time, the lightning around the man was also rapidly fading.

He saw Wen Yan on another mountain.


He seemed to have no strength to shout. When the talisman drawn by the man with his heart and blood appeared, the direction he had just flown back was howling with a roar, shocking the mountains and forests, as if everything in the mountains was suddenly silent at this moment.

In the strong wind, a figure stepped on the grass and trees in the mountains and forests and approached quickly.

When the man was about to arrive, the blood-colored talisman in the man's hand fell to the ground.

In an instant, the higher peaks on both sides turned into two tripod ears, and the sunken place in the middle turned into the body of the tripod.

The earth's energy floated, and the altar opened instantly, being pulled by the other party, combining the altar with the suppression.

The man who was flying on the grass was suddenly under heavy pressure and fell to the ground with a bang.

But the next moment, a tiger roar exploded, and a colorful tiger appeared out of thin air in the forest. Its body became bigger and bigger, and it turned into more than ten meters high in an instant, standing in the mountain, and withstood this attack with blood and ink and mountains as the altar trap.

And the giant tiger roared, its body continued to expand. With its limbs on the ground, it was already 20 to 30 meters high at this moment. It seemed to be trying to prop up the two peaks next to it with its own strength.

On the mountain not far away, Ye Er stopped struggling. He stared blankly at the ferocious beast with terrifying momentum, as if his blood and instincts were suppressed.

"You see, this is Gu Meng, who is about to reach the end of the law. This is the big demon at that time."

Wen Yan looked at the giant tiger from a distance, his expression was a little stunned, and the pattern on the forehead looked so familiar.

After a closer look, isn't this a mountain king?

Is this okay?

He silently changed his title to the natural enemy of tigers.

The next moment, the giant tiger, who seemed to be carrying the suppression trap and trying to break through it, suddenly shook and turned his head to look at Wen Yan's position.

When it looked at Wen Yan, its huge body suddenly shook, and in an instant it seemed to lose its air, becoming increasingly blurry. It looked in the direction of Wen Yan, with despair in its eyes, which slowly dissipated.

Wen Yan turned his head and glanced at Ye Er.

"Is that it?"

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