I am your natural enemy

Chapter 454: Hail prevention, think twice (5k)

“In the next few days, the cold air from the north and the humid air from the south are expected to stalemate in Luoyue County and Nanwu County, which will lead to abundant rainfall.

It is expected that snowfall will decrease in the north and freezing rain may occur in the south. If the temperature continues to drop, there may be snowfall in the northern part of Nanwu County in the next few days, and there is also a probability of snowfall in the central part of Nanwu County.

But friends in the central part of Nanwu County don’t have to look forward too much. There is a high probability that this kind of snowfall will not last, so don’t even think about playing in the snow..."

At Wen Yan's house, Quemao was browsing the video with a serious look on his face. After watching the video, he flew to the window, glanced at Brother Dao outside, and said loudly.

"It's going to cool down again soon, and it's going to snow. Remember to close the doors and windows, otherwise you'll have to turn on the air conditioner, which will waste electricity and not keep you warm. Don't catch a cold by then."

The sparrow cat shouted, and the little zombie sitting on the sofa looked at the sparrow cat in confusion.


The sparrow cat looked back and frowned. It was stopped by the question. It stretched out its wings and pointed at the ceiling and then at the backyard.

"You don't know what an air conditioner is? Just this, and that big white iron box in the backyard."

The little zombie was even more confused. She had no idea what it was because she had never used it before.

Since the little zombie comes, there is no need to turn on the air conditioner here, and the little zombie doesn't need the air conditioner either.

Except for the sparrow cat and Chen Qimo, a living person who goes to school every day, there is no need for it at home.

"Uh-huh-huh..." the little zombie continued to ask.

"Why do you need to ventilate it when it's cold? Just ventilate it once in the morning. If you leave it on all day, it will be freezing to death."

The little zombie continued, and the sparrow cat's face fell.

"I never said anything like, 'If you close the doors and windows, there will be no air, and you will have to open the windows even if you freeze to death'!"

The sparrow cat turned to look out the window and saw Brother Dao looking directly at it again. Brother Dao was giggling and his body was trembling.

"Guapi, we see snow every year."

Quemao covered his head and went crazy. When he heard that the temperature was going to drop and it was going to snow, he quickly took the opportunity to block Brother Dao to see if Brother Dao would enter the house when the temperature dropped.

But when it was reminded at this moment, it suddenly remembered one thing. Brother Dao is a ruthless chicken who lives in the courtyard where it snows every year. The temperature is more than ten degrees below zero, but he can still walk outside!

On the contrary, he is the weakling who feels like he is about to be frozen into a grandchild for four or five times.

The sparrow cat sighed. In order not to listen to Brother Dao's ridicule, it flew away quickly and pulled over the housekeeper and several inhuman guys. They gathered next to the control panel on the wall to study how to operate the air conditioner.

Quemao had only seen remote controls before, never seen a control panel on the wall. He wanted to pretend to understand, but looked at the little zombie next to him and held back his words.

At the same time, the meteorological bureaus of Nanwu County and the surrounding counties began to dispatch.

After prediction calculations, it is now most likely that the abundant water vapor will be concentrated in Nanwu County.

Moreover, there is a risk of hail, and there is also a risk of rapid rainfall in a short period of time, so we need to control it now.

Let some of the clouds formed by the gathering of water vapor turn into rain and then fall. Hail prevention is one of the daily tasks of the Meteorological Bureau.

This is the time when many agricultural products in Luoyue County and Nanwu County are picked intensively. If a hailstorm passes, there will definitely be heavy losses.

For example, if the sugar oranges in Luoyue County are hit by hail at this time, and people in the north want to eat them during the New Year, they will definitely have to spend more money than last year.

The Meteorological Bureau's anti-aircraft guns began to fire frequently, and rain-increasing rockets fell into the clouds one by one. The explosions of anti-hail gas cannons continued to explode within the predetermined range, disrupting the movement of airflow there and condensing water vapor. Increase condensation nuclei…

Meteorological bureaus in several counties have made responses based on the general direction and the actual situation in each place.

The weather forecast will not specifically mark it out for you. It will only tell you that it is going to rain. Well, it may rain.

In one night, the Meteorological Bureau slightly increased the number of hundreds of thousands of artillery shells and hundreds of thousands of rockets fired this year.

Of course, few ordinary people know about these things, and this kind of information is not too high in the information priority of the Lieyang Department. As long as it does not involve aliens, the Lieyang Department has no authority to deal with it.

In several counties, it was raining in places tonight, but no one cared. After all, it is normal for it to rain in the south.

In the rainy courtyard, the man in robe looked at the tattered map made of a lot of fragments in front of him, his brows furrowed.

He had been waiting for a month, and finally waited for an opportunity that suited the weather. Unexpectedly, he encountered a lot of interference.

What was even more troublesome was that he had no idea who was interfering.

It seems that at the same time, many people in different places frequently interfered.

The result he got from following the guidance of the time has completely changed. Now he will definitely not be able to achieve the satisfactory result he wants.

"The recovery of spiritual energy is accelerating, and there are more and more strong people..." The man in the robe looked a little solemn.

Praying for sunshine and rain are all high-end altars with the Eight Sutras. The most basic screening condition is to confer an urn to a Taoist priest, and the urn to be awarded must be relatively suitable, and the Taoist priest's own moral conduct must also be high enough. Qualified to open such a big forum.

Even if this is not praying for sunshine and rain, there are definitely not many people who can interfere with it.

In today's era, they are definitely top-notch existences.

Are there so many masters in Shenzhou?

He stared at the broken fragments of the map, pondered for a long time, stretched out his hands, gathered the spiritual light, and focused on one place, giving up a larger range directly.

Xiaoxiang County, a Kun Dao stood on the bank of the Lishui River in the north of Xiaoxiang County, and set up an altar to perform rituals.

Although the Lishui River is the last of the four rivers in Xiaoxiang, flood disasters are ranked first.

Rainfall is frequent, and this Kun Dao who has obtained the talisman of the goddess of relieving misfortune was invited by the Lieyang tribe as part of the emergency plan.

Of course, it is not expected that this young Taoist priest who has just been granted the talisman will open a big altar.

If you can add a buff when necessary, then when flood disasters occur, most casualties can be avoided.

After all, at this time, the people who are unfortunately killed or the rescuers who are unfortunately sacrificed are mostly drowned.

Find a Taoist priest with the talisman of the goddess of relieving misfortune, and the danger index will plummet.

If you have the conditions, why not use it.

The Lieyang Department has been posting recruitment notices to recruit Taoist priests with this talisman.

This talisman can be granted by Fuyu Mountain and Longhu Mountain, and it does not need to be a disciple of the two mountains. Anyone who meets the requirements can try it.

Even if you are interested in entering the world and do not like to fight on the front line, that's fine. The application range is very wide and the employment prospects are very good.

At least for the next few decades, it will definitely be in short supply.

The young Kun Dao performed a ritual on the shore and first added buffs to some patrol personnel.

When she was a little tired, she felt the steam rising, and the river water and rain water were connected in a line. In a trance, it seemed as if she felt the water vapor gathering.

But the next moment, a roar exploded in the sky, continuously.

Her strange sense disappeared, it was the cannon of the Meteorological Bureau...

Although the creation of gunpowder is related to Taoist priests, Taoist priests are born to be in conflict with such things.

Using human power to interfere with wind, frost, rain and snow is not something a little Taoist like her can think of.

Although she knew it in her heart, she looked up at the sky and still remembered the feeling at that moment, thinking to herself, if one day, the rain could fall more evenly, how great it would be.

She touched the talisman she was given, and remembered the story about the goddess of relief she heard before the talisman was given.

Maybe this is why the goddess of relief was willing to choose her.

She thought about it, and when the practice here was over, she reported her feelings just now.

She was a Taoist priest in a small Taoist temple, and she was able to be given the talisman, following the path of the Lieyang Department, which was approximately equivalent to the minimum service period after getting the establishment.

A new talisman, many things are immature, and the person who gives the talisman will naturally leave any new things he develops or any new insights.

Of course, this is considered a merit.

In addition, if the first Taoist priest who left a record of the talisman will also leave a name, this is also an honor. Thousands of years later, her name will still remain in the classics.

From then on, all Taoist priests who were granted the same Taoist talisman would remember her.

Even with the intervention of the Meteorological Bureau, a large amount of clouds still gathered in Nanwu County and Luoyue County. When it reached a certain level, it turned into heavy rain and poured down.

At the first time, the areas with heavy rainfall immediately issued a yellow warning after estimation and calculation.

However, there was no blue warning in Nanwu County. The initial warning was a yellow warning, indicating that there would be heavy rain within six hours and the rainfall would continue.

After more than an hour, it was upgraded to an orange warning, which means that the rainfall would reach 50 mm within three hours, or it had reached and was still continuing.

Some residents living far away from the city pulled out kayaks and made emergency preparations as soon as they received the news.

In many places here, especially in self-built houses, the first floor is not occupied and no valuables are placed.

The first floor of many buildings is also stilted and planned as parking spaces. These are the experiences accumulated over a long period of time.

The sparrow cat at home, holding the mobile phone, saw the orange warning on the mobile phone, and began to worry. They didn't live in a building, would they be flooded?

Will there be problems with such a fast upgrade?

I was anxious for a long time, but I didn't wait for the follow-up, and I didn't see anyone to notify evacuation.

More than 100 kilometers away, the Dragon Mother Ancestral Temple is located, not far from the river, and the people here have received a red warning for heavy rain.

A large amount of rain poured down, and after the rain fell to the ground, it continued to gather from high places to low-lying areas. In a very short period of time, such a large amount of rain poured down, and the rain drainage pipe buried underground was doubled in thickness, but it couldn't keep up with the speed of pouring water, not to mention that water from all directions was gathering to low-lying areas.

Two hours ago, there were already people on duty on the levee, and various plans were also made.

The locals are experienced, and many of them are ready when they receive the notification, and they don't have to wait until they see the water level rising before taking action.

Many locals don't react much. Water accumulates in low-lying areas, and generally as long as the heavy rain does not continue, it will be drained away soon.

The locals thought that the accumulated water was just a minor problem. The most important thing was the Xijiang River nearby. If there was no problem with the Xijiang River, then there would be no major problem.

When everything was going smoothly, a little demon was running fast in the river. The news kept coming out. Soon, the old turtle hurried to where the Guilong King was.

The Guilong King was still squatting under the water watching cartoons, his eyes were illuminated by the light of the screen like light bulbs.

"My king, it's not good, it's not good."

King Guilong raised his head, his eyes full of unyielding.

"Speak properly, what's not good, don't say this again."

I just watched some animations of Journey to the West, and those who shouted this sentence were all villain monsters who were beaten to death.

"My king, the temple of the Dragon Mother was flooded!"

"What did you say? Which temple?" When King Guilong heard this, he raised his head all of a sudden.

"The temple of the Dragon Mother."

"Which place is it?"

"Downstream, about three or four hundred miles away."

"Oh..." Hearing this, King Guilong breathed a sigh of relief and put his head down again.

The turtle monster tried to open his eyes wide, and the whole monster was confused. What kind of reaction is this?

"My king? This... this doesn't matter?"

"How did it flood?"

"It was raining heavily, and the water accumulated."

"Is it serious?"

"It seems... I don't know, it shouldn't be serious..." The turtle monster became more and more confused as he spoke.

"That's terrible. It can't be that the water from the Xijiang River flooded it."

"Your Majesty, are you really not going to care about this?"

King Guilong raised his head and thought about it.

"No matter what, my mother said that all the temples don't belong to her. They were built by others and belong to the people there.

You can't be happy when it's being built, and then be unhappy when no one cares about it, and be unhappy when it's being demolished.

If you're not happy today, you'll do something relying on your strong body.

If you're not happy tomorrow, you might bully others.

The day after tomorrow, you might become evil and ruin your future.

If it collapses, it collapses. If it's destroyed, it's destroyed.

If I care about this, my mother will definitely be unhappy."

The turtle demon was shocked when he heard this. There are people who don't care about their own temples?

"As expected of the Dragon Mother, this realm is beyond our imagination."

King Guilong stopped talking. He was actually a little embarrassed in his heart, because the world has changed so much. People nowadays move mountains and fill the sea, changing the landforms. In addition to the changes in the river channel, he himself can't even remember where the original temple of the Dragon Mother is...

It may have disappeared long ago.

Because he can be sure that the existing Dragon Mother temples are not the original ones, but were built in various places later.

The most important point is that the temple is not important, but the stone archway is important.

And now, in theory, he is still in a state of reflection at home. I heard that it was Wen Yan who guaranteed him. If he ran out for something that would make his mother unhappy, wouldn't it make him look stupid, bad and untrustworthy.

King Guilong didn't intend to care at all. He thought someone had found the original temple just now, and he was happy for nothing.

King Guilong continued to lie down and was about to continue watching the movie. When he saw the turtle demon, he casually gave an order.

"Since there are places flooded, you should pay attention. The river water will also rise. Go."

The turtle demon was shocked when he heard this. He said goodbye quickly and disappeared in a flash.

King Guilong watched half of the episode and felt that the turtle demon should have hurriedly prepared to take on a big job. He had no intention of watching it when he walked away.

He quietly swam to a place close to the water surface, quietly peeked, and then he sniffed gently. The information contained in the water vapor was captured and received by him.

His perception spread all the way along the Xijiang River. After a moment, he confirmed that there was no problem with the Xijiang River, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want anything to go wrong with the Xijiang River. He just learned a sentence, yellow mud falling off the crotch is either shit or shit.

He was here. If there was a problem with the Xijiang River, if he said it had nothing to do with him, I'm afraid not many people would believe it, even if he was King Guilong, not the Dragon King of Xijiang.

Just sniffing and receiving information, a thunderclap exploded in the sky, and a little bit of undetectable information in the rain was captured by him.

King Guilong was startled and quickly collected his mind. Only then did he sense that the source of this induction came from that piece of reverse scale.

Or, when Wen Yan borrowed his reverse scale to turn it into a knife and returned it to him last time, there was a hint of thunder charm and power in it. Now it was this little bit of imperceptible thunder that became the most critical medium.

King Guilong looked at the black clouds in the sky and sensed it carefully. When there was another thunder explosion, he felt it again through the reverse scale.

King Guilong hid under the water and continued to sense it. He squatted for half an hour and listened to the thunder fourteen times. Finally, he was completely confirmed.

This was the first time he discovered that the little benefit Wen Yan had given him was so magical that he could sense the discordant places in the clouds when the thunder sounded and he was trying his best to sense and capture the water vapor information.

Something could affect those clouds, and someone was fanning the flames.

That guy was doing very well. He should not have left any traces, and he should not have been able to capture that trace of information.

But for some reason, that person was very careful to add fuel to the fire, but he still did it a second time.

When the thunder roared for the first time, he captured the information left by that person when he added fuel to the fire for the second time.

After capturing the little information left for the second time, he could continue to sense and capture the even less information left by the other party the first time.

King Guilong was a little shocked. It shouldn't have rained so hard. Was it caused by someone adding fuel to the fire?

Was his mother's temple flooded because of some idiot's mess?

King Guilong was furious. If the world changed naturally, he certainly didn't care. If his mother knew, she would only praise him and not be so irritable. She finally learned to be calm.

King Guilong was about to rush out of the water on the spot, but as soon as his nostrils and eyes emerged from the water, he remembered what Wen Yan had told him.

He remembered that he had been fooled last time. He learned a lesson. Even if he was a little impulsive, he would not forget the lesson so quickly.

King Guilong quietly retreated under the water and thought carefully. There should be many people who knew about his awakening.

This time he caught a little bit of information that he shouldn't have caught. He was sure that there was something fishy.

Is this a trap? Is there someone who wants to use him to do something? If he does something, will he trap Wen Yan?

After thinking it over, King Guilong couldn't figure it out, so he decided to call Wen Yan first.

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