I am your natural enemy

Chapter 456 Being targeted, gift and message (5k)

As expected, I came to my aunt's old dream again. This time, after entering, there was yellow sand all over the sky. One step away, people and animals were indistinguishable. The howling wind contained a huge pressure.

Fortunately, Wen Yan was in a state where he didn't need to open his mouth to breathe, and the heavy mountain on his body was also activated. With various corresponding immunities, he could stand in place.

He didn't need to see clearly, just felt that "Never Get Lost" got a temporary buff, and he knew where he was.

This situation now should be the middle and late development of my aunt's old dream.

Every time he came, he would be led here, which is why he could leave safely every time.

Wen Yan also wanted to tell my aunt that he had just seen the Thirteenth Ancestor from a distance, domineering and crazy.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to say it now. The pressure he just stood here was almost the same as the pressure when he walked 20 meters to my aunt last time.

All kinds of immunity, damage reduction and toughness, all maxed out, can't last too long.

"Aunt, I can't bear it anymore. I'm leaving first. Thank you for bringing me here. I'll come to see you next time."

Whether Aunt could hear her or not, Wen Yan shouted, and then adjusted her direction, carrying Ye Er's body wrapped in gray cloth, and walked towards home.

Amidst the yellow sand, Aunt closed her eyes, and blood gathered into a stream beside her. A two-story-high giant beast head fell there, and the giant beast stared with its eyes wide open, and died with its eyes open.

Next to the giant beast head, a stone statue with its mouth open and a face full of horror was still in a running posture. As Aunt took another step, the stone statue collapsed and fell into the yellow sand.

Aunt slowly turned her head and opened her eyes to look in one direction.

That was the direction Wen Yan left. Just when she was about to turn her head, she suddenly stopped and continued to look there.

A black curtain appeared in the yellow sand, and a rustling sound also appeared.

The black curtain slowly expanded from one point, and in an instant it covered a range of three or four meters.

The next moment, the yellow sand in the sky suddenly became violent, and a flame with the characteristics of Wen Yan Yang emerged in the sand and dust accompanied by the friction of large pieces of gravel.

Silently, the black curtain was forcibly crushed, and all the insects inside were crushed.

In the last bit of black curtain, a two-meter-long leg was exposed.

The leg with black smoke looked like the leg of an arthropod, with a black metallic luster, and a spike about one foot long at the tip, and above it was densely packed with fluff.

The next moment, the leg suddenly disappeared, and only the point that protruded from the black curtain had a break, and a large amount of black smoke came out of the break and disappeared into the air.

The broken leg quickly retracted and disappeared into the black curtain, and the last bit of black curtain that was left also continued to shrink and disappear into the air.

On the other side, the aunt had closed her eyes, holding the leg in one hand. The leg decayed rapidly, turned into black smoke, and dissipated completely.

Wen Yan stayed in the old dream for too long this time, so long that he was already being watched by something.

On the other side, Wen Yan closed his eyes and walked in the dust. After walking for a few minutes, the feeling of the dust hitting his body disappeared. Wen Yan did not open his eyes and continued to move forward according to the direction in his heart.

He passed through those ever-changing abstract areas. On both sides of the road, countless things, changing their forms, seemed to be watching Wen Yan.

In the distance, a shadow like a huge mountain emerged. The huge shadow seemed to be overlooking Wen Yan walking on the path. After taking a look, it slowly disappeared again.

Wen Yan did not open his eyes, but still saw the new prompt.

"The basic passive effect of fearlessness has been activated."

He paused slightly and continued to move forward in the direction in his heart.

He knew that he must be walking in the illusory area in the middle transition. He was not afraid to open his eyes.

But several experiences made him understand that if it is not necessary, it is best not to see it. If you see it, you may establish a weak connection.

Especially in this place between reality and illusion, it is unpredictable. Who knows what will happen.

As long as the direction does not change, he dares to close his eyes and ignore everything around him. Here, panic will lead to failure.

Everything around him is constantly changing. Indistinctly, a corner of a mansion appears.

There are high walls there, and only one place has a window.

A thin figure with a hazy figure leans against the wall and looks out through the window.

Suddenly, the hazy figure raised his head and looked out with some expectation.

The endless fog outside, like the fog that gradually dissipates after the morning sun appears, gradually disappears.

The hazy figure saw the flower sea outside that was as gorgeous as a colorful nuclear explosion, and saw the colorful light flowing in the flower sea, with a gorgeous and weird feeling.

Suddenly, the hazy figure trembled slightly, and was somewhat shocked to see the place where the fog gradually dissipated.

She saw Wen Yan holding something wrapped in gray cloth in one hand, with his eyes closed, his face calm and indifferent, as if he was taking a walk in his own backyard, walking along a path among flowers with steady steps.

Wen Yan's body was warm and gentle, as if a hand gently led away the power from the surroundings, and there seemed to be a phantom of the sun above his head, shining as he moved forward.

All bad things have been changed in nature.

She looked at it in shock, and instantly recognized that this posture was definitely Lieyang.

And it was the living contemporary Lieyang.

After being shocked for a few seconds, she immediately turned around, came to the table, and picked up a piece of paper full of things.

She came to the window, blew a breath at the paper, and saw the paper turned into a mist and flew out.

But the mist, before it flew to Wen Yan, was dispelled by the fierce sun energy blooming above Wen Yan's head.

The hazy figure was not surprised. She immediately picked up the pen again, pondered for a while, and quickly wrote something on it.

Then, she came to the window again and saw the mist outside the window. Wen Yan's figure gradually went away, and only a vague shadow could be seen. She blew gently at the paper, and saw the paper turned into mist again and flew out of the window.

In a flash, the fog outside became thicker, and Wen Yan's figure could no longer be seen.

At the same time, in the rainy courtyard, the man in the robe seemed to have sensed something and temporarily put down the things in his hands. He pushed open the back window and looked out. Seeing the fog outside, he could vaguely see countless skeletons standing in a row, so he closed the window again.

There was nothing surprising. The man in the backyard would always take a look at this time.

The man in the robe did not open the door to say anything. He continued to return to the table and looked at the broken map on the table.

On the other side, when Wen Yan was about to leave the illusory area, he suddenly received a prompt.

"Receive a gift that can be accepted or rejected. You can choose after checking it."

When he saw the prompt, he felt that he had returned to the underworld, and the yin energy around him suddenly became strong.

Wen Yan was a little confused. What is it?

He didn't take it seriously at first and was going to refuse it on the spot.

He had received many "blessings" before, but they all turned into divine punishment.

Blessings may not be good things, and gifts may not be.

Not to mention that on the way home, he suddenly received such a gift that he didn't know where it came from, so he didn't dare to accept it rashly.

However, since it can be accepted or rejected, and even checked first, Wen Yan hesitated for a moment, and put it aside first, and didn't rush to refuse.

He walked through the underworld and arrived at Lao Zhao's house. Wen Yan immediately took out his phone and called Feng Yao first.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yao answered the phone in seconds.

"Hey, are you still awake? Or did you get up early?"

"I'm still awake. When did you come back?"

"I just walked out. I'm at Lao Zhao's house. Find something safe to put the body in and send it over."

"What happened?"

"A guy died, but his body is full of poison. The results of my tests so far show that you will be poisoned if you touch it. The air will not spread, but it's better to be safe. This guy carries a lot of information."

"Okay, right away. I'll be there within half an hour."

"Huh? Where are you now?"

"I'm at King Guilong's place. King Guilong is looking for you. You're not here. I just happened to change some films for King Guilong, so I came to see what's going on."

"What does King Guilong want me to do? What's the matter? Should I go over now?"

"No problem, no need. It's not a big deal. I'll tell you when I get down."

Wen Yan hung up the phone and waited for Feng Yao to come.

He returned to his home. The house was very quiet. It was almost dawn at this time. No one was making a fuss. Everyone was resting.

The sparrow cat was sleeping on the sofa with its legs spread out, and its belly was covered with a pillowcase that it had pulled from somewhere.

The housekeeper came up to Wen Yan immediately when he saw him coming back, and the silly dog ​​also reacted quickly.

Wen Yan waved his hand, saying that he would talk about it later. After going out, the first task he had to do when he got home was to go to the underground beehive.

First, he would pay homage to the people who were worshipped at home, and by the way, ask them to help see if he had brought back anything bad.

Wen Yan lit incense one by one, and there was no reaction. Everything was normal, so Wen Yan was relieved.

He didn't go anywhere, but just checked the gifts he had just received in front of the tablets of several big guys, and then decided whether to accept them or not.

"A blessing from xx."

"After accepting it, you can get a buff that allows you to enter the water without drowning three times, with a single time limit of twelve hours.

When the place where you enter the water is the Ji River, the single time limit is thirty-six hours."

"If you refuse to accept it, the relevant power will return to the heaven and earth, and may be sensed by some existence."

Wen Yan looked at the content of this blessing and was really surprised.

Especially the information contained in it, according to the benefits given by the Water Lord last time.

The person who gave him the blessing must be related to the Ji River, otherwise, there would be no three-fold time difference.

He thought about it, and it seemed that he had never heard of any particularly powerful boss in the Ji River?

Recalling it, this blessing appeared when he was about to walk out of the middle area, that is to say, he stayed there for too long this time, not only might he encounter dangers beyond his ability, but also might encounter other non-dangerous things that he should not have encountered.

Thinking about it, Wen Yan saw the prompt that if he didn't want it, the relevant power would be scattered between heaven and earth and would be sensed by some people, so he confirmed to accept it, although this blessing was indeed useless to him.

The moment I confirmed the receipt, a new prompt appeared.

"You already have the Water Official Talisman for Relieving Evil, which has the inherent characteristic of never drowning, and is a higher-level special effect. The power blessing failed.

All the related power has been absorbed by Jiehe Shuiguanlu. "

"You'll get 6% extra progress with your calamity-relieving Shuiguanlu."

"Current progress, 60%."

"Get the special effect: looming."

"Looming: When you are in water or underground, you can hide your body without being noticed, speed up your movement by 20%, and appear when you launch an attack or be attacked (at the current progress, you can launch it once a day, single The maximum duration is 12 hours. When the surrounding environment is Jishui or Huaihe River, this blessing will have three times the effect)."

Wen Yan looked at this special effect. If he understood it correctly, it meant that as long as he could hold on, he could even remain unnoticed twenty-four hours a day in Jishui.

And there will be an additional buff that increases movement speed by 60%.

Don't make this information too obvious, it must be related to someone in Jishui.

He had his eyes closed at the time and didn't know what was appearing around him, but he couldn't just give him a gift for no reason because he was passing by and liked him.

That 6% extra progress obviously cannot be given casually and then ignored.

Suicune only gave 5% progress!

Go back and ask the Fourth Master's uncle, or ask Suijun, or check it in the Sun Division's database.

To be able to make such a big progress, and with three times the blessing from Jishui, it must be a certain water god from Jishui.

And the authority is not low, it is definitely not comparable to that of a small water god like the finless porpoise. According to the level, it is at least the level of King Guilong.

Wen Yan couldn't guess it, so he stopped guessing and talked about it later.

After waiting here for less than ten minutes, Wen Yan saw a helicopter flying over in the sky. Another ten minutes later, he saw a red chemical-protection vehicle parked outside the north side of the community.

Feng Yao got out of the car.

Wen Yan walked out of the house, picked up Ye Er's body that was temporarily hanging on the street lamp, and walked out from the back wall of the community.

In the chemical-protection vehicle, an ice coffin was prepared. There were fully armed field workers in chemical-protection suits, guiding Wen Yan to put Ye Er's body inside.

After completing this, Wen Yan told him the known information again, and then he felt relieved.

He originally planned to summon Ye Er's soul when he came back.

But now he felt that it was best to take it slow and wait until Ye Ertouqi spoke.

Now maybe there are people who don't know how to keep an eye on it.

After watching the chemical defense vehicle leave and arranging things, Feng Yao took Wen Yan and told him what King Guilong had told him.

"Uh, what the hell? The Dragon Mother Temple was flooded?"

"There are many temples to the Dragon Mother Empress. Some are not far from the Xijiang River, and some are not on high terrain. Some water accumulation is normal. There are many low-lying places in Nanwu County every year, and there will be water accumulation during heavy rains. , most of them subsided within the same day.”

"Okay, my foreigner, King Guilong has made a lot of progress if he can hold back this time."

"King Guilong actually doesn't care that the temple was flooded. What he cares about is that someone did it intentionally."

"That's what I'm saying. I have to go see King Guilong later. It's really rare." Wen Yan was greatly pleased, and it was not in vain that he tried to persuade King Guilong every time, intentionally or unintentionally, not to be impulsive when things happened.

To be honest, he felt that this was much more fulfilling than killing some piece of shit.

"I just came back from there. I haven't had time to report it yet. I don't dare to write it. I'm going to go to the headquarters and report to the head of the headquarters in person."

"Be safe, you are now the backbone of Nanwu County."

"Don't... don't blow me up." When Feng Yao heard this, not only was he not happy, but his face turned a little green: "My bed is getting hairy, I just want to go home and sleep for once, but don't say such things ”

"If you don't want to make progress, someone will push you to make progress."

"No, I'm waiting for Minister Cai to come back!"

Speaking of this, Wen Yan suddenly thought of Cai Heizi. He didn't know what was going on with that guy now, but he was followed by a few big zombies when he went out. He thought there would be no problem. He would go back to Fuyu Mountain for a walk at dawn.

After bidding farewell to Feng Yao, Wen Yan returned home and received a call from the headquarter manager.

"Hey, Wen Yan, are you okay?"

"It's okay, okay, I met that Ye Er, but I didn't survive. That guy committed suicide. He knew a lot, but it's a pity that he didn't ask more questions."

"Don't worry about this. Do you want to rest for a few days?"

"No, I'm not tired. I can just sleep for two hours."

"Then why don't you come to the headquarters and go to the warehouse to see if there's anything you like."

The head of the headquarters held the phone and hesitated to speak. He did not dare to mention the matter of divine punishment several times.

He knew that Wen Yan could not practice Taoism, and now he was punished by heaven for practicing martial arts. He knew best how severe this blow would be.

Among the Chinese warriors, there are actually quite a few who are in the fifth stage, and there are also quite a few who have reached the limit of the fifth stage. After all, the base number is here.

It's just that most warriors are pure warriors, unlike Tuoba Martial God, who is a unique professional.

In recent years, the number of warriors who have reached the limit of the fifth stage of martial arts, excluding those who have died, and those who have actually died in battle, can be counted on one hand.

The ones who died the most were actually dying on the way to a higher level.

No matter how much emphasis is placed on things like health preservation, peace, etc., martial arts is still the same breath of courage and diligence.

In a simple state, a warrior who can reach the limit of the fifth stage, unless he has too many concerns and loses his fighting spirit and momentum, otherwise no one can stop him from continuing to charge even if he is eighty years old.

He never tried it until his death. For these warriors, it is really unforgettable.

The general manager knows too well how much of a blow the heavenly punishment is to the warriors.

And Wen Yan, who seems to take it lightly and does not seem to be hit at all, is also one of the standard reactions.

The general manager had a lot of drafts in mind, but at this moment he didn't know what to say.

"New Year's Day is coming soon, these things will come to an end for the time being, you should rest for a few days, and you can go back to Fuyu Mountain when you are free. Cai Heizi also has something to ask you..."

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