I am your natural enemy

Chapter 468 Astronomy and Meteorology, Is the Rain Master still alive? (6k)

Wen Yan looked up the courses he had to take for meteorology, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

If you want to cram the knowledge into your head and then participate in related work, it will probably be difficult to reach the threshold of amplifying special effects without ten years of hard study.

This mythical feature, if it was in the past, even if you didn't use active skills, it would still be very powerful. In places like Taichang Sitian, there would definitely be no problem getting a senior position.

This effect is called a mythical feature, but there is nothing wrong with it.

The problem lies with Wen Yan himself. He is quite clear in his mind. Just for the prediction item, he will study hard until his death, and it is impossible to compare with the current meteorological system.

Maybe the role it plays is not as good as turning on the weather radar...

And there are no restrictions on predicting these.

Active intervention is indeed useful, and the upper limit may be very high. It is a humanoid meteorological weapon that can call the wind and rain and cover a very large area.

But the restrictions are really too big.

Wen Yan just looked at the knowledge that he needed to learn to control the overall situation and understand the operation of the weather. Ordinary graduates are definitely not enough. At least they need to be big shots in this field.

Thinking of the previous actions of the rain master, which only covered one or two counties and controlled the location and amplitude of the rain, according to the current deduction, it should be the rain master who followed the trend and did not force things.

Wen Yan sighed and studied it slowly later. When there is a real need, he will call for help.

He doesn't understand, so he can find a big boss who can explain it to him and let him understand it when he does it.

Wen Yan pulled Feng Wei and Tong Si, blessed them with yang energy, let them appear, and follow the excitement. At this time, the number of ghosts from other places who can come to Qingcheng can be counted on one's fingers.

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Wen Yan also specially found people from Qingcheng to make badges for Feng Wei and the others, indicating that they are invited guests.

And Wen Yan is a participant in this big ritual.

Let them wander around by themselves. Wen Yan went to find Taoist Qingxuzi and his friends first, thanked them, and said that the matter had been resolved without any danger. The remaining complicated matters would depend on the Taoists.

When there was no need to fight, there was really very little he could do to help here.

In the afternoon, Wen Yan wandered around the mountain like a tourist, listening to the performance of the Taoist orchestra. Although he couldn't hear a word clearly, he could still feel the atmosphere.

All the way to the Altar of Deliverance, Wen Yan looked at one of the tablets, which was dedicated to the Goddess of Relief.

He took the incense, rubbed his fingers, lit the incense with yang energy, bowed in front of the tablet, and inserted it into the incense burner.

"Immeasurable merit."

Since everyone is here, let's all bow.

Wen Yan lit the incense with yang energy and bowed to each hall. It was always right to greet each other and show his face. He didn't know who had given the blessing before, so he bowed to everyone.

Wen Yan walked all the way there and was busy for the whole afternoon.

In the evening, he had a meal on the mountain and lived on the mountain.

When everything was quiet, Wen Yan sat in the yard, raised his hand, and the gray cloth wrapped around his arm spread out, and the torn map hidden inside was released.

The gray cloth unfolded the map and showed it in front of Wen Yan.

Wen Yan tried many times, and this torn map looked very torn. The material was like silk cloth, and it was like rice paper soaked in water. Obviously, many places were torn and unconnected, but those fragments could still be strangely fixed in one place, and they would not fall off or break even if they were kneaded casually.

When the gray cloth showed the map, he could even see the light behind the map through the map.

Wen Yan took a look and saw that the range of the ocean actually ran to the west.

"It's the wrong way up."

The gray cloth shook and turned the map upside down.

"I mean the front and back are reversed, not up and down."

As the gray cloth turned the torn map, Wen Yan's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly felt something.

"Wait, turn it back to the way it was just now."

After Huibu turned it over, he held the picture and floated in the air. Wen Yan shook his head up and down, looking for a perspective.

When he kept a perspective and looked at the picture again, something suddenly emerged in his mind.

"The moon offends the Southern Dipper and will cover Danyang."

He wrote down the perspective range and asked Huibu to lift the picture above his head. He looked at the sky from the back of the picture and easily got this sentence this time.

He took out his mobile phone and asked Black Box what this sentence meant.

Black Box told him that there are several interpretations of the moon offending the Southern Dipper, and he listed them out in a hurry.

There are astronomical concepts, astrological concepts, and even changes related to the number of stars.

Wen Yan ignored the others and looked at the astronomical concepts first. It means that when the moon moves to the range where the six stars of the Southern Dipper are located, it will cover the brilliance of the six stars of the Southern Dipper.

Wen Yan asked Black Box to ignore other mysterious concepts and continue to look at the meaning of the latter sentence in terms of astronomy and meteorology.

Black Box quickly gave the answer.

"It is related to astronomy and the six stars of the Southern Dipper. The most likely answers are as follows.

Danyang is a nickname for Dousuwu.

Combined with the existing observatory data, it is estimated that thirty-seven hours and twenty-five minutes later.

The orbit of the moon will coincide with Dousuwu, and the moon will cover Dousuwu."

"What about meteorology?"

"Insufficient computing power authority, please wait..."

After waiting for a minute, the black box continued to give an answer.

"According to the requirements, the most likely answer is as follows.

On January 3rd, local time, there may be heavy rain in the relevant areas in the southern part of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Combined with the existing satellite cloud map and related data, the meteorological department speculates.

In the next few days, there may be heavy rainfall in the southern and eastern coastal areas of Shenzhou."

Wen Yan looked at the answer of the black box, then looked at the broken map, raised his head and looked at the sky, with stars, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

This is not right, how can meteorology be related to astronomy again? !

Although in ancient times, meteorology and astronomy may be in the same department, but...

Forget it, it's all mythical effect, let's not talk about science.

Wen Yan felt that he overestimated himself a little. Just a prediction has already given it difficulty. Actively controlling the influence, I don't know how difficult it will be.

Looking at the sky, he stretched out his hand and waved it gently, and saw the cloud slide.


Wen Yan was silent for a while, and continued to try, and he could still slide easily.

As he moved, a scattered cloud floating there slowly gathered together, and after reaching a critical point, it turned into raindrops and fell down.

There were still many tourists in the town at the foot of the mountain. With the exclamations of a group of tourists, a lot of people took out their mobile phones to shoot.

The vendors who set up stalls on the street quickly pushed the small stall cart away, and then looked up at the sky with a blank face, and the expression on their faces gradually began to doubt life.

There was no rain in other places, only the two-meter-wide area where he set up the stall, the bean-sized raindrops fell down.

When looking up, you can clearly see that there are no tall buildings next to it, no shelter, nothing, all doubts and possibilities can be ruled out.

It was just raining locally, but this time it was particularly local.

A group of tourists took their mobile phones to shoot, thinking it was very magical, and this trip was not in vain.

On Qingcheng Mountain, Wen Yan was getting more and more confused.

Now he understands what it means that the larger the scope to be affected, the higher the difficulty.

He just picked a cloud within his sight, and it felt like there was no difficulty at all.

But if he tried to expand the scope to affect the surrounding ten kilometers, the feeling of effort appeared, just like pushing a mountain.

When he looked at the existing cloud map, the changes in the trajectory of the clouds and the predicted trajectory, he immediately felt that the clouds that could not be pushed just now seemed to be able to be pushed with a little more effort.

After the experiment, Wen Yan probably had an intuitive judgment in his mind that the influence of information and knowledge was very large.

Moreover, it was not that he could not take the initiative to do anything. Just like just now, he played with a cloud, which was almost in the category of no influence, and there would be no difficulty in controlling and guiding it.

When it was expanded to ten kilometers, the deviation from the original situation would become much larger, and he could not do anything casually. He had to follow the normal trajectory and follow the trend.

In the past, this required extremely high accumulation and extremely accurate judgment. Now, Wen Yan can cheat, and directly use the data of the meteorological department to cheat, which is also effective.

Wen Yan stretched out his hands, as if kneading the floating clouds in the sky, and slowly kneaded them into the shape of a cat head, and then repaired the details. Soon, a cat head with empty eyes and a very smart look appeared.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and he gave up continuing the experiment.

Picking up the phone, it turned out to be a call from the head of the headquarters.


"Did you come up with the cat-head cloud in Qingcheng?"

"Uh, General Manager, what cat-head cloud?"

"I asked Black Box."


"Don't be nervous. I know you have a divine talisman. If you have time and feel it's appropriate, you can write down some of your experiences.

Although your divine talisman is different from the talisman of the Goddess of Relief, they are from the same source after all.

Your experience should still be very helpful and you can get merit.

If someone uses your experience to come up with something, you can also get merit.

In addition, if you have nothing to do, go to bed early.

During the Luotian Grand Ceremony, something abnormal happened and was filmed."

"General Manager, I'm not saying that the tree can Can it be concealed? Or can it be concealed in the air? Cat heads and the like are totally unimportant, right? "

"Hey, take it easy...

The tree is dozens of meters high, so it can't be concealed, but there are mountains on both sides, and it's not a scenic spot, so it has been blocked.

As for the air, what should be known has been known long ago, and what should not be known doesn't matter. "

"Huh? Not concealed anymore?"

"The 14th set of radio gymnastics for primary and secondary school students has been taught to students in 17 schools. There are no particularly obvious results yet, but there are no negative situations. "

"Wow, so fast. "

Wen Yan was a little surprised. The efficiency is really high. It is not a simple matter to pass it down layer by layer and finally teach students.

If you want to ensure that there is no problem, you must ensure that the person who teaches this set of martial arts knows how to practice it best, can teach others, and can correct mistakes.

This means that the Lieyang Department has made preparations a long time ago and has reserved relevant talents.

As for students, only a few can practice this to a standard. When Wen Yan went to Fuyu Mountain, he took those little brats to practice boxing many times.

It is impossible for all the disciples of Fuyu Mountain to practice boxing to a standard, let alone the students in the school.

No problems are more important than having effects.

No problems means that it can be promoted. Over the years, the average level will always be improved.

This is already the best and smoothest start.

"Okay, then I'll go take a rest. By the way, I just predicted that there may be heavy rains on the south bank of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River the day after tomorrow. Although this season is the dry season, I still have to say it."

"Well, when did you learn this?"

"I just learned a little bit. I want to audit some meteorology courses."

"Don't run away, I'll find someone to send you online courses later, and you can learn by yourself."


"Remember to take time to write your experience! Write whatever you want, write whatever you think of, don't worry about the format, write whatever you like!"

After hanging up the phone, the general manager was a little puzzled. Wen Yan has learned all these now?

Is the gap between Wen Yan's heaven-granted treasure scroll and the scroll of the goddess of relief that can be repeatedly granted so big?

I'll have to let those Taoist priests who grant the talisman try it later. If it's related to the weather, the demand for the talisman of the goddess of relief will probably continue to rise.

In the South China Sea, they have already reached out three times in the last month alone. From the minister of the South China Sea County to the navy and the coast guard, they all sent people to make a scene and ask for people.

There's nothing we can do. Most of the people who have obtained this talisman are pushed by the Lieyang Department.

But the Lieyang Department can't conjure up people who grant the talisman of the goddess of relief.

There are objective requirements for granting the talisman, and it's useless to lower the standards.

As for how Wen Yan developed the talisman without practicing Taoism, the general manager didn't ask and didn't want to ask. It's okay as long as the work is done, and there's no need to dig into everything.

On the other side, Wen Yan hung up the phone and waved to the gray cloth, and the gray cloth rolled up the torn map and wrapped around his arm.

Wen Yan patted the gray cloth and smiled.

"How about you come to the door of the next mountain?"

The gray cloth lifted up a corner instantly, and a smiley face with a mouth that stretched to the roots of the ears appeared on the surface.

"Okay, I'll let you come next time."

Wen Yan was lying in the yard, not feeling cold, looking at the stars in the sky, and wanted to play with the clouds floating in the sky, but he thought about it and held back.

On the Internet, two short videos were already spreading.

At this time, the night owls hadn't done their best.

Someone took a picture of a particularly localized heavy rain, and there was also a camera expert who took a picture of the cat head of the clouds in the sky. In the other party's composition, there were two points of starlight shining at the position of the cat head's eyes.

All of a sudden, the silly cat head turned into a cat head with cold eyes, very imposing and oppressive.

At Wen Yan's home, the sparrow cat set up the mobile phone, and on the screen was the imposing cat head. It put its head next to the mobile phone with a serious face and quarreled with the people at home.

"What's not like? This is me! It's definitely me, look, it's exactly the same!"

The others looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment, none of them could see the slightest resemblance.

Anyway, cats' heads all look similar.

In silence, Dao Ge stretched his neck to look inside from the window and said disdainfully.

"Look at your cowardly style, smearing yellow mud on your face, you think it's a gilded gold."

The sparrow cat instantly got angry, flapping its wings and rushing out to fight with Dao Ge.

Then, a few seconds later, the sparrow cat's belly was up, and Dao Ge pressed it to the ground.

Looking at the sparrow cat's cowardly airplane ears, Dao Ge also felt that it was meaningless to bully a fool, so he loosened his claws and went back to his nest.

At the same time, in a small village in the northeast, Hua Tou was sitting on a kang, drinking a little wine, and saw the automatically pushed video about Qingcheng.

He saw the particularly localized rainstorm there, and also saw the clouds in the sky there, which turned into a silly cat head.

After watching the relevant video carefully, Hua Toutou put down his wine glass in shock.

"He's not dead yet?!"

He pondered for a moment, made a phone call, asked someone, and confirmed the authenticity of the video.

After confirming that it was true, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really hard to kill him, he is indeed a miracle that came back from death."

He knew the Rain Master, and he also knew that the Rain Master must have died, and later returned from the old dream.

So, they dared to use the old dream as a backup.

When he told Ye Er, Ye Er would believe it.

Because there is a precedent.

Hua Toutou thought about it carefully, the Rain Master was not dead yet, and dared to pass on the news like this.

There are only two possibilities, the Rain Master can only pass on the news like this, or he has completed part of the plan, so he dared to be so rampant.

He only took a look at the heavy rain in the special area and the cloud, and he was sure that it must be man-made.

Otherwise, how could these two things happen at the same time.

The Rain Master passed on the news that he was not dead, so things had to change.

Hua Toutou thought carefully about how to contact the Rain Master.

After a while, he wrote a letter and went to the basement.

He first arranged the evil altar in the center, and then placed a bowl of water in front of him, trying to contact.

But after trying, he found that the water in the bowl was just fluctuating, with water vapor churning on the surface, and then there was no other reaction.

Hua Toutou breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the Rain Master was still there.

This method was given to him by the Rain Master for contact, but the Rain Master told him that this method was risky and he would not respond unless it was absolutely necessary.

According to Hua Tou’s experience, the water in the bowl fluctuates, and there is visible water mist evaporation, which means that the Rain Master has been contacted.

Now there is no response, he doesn’t care, just do it the same as before.

When he came to the wall, he stretched out his hand and pushed, and the stone wall turned into a door. He pushed open a door and came to the rain courtyard.

In an instant, the things hidden in the corner of the courtyard were completely hidden in the darkness of the corner.

After Hua Tou pushed the door open, he did not go in. He put the letter inside the door and looked inside carefully. He didn’t find any changes inside, so he closed the door again and turned away.

On the other side.

Wen Yan lay in the yard, bathing in the starlight, blowing the slightly cold wind at night, and sleeping sweetly.

In an instant, he fell asleep and entered the dream.

In the dream, he was not on the ground, but sitting on the clouds. There was a person below, opening an altar and shouting something. He couldn’t understand those words.

But soon, those words changed.

"Ah, all the gods who control rain, please respond to my call and give me some rain quickly.

I really have something urgent here.

Ah, it's not that urgent, but I just want rain..."

Wen Yan looked down at the person below, with a look of astonishment on his face. He couldn't see the man's appearance clearly, proving that he had never seen him before.

The clouds under his seat gradually dispersed, and Wen Yan saw clearly that he was not sitting on the clouds, but on the broken map, floating above the clouds.

Oh, it turned out that he was praying for rain here in the broken map, and he was brought along.

This is a novel experience. Wen Yan sat on the cloud and listened to the messy words of the person below. This should also be the dream that automatically translated into something he could barely understand according to his understanding.

A few minutes later, the person praying for rain disappeared. Wen Yan opened his eyes and recalled what he had just dreamed of.

The general meaning is, I am not praying for rain, I am praying for rain, I just want to find you.

It's great that you are still here, please make it rain for me.

If it rains, I promise to offer you sacrifices.

It doesn't matter if you don't respond to me. I left a letter for you in the rainy place.

If you can see it, remember to reply to me.

It was a bit confusing, but Wen Yan could roughly understand what it meant. Someone was contacting the Rain Master.

However, the contact was made through the broken map. The Rain Master died, and the broken map came to him. He was still very close to him, so he was taken.

The more Wen Yan thought about it, the more he felt a little weird, until he raised his head and casually touched a cloud in the sky, and then he immediately took out his personal mobile phone to check it out.

It was easy to find the relevant video, and after watching it, Wen Yan laughed dumbly.

"No way..."

Could it be that someone found this and thought that the Rain Master was not dead yet, so they hurried to contact the Rain Master?

Good guy, I haven't continued to dig deeper yet, you guys catch up by yourselves.

Thinking of this, Wen Yan didn't sleep either.

If there is a letter, the most suitable place to convey information to the Rain Master is naturally the Rain Courtyard.

This means that there are still people who can enter the Rain Courtyard and have coordinates.

Or maybe Master Yu had told others how to enter the Rain Courtyard.

No matter which one it is, we must be vigilant.

Wen Yan felt that he had relaxed his vigilance before. He thought that the location of the Rain Courtyard, plus Miss Qi had been there before, there must be no one there.

He picked up the phone and called Feng Yao.

"Hello, you haven't slept yet."

"I slept."

"Is there a camera that has a long standby time, is not easy to be discovered, and is easy to operate? I need it urgently."

"Brother, the camera that will standby when the picture does not change and will record when there is a change can be bought online!"

"I'm looking for you because of the confidentiality system."

"..." Feng Yao sighed: "Okay, someone will deliver it to you within half an hour."

"I'm on Qingcheng Mountain."

"Same half an hour!"


After hanging up the phone, Feng Yao started to send messages to Cai Heizi again.

"Minister, when can you come back? The Lieyang tribe in Nanwu County can't survive without you. It's about to collapse. Please come back soon! I beg you!"

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