I am your natural enemy

Chapter 471 Dark Leap, Locksmith Recruitment (5k)

The aliens in Shenzhou did not have any special feelings about the Luotian Dajiao in Qingcheng. It was essentially just a high-level blessing ritual.

Before the recovery of spiritual energy, this was actually just a ritual that could affect a limited number of people. After the recovery of spiritual energy, it really had the ability to pray for the entire country.

The actual effect is to calm restlessness and straighten out the aura, which is equivalent to a macro-adjustment of the whole.

It does not treat any specific disease, but can make the whole more smooth and balanced, which can fundamentally reduce the probability of problems.

When there is a real problem, it is the components of the immune system such as the Lieyang Tribe and the Three Mountains and Five Peaks to do the specific work.

This is the core purpose of the Luotian Dajiao, but different people see different things.

In the eyes of some aliens, even aliens outside Shenzhou, various organizations, and various countries, this is Shenzhou doing a military parade.

And it is specifically at the military parade, pulling a powerful alien to kill and show off its muscles.

Wen Yan stayed in Qingcheng Mountain and did not run around this time. The number of various problems in Shenzhou has decreased a lot in the past few days.

The people of Lieyang Department can also rest for a few days, and some field workers who have been on the front line all year round can also take the opportunity to take a vacation.

The cold piles entrenched in the north have exhausted their vitality, and the subtropical high pressure has begun to become strong. The water vapor has begun to move northward, bringing snowfall to the north where there has been no precipitation for a long time.

The macro-conditioning, as time goes by, has gradually begun to play some roles that ordinary people can hardly see directly.

Wen Yan has been reading books in Qingcheng. When he really reads it, he feels that the content of the book is very simple. Even when he sees the complex content with high difficulty from the simple content, and needs to understand the ability, he feels that it seems to be just like that.

He can always quickly complete his understanding based on his own experience, even if there are some incomprehensible places, he can find a point of entry.

Learning is like this. When you can't learn or understand, it's really painful.

When you can learn and understand it yourself, sometimes when you face a difficult problem, you will get a flash of inspiration and solve it yourself, which is an indescribable joy.

Wen Yan also found his own way to learn. As long as he puts it into actual cases, he can quickly understand it.

For things he doesn't understand, he will now look at the relevant files about ghosts in the Lieyang Department and use them as teaching materials, which is very useful.

Wen Yan became honest. He read books and practiced boxing every day. When he had nothing to do, he pushed forward the progress and thought about who to choose to cooperate with the next stone gate.

After all, they are all people from his family. If he chooses one, he can't be partial to one and the other. Those who can go up must go up, and the bowl of water must be equal.

Of course, Wen Yan didn't dare to believe outsiders. At most, his family members had some simple thoughts and added some private goods, but they would never block him from breaking through the checkpoint.

It doesn't matter whether there are benefits or not. The important thing is to break through. It's not advisable to throw away the watermelon for the sesame seeds.

Time passed day by day, and the blessing ceremony of Luotian Dajiao was half over. Wen Yan finished his practice in the evening, and ran home to take a look when he had nothing to do.

He also held a meeting with his family, asked everyone to sit in a circle, eat, and discuss who would help next.

At the door of Luoyu Courtyard, the black spider had only one of its eight eyes, and its body had changed from more than one foot long to more than one inch long.

This meant that if the last ascension was unsuccessful, it would have no chance to complete the transition.

Every attempt before had the same result. It was half killed by the pure air invited during Luotian Dajiao. Those pure air had no negative effects on the aliens in Shenzhou, but had a suppressive effect on the evil outside Shenzhou.

And for it, a dark thing that was not in the world and wanted to ascend to the world, it was really targeted.

Seven consecutive attempts failed. The last time, the black spider had given up the original idea and prepared for the last fight.

When it sees more possibilities, a wider world, and someone has succeeded before, then there is no going back.

No matter how much it costs, it will try.

After the sun sets, the black spider crawls out of the shadows and lies in front of the mist, like a hunter in the dark, grasping the spider silk, sensing the fluctuations from all directions, and then finding a target that can be used as a medium.

In a small factory in Yuzhou, a dark-faced, thin man with gauze wrapped on his hands, stood at the gate with a blank face.

The guard at the door looked embarrassed.

"Amu, don't make things difficult for me. The factory has said that only people from the factory can go in. If I go in, I will lose my job. There is more than a month before the Chinese New Year. If I lose my job at this time, my family will not be able to celebrate the Chinese New Year. After the Chinese New Year, I can't even get my daughter's tuition together..."

The guard didn't open the access control, walked out, took a 100-yuan bill, and stuffed it into the man's pocket through the gap in the fence.

"It's just a little gift, don't despise it."

The thin man was a little disappointed. He returned the money to the guard without taking it. He turned around and left without making things difficult for his former colleague.

He walked on the sidewalk in the suburbs with a blank look in his eyes.

In the sky, a petal that ordinary Taoists could not see fluttered in the wind and slowly fell towards him.

Like a petal soaked in blood, it fell on the thin man and merged into his body.

At the same time, the black spider felt the fluctuation of the spider silk and jumped into the mist without hesitation to complete the last fight.

Its body gradually decomposed in the mist. It gave up the idea of ​​completing the jump with its body. It would rather pay the price to complete the ascension. As long as it ascended, it would complete a qualitative change.

The body of the black spider completely decomposed, and the last eye also dissipated.

The black spider turned into a dark shadow, followed the connection, and fell into the thin man's body, hiding in the gray world in the other's heart.

This time, the power that seemed to want to skin it alive did not appear again.

It paid a huge price, paid its body, and eight eyes representing power, and finally completed the jump and ascension.

It hid in a person's dark heart, and its power characteristics began to change, completing a qualitative change.

It weaves a web here, and darkness spreads in the thin man's heart. This is it building the most suitable and comfortable environment for its survival.

It absorbs darkness here, which is the first nutrition after it completes the jump.

The darkness in the thin man's heart began to spread.

He walked a short distance to a small restaurant on the side of the road, where Ji Youli and his young apprentice were having a farewell dinner.

The young apprentice looked up and saw the thin man across the street.

"Fortunately I ran away, Master, you should have run away earlier too, to see what happened to Amu."

Ji Youli looked out the window and saw the thin man with a bewildered face.

"It's a pity for Amu, he hurt his thumb..."

"When I went to resign, I heard that the Tiaoyan family didn't buy insurance for the people in the factory.

Now they don't want to consider it a work injury, and they don't want to pay money. They want to fire Amu. If Amu doesn't want to leave, let him pay for the equipment and finished products.

Amu is already miserable enough. His father just passed away a few days ago, and he took a day off.

The Tiaoyan family bullies people like this. Are they really not afraid of being hacked to death?"

Ji Youli looked out the window and watched the thin man walk into the shadow of the path. His figure was gradually swallowed by the shadow. He sighed, took out his mobile phone, and transferred 2,000 yuan to the other party, saying that he and his apprentice couldn't go to pay condolences, so they gave a gift money as a token of their appreciation.

The young apprentice watched his master's actions and didn't stop him.

He can learn real things and many skills that can only be learned in practice. With the skills, no matter what, at least he will have a meal in the future. It all depends on whether his master really teaches him and teaches him with his heart.

He also learned from other classmates how lucky he was.

After resigning, he made an appointment to have a drink with his master.

On the other side, Amu returned to the rental house with a blank face and sat on the sofa in a daze. Even with the lights on, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of shadow.

The darkness in his heart was growing, and his eyes gradually became cold.

He sat here motionless. In the second half of the night, his eyes seemed to be covered by darkness.

He stood up, took out two tool boxes from the room, and took out a bag of sugar from the kitchen, and started to fiddle with it in the room.

When it was dawn, he picked up a tool box and prepared to open the door and leave.

At this time, he picked up his mobile phone, saw the message on the mobile phone, and saw the money that Ji Youli transferred to him.

He was silent for a while and did not accept it.

He replied a message to Ji Youli.

"Can you help me? Wait for me in the seventh department of orthopedics of the Chinese medicine hospital in the morning."

After sending this message, Amu left with the tool box.

His eyes were cold, his face seemed to be covered in shadows, and his body seemed to be shrouded in a vague darkness. He came all the way to the factory.

When he arrived nearby, he paused, did not go through the main gate, and climbed over the iron fence from a small gap on the side to enter the factory.

He came all the way to the boss's office, opened the door lock easily with one hand, and entered it to set up.

After the arrangement, he sat in the corner, the whole person was eroded by the darkness, shrouded by the darkness, sitting there quietly waiting.

His heart had been invaded by the black spider when it was the weakest and empty, and it derived darkness by itself, and then rapidly eroded and expanded. At this moment, he had completely changed.

After dawn, the light shone in from the window, but it did not illuminate the corner where Amu sat.

He just waited quietly.

On the other side, after Ji Youli woke up, he saw the message, hesitated for a while, and sent a message to someone, saying that he had something to do and would go to the workshop two hours later today. The other party replied that it was okay and would not record the leave, so he said that he went to the customer to do after-sales.

Ji Youli took the subway to the hospital and sent a message to Amu, but the other party didn't reply. He went directly to the specific department and sat on a chair outside the elevator waiting.

On the other side, when it was time to go to work, the boss of the factory also arrived. He pushed open the door and found that it was a little dark in the office. When he reached out to turn on the light, he saw a steel nail instantly pierced his palm and nailed his hand to the wall.

The darkness was instantly stimulated and spread rapidly, covering the entire office.

Amu held the nail gun in one hand and appeared in front of the boss silently.

The boss saw Amu and was furious. Just as he was about to do something, he saw Amu expressionless, and banged several times in a row, nailing both of his arms to the wall.

At this time, the boss finally calmed down and finally abandoned his past domineering attitude and past habits.

"Amu, what are you going to do? Calm down, talk nicely."

"I told you last month that there was a problem with the equipment. It's best to find someone to fix it."

"Yes, yes, it's my fault. I didn't listen to you. Let's talk it over. There will definitely be compensation. It's also considered a work injury..."

Amu raised his left hand, which was wrapped in gauze.

"I heard the conversation between the nurse and the doctor. My thumb could have been saved."

"This...this..." The boss was pale and sweating anxiously. He didn't know what to say for a while.

He didn't buy insurance, and he didn't want to pay for the surgery and the transfer.

"No insurance, no work injury, no medical expenses, I can accept it. I worked 27 days last month. Why should I be paid less?"

"I'm sorry, let's talk it over. I'll give it to you right away. Everything is available. Put down the nail gun first and talk it over." The boss was sweating coldly, his body was shaking like a sieve, and his face was full of despair. How could he have thought of today.

"When I was talking to you nicely, you didn't bother to listen. Now you're scared. You're just afraid of death." Amu looked calm. He nailed it with a nail gun seven or eight times, took out the other things in the toolbox, hung them on the other person, lit the fire, and then opened the door and left.

The brilliance of the flames in the office was shrouded by a layer of darkness outside, and the screams and wails were also covered.

Ten minutes after Amu left, the ignited flames burned through the office and passed through the darkness before people discovered that the fire was on fire.

The darkness was dispelled by the flames, and the factory was in chaos.

Half an hour later, the flames were completely extinguished, and the boss who was burned to charcoal was found.

There were no nails here, and no traces of igniting materials were left. After preliminary judgment, it was the open fire caused by the boss when he came and turned on the light, but why the boss didn't run away is not certain now.

On the other side, Ji Youli also received news from his colleagues that there was a fire in the factory and the boss was dead, but other losses were not serious.

Ji Youli was stunned for some reason, thinking of Amu whom he met yesterday. Amu asked him to come to help, but he hasn't come yet.

He sent a message, but the other party didn't reply. He called him, called three times, and finally got through. Amu said that he didn't need to come to the hospital. He remembered the wrong time for the follow-up examination and was going back to the countryside.

Ji Youli hung up the phone and returned to the factory. There was still a faint smell of burning here.

When he came to the office area and looked at the blackened office building from a distance, there was a feeling of being particularly uncomfortable.

Moreover, there was a very strange sense of familiarity.

He got closer, came outside the cordon, and when he looked at the door, that familiar feeling forced him to remember when he had sensed it.

It was that time when his house caught fire and he pried open the door of the neighbor opposite. At that moment, he saw a dark place and felt a dead silence in a trance.

What he felt now was part of the dead silence he had felt before.

It was like part of the blackened part there was not blackened.

He wanted to move forward, but was stopped. Although the open fire was extinguished, it was not completely safe there.

Ji Youli felt that what his apprentice said was quite right. It was indeed impossible to stay in this factory.

He had to find a job again...

The factory could not start work today. A lot of fire risks were pulled out on the spot, and the fire extinguishers were all expired.

After returning home, Ji Youli began to look for a job. He would find one first. If it didn't work, he would take a break for two months and talk about it after the Chinese New Year.

It was not appropriate to ask someone when he was riding a donkey, so he took out his mobile phone and searched.

I just searched here and found a job, which was to recruit lock-related technicians.

The content of the recruitment should be written by young people. The general meaning is that we only want people with real skills. Those who have no strength should not waste everyone's time. As long as you pass the interview, the basic salary without responsibility is 8,000, and the bonus is calculated separately. There are safety bonuses, half-year bonuses and year-end bonuses, six insurances and two funds, and the provident fund is the highest level.

The recruitment notice was posted some time ago, and the name of the recruiting company was also strange, called Nanwu Lieyang Folk Culture and Archaeology Special Operations Department.

He clicked on the other party's company name, but there was nothing in it. He searched in the recruitment software, but he couldn't find the company at all.

But in the recruitment notice, the conditions offered by the other party were really good. They dared to directly say that there was no responsibility for the basic salary, and it was so high. This was the first time he saw it.

Hesitantly, he looked at the phone number left on it. It was a landline starting with 020, which was local, and there was also an address. He clicked on the phone and dialed it out. Anyway, it didn't matter to ask.

At the same time, in the Yuzhou Lieyang Department, the clerk who answered the phone looked at the prompt on the computer.

They set up a precise push, and people in related industries saw the recruitment and called now.

"Hello, this is the Folk Culture and Archaeology Special Operations Department of Nanwu Lieyang. How can I help you?"

"Hello, I want to ask about your recruitment."

"What's your last name?"

"My last name is Ji."

"Hello, Master Ji, we only have people related to locks now, and we haven't recruited enough. Do you have relevant work experience?"

"Yes, eight years of experience."

"Okay, if it's convenient for Master Ji, just come to the address listed in the recruitment. We don't look at the documents, only the actual operation. You have to pass an on-site inspection first. If you come for an interview, if you are not in Yuzhou, you can reimburse one day's accommodation fee, plus the round-trip second-class fare."

Ji Youli asked some details and treatment questions, and hung up the phone.

He asked, and the other party told him that the other party had bought precise push notifications, and job seekers without relevant experience would not see this push notification.

He searched online and found such a place in Yuzhou. There were photos, and it had been listed for decades. It was indeed not a scam company, and it seemed to be a public unit.

Recruiting lock-related technicians, because of archaeology?

Ji Youli didn't quite understand.

However, since it was not a scam company, he thought it didn't matter to give it a try. Anyway, it was in Yuzhou, and the main thing was that the salary offered by the other party was a bit high.

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