I am your natural enemy

Chapter 473: Darkness out of control, focus on resetting points (5k)

The only thing that came out of the old dream was the Rain Master. The Rain Master leaped out with the power recorded in the legend of the present world. After coming out, the subsequent leaps were actually bugs that were hard to come by.

Wen Yan couldn't guess how this thing completed the leap this time.

But thinking back to the part captured in the previous video, just infiltrating into the Rain Courtyard, which is closer to the present world, has already paid a huge price. The price to truly cross the boundary should be even greater.

If there is intelligence, this guy doesn't make sense to kill an ordinary street lamp pendant as soon as he comes.

If there is no intelligence, there should not be such obvious targeting, and you can clearly see the traces of both madness and restraint.

Wen Yan thought of a typical example, Pei Tugou, and then thought about looking at this matter separately.

The result is that this matter is related to this guy who leaped out of the old dream, or is directly related to this guy's power, but the matter was not done by this guy.

If it was done by a person, the case would actually be easy to investigate.

After coming out of the fire scene, Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and checked the intelligence currently held by the Lieyang Department, all the people who had conflicts with the deceased or had offended him.

Looking at the densely packed names in the list, Wen Yan felt that this guy's death was not unjust.

This is just what can be found now. He just came out of the Yuzhou Lieyang Department and took a look at the scene, and the names in the list have increased by several.

He stuffed the list to the black box and asked the black box to do a traditional investigation first.

Eliminate those who have no risk at all, did not have time to commit the crime at the time of the crime, or were doing other things at the time of the crime.

The black box quickly mobilized various resources and information to do the elimination method, and soon there were only three left in the list.

One is one of the deceased's ex-wives, and the remaining two are a factory worker and a former factory worker.

These three were located nearby before and after the crime.

The deceased's ex-wife was ruled out first. She was an ordinary woman, and she had no children with the deceased. There was no reason for her to kill the deceased. She would not get any benefits if the deceased died.

The ex-wife came to the deceased to ask him to help find a job for her family.

The second factory worker was working in the workshop at the time of the incident. Because he was underpaid for piecework commission, he had argued with the deceased before and had a fight with the factory's property. There was surveillance in the workshop at the time of the incident, and nothing could be seen from the surveillance.

Unless this person has a substitute, otherwise, it can be ruled out for the time being.

The third one is a worker who just resigned. He had an accident and was seriously injured. His left thumb was gone. This is a standard bullying of an honest person.

The location of this person's mobile phone appeared near the crime scene before the incident, and then the location disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived in Yuzhou City and is currently in a place in the south of Yuzhou.

The time he disappeared was exactly the time of the incident.

The surveillance near the factory did not capture this person.

Someone had checked the surveillance before, so it would be unreasonable not to record it if it was found.

Wen Yan asked the black box to follow the location record of this person and focus on checking the surveillance nearby at the same time.

Soon, the black box gave a surveillance video in black and white at night. Wen Yan didn't see anything in the video, so the black box immediately marked it with a red frame.

There was a shadow moving close to the roadside wall. In one frame, it can be clearly seen that the shadow was a person's foot, and someone was walking.

The black box said that this situation was extremely similar to the video of the rain courtyard that Wen Yan had fed it before.

The black box mobilized all the surveillance that could be mobilized nearby during that time period and found such a key frame.

And following this route, reverse back to check the trajectory of the road from where this person lived to the factory.

Three more key frames were found, which basically formed a complete route.

Wen Yan immediately took out his mobile phone and called Feng Yao.

The person with the greatest suspicion has been found. It is not difficult to find clues and clues in this case. It depends on whether resources can be invested.

If we only look at the surveillance, if we invest manpower to watch it, without finding a few experienced people, and watch it for a few days, we will be so tired that we may not find the slightest clue at all.

This has to be done by the internal staff of the Lieyang Department who know that the case is related to professionals. Otherwise, ordinary people will watch the surveillance and see the very subtle shadow movement under the night vision lens, but not see the person, so they will probably skip it directly.

The problem of Wen Yan's strength is not the most critical, but his authority in the Lieyang Department and the resources he can borrow, which are far beyond the reach of ordinary field staff.

Feng Yao looked at the information and found that the surveillance did not find any obvious suspects, and there were no obvious human traces at the crime scene, so he decisively asked Wen Yan to come. There are idle resources, why not use them?

Sure enough, not long after that, Wen Yan called and told him the latest news and the target suspect.

Feng Yao immediately began to arrange for people to prepare. The suspect was in the downtown area and was very likely not an ordinary person, so the first thing to consider was how to reduce the impact and reduce the risk.

Some distance away from Yuzhou South Station, Amu sat on the bus and headed to the high-speed rail station.

He lowered his head slightly, his face seemed to be hidden in the darkness, and the light outside the window seemed unable to illuminate the place where he was sitting.

In his heart, darkness was constantly expanding and spreading, and all kinds of thoughts active in the darkness began to emerge.

In the darkness, the black spider was constantly devouring the power of the darkness, devouring those dark things, and growing rapidly.

After completing the jump, it realized that what it had eaten before was only soil without nutrition, and what it ate now was food.

The bus stopped at the red traffic light. Amu looked out the window and saw a convertible sports car parked in the lane next to it.

Amu looked gloomy, looking at the sports car and the young man on it, muttering to himself.

"I really want to hit him to death..."

As he thought, the shadow on him began to spread and spread to the car.

When the red light ended and the bus started, a ferocious uncle suddenly rushed forward, grabbed the steering wheel, and hit it hard to the side. The bus directly hit the sports car next to it into the stone pier on the side of the road.

The people on the car were thrown upside down, and everyone was shocked by this sudden change. Several young people rushed up and held down the ferocious uncle.

Amu sat in the back seat with a weird smile on his face.

"What a pity, I'm not dead."

The door of the bus opened, and people got off one after another, and Amu got off with them.

The darkness in his heart had almost spread to the whole body, leaving only a few scattered tiny places that were not covered by the darkness.

Walking on the side of the road, Amu's expression had gradually changed from dark and cold to a faint smile, which made him look less cold and weird.

Deep in his heart, the black spider stopped thinking about expanding its habitat. It felt that this habitat was about to collapse.

The black spider was a little confused and didn't understand why it was like this. Why was it about to collapse suddenly?

Outside, Amu looked like a normal person again, and even looked a little more sunny than a normal person, without the fatigue on the face of a hurried pedestrian.

When the darkness exceeded a limit, his reason also fell into the abyss.

The dark power in him, like a scattered tentacles, spread in all directions.

When he saw a car with a yellow internship label on the back, the spreading dark power came over.

Ten seconds later, the car in front of the internship car suddenly braked, but the car behind it suddenly accelerated, and the two cars sandwiched the internship car in the middle and crashed into each other.

Amu stood on the sidewalk across the road, looking at the car accident on the road, grinning very brightly.

Some field officers of the Lieyang Department who were rushing here had received the information.

The bus that the target suspect was riding in had a car accident, and there was also a car accident nearby. They immediately determined that this was very likely related to the target.

The original plan to wait until the crowd density was low before arresting had to be abandoned, and action had to be taken immediately.

As the field officers quickly approached here, Amu's rationality began to fade, and the dark thoughts in his heart appeared like a blowout.

This person's dog is so annoying, just kill it.

Doesn't this person look at the traffic lights? How can he not be hit to death.

This person...

Completely out of control to the end.

"This idiot is driving so fast in the city, isn't he afraid of getting into trouble? Why not kill me and let him tear the squid inside?"

Amu stood on the sidewalk, the smile on his face gradually exaggerated, his eyes trembling, full of madness.

The dark power emanating from his body, like crazy, turned into tentacles and rushed into a fast-moving car.

The next moment, the car suddenly turned its direction, knocked open the isolation guardrail in the middle of the road, and the engine roared, crashing straight into Amu.

Amu's body was hit and rushed all the way to the sidewalk, hitting the load-bearing column of the roadside shop, and the crazy accelerating car stopped.

Blood kept pouring out of Amu's mouth, but there was still a bright smile on the corner of his mouth.

In his heart, the black spider couldn't control it even if it wanted to control it, and couldn't keep up with the speed of the out-of-control explosion even if it wanted to devour it. It had not yet adapted to the power after the leap, and it greatly underestimated how strong the tendency of self-destruction would be after the darkness in people's hearts was completely out of control.

It was completely out of control and couldn't influence it.

Amu was bleeding heavily, his spine was broken, his vital signs were disappearing rapidly, and his heart, which was almost completely filled with darkness, began to collapse at this moment.

The black spider was mad, and now it had no choice but to change its habitat.

It came out of Amu's heart, and just after leaving Amu's body, it felt the strong sun outside and the countless fresh air falling from the sky, tearing it madly.

After completing the jump, it would not be skinned alive in an instant, but it could not last too long.

There were no people around it, even the driver rushed down at the first time and hurried away from here.

At this time, the field staff of the Lieyang Department arrived at the scene.

The field staff with equipment was testing the various force reactions here. The field staff wearing a reflective vest approached Amu, who was on the top of the car on the load-bearing column and was about to die.

When the field officer stepped into the shadow of the vehicle, a shadow followed the field officer's feet and went into the field officer's trouser legs. When the shadow rushed to the torso, it immediately triggered the field officer's vest to react.

The shadow quickly shrank down to the soles of the field officer's feet.

This field officer was also a veteran. He was the first to notice that the protective vest was triggered. His face changed slightly, and he immediately took a step back, waved to others, and shouted.

"Disperse the people nearby, the car is at risk of spontaneous combustion."

Then he continued to notify others in the headset.

"Don't get close, my protective vest has been triggered."

The field officer reached out and touched the vest inside. Just by touch, he could determine that an old banknote inside had turned to ashes.

The field officer stood still, and Amu, who was about to die and his face turned pale, had an exaggerated smile on his face. He looked at the field officer standing motionless in the sun and laughed twice.

"I hope there is no next life."

After saying this, Amu died completely.

At this moment, the black spider hidden in the shadow of the field officer's soles was consuming the power that had been accumulated with great difficulty to develop a new direction.

It gave up the direction of expanding darkness, having a better habitat, more food, and rapidly increasing its own strength, and instead began to consume its strength to increase survival and concealment.

On the other side, Wen Yan, who was rushing over, also received the news at the same time.

When he arrived nearby, he felt the uncomfortable breath, which was crazy and dark. The closer he got, the crazier and clearer the breath became.

He silently released the Yang energy on his body, and with the strong natural Yang energy in the daytime, he dispelled the dark and cold breath remaining nearby.

His Yang energy covered the field officer standing there, and after walking forward, he patted the field officer's shoulder and blessed him with a scorching sun.

The dark and cold breath on the field officer's body was instantly dispelled from the inside out.

And on the field officer's sole, the black spider had turned into a shadow the size of a little fingernail, hiding in the gully of the sole.

The power gained after the jump was once beaten back to its original form, even weaker than the initial state. All the accumulated power was used to click on survival and hiding.

Originally, he didn't want to click on hiding, but the black spider sensed that Wen Yan's Yang Qi was approaching, and decisively spent half of his power to click on hiding.

At this moment, he was enveloped by the Yang Qi here. Even if he was hiding in the dead corner of the sole of the shoe, he had to be careful. If he was not careful, he would be discovered. After being discovered, he would definitely be beaten back to the old dream, back to the original starting point.

In the old dream, he was still just a bug.

Wen Yan's Yang Qi covered the area nearby. He frowned slightly and kept looking around, but he didn't see anything. The remaining breath dissipated, and there was nothing else.

He looked at Amu's body again. Even when he died, he still had a weird smile on his face. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

He was a little worried, and used his Yang Qi to sweep here three times, and used Yang Qi as a tentacles to sense three times.

That thing either ran away or disappeared.

In broad daylight, doing so many things on the street, this is a real madman, which is very different from the previous obviously restrained feeling.

Wen Yan didn't understand how he got out of control.

After scanning several times, he didn't sense anything, and the car also rushed over. The next step was to take the body away and go through the procedures.

Before moving the body, Wen Yan looked at Amu's body, pondered for a moment, and blessed Amu's body with yang energy again.

There was indeed a little dark power left inside the body. Those powers were swept away instantly without any resistance. It can be confirmed that they were residual.

When people put the body on the car, Wen Yan pondered for a moment and saw that there seemed to be people watching in the distance. He was still a little worried. He stretched out his finger and tapped his chest, and a violent sun was blessed on himself.

In addition, Wen Yan took the initiative to burst out, and the fierce yang energy that exceeded his normal situation by more than ten times burst out instantly, and instantly swept in all directions.

The blazing yang energy instantly swept across a radius of several kilometers without dead ends.

Ordinary people cannot see such fierce Yang Qi, but all those who can feel Yang Qi, even if they are dozens of kilometers apart, can see or feel the extremely fierce Yang Qi explosion in Yuzhou.

Wen Yan closed his eyes slightly and sensed carefully, but still felt nothing. In such a short time, even if he wanted to escape, he should not be able to escape so quickly.

Under the soles of the ordinary field staff, the black spider hidden in the grooves of the soles of the shoes had only the last bit of its origin left. It had used the original power after the jump to survive and hide. So far, it could no longer reset and choose again.

In close range, except for that bit of origin, the other parts could not withstand the completely opposite and fierce power.

After Wen Yan completed the explosion and did not sense anything, he turned around and left, leaving the rest to the people of the Lieyang Department.

He felt that it was not so simple just now. That thing jumped to the present world, possessed a person, and then suddenly lost control. There must be something wrong.

Now that all methods have been tried, we can only speculate that the thing may have lost control and self-destructed.

As for the outbreak, it doesn't matter now. It's impossible to hide his actions in Qingcheng, so he just took the name of Tuoba Wushen.

In this way, Zhang Xuewen will be safer in normal times. If it is really necessary, it will be a trump card for Zhang Xuewen to transform into Tuoba Wushen.

Anyway, some people may not believe him when he reveals his cards like this, so let them guess.

Wen Yan didn't rush to the Lieyang tribe, but followed the vehicle to leave. He wanted to follow the whole process to deal with the body.

This body cannot be left behind. The procedures must be completed today. The rest of the matter, such as how to issue the notice, is the business of the Lieyang Department.

After Wen Yan left, the black spider hiding in the grooves of the field shoes breathed a sigh of relief. It couldn't go anywhere now and could only be taken away. It could only consider other things at night.

At the same time, someone was already posting in the mysterious forum.

"Explosion! I told you, this person must be Tuoba Wushen. Who scolded me last time? Come out and kneel down to apologize!"

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