I am your natural enemy

Chapter 475 The fourth little flame, I want to go have fun (5k)

Even if Feng Yao was in a sage state, he couldn't help but retreat tactically when he heard these words.

"That's not true, is it?"

If the black spider can be "knocked off earth" by sending him back to his old dream, that would actually be enough.

This thing is more like a demon. After being knocked down from the mortal world, it enters a state without even spiritual intelligence. It is not like a human being. After being knocked down from the mortal world, it only loses its strength and magical powers, but it still has spiritual intelligence. This is the result of different races and different starting points.

"I'm not worried."

Wen Yan knew that if the natural enemy profession could give hints, it would prove that it was indeed feasible.

In this world, the cost of launching a rocket to send something to the sun may be quite high.

But Wen Yan thought about it. He had experienced a vacuum and a state without air in his old dream before. In theory, it should be possible for him to open a window and run to the moon to have fun. What he needs to pay attention to may be radiation protection and ultraviolet protection. class stuff.

As for the underground hive built in Guihai Building, the main body has already been completed, but the subsequent decoration will take time. Wen Yan has made several new requirements, and the subsequent changes are still being made.

Moreover, the current standard for underground hives is to practice in accordance with the standards that require serious overflow of data in all aspects. Even if they are copied later, they can be directly reproduced on the moon with guaranteed safety.

If possible, there would be no need to waste a manned rocket to send Guihai Yidian to the moon. Guihai Yidian's physical fitness may not be able to withstand the high load of the rocket when it takes off. The risk is actually not small.

If Wen Yan can get over it and can open a window to come back at any time, the contingency and minimum measures will be much higher than the normal way of sending people over to the moon.

In addition, Shenzhou Aerospace has achieved great results this year, and Wen Yan needs coordinate props, detailed maps, and various construction plans.

Recently, there have been new discoveries. There are some craters on the moon called skylights. There are natural tunnels at the bottom of the craters, and some of them can build bases underneath.

The objective conditions are all there. Even if there is no Guihai Building, it is still within the plan for China to build a base on the moon. However, with the Guihai Building and Wen Yan's current conditions, a huge amount of money can be saved. Transportation costs and avoiding a lot of risks.

There are natural caves where you can build a base, or you can do a lot of experiments quietly first.

These are actually things that were originally planned to be done.

Among these plans, adding an additional launch plan will not increase the cost much.

Everyone knows that the difficulty of launching a spacecraft on the moon is several orders of magnitude lower than in this world.

Launching something on the moon towards the sun, with the goal of making it fall into the sun, is only difficult because of the prerequisites, and the difficulty itself is not that high.

It's just that it may take a lot of time during the flight, and problems may occur only during the voyage. This controllability is the smallest part of the entire plan.

Feng Yao couldn't hold himself tight when he saw Wen Yan's serious look on his face.

Wen Yan is actually serious?

"Don't look at me. I'll think about it later. I'll find a place to lock this thing up first. It's not a big deal if I keep holding it."

"The person I'm looking for hasn't arrived yet, and the cage hasn't been opened yet."

"No, I have it at home."


Feng Yao raised his head and saw that Wen Yan had turned and left.

He actually wanted to tell Wen Yan that he was hit between the eyebrows by a sniper rifle and asked Wen Yan to handle the matter. No one would ask, but they would all be curious after all.

To put it bluntly, Tuoba Martial God Wen Yan held the bullet with his bare hands and blocked the bullet. Not many people would doubt him.

But if Feng Yao did have a bullet in his head but was not even injured, then a large number of people would be interested in him.

As the regional management of the Lieyang Department, one's own strength is not very important, and it is best not to be in the limelight because of this.

Feng Yao has been very low-key from the beginning. What everyone can remember about him is his own ability and his willingness to explode.

The fact that he is sitting in this position is almost the actual speaker, and it has nothing to do with whether he has a guardian spirit or not.

Feng Yao watched Wen Yan leave. He was silent for a moment and walked out of the small room.

He also collected the bullet just now and put it in his pocket.

Only when the people from the Lieyang tribe saw Wen Yan leaving did they dare to come over.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"Wen Yan is here, what can happen?" Feng Yao answered naturally.

The few field officers next to them nodded, thinking of Wen Yan's terrifying momentum when he crossed more than ten meters in one step. Although they did not quite understand what happened, they all felt that Wen Yan was here and the matter was resolved. normal circumstances.

No matter what is said outside, many people in Yuzhou Lieyang Tribe secretly believe that Wen Yan is Tuoba Martial God, especially those who have had a lot of contact with Wen Yan, they believe this.

Moreover, they were able to accurately find many real situations to turn into evidence that Wen Yan was Tuoba Martial God.

With Feng Yao's words, no one doubted him anymore.

"Boss, the person you are looking for is coming soon, do you want to continue?"

"Go on, let him try."

Originally, Feng Yao was prepared. If Wen Yan didn't come, he would try to solve the matter by himself. If it didn't work, he would just let Ji Youli do the follow-up test.

Feng Yao looked calm and arranged the follow-up matters in an orderly manner.

Those who have not had time to get off work should continue to get off work and do whatever they need to do.

Everything was arranged in a very short period of time. Some people who may have thought that Cai Qidong was gone and Feng Yao came to direct them were not suitable, and now they have nothing to say.

At least Feng Yao took the initiative to stand up this time, and no one could say anything wrong with him. Even if some people felt that as the commander of the station, he should not take such risks, and now there was no way to say that Feng Yao had done something wrong by saving his own people first.

Because everyone is the one who may be in danger.

Emergencies are resolved quickly, and ordinary members will not know about subsequent events.

On the other side, Wen Yan returned home. After entering the door, he said hello and found that the housekeeper was cooking. He came to the kitchen and took a look. After a closer look, he found the little boy hiding in the fire and eating. flames.

"Stop hiding, come here, I'll see you if I need anything."

A small flame jumped out of the fire and fell on Wen Yan's shoulder, habitually hiding in Wen Yan's collar.

Wen Yan took Xiao Huo Miao to the first floor of the underground hive. He looked at Xiao Huo Miao, looking left and right, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

"Can you feel this thing in my hand?"

Wen Yan asked the little flame, and the little flame immediately wrapped Wen Yan's hand, and then two eyes and mouth were exposed on the flame, and the little hand made an OK gesture.

After confirming that there was no problem, Wen Yan gave the small flame a blessing of yang energy. The small flame instantly expanded in a circle and became the size of a human head. Wen Yan released his fist, and the black spider automatically fell into the flame of the small flame.

Black Spider still wanted to struggle, but Little Flame's little fist reached into his body and beat Black Spider until it curled up into a ball and became completely obedient. Little Flame waved its little hand to ask for credit from Wen Yan.

Wen Yan looked at Xiao Huo Miao's movements and inexplicably understood what Xiao Huo Miao was expressing.

"Don't worry, you will be next."

Little Flame waved her hands, very happy.

Now Wen Yan was sure that the small flames could indeed trap the black spider, but the black spider's survival point was too high and he couldn't die no matter what.

It's a pity that it was discovered too late. If it could have been discovered earlier and caught as soon as possible, it might have been easier to solve.

This guy evolved too fast. If he had been delayed for another ten days and a half, it might have been a big disaster.

Wen Yan now somewhat believes in luck. Luotian Dajiao is still very meaningful. It can reduce the probability of various things happening in a large way. It can lead to fresh air, cleanse dirty air and warm the air in a macroscopic way. Yan now has a practical understanding.

If only the time chosen by Black Spider was not during the Luotian Festival, if Wen Yan did not set up camera equipment in Luoyu Courtyard, if the person Black Spider initially chose was not full of despair in life, he was already standing on the edge of the cliff. , but Fan Fengyao didn’t protect the heroic spirit, so he almost did it...

As long as these conditions are met, black spiders can easily develop in this world.

An alien that can penetrate deep into people's hearts, can inhabit the dark corners of people's hearts, and can also draw strength from the darkness and strengthen the darkness. The destructive power it can cause is completely immeasurable.

On the Europa side, this is indeed the original state of the gods.

It doesn't have to reach its peak, as long as it becomes a climate, it will be much more troublesome than a demon king with a physical body like Gauss.

Wen Yan reached out and touched the small flame.

"I would like to ask you to keep an eye on this thing for the next few days, so we can do a mission together."

Xiao Huo Miao was very happy. The atmosphere at home was very good. If she really did something, she would be happy.

It’s like a child’s desire to compare. If there are too many children in the family, if you let them do things and praise them a few times, you can’t let the other children idle. Children don’t have the kind of feeling that makes me feel so comfortable when I lie down. What a great idea for kids to do.

Don't let children do it, they will think you are partial.

Wen Yan grew up among children in an orphanage. This was how he came here. He knew this best.

Whoever the dean asks to choose a bean skewer or peel a garlic is the one he likes more.

He touched Xiao Huo Miao's head, moved a small gas stove to Xiao Huo Miao, and asked someone to bring a bottle of liquefied gas to Xiao Huo Miao to sit on the fire.

To be as safe as possible, we can only let Xiao Huo Miao stay here temporarily. Only here can Wen Yan dare to rest assured.

Wen Yan set up the small fire and went to the side. Instead of taking the elevator, he took the stairs down.

When we got to the next floor, it looked like a scientific research institution in a science fiction movie, with bright lights and glass everywhere. Except that there were no equipment, it was no different from the renderings.

All the various things developed by the Lieyang Department are matched with the Guihai Building. From decoration materials to various water, electricity and ventilation devices, they are all modularized to maximize portability.

This is the reason why one person in Guihai Building can complete the main body and decoration. Only now does this guy fully realize how cool it is to have a logistics team that can meet all requirements.

Wen Yan continued walking down.

When he got all the way down to the seventh floor, he saw Guihai Building Building busy there. He grabbed it and a modular material appeared out of thin air in his hand. He fixed it on a special interface, a huge piece of glass. Then it was set up.

Wen Yan took a distant look and saw the serious look on Guihai Yidong's face, and knew that he really loved it. Being alone here was the most comfortable environment for him.

If Wen Yan is left here alone, with no electricity or internet in the early stage, and can't see anyone for half a month, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

"Yidong, take a break, I have something to discuss with you."

"What is it? Are we going to the sky?" Gui Hai Yidong's face was full of expectation. Building infrastructure and bases on the moon is what he is most looking forward to at the moment.

As for what he is looking forward to more in the future, of course, it is going to Mars. When he went to get materials recently, he heard someone say that it seems that plants that can be grown on Mars have been cultivated. He didn't understand it at the time.

"We are definitely going to the space, and it has been decided a long time ago, don't worry about it.

I mean, you'd better go out and see the sun when you are fine, and exercise more when you are fine.

In addition, can we make a separate floor below and strengthen it? The minimum requirement is to maintain a vacuum environment."

"Similar to a garage, that is, the warehouse exit area?"

"Yes, it's almost like this."

"That's easy, just make some subsequent modifications. The building strength here is much more than on the ground. If it is placed on the moon, the strength will have exceeded several times."

"Okay, you can make the modifications first. If you need any materials, just report it to the upper level. Later, you can lie in the base on the moon, play games, and have the Internet. It's not a dream."

Wen Yan routinely painted a big picture. Of course, this picture is not fake. Except for the high latency, the bandwidth is definitely enough.

He plans to put the shelf at the bottom of the underground hive later, so that when there is a problem, it can be controlled in the first time.

After chatting with Gui Hai Yidong, Wen Yan came out of the underground hive.

As soon as he came out, his phone rang. It was the chief secretary of the headquarters who called and said that the director of the headquarters asked him to come.

Wen Yan agreed to the matter and ran to the headquarters again. He waited in the office of the director of the headquarters for a while before the director of the headquarters came out after the meeting.

"You are really bold."

"I was lucky this time. That thing is actually very troublesome. If it was in Europe, this would be the initial form of the gods. If it is not completely solved, I am afraid I will not be able to sleep well."

Upon hearing this, the director of the headquarters immediately gave up the cost-effective solution.

He knew how troublesome the so-called gods in Europe were. They were very difficult to kill, very difficult to kill completely, so the seal was popular there. On the one hand, it was easy, and on the other hand, it was also due to objective reasons. It was really impossible to kill.

"Does it have to be sent to the sun? I heard Feng Yao say that this is a thing without a body and soul. Can't it be sent to a fusion reactor?"

"Then I'm not sure. I'm only sure that the real sun is 100% effective."

"You can try it first. After all, in theory, it's all fusion, and the temperature in the fusion reactor is not much different from the sun. If it doesn't work, we can talk about it later."

"That's what I think..." Wen Yan was still thinking about the moon base, and he repeated his thoughts.

The head of the headquarters looked Wen Yan up and down, and said helplessly.

"Until now, I dare not let too many people in the aerospace department know that you have a strange object that can open a small window.

Only two people know that someone or something can have the ability to drop something on the moon under limited conditions.

I dare not let them know what it is specifically. They have already made a series of plans.

But compared with you, they are really conservative.

The moon has not been reached yet, and the foundation of the base has not been built yet, but they are already thinking about launching something from the moon into the sun."

"I don't understand, so I dare to imagine. Those real big guys understand, and they will consider the feasibility of all aspects. I just need to be the party A who makes requests, so of course I dare to think."

Wen Yan said it so confidently that he left people speechless.

"Let's try the fusion furnace first. I'll talk to the experts there to see if it's feasible."

"Is there a lighter radiation protection suit?"

"Anything else? Just radiation protection?"


"The radiation protection suit itself is very light. Wait, what are you going to do?"

"Survey the location, establish coordinates, do an experiment, and dig some soil as a gift. I heard that fusion materials can be extracted from it."

"Don't mess around. Helium 3 can only be used for the next stage of fusion..." The director general knew what Wen Yan was going to do as soon as he heard it. This courage is extraordinary.

"Can you give me one gram of the new lunar soil on the back of the moon? I want to use it as a coordinate, and I can return one kilogram or ten kilograms later."

The director general looked at Wen Yan, who didn't seem to be whimsical and daring.

He looked at Wen Yan seriously for a long time, with a complicated expression.

"What on earth have you experienced?"

What on earth have you experienced, how to improve, what magical powers have you gained, what changes have you made, so that you can walk on the surface of the moon wearing only a radiation protection suit?

Even, as long as it does not exceed a certain time, in a specific time period, such as a time period without direct sunlight, with Wen Yan's physique, he actually does not even need to wear a radiation suit.

With Wen Yan's temperament and level, he can be so sure, and the headquarter director can also be very sure that Wen Yan must have experienced similar, or even exactly the same environment.

But Wen Yan never said that he had encountered such a danger.

"This is a long story. Suddenly one day, it seemed that the hard conditions were sufficient."

"Is it your heavenly treasure scroll?"

"Yes, it was developed later."

"Write your experience quickly! If it doesn't work, I'll find you an assistant. You can just say it, and you don't have to write it."

"We'll talk about this later. I don't understand it myself. If I mislead others, it will ruin their path. Besides, it's not the same talisman. I'll ask the boss later to figure it out first."

The director didn't say anything more, just asked Wen Yan to pay attention. He went to the back to open a door, took out a small bottle from it, and put it in front of Wen Yan.

"The moon soil you want, ask for it as soon as possible. It's already prepared for you. Just don't mess around. These things require huge logistics to cooperate."

"Yes, I understand. I'll ask the black box."

Wen Yan got the coordinates, left a word and prepared to run away.

The director was also a little helpless. To be honest, if he was young, he could open a window and run to the moon to plant a flag, and he had the ability to plant a flag, he wouldn't be able to resist.

"Don't worry, the things will be delivered to you soon."

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