I am your natural enemy

Chapter 478: Competitiveness, Additional Occupation (5k)

Two hours later, two American Space staff members were criticized because they felt that they did not do their job well. Why didn't they even know how many lunar rovers Shenzhou had on the moon? They were asked to find out what was going on as soon as possible.

Then, without funds and resources, the two staff members were a little upset.

An hour later, a piece of news appeared.

"According to an anonymous insider, American Space captured the place where Shenzhou landed on the moon, and captured the handwriting left on the ground by the lunar rover..."

Then there were enthusiastic netizens who knew both languages ​​and helped them translate the meaning of those words.

There were all kinds of things, some said that they were sending signals to their friends in China.

But some people thought it was wrong. If it was, Shenzhou would have revealed it long ago. If it hadn't, who else would have been able to spy on it?

So to fully express what they wanted to express, you can't translate it literally.

"surprise MF."

There was also a classic black man animated picture below.

This translation was instantly liked to the top, overwhelming all other translations.

The pictures were sold domestically, and a group of people were confused. People in the aerospace department were also confused because they didn't know where these words came from.

After the news was sold domestically, a lot of people came to watch the fun and it became a hot topic.

Someone found the big man who had just brought back two large buckets of lunar soil and ore.

The metal can was opened, and the mood was so good. Using the machine to collect, it was really just digging some soil. I wanted to dig some stones down, but I found it a little difficult. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, I had to be conservative.

Even if it was calculated that there was no problem in drilling through the stone, I didn't dare to take risks.

But Wen Yan went there in person, and the nature was completely different. There was not only lunar soil, but also metal ores that were obviously violently smashed from a large piece of metal ore.

Without testing, just by naked eyes and experience, the complexity of the composition of these lunar soils and the range of coverage exceeded the level they had dug before. Just by naked eyes, it can be seen that there are at least eight different ores.

Especially the samples collected in the cave under the skylight dozens of meters deep, at least at this stage, they simply cannot get them.

To get the same samples, they need to have everything that matches, from programs to equipment, to communications, transportation, and how to get to the bottom of the skylight dozens of meters deep, how to ensure smooth communication, and how to collect samples from hard and large ores.

Just looking at these samples, a little estimation will tell you that even based on the existing foundation, if they want to get these, just to get the corresponding equipment, they will have to start with another 5 billion.

If they want to get the samples from ten locations given by Wen Yan, how much it will cost is impossible to calculate.

After all, it's just a detector, which is more than 3 billion.

If the funds for the entire set of tasks are counted, even if there is a lot of experience and accumulation now, at least one or two years of funds will be spent.

The funds saved are really too much.

Saving money is secondary. The important thing is that the time saved cannot be measured by money at all.

If the subsequent base matters are added, the second place behind will be pulled back for at least 20 years.

Who dares to say that I don't want it, I will do it step by step, I will burn tens of billions a year, and I will take it slowly for another ten years.

After returning, the three big men of the Ministry of Aerospace, plus a chief engineer, just looked at the sample of nearly 30 kilograms. The most conservative one just said that this method cannot be completely relied on, and what should be done must be done...

No one discussed whether to have samples or not, and no one discussed topics such as whether to have a lunar base that may appear later.

On the same day, the people who designed the lunar base were pulled together for a meeting.

It was said that they had been doing theoretical research and small-scale experiments before, and this time they would do some large-scale experiments. Everything must be modularized, and the module size is given...

Everything must be treated seriously.

Those who can come here to work are more or less idealistic people. When they heard the news, they were more excited than each other.

Then there was another arrangement, to make a probe, and the requirement was to only do the part of launching from the lunar surface. This actually also has a corresponding PPT.

After the lunar base is built, mining and smelting will be carried out directly on the moon, and then 3D printing parts will be used to assemble probes on the lunar surface. When the time comes, probes will be launched from the lunar surface to the entire galaxy. The assembly line production will directly reduce the cost by several orders of magnitude.

When the outside world was in an uproar and the aerospace department began to take various actions, Wen Yan, who had caused all these things, was still in his own home, attacking the fourth stone gate.

After going to the moon, the speed of cultivation was improved, and the biggest gain was to abandon all external things there and make the internal perception clear to the extreme.

Now, attacking the fourth stone gate will become much easier.

The power of the flame rushed up along the doorposts on both sides of the stone gate, like a burning flame, rushing up along the lines.

When the eyes of the yellow leather relief on the stone gate were ignited, the relief did not change and dissipate directly like before, but struggled like a living thing, and the yellow leather relief disappeared in the flames.

The relief on the stone door quickly turned into a burning flame. On both sides of the flame, the burning tongues of fire seemed to turn into two fists, and two glowing red eyes emerged from the flame.

Everything is going well up to this point, Wen Yan thinks it should be over at this point.

But the flame burned more intensely, and Wen Yan could see the flame relief on the stone door, becoming very vigorous, as if he was trying his best.

Wen Yan secretly thought that it was not good, it was broken, the communication was too clear, and the little flame was working hard.

He opened his eyes and looked down at the small flame in front of him. He immediately saw that the small flame had grown in size. The flames were burning. The black spiders trapped inside the small flame had curled up into a ball and stretched out their bodies and legs. , as if struggling with something.

Wen Yan said nothing, and a violent sun blessed the little flame, and at the same time he directly turned the flame to the maximum flame.

The small flames swelled to the size of a human head and turned into a rich orange-red color. The black spider trapped inside struggled wildly, but to no avail.

It was roaring and cursing crazily, all suppressed in the flames.

This is not because Black Spider thought he had found an opportunity and wanted to take advantage of it to escape.

Instead, Xiao Huo Miao is learning from Hui Bu...

It must be that piece of shit like Gray Bu. He showed off and taught bad things to children before.

Wen Yan closed his eyes and returned to the stone gate with his consciousness. The flame relief on the stone gate had expanded to cover the entire stone gate. After the flames spread out, they became integrated with the flames of the mountain range.

With the fusion of fire and fire, the fit reached the limit. Inside the flame relief, something like a drop of black ink emerged, like a drop of black water, dripping on the relief.

Drop by drop of black ink dripped, like a shadow appearing at the foot of the relief flame.

Wen Yan sighed secretly, stretched out his hands, and touched the relief. The flames began to burn on his body. He began to actively cooperate and push with all his strength.

When the shadow beneath the huge flame relief emerged, the flames subsided, and the fourth stone door burst open.

The orange-red flame turned into a torrent, rushing down from the fourth mountain and connecting all the mountains in front. The condensed flames like a torrent were constantly surging on the surface of the mountain and in the passages inside the mountain. The entire mountain range They all trembled slightly.

After a long time, he gradually calmed down.

Wen Yan put his hand on the stone door and felt it quietly.

He understood what it was.

He told Xiao Huo Miao before that he should avoid risks. This black spider will eventually be killed and is not one of his own, so he should not imitate Gray Cloth.

But when the time came, Xiao Huo Miao did not bring Black Spider with him. The little guy understood that he would eventually send Black Spider to die. Taking Black Spider with him was equivalent to helping Black Spider.

Xiao Huo Miao did understand it well and resolutely put an end to the possibility of helping Black Spider stay alive.

Therefore, while it was attacking the stone gate, it used Wen Yan's power and the power of the Scourge Mountains to forcibly extract the core power of the black spider.

The shadow that appeared under the flame relief on the stone door was part of the core origin that the black spider had evolved through hardships and desperate efforts.

That is part of the purest power, and it also has some magical properties. At the same time, it is equivalent to digging out a piece of flesh and blood on the black spider's current immortal properties, creating a flaw in its properties.

After Wen Yan understood Xiao Huo Miao's thoughts, he could only say... He couldn't say that his understanding was wrong.

Although it is a slightly risky way to avoid deeper risks, it is indeed an opportunity to avoid risks.

Wen Yan opened his eyes and saw that the black spider inside Xiao Huo Miao had completely curled up into a ball and shrunk in size.

And the little flame waved its little hand, widened its eyes, hurray, the flame whirred, and seemed to be cheering.

Wen Yan stretched out his hand, touched Xiao Huo Miao, smiled, and praised Xiao Huo Miao.

"Good job, but you'd better discuss it with me next time. It doesn't matter if I want that extra thing or not. Don't hurt yourself."

The little flame jumped up with a smile, turned into a ball of flame, jumped onto Wen Yan's shoulder, grabbed Wen Yan's hair, and swirled around Wen Yan's neck, seemingly very happy.

Wen Yan heard clearly this time, Xiao Huo Miao was cheering, like a child who had accomplished something and was praised by his parents.

Wen Yan smiled, unable to say harsh words.

At this time, the prompt appeared.

Wen Yan took one look and was slightly surprised. It was not related to Xiao Huo Miao.

"In the process of opening up a new path, you have received relevant assistance and blessings, because the goal of assisting you is in a constant and undeterminable state, and the goal of assisting you is in a hazy state when assisting you, and the relevant effects cannot be determined and cannot emerge.

You have accumulated enough experience after exploring on your own.

Obtain an additional fixed occupation: Translator (misty). "

"Translation (Confusion)"

“Translation in a state of confusion is difficult to define.

The current effect is that when you continue to have contact, watch, communicate, listen, and other actions with another language or creatures using this language, the relevant experience will be improved.

When you accumulate enough experience, you can understand the various meanings contained in expressions made in this language.


When the prompt appears, garbled characters begin to appear, just like last time.

After the garbled characters appeared for a while, they all disappeared and were replaced by one sentence.

"It cannot be defined. Please accumulate experience and explore on your own in the future."

"Additional fixed profession: Translator (Misty), does not occupy a profession quota."

Wen Yan looked at the prompt carefully. Of course, he knew that this was given by Que Mao.

But he didn't expect that there was indeed a characteristic, but because Que Mao's innate characteristics could not be determined, and this guy was sleeping soundly at the time, he didn't react at all, all by instinct.

Que Mao himself didn't know these.

Wen Yan has been with a bunch of guys at home who can't speak human language for so long. Even if he doesn't understand, sometimes he can guess what he wants to express.

Unexpectedly, this time, a little more experience will be enough to manifest.

Even if it doesn't manifest, Wen Yan can actually feel it himself. He can clearly feel that the communication with Xiao Huo Miao is much smoother than at the beginning.

This profession has not seen progress. According to Wen Yan's understanding, it should be just 1% now.

He didn't care much about what was on the first stone door, as long as it could be opened.

Unexpectedly, it was because the sparrow cat was stupid and didn't know what it was doing. Instead, it let Wen Yan slowly accumulate experience and accumulate a profession instead of ability.

This profession description is also weird. It should only describe the part that Wen Yan has mastered so far. More is still affected by the sparrow cat and is in an undetermined state.

Wen Yan thinks it's good. It happens that there are several people in the family who can't speak human language. It's a good thing that they can understand it in the future.

The sparrow cat always makes something in unexpected places.

After Wen Yan read the prompt, he didn't expect the previous prompt to disappear and the latter one to appear.

"I have obtained part of the core essence of the Dark Spider and have integrated it into the new path."

"Born quietly in the endless darkness, and eternally immortal in the deep darkness.

Wherever there is darkness, it cannot be destroyed.

You quietly stole a small part of the darkness, and even brought the shadow under the flame into the scope of control.

In the mouths of the ancient sages, black and white, yin and yang, have always complemented each other and always appeared at the same time.

In the overly blazing light, the extra shadow may not be a disaster.

In the overly hot yang energy, the extra opposite is not a bad thing."

The prompt ends here, and it does not say what the effect of this extra thing is.

I think it's the same as before. This is not brought by the profession, but by his own new path. It is something that has never existed before. What effect it can have depends on how he develops it. It is not a fixed special effect.

Wen Yan stretched out a hand, and the yang energy in his palm gathered, condensed into a flame, and fed it to the small flame.

The little flame continued to guard here, unwilling to follow Wen Yan up. It felt that it had an important responsibility now and could not neglect its duties, so it was very serious.

Wen Yan did not force it, as this was indeed the safest place.

Wen Yan came to the ground, and the sparrow cat was sleeping on the sofa like a real cat, with a video still playing on his phone.

Wen Yan turned off his phone, and the sparrow cat was still sleeping like a dead pig, without any vigilance.

Wen Yan touched the sparrow cat's head, and this guy was really ridiculous.

Wen Yan calculated the time, ordered a few fried chickens with the sparrow cat's phone, and waited for the food to be delivered.

More than 20 minutes later, the familiar takeaway boy appeared outside, looking no different from before, but a little more mature than a few months ago.

"I haven't seen you for a few days."

"I went back to my hometown."

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine, it's fine."

"That's good."

Wen Yan smiled, took the takeaway, and after returning, he used the sparrow cat's phone to give the boy an extra tip.

The takeaway was placed on the coffee table. The moment the lid was opened, the cat's nose moved. The ugly sleeping posture became even uglier. The eyelids were trembling slightly, and the nictitating membrane was in a state of being about to turn on but unable to turn on.

Wen Yan picked up a piece of fried chicken and bit it. The cat's ears stood up instantly and it turned on and raised its head instantly.

Wen Yan picked up a piece of fried chicken and stuffed it into the cat's mouth the moment the cat raised its head and opened its mouth. The cat's eyes were blank. It was still in a state of waking up, but its mouth had already woken up and started eating automatically.

After eating two bites, the cat slowly reacted.

"Where did the fried chicken come from?!"

"I ordered it for you. You have been exercising very hard recently. You can indulge yourself one day a week."

The cat smiled and ate happily. After eating a piece, it flew into the room and notified the other people in the family to come down to eat fried chicken. Then it took another box and sent it to the silly son.

When Wen Yan was sighing that the sparrow cat was stupid but a good person, he saw that after the sparrow cat flew back, it did not fly back to the house immediately, but stood outside and looked up at the roof.

"Brother Dao, Wen Yan invited us to eat, let's eat together."


Inside the house, Wen Yan looked outside, with a look of astonishment on his face. He looked at the other people in the family, and everyone looked as if they were used to it.

"Is this stupid cat always so... brave?"

The little zombie nodded and whimpered, the housekeeper smiled awkwardly and did not speak, and the others were all laughing dryly.

Wen Yan looked outside again and saw Brother Dao flying down from the roof, intercepting the sparrow cat that wanted to fly away in mid-air, and rubbing it on the ground.

Wen Yan was eating fried chicken, watching the sparrow cat being beaten through the window. He finally understood why the sparrow cat was so determined to exercise recently. He would exercise to lose weight without supervision.

This bastard is really uncomfortable if he doesn't provoke Dao Ge, and it itches if he doesn't get beaten.

Dao Ge pressed the sparrow cat to the ground and beat it, then immediately flapped its wings and flew away.

It has been going through this process almost every day recently. It was provoked by the sparrow cat in different ways, and then wanted to run away, but failed to run away. After being beaten, Dao Ge saw the sparrow cat screaming so miserably, and felt that it was meaningless to bully a fool, so he let the sparrow cat go.

It was provoked, but it couldn't help it. This cycle repeats over and over again, and its temper has been smoothed a lot recently.

In the room, a group of people were eating melons and watching the fun, but no one tried to stop the fight, and each one was happier than the other.

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