I am your natural enemy

Chapter 481: 500,000, Necromancer (6k)

The little zombie confirmed that Wen Yan was not dead, and immediately smiled. She hugged Wen Yan's neck and put her face close to Wen Yan, looking extremely happy.

The little guy may have appeared a little old, but it takes a lot of time for a zombie to take shape, to accumulate strength, revive intelligence, and slowly revive the memory of his life.

The little guy's mental age is not as old as it looks. After coming out, he followed Wen Yan to the human society. Fortunately, he came into contact with more aliens and fewer people, otherwise, he would have some psychological problems.

Zombies are different from other aliens. They are more like ghosts. They identify with human culture more than other aliens. Sometimes the little guy will have some small thoughts, and still think it is better to be the same as others.

Not at all, that is impossible. The education she has been exposed to since she was a child is not like those monsters. It is in her blood that she recognizes that she is different from humans.

Now seeing that Wen Yan can become like her, and Wen Yan is not dead, that is of course the happiest result.

The little zombies who had always disliked the thing on Wen Yan's face hugged Wen Yan's face and smacked him.

Wen Yan walked out of the living room holding the little zombie, and the whole family looked at Wen Yan blankly.

Dao Ge, who was stepping on the sparrow cat and massaging its head, and the sparrow cat, saw Wen Yan like this and got angry together.

"Wen Yan, how could you die? The social security you paid is useless. I asked, and the Lieyang Department is too stingy. They only give pensions to living people, not to big zombies!"

The sparrow cat screamed in mourning, and before he finished a sentence, he turned to a strange place.

"Stop howling, my new skin, is it handsome?"

The whole family gathered around, and Chen Qimo couldn't help but reach out and touch Wen Yan's arm. It was cold and looked like a big zombie.

"Don't look at it, it's just a new skin, it's not that easy to die. Don't believe me, but you can't disbelieve the people we worship."

After this, everyone suddenly realized it, and no one considered whether Wen Yan was really dead.

Chen Qimo pulled Wen Yan, eager to try.

"Can you learn it?"

"No, it's very difficult. You have to control your Yang Qi to the extreme. I did it by taking shortcuts."

It's not that Wen Yan didn't want to teach, it's that he really couldn't.

But seeing Chen Qimo's eagerness to try, Wen Yan quickly persuaded her.

"Don't think about it. If it really doesn't work, you can put on some makeup. Don't think about being too different."

There are only two living people in the family, so you should persuade them quickly. Otherwise, there will be no normal people in the family, which is too abnormal.

After making a fuss for a while, Wen Yan tried various situations to see what could break his current state.

If he didn't burst out his Yang Qi and fought purely with his body, he could still maintain it, but if he fought with all his strength, he couldn't maintain this state.

Wen Yan was not disappointed. It's impossible to maintain the skin of a big zombie, and when fighting, his Yang Qi is comparable to that of a little Tuoba Wushen, right?

Well, it's not absolutely impossible, but at least it's definitely impossible for a normal big zombie.

Wen Yan was making a fuss at home, just when the little girl from Pei Tugou's family pushed her silly son out for a stroll. Wen Yan wanted to scare her silly son, but he didn't react to his new skin at all. He just stretched out his hands and fluttered, looking like he wanted a hug.

If the silly son's mouth hadn't started to drool, Wen Yan would have really believed it.

The little brat pouted and howled twice, without shedding a single tear. Seeing that it was useless, he lay in the stroller and continued to play by himself, ignoring Wen Yan.

Wen Yan didn't care about the little brat in reality. Seeing that the little girl was curious about him, Wen Yan said that it was makeup and used for special tasks.

Wen Yan was waiting at home, waiting for the results of the follow-up experiments.

On the other side, in the wilderness, Qin Kun, who had just returned from an outing, sat on a stone, holding a mobile phone, frowning and reading the text on it.

As soon as he came back, he inexplicably stuffed a bunch of books into the fourth master's uncle's hands, asking him to study hard and read more books.

Anyway, after a lot of talking, Qin Kun didn't understand why. He only knew that what the fourth uncle said was right. He was now seizing every opportunity to read and learn. If he didn't understand something, he would write it down and ask for advice when he got back.

This mission was thrown here after he came back. He was asked to capture someone alive. It would be best if he could catch someone alive. If he couldn't catch someone alive, he could kill him on the spot.

Of course, Qin Kun knew that he was asked to come here to capture someone alive safely.

The information he knew was that he had to capture a person worth 500,000, and he was a professional, and he might have weapons on him.

So, for the sake of safety, considering that the other party was a professional, he beat him severely and made sure that his hands and feet could not be used.

Not far away, a man was lying on the ground, his face was as pale as paper, and his limbs were obviously broken.

He just wanted to move his fingers, and saw Qin Kun's stone flying over with a whiz, breaking his fingers.

"I advise you not to move, and don't even think about using your abilities. I'm just a warrior. I was just scolded by my elders, saying that I have poor control over my strength and accidentally killed someone, which makes me look too reckless.

If you move again, I will accidentally kill you, which is reasonable and legal.

You should know what the consequences will be for a professional who walks 500,000."

Qin Kun kindly advised him, and the man endured the severe pain and dared not move again.

Of course, he had heard of Qin Kun's name. This was the basic intelligence that needed to be prepared in the early stage. He had heard of Qin Kun's deeds of accidentally beating someone up.

Whether others dare or not, I am not sure about 500,000, but Qin Kun will definitely dare to "accidentally".

At the beginning of this matter, it was an employee of the Ministry of Aerospace who seized the opportunity to make a fortune without paying taxes and sacrificed a small amount of 500,000, and then was traced and found out a person on the same line.

Because a professional appeared on this line, given the current relationship between the Ministry of Aerospace and the Lieyang Department, it is natural for the Lieyang Department to get involved.

In order to do their best to catch a living person, and have enough deterrence.

Qin Kun, who just accidentally killed several professionals outside, became the most suitable target.

Qin Kun was directly airdropped to this area by plane.

The Ministry of Aerospace has recently obtained dozens of kilograms of lunar soil, and this lunar soil was collected from many places. It not only contains various minerals, but also samples under the skylight tunnel that the probe has never been to.

With so many samples, someone must be found to study them, right?

And the dozens of scientific research institutions that are only considered in the first wave are not all under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Aerospace.

If we want to keep absolute confidentiality, many top laboratories will be excluded.

Sometimes, leaks may not be intentional. Schedule changes, research changes, and the use of special equipment and materials all have certain directions.

With Wen Yan, the Ministry of Aerospace did not intend to treasure the dozens of kilograms of samples. Of course, they were used as soon as possible, studied, turned into data, and turned into experimental materials to maximize their value.

And a small part, one gram or so, may be used in other places in the future, such as attracting some top scientific researchers from outside.

Shenzhou's space station can allow astronauts from outside to go there. If there is a base on the moon in the future, it will definitely be our own people in the early stage, but after a few years, according to the usual style, we will definitely bring some friends.

People in America don't play with Shenzhou, and Europa also blindly follows suit and doesn't play with Shenzhou, but some member states within Europa play with Shenzhou.

Even if Shenzhou doesn't consider things other than scientific research, it's impossible to push everyone away. Besides, all kinds of research always need talents, and the more top talents, the better.

You can't do your project there. There are no conditions, no materials, and no funds. Then come here and set up a laboratory.

Thirty grams of lunar soil! Is it enough?

If not, fifty grams, and there are several exclusive minerals in it!

Who here can show such sincerity?

This thing is precious, but it's not precious. It depends on whether the other party needs it.

Just like Europa, there is a pure scholar who specializes in studying lunar skylights and sublunar lava tubes. He has sent messages several times before, wanting to share some lunar soil, and is even willing to give some of his previous research data first, and will share lunar soil research data later.

The big boss of the Ministry of Aerospace is preparing to dig people over recently...

When they held a small meeting internally, they had already anticipated that even if everything remained as it is now, they would face the situation of waiting for projects later.

The top scientific research leaders in a single direction will face a shortage.

As for the front-line grassroots scientific researchers in the laboratory, there is not much shortage. The dozens of kilograms of lunar soil of various types provided by Wen Yan are enough for all the front-line researchers involved in the next few years to have no shortage of papers.

Those students who can enter the laboratory can write all the papers from graduate students to doctoral graduates.

If the lunar base can be built this year, many people will have to be found in the future. The impact of radiation may make many people not have to worry about papers for many years in the future.

In addition to processing the lunar soil, Wen Yan threw four lunar rovers on it, scattered in four directions. The bandwidth of the satellites launched before was instantly full, and various data sources were continuously transmitted back.

The reason why only four were thrown and only two models were tested was because of the limitation of information transmission speed, not because the people of the Ministry of Aerospace were cautious or soft.

So they have to deal with the satellite networking first.

The four lunar rovers are all on the back of the moon. No one has discovered them yet, but it is only a matter of time before they are discovered. There is no plan to show it here. If you ask, it is a spare before. If you ask again, it is too advanced and inconvenient to show.

Anyway, the main players with the ability are all playing their own games.

We started to process the data sent back by the four lunar rovers and record the data of the lunar rovers themselves as a reference for later adjustments. These things are done by professionals, and many people are needed.

It is unlikely that the information is completely hidden, so that the participants do not know what they are doing, after all, the participants are all professionals.

Leaks have been considered from the beginning. Some things can be announced later, but confidentiality is still the main thing at this stage.

It was originally just a precaution, but unexpectedly, an employee of the lunar rover department of the Ministry of Aerospace keenly noticed that someone was wrong, and immediately reported it, leading to several people.

In addition to issuing tax-free bonuses, there are also rewards within the Ministry of Aerospace. This employee said that when testing the extreme performance of the lunar rover, he wanted to hold the steering wheel.

Simply put, he wanted to race.

This test used to be conducted in the last period of service. Today's lunar rovers, whether batteries, solar panels, or other aspects, are far superior to the first generation.

If it weren't for the professionals involved, this matter wouldn't have much to do with the Lieyang Department.

As time passed and the sound of vehicles approached, Qin Kun put away his mobile phone.

He stood five hundred and three meters away, waiting for a response.

After the vehicle stopped, Qin Kun warned the person who responded.

"Don't have physical contact with him. When this person comes into contact with others, he has the ability to guide others to speak. The weaker the will of the target, the better the effect. The effect is most obvious when he is drunk."

After hearing Qin Kun's reminder, the field staff from the Lieyang Department who came to respond decisively took out an anesthetic gun and a waterproof and breathable isolation gown.

The anesthetic gun hit Five Hundred Wan from a long distance away. Five Hundred Wan groaned a few times, and the look in his eyes slowly dissipated.

The moment he closed his eyes, his body suddenly began to shake.

"Take a muscle relaxant." The field worker who came to respond was also well-informed. When he saw the sedated guy suddenly starting to move, he immediately changed the medicine.

Another needle was inserted, and the tremors of Half Wan's body began to slowly decrease, and his breathing began to weaken. That was because the muscles in his whole body, including the muscles that assisted breathing, were severely affected.

After receiving two injections, the 500,000 yuan stopped moving, but something else began to emerge from his body.

Qin Kun frowned slightly and shouted in a deep voice.

"Back off!"

But he himself, instead of retreating, rushed forward, rushed in front of 500,000 people, kicked the opponent's body, and kicked his whole body away.

While he was still in mid-air, he saw the black energy inside the body of 500,000 people gathered into a big hand and rushed out, grabbing Qin Kun. In the end, he was dragged by 500,000 yuan's body and missed.

After the black gas rushed out, it quickly spread to the surroundings. After spreading to a range of more than ten meters, it quickly shrank, scraping away all the vegetation within a range of more than ten meters and shrinking to the center.

With a muffled bang, the five hundred thousand in the black energy exploded directly, leaving no bones left, and a power that Qin Kun was extremely familiar with emerged.

Those powers spread, and within a dozen meters around, all the remaining vegetation died. Some insects underground tried to crawl out and escape, but they were all radiated together and died instantly, and even the earth turned gray-white.

In the center of the explosion, there was still some black gas rolling around, which seemed to be connecting somewhere, but the power was not enough, and it gradually dissipated.

Qin Kun stood there, feeling the power. It was very similar to the power on the big zombies, but it was different. Those gray-white powers were pure death energy.

As for the black energy in the center, it should be used to summon something. Unfortunately, Qin Kun reacted quickly and kicked it away more than ten meters. The only thing sacrificed was the half-waste half a million, which was not enough to summon. Come over with something.

Qin Kun only saw that at the last moment, there seemed to be something, and he glanced there.

It feels like it's not human. It's impossible for humans to have such pure and stable malice.

"Report it."

Qin Kun is guarding here, waiting for relevant experts to make an appraisal.

Qin Kun thought about it for a moment, and thought of what his fourth master uncle had said to him when he came back this time, so he took out his phone and called Wen Yan.

"Junior Brother Wen, are you busy?"

"Well, I'm back. I encountered a mission just after I came back. The target was probably controlled to self-destruct and had death energy. The method seemed to be from outside. I'm not sure. I want to ask for your help. Let's take a look. "

"Okay, I'll send you my location."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Kun waited.

On the other side, Wen Yan knew who he was looking for as soon as he heard it. How could he understand this?

He went directly to Gauss and planned to take Gauss with him.

If Gauss wants to leave Decheng, he must tell the Lieyang Department.

Therefore, Wen Yan called Feng Yao directly in front of Gauss.

"I have something to tell you. My senior brother Qin encountered a situation. It should be the intervention of outside forces, and there is death. I asked Gauss to come with me to have a look. Remember to note it to Gauss next month. When I paid my salary, I gave the expert bonus to others.”

Feng Yao knew what was going on as soon as he heard it. There was nothing wrong with Gauss's assessment. Gauss's mental state may be simpler and healthier than many people. With Wen Yan watching over him, leaving Decheng was not a big problem.

He responded, indicating that he understood.

When bringing Gauss over, Gauss took a look at one of the villas. Of course he knew that there was a new neighbor coming, and his status seemed to be quite high. It was just Wen Yan who brought him, and the new neighbor didn't leave the door. Mai, Gauss didn't bother to ask specifically.

Wen Yan took one look and introduced Gauss.

"The new neighbor is very nice. He's just injured and is recuperating here. It's not easy to bring you to our door to get to know him rashly. If I have a chance, I'll introduce you to him."

"It's okay. We got to know each other after having a meal together. Many of the people I met were met while having a meal together." Gauss was very proud of this, because those people only knew him because of his status as a doctor.

Wen Yan smiled and said nothing. No wonder Gauss had to pay a salary along with the gift money every month.

Fortunately, there are not many gifts in Nanwu County. They pay attention to what comes and go, and they will give gifts in return. Some people are very picky, and if they accept the gifts here, they will return the same gifts the next day.

Otherwise, Gauss's three wages a month would not be enough for him to show off his courtesy.

"Come on, there is something, please take a look."

Gauss stood at the door of Wen Yan's house, took a look, bowed, and waited outside.

Wen Yan brought the little flame out and asked Gauss to take a look.

Gauss looked at the black spider that shrank into a black ball inside the little flame with interest.

"Which god is this? Has it been tortured like this by you? No wonder I felt a few days ago that there seemed to be some dark god, but it disappeared soon. I thought it was hung on the street lamp. I counted the street lamps the next day, but I couldn't find it."

"Can you see anything?"

"You are too careful. This guy's origin seems to be damaged. It is already a grasshopper in winter and is frozen."

"That's good."

Wen Yan was relieved after letting the professionals take a look. Originally, the director of the headquarters suggested putting it in the fusion furnace to burn it and try it first. He was not very confident and thought it was safest to send it to the real sun.

After sending the little flame back, Wen Yan took Gauss to the underworld.

Wen Yan thought of Gauss flying around on a bamboo broom all day, so he asked Gauss if there was any way to be invisible.

Gauss said that his magic can only block people's perception, but the special camera installed by the Lieyang Department is a magical prop that can capture him.

The so-called invisibility magic has great flaws. Even if the naked eye sees invisible, it can be captured by another camera.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to act now. As long as he doesn't cause a riot, he can fly around on a bamboo broom every day to save the taxi fare. The Lieyang Department won't say anything.

Finally, they customized a magic wand from Gauss, and they walked out of the desolate grave.

As soon as he came out, Gauss took out a tissue, tapped it, temporarily attached a magic, and then covered his mouth and nose with the tissue.

"Don't you smell it? The stench of the undead here is too strong, and it's the kind of smell that even the devil hates."

"No..." Wen Yan didn't smell anything except a very obvious death aura.

When he arrived at the place, he greeted Qin Kun and frowned at the gray-white ground in front of him within a range of more than ten meters.

"It's crazy, the explosion of living corpses plus the summoning of demons, no wonder the smell here is so disgusting."

"Can you recognize who it is?"

"I can't recognize it. This person's soul has been marked by the necromancer. His soul and body have been used as sacrifices for summoning.

Although this method can blow up the weak nearby, it's a pity that it's too obvious to trigger, and it's usually only used to pollute the opponent.

If you are hit by the explosion, there will be an extra mark on the soul, and it will be contaminated by the stench of the explosion for a long time. "

"Have you heard of necromancers?"

"No, the devil doesn't like these guys very much, because they will pollute the soul and are very annoying, but the devil likes them. The predecessors of many demons are evil spirits or necromancers."

Gauss frowned, and his expression was just like wearing new shoes and stepping on the edge of a cesspool.

Thinking that Wen Yan might come looking for him later, he didn't want to go. After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand, scratched his arm with his nails, tore off a palm-sized piece of skin, and carved it with his own blood.

Then he attracted a trace of the remaining breath here, imprinted it into the skin, and handed it to Wen Yan.

"If you encounter the same power in the future, the runes on it will give you guidance. I can't stand it anymore. I'm about to vomit. The seafood I ate today is very expensive. I don't want to vomit."

Gauss handed the things to Wen Yan and retreated quickly. The skin fell into Wen Yan's hands and dimmed rapidly, turning into a piece of sheepskin.

Wen Yan was speechless. They really didn't smell the smell. As soon as he thought about it, the yang energy on his body suddenly burst out, and the yang energy swept across the gray-white ground of more than ten meters several times, and all the dead air was forcibly washed away.

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