I am your natural enemy

Chapter 491 Talent Town, Game Board (5k)

Wen Yan felt that there must be a reason for him to appear directly in a small town in Florida.

However, it was okay to just enter a dream. There are both advantages and disadvantages to not having a soul. It is an advantage when gathering intelligence, and a disadvantage when fighting.

He walked along the street, and some pedestrians began to appear on the street.

Turning a corner, he saw a man holding a pistol. Wen Yan was startled. Before he could do anything, he saw the man shooting at a dog with scraggly hair.

After emptying a magazine, the dog turned a corner and rummaged through the garbage on the street. He turned out a pistol and bit the pistol with his mouth. There was a bang, and the gunman covered his chest, cursed, and fell to the ground.

Wen Yan watched from the side, confused.

Walking across a street, he saw two local policemen wearing sunglasses drinking coffee in a coffee shop on the corner. Wen Yan turned his head to look at the other side. Someone was robbing a bank at most 200 meters away from here.

Wen Yan saw the robber carrying a sack, dropping money along the way, and he thought the robber was going to drive away.

The robber took off his clothes, took off his hood, and ran naked in the middle of the road, throwing out the money he had just robbed from the bank while running naked.

Wen Yan looked at these extremely abstract things and became more silent.

A person's dream is directly related to his consciousness, thoughts, memory, etc.

When he saw the foreign language in the newspaper just now, he felt that this should not be his dream.

He had never read a newspaper in Florida, and he should have never had any impression of the name, layout, etc. of its newspaper, so this kind of thing should not be so clear in his dream.

Another point is that he did not learn this language seriously by himself, but was blessed with a low-level language magic by Gauss.

In theory, he must first hear or see, or have corresponding text, before it can be triggered. He can't create these out of thin air in his dream.

Until now, he saw these abstract things that he could never think of.

He can be sure that this is definitely not his dream.

He entered someone else's dream directly.

Or rather, the situation he encountered was more serious than Feng Yao's.

Feng Yao was still his own dream after all. After he left his home, he was dragged directly into someone else's dream.

He did not encounter an attack, maybe some bug was triggered, or maybe he would encounter a more serious and complicated situation.

Fortunately, this place does not look like a particularly large city. It is a bit like a small town with only one main street in a TV series, or a small city.

Walking along the way, Wen Yan gradually found some abnormal people.

Not abstract abnormality, but non-ordinary people.

Someone was sitting on the lawn, competing with a giant python in eating mice. This guy could eat more than the giant python, with standard professional characteristics.

I also saw a raccoon standing on a trash can, playing the violin, and guiding a bunch of raccoons around him to sort garbage.

There were also people in their yards, complaining that gas bills were getting more and more expensive and that the damn capitalists should be shot, while holding out their hands with flames burning on them, grilling...

Wen Yan had heard of Florida before, and it seemed that there were many professionals here, so Wen Yan was not that surprised.

There were many strange people here, and there were even more people whose brain circuits were different from those of ordinary people.

After confirming that the world boss would descend here, Wen Yan also read some information from the Lieyang Department.

Decades ago, when the spiritual energy recovery was still in the slow start-up stage, Robin Country found an opportunity and quickly disgusted the neighbors, saying that as long as they came to my place to run for freedom, they would have an identity.

Then the neighbors were furious and did something even more outrageous, sending criminals, mentally ill people, drug-addicted vagrants and other talents together.

In the end, Robin was covered in shit, and he couldn't hit himself in the face, so he let this group of talents take root in Florida.

Of course, these are not the point.

The key point is that the definition of spiritual energy revival was not established until later. After the spiritual energy revival began, the most conservative estimate was more than ten years, and even whether there was spiritual energy revival was uncertain.

This is the case in Shenzhou, and it is the same outside.

Therefore, under such a background, among the talents sent to Florida at that time, some of the guys who were identified as mentally ill were actually professionals, but the professionals at that time were basically weaklings.

In the information of the Lieyang Department, there are three highly suspected and one completely confirmed talents described as cases.

At that time, the talent, in the later inference, was still a prophecy professional with a high status outside.

There are corresponding records for this. At that time, a team filmed a documentary for this and played it.

In the documentary, the talent at that time said a lot of things, such as there was a fruit company, the stock price would be very high in the future, and people should invest early. At that time, the fruit company had just been established for a few years and was unknown.

There are also some graffiti paintings, all of which can be matched with some very famous scenes later.

All of them were verified later.

The documentary was destroyed very quickly. It was not like now. Once it was broadcast, it would not disappear completely.

The reason why the Lieyang Department had video records was because a student who was sent abroad by the Lieyang Department left a videotape and brought it back when he returned.

It is not only related to Florida that it is being brought up now, but there is a graffiti in the documentary, which shows the moon, and there is a horizontal blue lightning on the surface of the moon.

No one knew what this graffiti meant before, but now people like Wen Yan who know the inside story will understand what it means in seconds.

Unfortunately, less than a year after this talent arrived in Florida, he was attacked by someone.

Because this talent told others the result of the horse race, the other party played a big game, and finally lost everything, so he went to his house and killed him.

Later, after the definition of the revival of spiritual energy, which was called the Dawn of the Gods, was determined, someone tried to find the remains of this talent whose prophecy was very far away.

Unfortunately, his remains were not worshipped, and no one took care of the cemetery. Because it was a public burial, it was not certain which grave the other party was in, and finally the bones were gone. Even the other party’s real name could not be determined.

Later, some people who wanted to summon the spirits had no way to start.

Wen Yan could roughly guess that there were many professionals and aliens in Florida just by looking at this dream.

At least the owner of this dream had such knowledge and was definitely not an ordinary person.

The other party had at least seen many aliens or professionals.

Although the dream itself was very abstract, it was still possible to glimpse some of the characteristics of the person through it.

In addition, the architectural style, climate, eating habits, etc., as the background environment, could be ignored at ordinary times. It was felt that those things should be like this, and they should be able to reflect some of them.

These can all be used to assist in determining the approximate location.

Wen Yan looked very carefully along the way, trying to capture as many details as possible, so that he could use them as intelligence after returning.

He walked all the way to one of the roads, with standard local-style buildings on both sides, with separate doors and lawns in front of them, and some houses even had lawn-trimming machines at the door.

Wen Yan looked at one of the houses and saw a blonde and blue-eyed girl sitting on the lawn with a chessboard in front of her. Opposite her, sat a red-eyed Bugs Bunny, and the two were playing chess.

The first time he saw the little girl, Wen Yan felt that this dark and gloomy world, where everything seemed to be dim in color, suddenly had a little more vitality and color.

Wen Yan had a tacit understanding and instantly understood that this was the real boss.

Wen Yan was alert. A little girl looked harmless. In the environment over there, she was an absolute weakling who needed to be protected.

Then he thought of the result given by the doomsday computer, but after time passed, no possible abnormalities were found.

The world boss should have arrived, and after arriving, it is likely to be a harmless character that will not cause any vigilance or attention.

He stood there and observed carefully for a moment.

The red-eyed bunny man who looked like Bugs Bunny was directly ignored by Wen Yan.

Compared with the abstract things he saw on the road ahead, this Bugs Bunny was considered a normal alien.

Wen Yan watched from a distance, memorized the other party's appearance and dress, and would talk about it later.

Suddenly, the Bugs Bunny turned his head, staring at Wen Yan with his ruby-like eyes, then stood up and blocked Wen Yan's sight, preventing Wen Yan from seeing the little girl.

Seeing this scene, Wen Yan suddenly popped up a lot of things he learned from reading books in Qingcheng Mountain in his mind.

Those books that seemed like Dharma and psychology.

And the book given by Laojun Mountain, which contained some seemingly plausible contents.

At this moment, Wen Yan felt as if he was a teenager in the school, studying articles, doing various reading comprehension, and coping with exams. One day, a few years after leaving school, he really experienced things and encountered things, and then he suddenly understood what the article was about.

I also understand why various mountains and sects teach a lot of things from childhood, teach how to be a person, and when they grow up, they must kick their disciples down the mountain to experience. Some things are difficult to truly understand without experiencing things and encountering things.

Just like now, Wen Yan instinctively confirmed one thing in an instant, that this Bugs Bunny is not an alien.

This Bugs Bunny is a kind of concrete image of this little girl in her dream.

Because all along the way, all things, all people, no one paid attention to him, as if they could not see him, completely ignoring his existence.

Only here, he said nothing, and did not even get too close, this Bugs Bunny was protecting the little girl.

"Don't be nervous, I can't do anything to you, I don't even want to be here."

The red-eyed Bugs Bunny showed two buck teeth, and suddenly a carrot half a person's height appeared in his hand. He held the carrot and chewed it, but his eyes stared at Wen Yan motionlessly.

Behind Bugs Bunny, the little girl timidly showed half of her head.

"Sir, can you play chess?"

"International chess, I can't, I don't even understand the rules."

"Oh..." The little girl was a little disappointed.

But the next moment, I heard Wen Yan say.

"I know how to play Monopoly, Battle Chess and the like."

"Sir, can you play with me?"

"Let's see first. I don't know what you know how to play."

Wen Yan didn't agree immediately, but the little girl smiled and rushed into the room with her short legs crossing at a high speed, and took out a plastic box from the room.

The box had something like "Battle of the Beasts" written on it. After opening it, there was a chessboard with the rules written on it. It was basically the same as Monopoly. You roll the dice to see the points and move the chess. Whoever reaches the end first wins.

It looked like some kind of children's toy produced by Dongda University. They were all cute. There was no text on the chessboard. There was an electronic display above the chessboard, which should be the place where various results were displayed.

"How do you play this?"

"Rock, paper, scissors. Whoever wins goes first."

"Three people together?" Wen Yan glanced at the red-eyed Bugs Bunny next to him.

"No, you guys play." Bugs Bunny refused decisively.

Wen Yan smiled and verified his judgment again. This red-eyed Bugs Bunny was not an independent alien, but a part of this little girl, manifested in the dream.

This little girl might not want to cheat when playing games subconsciously.

Wen Yan looked at the little girl and asked casually.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Lucy."

"Do you live in Florida?"

"Yes." Lucy's eyes were a little strange, this is Florida.

"What is this place? Do you know?"

"Sir." The red-eyed bug called out, Wen Yan knew that this caused his instinctive vigilance, so he gave up decisively.

"Come on, rock-paper-scissors."

Wen Yan played rock, the little girl played scissors, Wen Yan went first.

The moment Wen Yan's hand touched the dice, a strange feeling appeared.

He heard the sound of a dog barking again, this time it was not a low roar, but a barking.

It was like the barking of a domestic watchdog at night when it encountered something that needed to be vigilant.

Wen Yan slowly retracted his hand. He was not sure what the situation was with this little girl and why he dreamed of this place.

"I suddenly remembered something, I have to do it quickly, I will come to play with you next time."

"Oh, okay, I'm glad to meet you, sir." Lucy stood up politely.

At this moment, the sky was suddenly overcast with thunder and the red-eyed Bugs Bunny skillfully opened the door to the basement and pulled Lucy away.

Lucy followed him and shouted anxiously.

"Sir, the storm is coming, the monster is coming, you should hide quickly."

Seeing that Wen Yan didn't seem to move, Lucy became even more anxious.

"Really, sir, my best friend was captured, and I can only see him here."

"Is it that Mr. Bunny?"


As he spoke, Wen Yan raised his head and looked at the sky.

He saw that the sky suddenly cracked, and the sky was like a rag of a set, and a crack was directly torn open.

A huge hand that seemed to stretch for at least dozens of kilometers came in from the crack.

As the giant hand fell, thick nails like the claws of a beast appeared out of thin air nearby.

Among the abstract talents that Wen Yan had seen before, one of them was immediately pierced through the abdomen by a thick nail, and was hooked by the nail, flying into the sky and falling into the big hand.

At the same time, Wen Yan looked through the huge crack in the sky and saw the other side, which was a dark forest.

The little girl, with dirty clothes on her body, was lying on the stone altar in the center. She was surrounded by a circle of people wearing black robes and hoods. Some of the figures, even in long robes, could be seen from the outline that they were not human.

Sharp nails appeared out of thin air in the small town, and the figures that Wen Yan had noticed before were constantly being pierced by nails and flying into the big hand in the sky.

Wen Yan looked up and thought, it was indeed related.

This should be exactly the same as what Feng Yao encountered.

Moreover, it seemed that there was a human factor in it.

The next moment, a nail as thick as a nail appeared out of thin air in front of Wen Yan and pierced Wen Yan's abdomen.

Wen Yan looked down and his face did not change.

He was just in a dream state now. The disadvantage of not having a soul was that he couldn't kill anything he touched in this situation.

But at the same time, the advantage was that no one could kill him in this state.

This was the conclusion that was actually verified after being beaten to death by the water monkey several times.

He was about to be forced to exit the dream state, and an angry roar came to his ears.

The skeleton dog on the stone gate roared, and the dark blue flame suddenly broke out.

In reality, Wen Yan, who was sleeping, also suddenly burst out with yang energy. The medals borrowed from his body instantly gave three kinds of blessings at this moment.

In the dream, the dark blue flame broke out from Wen Yan uncontrollably and swept across in an instant.

The raging dark blue flame turned into a wave of fire, and vaguely turned into the image of a huge skeleton dog, protecting Wen Yan behind him.

The huge skeleton dog rushed into the sky, instantly ignited the sky, and turned the entire sky into dark blue.

Wen Yan was helpless. He was just collecting intelligence, fearing that if he did something, it would lead to worse consequences. But he didn't bring his own dog with him, and he was so protective of his master. He couldn't say that the skeleton dog was wrong.

Seeing that the changes had already taken place, Wen Yan could probably guess that someone was using this little girl as a medium to do something.

This little girl herself should also be a relatively special professional.

And now those abstract talents who are suspected to be professionals who have been captured here should be the embodiment of some power in the dream.

So, that sentence has to be used at this time.

The ability to accomplish things may not be there, but the ability to do bad things is completely overflowing!

Wen Yan picked up the dice and threw it.

In an instant, he felt that the process of being forcibly kicked out of the dream was interrupted, and a special feeling like the expansion of the domain emerged.

The dice rolled twice on the chessboard mountain and turned into six points.

A little man who looked like Wen Yan suddenly appeared on the chessboard and walked six steps forward from the starting point.

In an instant, colorful fireworks bloomed above the chessboard, and the halo turned into a furry thing.

Words also appeared on the display screen.

At the same time, the moment the feeling of the expansion of the domain emerged, a large number of nails in the sky were instantly shattered into powder.

The huge crack in the sky was also slowly closed under the action of the domain and the dark blue flame.

Wen Yan's figure instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared, and was forcibly kicked out of the dream.

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