I am your natural enemy

Chapter 493: Descending God, Characteristic Extraction (6k)

Wen Yan disappeared into the domain in the Lieyang Tribe station in Yuzhou. Feng Yao widened his eyes and immediately asked people to capture all kinds of fluctuations, traces and everything else that could be left.

He looked at the recliner where Wen Yan disappeared, was silent for a long time, and sighed.

He didn't know what Wen Yan found after entering the dream before. Wen Yan didn't say it, so it was probably related to the previous things.

He couldn't guess, and he didn't dare to guess now. With his current physical condition, if he accidentally guessed it and caused some changes, it would be ok if he died. If he didn't die, he would probably become a burden and increase the strength of his teammates.

In case of a critical situation, a little higher difficulty may turn into a situation where everything is lost.

After Feng Yao was silent for a moment, he made arrangements according to the plan normally, and then after reporting the matter, he closed his eyes and controlled not to think about it first. Not dragging his feet is the greatest support.

What Wen Yan can say should have been recorded, and he can just go and read the records later.

What they have to do is to do the best in logistics, intelligence, and support.

A moment later, Feng Yao asked someone to bring a computer. He wanted to check the latest information updated by Wen Yan with his own authority, but found that he was restricted from viewing it.

A pop-up window also popped up a sentence "The body is the capital of revolution".

Feng Yao was helpless. The assistant standing next to him laughed dryly and said that he was powerless.

On the other hand, the head of the headquarters had already started to prepare before receiving the news reported by Feng Yao.

After receiving the news, he immediately adjusted the deployment.

The head of the headquarters looked at the latest news and thought of the recent dispute between Wen Yan's Dahlia and the South China Sea Fleet in the South China Sea, so he sent a message there.

Tell the ghosts on the Dahlia that Wen Yan fell into the field, which is related to Robin's Florida.

These guys are energetic and can't vent, so let them go out for a walk.

After all, it's normal for ghost ships to run around.

In addition to arranging this, intelligence personnel were also arranged. By the way, we communicated with the people of the East China Sea Fleet here to ask them whether it was convenient and appropriate to let the warship wandering outside go around Florida.

Even if there was no fight, it was still necessary to show an attitude.

The general manager arranged various things for a long time, and communicated with various parties. Finally, he made a special call to the old master to talk about the world boss, Wen Yan, and recent things outside.

Their internal strategy is at least fine in the general direction, and it is steady and steady.

But recently they discovered another serious problem, which is that they overestimated the response methods of some people outside when they encountered things. Reason, ideas, execution, and results, there is a trend that no one is next to each other.

Since they found that there are small island countries in the ocean, they disappeared directly. Now they are making plans to prevent the worst result, that is, they hold up, but the outside world does not hold up, and finally they are dragged into the water.

At present, this probability is not particularly low.

Florida has a good vegetation coverage rate. The full name of this state means a land covered with vegetation. In addition, there are rivers and the sea, so there is no shortage of water.

At this moment, in a dense forest not far from the famous tourist attractions, in an empty building hidden deep underground, a group of people wearing black robes and hoods covered their faces, all looked a little embarrassed.

One by one, they fell to the ground crookedly, or sat on the ground, leaning against the wall...

In the distance, a sealed glass cabin was covered with various runes, and unique props were placed at key nodes, from amulets to palms, to gold coins, everything.

In the glass cabin, a black-robed man sat there, wailing in pain, with a faint blue flame burning on his body, and from all directions, in the buildings, and on some people, there were still faint blue flames flying out and sinking into the glass cabin.

As time passed, the black-robed man in the glass cabin shrank significantly, getting smaller and smaller, and the black robe gradually dissipated as if weathered by time.

A person with stitched wounds all over his body was revealed inside. The skin color of his hands and arms was very different, and it was obviously not from the same person.

The whole person was made up of parts from different people. His original burly figure like a bodybuilder had now turned into a weak chicken with thin arms and legs, skin and bones, and sunken cheeks.

The dark blue flames burning here were all absorbed by him, slowly exhausting and wiping out the power.

After the dark blue flames disappeared, the glass cabin opened, and the stitched monster staggered out of it.

"Damn bastard, who made the mistake?

Why did you provoke an angry high-level undead?

If I didn't have a soul, you all would have had a hard time!

In order to help you, my perfect body has become like this.

How can I face people in the future?!"

Hearing the roar of the stitched monster, someone immediately raised a finger.

"I'll double the amount I promised you. I'll give you a list and photo album later. You can choose which one you like. I promise to deliver it to you within three days."

Then another person took off his hood, revealing a red-skinned demon face with a broken horn.

"I'll give you two more succubus maids, whose butts are bigger than your heads."

"I'll give you another 30 million dollars."

"A winery in the main gold-producing area of ​​Europe."

These people were not stingy with their benefits. If it weren't for the soulless Stitched Monster who took the initiative to be the tank and absorbed all the power, they would have suffered a lot.

No one expected that their ritual would go wrong and inexplicably provoke a high-level undead from an unknown plane. The special blue flame almost ignited all their souls.

At the last critical moment, it was the Stitched Monster who stood up, and everyone had time to assist in some rituals, allowing the Stitched Monster to complete the absorption.

As for what went wrong, no one knows now.

The success or failure of the ritual is originally somewhat dependent on luck.

Even if it looks like the same ritual and the same props, there are always differences in the subtle places, such as the chanting speed of the spell, the outline of the magic circle, and the slightly different casting materials.

This time there was a big problem, and they didn't find out why, at least they still didn't find the difference.

Among the members of the assembly, in addition to the aliens, there are also people, and their faces are not very good at the moment.

A pale-skinned man stood up and clapped his hands. A few blindfolded undead came from a distance and began to clean up the mess here.

After a rest, they came to another hall again.

This place looks like an ancient conference hall, with a platform in the center and stairs, tables and chairs around it.

In front of each seat, there is a name on the table, but at this moment, those seats are empty and no one is seen.

At this moment, on the central platform, the velvet cushion, supporting Lucy's body, lay quietly here.

Last time, when the descent ceremony was being performed, a large amount of blue flames suddenly appeared. Except for a few core members who reacted quickly and were strong, the evil spirits sitting in front were finished on the spot and died cleanly.

If it weren't for the great contribution of the stitched monster, the people who came to witness history this time would probably be wiped out on the spot and become history.

At this moment, they came here again, ready to try again.

Before they were ready, they saw Lucy lying there, suddenly opening her eyes, revealing a pair of deep yellow eyes, which seemed to be filled with shock.

Lucy's body floated up, floating in the air, and everything around her began to change constantly, sometimes becoming illusory, sometimes becoming solid.

The members of the assembly were more alert than each other, and they used various means to retreat rapidly.

Around Lucy's body, extremely fierce power fluctuations emerged, and those yellow eyes were filled with deep shock, and the light in the yellow eyes was rapidly consumed.

That was the power being consumed rapidly, and when the power was exhausted, one of the characteristics began to be forcibly decomposed and consumed.

Because this was Lucy's body, Lucy was using the power of her own body.

Lucy was selected after many years of careful selection.

Enough talent, and still young, the ability has not been fixed, and the manifestation method has not been fixed. This is the way they choose their targets.

And this is the most important factor that fits the goal of the descent.

But at this moment, this ability is not fixed, and the manifestation method is not fixed, but it brings more possibilities.

Lucy is afraid and feels lonely. She just wants the gentleman she has finally met to come again.

She has not yet begun to build up her three views and cognition like an adult, but subtly, she also thinks that the gentleman must be from Shenzhou and should not be a bad person.

When she was in the tavern, those uncles who looked fierce but were good people once said that the Shenzhou people in Robin have some fixed images.

Few large tattoos, law-abiding, middle class, very interested in guns but have never seen a gun since childhood.

Of course, those big and strong men may not be good, but when the young Lucy occasionally heard it, she had a vague impression in her mind that at least people like this belong to the least dangerous group.

Until one time, when she went to play with her friends, she vaguely heard someone inside saying that for children, even the priests in the church are more dangerous than those people.

Lucy didn't understand why those people laughed, but she remembered the literal meaning.

So, her innate vigilance was not that strong.

She just wanted to see him again, that's all, so she made a wish.

After making a wish, how to realize it and how to operate it finely, she didn't know, she just thought that if she made a wish, it would definitely work, which was more outrageous than any subjective operation.

As long as the power is enough, it will definitely work.

If the power is insufficient, all the power that can be used will be mobilized instinctively.

Wen Yan has no soul, and the moment he entered the dream and made contact, it triggered the wish.

And that game itself has the power of a domain, but Wen Yan himself will automatically fall into it as long as he steps into the domain.

This is a bit embarrassing.

A complete person cannot enter a dream, the nature is different.

That bubble-like dream is really like a bubble, and it will collapse when it is gently poked by the finger of reality.

Therefore, the yellow devil who had just descended to the sky and was still slowly accumulating strength and beginning to adapt to this world and was preparing to begin evolving was directly regarded as Lucy herself and one of her characteristics was directly extracted.

In the void, Wen Yan had already woken up. He looked at everything around him. There was nothingness all around him, and then there was a lot of flowing light.

Wen Yan first judged where he was. This scene basically confirmed that he was dreaming.

But when he saw the equipment he was wearing, the gray cloth wrapped around his left wrist, and the bracelet on his right wrist, he was sure that things were not what he thought.

He was dreaming physically, and there was a bug.

Wen Yan was speechless. He never thought that this would happen.

He did feel a similar feeling to the domain before, but he had felt it for so long and had not fallen into it, which meant that it was not within the scope of the domain, otherwise he would have fallen into it long ago.

Who would have thought it would become like this now.

The flowing light around him was rapidly converging.

After the light converged to a certain extent, Wen Yan began to see familiar scenes, just like the place where he dreamed last time.

The moment he stepped on the ground, he saw the same environment as last time, but the feeling was completely different.

He smelled a faint stench in the air, felt that the air temperature was not low, and the air humidity was obviously much lower than that of Nanwu County.

The next moment, a prompt appeared in front of Wen Yan.

However, the prompt looked like a constantly changing garbled code. After the garbled code kept changing, it finally changed into a bunch of foreign languages ​​and finally appeared.

"Under normal circumstances, you should not wake up in a dream and be able to distinguish the text.

But it is different here.

The world you fell into encountered unreasonable blessings and changes.

You were blessed by this power, allowing your body to enter this environment.

The type of blessing cannot be determined and cannot be displayed."

Wen Yan took a light breath and checked the bag on his back. The equipment was all there.

This is what he learned from those Taoists. Carry a bag with you and bring everything you need. When encountering emergencies, use it directly.

Some Taoists even wear Taoist robes as Dharma robes. When encountering something, they just turn it over and wear it. The transformation can be completed immediately to ensure that the altar can be opened as quickly as possible.

He didn't know what kind of blessing this was, and it was obvious that his previous thoughts were very biased.

He had previously ignored the fact that Lucy was a child and had different ideas from adults, and he had also misjudged the power of this wish.

The downside of entering with a physical body is that you can't avoid injuries, but the upside is that the reminder of the natural enemy profession can appear, and when he encounters an enemy, he should have a chance to kill the enemy.

Wen Yan followed the path he took last time and saw the man shooting at the dog again. This time, he clearly felt the strange feeling that only professionals or aliens have.

Continuing forward, he also felt the restless heat coming from the person who was grilling with flames burning in his hands.

The moment he felt it, Wen Yan said.

"Dude, your fire is so big, won't the meat burn?"

"Hey, buddy, you don't understand this. The big fire quickly burns the outside and can lock the juice inside the meat." The barbecue man replied proudly.

"Niubility." Wen Yan gave a thumbs up.

This time, the people here can communicate.

After Wen Yan walked out a few steps, he heard the strong man behind him shouting again.

"Hey, man, come and try my cooking later. You must have never eaten it before, right?"

"Hahaha, good, this must be better than the damn expensive fossil fuels."

"That's right, buddy, you are really good!" Hearing this, the strong man was beaming with joy, as if he had met a confidant, and quickly complained about how expensive fuel is now.

Wen Yan said goodbye to the strong man, and inexplicably felt that the illusion and alienation in this world had been eliminated.

As he walked forward, when he saw Lucy's house, he saw Lucy sitting on the lawn, and the red-eyed Bugs Bunny.

"Toy spirit."

"A particularly famous image, plus an entity that is taken care of closely, after a long enough time, when the accumulated power crosses the limit, the spirit will appear.

In Shenzhou, it is called a spirit."

"What you see is very likely not the original spirit, but spirits are like this. Even if it is shot and explodes into a ball of cotton, it will not die. The core is just the consciousness, the spirit."

"Temporary ability: none."

Wen Yan walked forward slowly, and when he looked at Lucy, the expected prompt did not appear, but a familiar exclamation mark warning appeared.

"As the owner of this place, peeping will cause unnecessary trouble. Of course, if the owner of this place allows it, it will be different."

Lucy saw Wen Yan and stood up in surprise.

Her short legs trotted all the way to Wen Yan. After running in front of Wen Yan, she raised her head with a look of surprise.

"Sir, you really came."

Beside Lucy, the red-eyed Bugs Bunny was always by her side, intentionally or unintentionally standing half a body taller than Lucy.

"I haven't finished playing games with you yet. If I can spare the time, of course I will come."

Wen Yan took out two candies from her bag and handed them to Lucy.

"Please have a candy."

Lucy was very happy. She took the candy with both hands and thanked him politely, but did not eat it. Instead, she gave one candy to the red-eyed Bugs Bunny. She took the candy herself and looked up at Wen Yan.

Wen Yan flipped his hand and there was one more in his hand.

"I have one too."

The three of them took one each, peeled off the packaging together, and ate it.

Red-eyed Bugs Bunny ate the candy and his eyes widened instantly. Then, seeing Wen Yan's smiling face, he said nothing, but took a step back and let Lucy out.

At this moment, the exclamation mark warning in front of Wen Yan disappeared.

"Lucy (Yellow Devil's Advent Body)"

"It is impossible to define, impossible to guess, her name is her profession, her ability.

As the daughter of a witch, after decades of planning, she was born with extremely special but undefined powers.

This is the Yellow Devil's favorite Advent Body, which means that He can adapt to this world to the greatest extent and the fastest.

In a world dominated by matter and humans, having such an Advent Body represents many advantages.

These advantages are enough to make Him rise rapidly and add some power that was not originally there on the blank paper.

Add a new name to the list of gods and the list of demons."

"The child's heart is the most sensitive. When her invisible friend disappeared, she became alert in her heart.

The process of advent went smoothly , and it was not going well.

Lucy's power was not used, and she hid in the place where she felt the safest to avoid danger.

After a series of elements came together, plus the power of the Yellow Devil.

This illusory dream began to become a half-real and half-virtual world.

This world, they called it Purgatory.

The starting point of all the wonderful changes was that no one noticed.

An inconspicuous little monster was killed.

Killing a child's best friend is not a wise thing.

Of course, so far, except for you, no one will care about the deviation between their ideas and the ideas of the children. "

"Temporary ability: None (unable to generate targeted abilities for undefined forces)"

Seeing the prompt that appeared, Wen Yan understood.

He thought it was just a connection, but he didn't expect that Lucy was a specially cultivated Yellow Devil descended body.

It turned out that I was right last time. Someone was indeed doing something, and judging from the situation, it has been going on for a long time.

Maybe they have experimented many times, and this is the only successful case.

It's not just people in Shenzhou who are doing similar things. There are indeed people outside. And thinking about what happened before, maybe the group of people in Shenzhou are also related to those guys outside.

"Sir?" Lucy raised her head and urged.

"Oh, okay, let's continue the game, it's your turn."

"Ah, sir, don't you want to make a wish? In fact, you can make a wish to go twice more."

"Haha, I'll keep it first and use it later."

"Okay then."

Lucy picked up the dice, held it in her palm with a serious face, shook it, and dropped it on the chessboard.

The dice rolled a few times and a five appeared.

A line of words slowly appeared on the electronic screen of the chessboard.

"The earth trembled, the ship of the world, and moved to the devil's mine. Countless miners who have never tasted fresh flesh and blood are greedily crying for food.

Please be careful, they are all very resentful, and they are all very hungry."

As these words appeared, Lucy pointed to one of the words and asked Wen Yan.

"Sir, what does this word mean?"

As soon as the voice fell, the earth began to tremble.

A huge crack appeared in the distant horizon, and the sky seemed to fold up.

The whole town, accompanied by the vibration, seemed to have turned into an extremely huge ship and crashed into another space.

The sky there was dark and smokey, and magma was flowing on the mountain. Devil miners with big heads and small bodies carrying hoes were busy here.

They all raised their heads and looked at the town that rushed out.

At the same time, on the other side, the yellow devil who had just descended, his eyes turned light yellow. He sat in the same place, and a group of people surrounded him and performed a ritual.

His "Purgatory Tour" feature was consumed by his descended body in his name when he was at his weakest.

Lucy, who was originally trapped in a dream, inexplicably used this feature to fall into purgatory...

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