I am your natural enemy

Chapter 495: Send the ransom first, Sea of ​​the Dead (5k)

Wen Yan didn't know that the old man in Purgatory had come up with a lot of things in his mind.

The Winchester family was famous over there. For these aliens, everyone in this family was a big evil star.

The reason why the things in Purgatory felt that they couldn't afford to offend was that this family had three generations of fierce men who could kill their way into Purgatory and get out, and their methods were generally cruel. When targeting aliens, they rarely left alive.

Another reason why these aliens were afraid was that strictly speaking, this family was not an exorcist family at all, but a role similar to a historian, a recorder.

For example, eight hundred years ago, the ancestor might have just encountered a certain demon for the first time. At that time, the information was limited, and they might just choose to expel it, but afterwards they would spend time to fill in all the missing information as much as possible.

Hundreds of years later, the descendants met it again, looked through the records, and after confirming it, they would kill it to make up for the regrets of their ancestors.

The siege and hunting of this family was actually the most rampant in the Dharma Ending Age. Although they had lost their power in the present world, some demons could still seduce some mortals to hunt the Winchester bloodline.

Gradually, the people of this family kept a low profile. The surname Winchester was rarely used in front of outsiders. When they went out, they changed to a surname that sounded similar to "Wen".

And with the revival of spiritual energy, they began to kill again in the past few decades, and the surname Wen almost became a well-known secret.

The old man saw that Wen Yan was so fierce that he could kill in Purgatory, and he was holding a magic wand made of the bones of the demon king with obvious demon king aura in his hand. In addition to this surname and the rather pretentious old aristocratic accent, he was even in the mood to ask for a ransom.

It didn't matter what Wen Yan looked like. He must be a member of the Winchester family. Wen Yan said he was not, and the old man didn't believe it.

Rumors spread quickly, and people without strength simply ignored the bounty.

As the rumor spread, it became that the little girl who was wanted was the most talented descendant of the Winchester family, a powerful purgatory creature, and they all thought that it was not worth it to offend the people of the big evil star family for the reward.

After all, even if they were pulled out of purgatory, it would be easier for others to hunt them down.

Some guys who had been active outside were really afraid. After all, if it was not necessary, it was better not to bet whether others had found a way to kill them completely.

On the other hand, Wen Yan returned to the town with the ransom, and he didn't know if he could take these things out.

He didn't touch other things, simply because he thought he couldn't take them out, and there was no use for taking them. This kind of crystal is something that can be traded, so maybe he can take it out.

After returning, Wen Yan counted the ransom and looked at it carefully one by one to prevent profiteers from smuggling other things.

Looking at it, Wen Yan thought about it, and now he remembered a question, how did the rancher know that he was related to Lucy?

He talked about the reward right away and got to the point directly.

There was no name written on the ship of this small town, and even Lucy hid in the basement that could directly block perception.

That treacherous rancher might have some other skills.

Wen Yan was a little surprised that the guy who had not triggered any hints could withstand the attack of Huibu with Chunjun Mace and draw away the force.

If it was not necessary, Wen Yan did not want to continue to fight to the death. What if the guy had something else in his hand? It would not be worthwhile to fight a trapped beast.

Wen Yan's goal was not this.

After sorting out these materials and passing them all over, he put them away to make sure there was no problem.

The ship of the small town was still moving forward. At this moment, it had sailed into a void, which seemed very similar to Gu Meng, but the place between the two Gu Mengs was mostly foggy.

And here, seemingly in the void, there were always roars, wails, and cries that seemed to be there and not there, and they never stopped.

Occasionally, you can see miserable ghosts falling from the sky, and no one knows where they landed.

Some of them are very close to the town ship, and it seems that they are falling straight towards the town ship, but in the end they pass by inexplicably.

For a long time, there was no change. The residents of the town went back to their homes and did their own things. Only the Paw Patrol appeared from nowhere, some squatting at the bow, some patrolling in the town, and some squatting at the tail of the town.

Wen Yan knew that this was the result of mutual influence. Everything here was Lucy inadvertently borrowing the power of the yellow devil. Similarly, the yellow devil should also be able to make a certain range of influence.

For example, the flying chess game.

No one was seen, but the fight had already begun.

Wen Yan took out the wand made of Gauss's finger bones. This thing is more useful than expected, or in other words, the deterrent effect of this wand itself is stronger than the attached magic.

It will be very useful here. Wen Yan didn't think it was a big deal, but for the aliens here, the natural pressure and aura are something that can't be erased.

He took out the wand and hung it on his waist. Fortunately, he was ready to fight this time and brought everything he could with him. After all, some things might be used at any time.

The small town ship sailed for a short time before it crashed into a purgatory again. This was a forest of dead trees. All the dead trees grew crookedly, like twisted ghosts at night.

When the boat arrived here, Wen Yan saw those twisted dead trees, all curled up together. On a hill in the distance, a stone statue came to life and turned into an ugly monster with wings.

The monster's nostrils became several times larger, constantly expanding and shrinking. After sniffing, his eyes changed slightly.

Then he immediately curled up and turned into a stone statue again, slowly sinking into the ground and disappearing.

A moment later, the small town ship sailing seemed to have touched something, and the speed slowly slowed down. There was a tendency to run aground. Wen Yan, who was about to go to see how Lucy was, could only come to the bow to take a look.

Nothing could be seen. In the end, Wen Yan could only think that the power that pushed the big ship to sail was slowly running out.

But the big ship slowed down, and some people began to think more.

Under the dead wood forest, in a cave deep underground, the monster was holding a quill pen and writing furiously.

"My dearest partner, I received your letter.

It is of course not possible to directly forgive your debt.

Friends are friends, debts are debts, and the same is true when the devil comes.

But considering that you still owe me a large debt, I can give you some relief at my discretion.

First, tell me what ransom you paid so that the people of that family can spare the life of you, the damn rancher.

Besides, the bounty is not issued by me, I just help to spread it out."

The monster felt that the giant ship on the ground seemed to be slowing down, and hurriedly burned the paper and sent the letter out.

On the other side, in the rancher's cabin, the bonfire in the small fireplace transformed into a big mouth, opened his mouth and spit out a letter.

The rancher took the letter and took a look, quickly skipped the previous content, and when he saw "relief", he paused slightly, and then read the following content carefully.

After thinking about it, the rancher magnified his losses twenty times, wrote them on the letter, and then began to bargain with the other party.

On the other side, the Kumulin monster received a reply from the small fireplace and immediately reduced the losses mentioned by the rancher by ten times.

Even if it was reduced by ten times, it was still a considerable amount of money.

A few days ago, in a certain hell, many little devils were summoned by a demon king. At least 99% of the summoned monsters died on the way, and at most only 1% of the monsters could be successfully summoned.

A large amount of losses, coupled with the fact that the demon king might summon a large number of little devils, have made related things very scarce recently. The brain cores produced in the Purgatory Ranch are naturally the most appreciated.

The winged monster felt that the giant ship above seemed to be getting slower and slower. He opened the box next to him with a bitter face.

The box turned into a big mouth full of sharp teeth, as if it was going to bite him. The winged monster stretched out a hand and broke a tooth of the box. The box then opened its mouth obediently, listened to the order, and spit out a small stick that looked like it was made of withered vines.

This thing is one of the few good things he has. As a senior broker, he has information that others don't have.

He recently heard that someone is buying this. It is said that it is a big shot. There is no specific information, and his source of information is unwilling to say.

He originally wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune, and then find an opportunity to take advantage of the chaotic period of the Dawn of the Gods to trick a witch or cultist in the world and find a way to summon him out.

Now it seems that forget it. The people outside are too cruel. Winchester has been beaten into purgatory again. He should be honest first and see what happens.

He sent the small rattan stick to a tree root underground, and the tree root rolled the thing into the soil.

A moment later, a bird made of wood, holding the small rattan stick, flew to the giant ship in the town.

The wooden bird landed not far in front of Wen Yan, put down the small rattan stick, and bowed his head to salute.

"Respected Winchester, no one or anything here is willing to be your enemy.

As an inconspicuous little place you occasionally pass by on your journey.

I can only give you this disrespectful gift to practice for you.

Wish you a safe journey."

After saying this, the wooden bird bowed its head and saluted, then quickly turned into pieces of dead wood, and then turned into ashes, drifting away with the wind.

Wen Yan listened silently with a gloomy face throughout the whole process.

What is Winchester?

Then he looked down at the gray and inconspicuous little rattan stick, which was the first item that triggered the prompt after entering here.

"Devil's vine."

"A plant-based monster that grows in Purgatory. It is one of the few things that can penetrate Purgatory. It grows very slowly. In the most suitable environment, it only grows five millimeters a year at most.

And most of the time, in extremely harsh environments, the growth rate of this thing is not even as fast as the annual rings of ordinary trees.

This is one of the few things that is still a top-quality wand material in the world."

Wen Yan raised his hand and Huibu took the devil's vine.

He did not do anything, and someone came to deliver the ransom first. The monsters in Purgatory are quite particular.

He heard that the ruler here wanted him to leave quickly.

Wen Yan wanted to, but the speed of the giant ship in the town was indeed slowing down, and he didn't know why.

If you want to know why, after thinking about it, only flying chess should have the answer.


In the underground gathering place, the core members of the gathering gathered together, a group of people were discussing countermeasures, and only the stitched monster was sitting aside with a beautiful photo album.

The photo album seemed to be photos taken in prison. Some places were marked with the size of each part, such as arms, fingers, legs, etc.

The Stitched Monster was selecting his body parts. His body was almost useless.

Hearing those people arguing, the Stitched Monster couldn't help it.

"Don't count on the reward. The news we have received now is that there is a very powerful guy. To be more specific, the source of the news doesn't even dare to say.

Do you really believe that the other party said that he didn't know his identity and origin?"

"So use my method." The dead necromancer next to him began to transform into the King of Points.

"What can you do?"

"The news we received is that the entire town there, under the power of the descending body, is constantly passing through the territory of some people in Purgatory.

Her power is limited, and the great yellow devil can also influence the direction.

We just need to make sure that the last ship will run aground in the Sea of ​​the Dead.

No matter how powerful a person is, he will only be exhausted to death if he falls there.

We just need to wait quietly for the enemy's body to float across the Sea of ​​the Dead.

When the time comes, we just need to lead the descending body.

It just so happens that she was hiding and trapped before, and it was difficult for us to catch her.

Now she thinks that she can escape by falling into Purgatory, and we have a chance to catch her instead."

"Can this be controlled?" Others were a little skeptical.

"Of course, the great Yellow Devil can definitely do it."

"I'm not doubting this, I'm doubting, can you really make the undead in the Sea of ​​Undead send her here obediently?"

"You are humiliating me! Countless undead in the Sea of ​​Undead are waiting for my summons!

If there weren't enough materials, I could have formed an army of one million undead now!

If the materials I originally reserved were not all gone.

Those damn South Sea monkeys can't do anything!"

As the necromancer spoke, he began to lose his defense and cursed.

But his suggestion was still unanimously agreed, because there was no better way.


Wen Yan knocked on the door of the basement, and the red-eyed Bugs Bunny walked out with Lucy.

The little girl was a little depressed, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she found that Wen Yan was fine. She was still blaming herself for not pulling Wen Yan into the basement.

"Don't think too much. Adults need to fight, and children need to be protected. This is normal."

"I want to fight, but my mother said that children are not allowed to touch guns. Anyone who wants to sell guns to children will go to hell."

"Your mother is right, so let's continue to play this game. If we don't continue, we may keep sailing like this until we are stranded somewhere."

Opening the chessboard, it is now Wen Yan's turn to roll the dice.

This is no longer an ordinary game. It is a competition between Lucy, him, Huang Mo, and those who summoned Huang Mo.

He didn't know what cards the other party would play. What he could do was to maintain his existing advantages as much as possible and make up for the disadvantages.

He looked at the path on the chessboard. There were only grids and no other markings. The routes taken by the competitors were also different. It was a very standard flying chess game.

He calculated that even if he rolled 6 points every time, it would take at least three times to reach the end.

From the perspective of playing games, he had two wishes in his hand, and he definitely couldn't use them first.

Because even if you use it, there is no guarantee that you can finish it in one go. If you are unlucky, a road that can be completed with 6 points may be divided into six times.

After thinking about it, Wen Yan picked up the dice and threw it on the chessboard.

The dice stopped quickly, 4 points.

The little man representing Wen Yan on the chessboard slowly moved four squares and appeared on a square with a black background.

The prompts began to appear on the electronic screen.

"The helmsman of the big ship has been very tired because she has not rested for too long. She is unable to continue to let the big ship sail.

Unfortunately, the end of all living things is ahead, an endless ocean.

Please be careful, after the shipwreck, it is the end."

Wen Yan looked at the fonts of the letters and saw that they all changed, and black air began to emerge from under the little man representing him, lingering around his little man.

The opponent seemed to have played a tough card.

The purgatory areas encountered before were not too powerful, or the opponent was unwilling to take risks.

Now finally a tough character has come.

The giant ship of the town moved forward slowly, finally leaving the area under its feet and sailing into the wailing void.

Wen Yan took Lucy and sent her to her bedroom, letting her close her eyes and have a good rest.

Lucy should have been holding on for a few days, even in her current state, she still needed to rest.

Wen Yan told Lucy to go to bed obediently in an unquestionable tone. If she didn't sleep, Wen Yan would use his wish.

Lucy had no choice but to do as he said.

When Lucy fell asleep in the bedroom and began to rest, the whole town seemed to switch to late night mode seamlessly.

All the residents also went back to rest, and only some members of the Paw Patrol were patrolling on the street.

Wen Yan moved a chair and sat on the bow, holding his super long standby mobile phone, and began to continue reading to pass the time.

After waiting for two hours, the sky suddenly fell in front of him.

In the gray world, there were endless plains, and occasionally a few low hills could be seen.

But then, Wen Yan understood why it was called an ocean.

As far as the eye could see, there were countless undead, countless skeletons of various kinds, and half-rotten zombies, all over the world.

In some places, they could even be described as shoulder to shoulder.

Even where the undead walked, there was no land to be seen, and the land was made up of countless bones.

Countless undead, at the moment when the small town ship appeared, all turned their heads to look.

And the small town ship, which was already getting slower and slower, began to plummet after entering here completely, and began to run aground.

Wen Yan looked at this sea of ​​undead and was silent for a while.

Now he wanted to know one thing, what level was he?

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