I am your natural enemy

Chapter 504 Thirteen Marks, Translator (5k)

Wen Yan originally wanted to say that this thing might belong to Shenzhou. He couldn't pretend not to know when he saw it, even though it was very dangerous.

But after listening to Sam's words, it really made sense, and he did think so.

The mask was very useful, and he would definitely not lose it. He would probably have to use it again in the future.

But such a powerful weapon that could automatically target his identity as a Han envoy or a death knight, or both identities at the same time, was left outside, and Wen Yan felt very insecure.

If he was just a little slower in sensing and reacting, he would die on the spot.

For such a dangerous thing, it is better to find a safe place to put it, so as to ensure that it would not be inexplicably stimulated and rush over to kill him.

Thinking of this, Wen Yan suddenly understood why the Lieyang Tribe had to build a warehouse to store all those strange objects.

Moreover, excluding those useless strange objects, there were many very useful and useful strange objects, and the Lieyang Tribe was also very restrained when using them.

Sure enough, many things can only be fully understood after personal experience.

Wen Yan gave Sam a thumbs up. This guy is really thorough.

Sam looked at Wen Yan, hesitated for a moment, and said.

"I know you may come to Robin from Europa or other places.

You may not be very familiar with this place. I advise you not to let others know about the mask.

Especially other exorcists, including other Winchester family members.

Sometimes the most dangerous are the same kind."

"I mean, the several sects here, plus exorcists, and even cultists, pagans, demons and the like, all may not like me?"

Wen Yan asked uncertainly.

"Your understanding is not wrong. Including demons, they don't like the Death Knight very much. According to legend, the Death Knight will bring the fairest death and will include everyone."

Sam answered with certainty.

Especially after so long, no one from the church came to him. He was very sure that the Nightwing Dragon of the Inquisition must be dead, and the angel must be dead too.

Sam would rather trade some information with the devil broker and never cooperate with the people of the Inquisition. There are deep reasons.

In the eyes of those guys, Sam is actually one of the targets to be purified, and so are all the people in the Winchester family.

Because they have recorded too many dark histories in the past.

The fact that a large number of people's lives were wasted just to impose new rules on vampires is not even on their black history.

There was once an exorcist who, under the pressure of circumstances, temporarily cooperated with those guys to exorcise demons together, but after the task was completed, those guys found excuses and arrested the exorcist on the spot, saying that the exorcism methods used by the other party did not comply with the regulations of their sect and should be classified as evil.

If the exorcist had not kept a hand and spread the news before being arrested, even the body could not be taken back for burial.

The people in the court said that this was the exorcist who borrowed the power of evil and was backlashed and died. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, we believe it anyway.

Wen Yan looked at Sam's serious face and sighed. Forget it. Anyway, he knew that the identity had great hatred, and it didn't feel special if there was more.

"Okay, I'll try not to use it. I have something to ask you.

There are some mysterious powers that can track a person. How to get rid of them without letting the other person know."

"I have to see what power it is first."

"I think you'd better not see it directly. It may cause you huge trouble or something, especially since this place is very close to Florida."

"Is it related to Florida?" Sam was startled, and his face immediately became solemn.

"It's a long story, and it's hard to explain it in a few words. Tell me what you know first."

"I got some intelligence recently. Some days ago, some guys in Florida took advantage of the emptiness of all parties' forces or their energy being distracted by other things to create a super high-standard ceremony. Something has descended.

I was going to sneak into Florida to investigate. Before I entered Florida, I met the broker."

"Then you'd better not go into Florida alone. I don't know what the situation is there now, but it's definitely not something that can be solved by someone going in alone." Wen Yan quickly persuaded Sam.

Lucy, the descended body of Huang Mo, was forcibly snatched away by Wen Yan after copying the idea of ​​King of Ideas.

Wen Yan didn't know what the guy's current situation was.

The only thing he could be sure of was that Huang Mo would never be able to follow the path of a boss in a normal world, growing rapidly and becoming stronger rapidly.

"Well, I'm not going now. When I came back just now, I got the news that there has been a fight in Florida.

A few days ago, people from all sides were arresting people in Florida, including many professionals and many outliers.

There have been constant conflicts in the past few days, and many vicious cases have occurred.

The federal government sent investigators twice, but both times the helicopter crashed and all the people died.

There was originally a third wave, but when the other party arrived at the airport, the airline found an excuse and did not let those investigators board the plane.

After the commotion got out of hand, some people knew that there was a third wave of investigators."

"It's awesome, how did the airline know? Directly refused to check in?"

"Yes, on the grounds of ensuring the safety of the vast majority of other passengers, there were even lawyers who called for free to help other passengers sue."


Wen Yan called it awesome, whether other people knew it or not is another matter, but the capitalists definitely knew it, worthy of being Robin.

The way these people think really made him uncomfortable.

"Let's be safe."


"I'll take a picture for you first. Can I take a picture of this?"

"Just take a picture of the things in the secret room. Those can be taken."

"Okay, thank you."

Sam didn't force to see it. He admired Wen Yan's caution.

Even though he could see that Wen Yan didn't seem to understand some things very well, he still tried his best.

Some magic, evil magic and the like may not be very strong, but they are definitely very troublesome.

If he saw it, it might leave a mark on him. If he met some people in the future, the other party might know that he had seen it.

Based on his long-term experience of dealing with various demons, this kind of thing is definitely very likely.

Wen Yan turned on his mobile phone. He was afraid that taking pictures was not enough and there would be some omissions, so he took a video directly, and then clicked on the automatic mask in the internal function to cover Lucy's figure.

After shooting, he came out of the shielding room and let Sam, a professional, take a look.

Sam just watched the video and his forehead wrinkled.

"There are at least eight marks here, six of which I am familiar with, and I need to look up the books to reconfirm the others.

Six of them are used to summon demons, which is equivalent to anchoring the demons in our world..."

Two hours later, Sam raised his head from the drafts on the table, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

Wen Yan didn't know what he brought, but it looked like a person.

There were thirteen marks on his body.

If it weren't for this shielding room, which is the specialty of the Winchester family, they might not be able to stop all of them.

Six of them are all related to anchoring, three are related to positioning and tracking, and three are related to power.

There is another one, which he found out from his memory and checked the notes, and it was related to the ancient naming technique.

And the things that can use this ancient naming technique are generally completely new things, new powers, etc.

There are also very few special cases, such as using it on a demon without a real name.

The Winchester family once had a record that there was a demon without a real name.

In order to get rid of the other party, you even have to give the other party a real name first.

Under normal circumstances, no matter what kind of devil it is, it will have a real name at the moment of birth.

The ancestor of the Winchester family was still complacent and found a solution.

In the end, he suffered a bloody loss and was recorded in the Book of Shame.

The devil who was given a real name performed a live explosion on the spot, and the previous method of trapping the opponent was directly invalid.

In the end, after paying the price of half of the team's top elites, and the wise men of that generation burned their souls, they created a corresponding method on the spot and forcibly killed the devil.

"How is it? Can it be solved?" Wen Yan asked when he saw Sam finally raised his head.

"Others are easy to solve. If you expel them, they will not be sensed by the other party. There is only one thing called naming, which cannot be erased."

Sam explained to Wen Yan and also told him about the records in the Book of Shame of the Winchester family.

"Is this thing harmful?"

"Actually, it is not harmful, and it cannot be tracked or sensed by any method. Only when it is used, it may be sensed by some people.

But the use of this thing is very demanding. Almost everything is not qualified to be named by the ancient naming technique.

I heard it, but I just heard it.

This technique itself is a professional and also a kind of ability.

A long time ago, there was a very special professional who, when he was dying, separated his ability from him and turned it into a technique.

The authority of naming was released, and from then on, everyone could name something.

He once left seven scrolls, which were equivalent to the professional abilities he left behind when he was alive.

It is currently known that five have been used.

This should be the sixth one, which has been used and cannot be erased.

The good news is that after the sixth scroll was used, it was not named.

In fact, you don't have to worry about it. Just erase the remaining twelve."

"First, please help me, brother, and erase the twelve first."

Wen Yan thought there might be a problem before, but he didn't expect that there would be so many problems.

Sam prepared several methods, including rituals, scrolls, spells, etc. He didn't look at Lucy the whole time. He used the corresponding methods to wipe off the marks on Lucy's body in the shielding room.

When all of these were wiped off, the shielding room finally returned to peace.

Only a rune with a blank in the middle appeared on the back of Lucy's neck. The previously suppressed naming technique now emerged.

It should have been something prepared for the Yellow Devil before. As Lucy was abandoned, it also fell into the Sea of ​​the Dead with Lucy's body.

In reverse, this guy nicknamed the Yellow Devil either didn't have a real name and needed to use this thing to give himself a real name.

Or that guy was going to use it on something that was qualified to be named later.

Unfortunately, it's all gone now.

If the other party knew that Lucy was back, they would definitely come to snatch her away.

Even if the best case is that the body may not be able to continue to be used, this ancient naming technique should still be of great use.

After finishing all these, Wen Yan asked Sam before walking out of the underground and coming to the ground to receive some news.

The black box sent some more news, and the response was ready.

The channels on the Lieyang Department's side can only receive limited information, but a lot of things happened here last night.

For example, a bishop personally arrived at a pastorate near the Florida border to hold a blessing there.

A congressman in Florida was robbed at gunpoint by drug addicts who appeared out of nowhere and shot him to death.

There are signs of demonic presence in northern Florida.

There were eight apparent professional homicides that could be counted...

After collecting and sorting out a series of things that happened from yesterday to today in the black box, I sent them all to Wen Yan who felt that they might need attention.

And the relevant things have been prepared at home, so you can open the door and go back now.

Wen Yan contacted the black box, and after confirmation, he was ready to send Lucy there first.

When they arrived at the underground shielding room, Wen Yan chatted with Lucy and told her to send her to a place now, where someone would pick her up and settle down first. After the things here were done, Wen Yan would go back.

With Lucy in tow, being so close to Florida, Wen Yan felt that he couldn't even sleep well, so there was no reason to make things difficult for himself.

Lucy didn't quite understand, and could tell from Wen Yan's expression that Wen Yan was a little tired and seemed to be in a lot of trouble.

Just a few minutes after the conversation, the agreed time arrived. A crack suddenly appeared in front of Wen Yan. The crack gradually grew larger and became almost as big as the room.

There was only a sparrow cat opposite, standing on the ground with its head held high.

"It has to be me! Without me, this family would fall apart sooner or later!"

The sparrow cat has its toes high and its serious nostrils pointed towards the sky.

“Yes, yes, you are awesome.

This is Lucy. Let's settle down for the moment. Just to be on the safe side, don't let any outsiders see her. "

"How much trouble?"

"It's not small anyway. I still have some things to do. I'll be back when I'm done."

Lucy stood aside, eyes wide open, looking confused.

Because after Wen Yan changed the language, she couldn't understand him, but inexplicably, the guy in front of her, who she wasn't sure whether he was a cat or an owl, was speaking a language she didn't understand, but she could understand him. the meaning to be expressed.

"Come with me. It will be very safe here. At least a foreign devil will not dare to run wild here."

Seeing that Quemao and Lucy could communicate without any barriers, Wen Yan didn't care.

He had ignored it too much before. From the beginning, the sparrow cat could communicate smoothly with the little zombie. At that time, Wen Yan only thought that the sparrow cat could understand.

Later I discovered that it might not really understand, but it could understand and communicate.

Now it seems that not only can it understand itself, but when it speaks, it can also be understood smoothly by the other party.

It seems to have been like this from the beginning, but the people in the family can understand Wen Yan's speech, and Wen Yan feels that it is appropriate for them to be able to understand the sparrow cat's speech.

Now it seems that this is not a matter of course, but comes from the finch cat itself.

Let Quemao come because Wen Yan can feel completely at ease and is the only one who can possibly communicate with him.

Wen Yan comforted Lucy for a few words, and then told the sparrow cat to take the broken iron pieces in the plastic sealed bag back first.

After replenishing things and watching the window close, Wen Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Now go to another place and get another piece of broken iron.

When something happens, you can let go.

The portal closed. On the other side, the sparrow cat looked at Lucy, and Lucy also looked at everything around her.

“It’s spectacular, this is our home.

Don't forget, besides Wen Yan, I am the number one person in the family.

When something really happens, it has to be me. "

The sparrow cat kept bragging and finally got a chance.

After boasting all the way and taking the elevator to the first floor of the underground hive, Lucy couldn't help but become curious.

"Can I ask a question?"

"Just ask."

"Excuse me, should I call you Mr. Bird or Mr. Cat?"

"..." The sparrow cat suddenly became silent: "Do you think I am a sparrow or a cat?"

"I can't define it. My friends told me that defining others casually is very impolite and will cause trouble." Lucy answered very seriously.

"Forget it, just call him whatever you like..." Quemao replied feebly. There was really no point in arguing with a child.

"Okay, can I call you Mr. Cat?"


The sparrow cat drooped its ears, and the arrogance it had just now was gone.

On the other side, Wen Yan was ready to set off with Sam to the next safe house.

In a suburban villa in Florida, a local congressman lives here.

But at this moment, the three members of the congressman's family were tied together and thrown into the corner. A devil with a broken horn and a golden sword sat on a chair. In front of him, the ritual circle had been carved and all the required materials were laid out. .

The broken-horned demon took a puff of cigarette and blew it into the ritual circle. He saw black smoke starting to billow in the ritual circle.

After a while, the black smoke condensed into a head, which looked around very vigilantly.

"Oh, it's Mr. Sir, how can I help you?"

"I heard that your information channels are very well-informed and you are the most famous intelligence broker recently. I want to buy some intelligence from you. Please help me find some intelligence. The price is guaranteed to satisfy you. Three souls."

"Sir, I think there must be some misunderstanding here. I never interfere in soul-related business, and I don't want to see the sun tomorrow. You know, if I interfere in this kind of transaction, I will die miserably."

The devil broker who ran away before was now helplessly throwing the blame and politely declined.

This stupid bird demon thought that soul trade was done like this? Just catching someone and killing him is considered a soul trade? It's really stupid.

Moreover, such a high price must be very difficult intelligence.

He is running away now. If it weren't for the good specifications of the ritual to summon him and the blessing of the mark that had to come, he really didn't want to answer this call.

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