I am your natural enemy

Chapter 506 Small gift, camp title (5k)

"Mr. Sparrow, can we still eat that awesome fried chicken today?"

"I'm not a sparrow, I'm a cat." The sparrow's whiskers trembled, and he was almost showing off his excitement.

No matter how he argued with others, he felt that it was not as good as arguing with Lucy.

Because this little girl would naturally avoid arguing with him.

"Okay, Mr. Cat, the head of the family, when I make money, I will definitely treat you to a meal. I owe you now." Lucy said very seriously.

The sparrow stopped arguing decisively after arguing for a while. Based on his experience with Lucy, if he continued to argue, the other party would automatically enter a state of avoiding arguing, which made him very uncomfortable.

The head of the family felt that this state was just right.

"Wait, I'll order takeout. You have good taste, much better than Dao Ge. Our family is now supported by me. I am the only one who has a salary. My daily food expenses are already 200 yuan."

"Mr. Cat is really amazing, even more amazing than my friend Bugs Bunny."

"Who is Bugs Bunny?"

"He is the most amazing friend I know."

"Ha...hahaha..." Sparrow Cat couldn't help laughing. The more he looked at this little foreigner, the more he liked him.

Sparrow Cat took the phone and instructed Lucy to order takeout. He ordered six large portions in one go. Sparrow Cat didn't feel sorry for its money.

It doesn't have to pay rent, water, electricity, and internet fees, nor does it have to buy clothes. It automatically sheds its fur every year when the seasons change, and it doesn't have to buy daily necessities. No one is so crazy as to ask a sparrow cat to pay for it.

All the money is used for food, and it doesn't go to any expensive restaurants. The monthly income can never be spent.

To say that it supports a family is indeed true to some extent.

Although most of the family members don't need Quemao to pay for food.

Wen Yan said that Lucy couldn't leave the house and couldn't get close to the door to avoid any possibility of being photographed.

To be on the safe side, Quemao didn't dare to let Lucy get close to the window.

The family was very curious about this little girl. Little Zombie was a little unhappy, but after listening to Quemao's translation, he found that his father was dead, his mother was gone, his best friend disappeared, and he was caught by bad guys and his hair was shaved.

Then Little Zombie told Quemao that if he dared to bully Lucy in the future, he would beat her up with Dao Ge.

As for why he didn't say anything about other people, it was because none of the others were as jumping up and down as Quemao, and they would feel itchy if they didn't get beaten for a day.

When Wen Yan was not at home, the housekeeper took care of the family.

In fact, even if Wen Yan was at home, the housekeeper was doing all the big and small things at home silently.

It was not suitable for outsiders to come to the house, so the housekeeper was responsible for cleaning, washing clothes, cleaning dishes, preparing food for everyone, and so on. At most, the little zombie and Chen Qimo would help.

Without Wen Yan at home and the ghost warhorse, eating was much simpler.

Before dinner, the housekeeper took the tray and brought Chen Qimo to the underground beehive.

Chen Qimo was asked to come to offer sacrifices, and the housekeeper only dared to be brought by Wen Yan to worship during festivals and more formal times.

At other times, the housekeeper said that there should be order and no one should overstep their authority. Rules are rules and no exceptions can be made. Everyone has his own way and no one can violate it casually without watching.

When Wen Yan was not at home, the housekeeper only assisted in the offerings and asked the only living person in the house to come.

After the offerings were completed and the incense was burned, they came up from the underground beehive and ate together.

The living eat fried chicken, with porridge and refreshing side dishes of standard Guanzhong flavor. Xiao Huomiao has almost finished eating when cooking. When everyone eats together, he eats some more, purely for the sense of ritual, and eats something else to improve the taste.

The skeleton dog still likes to gnaw bones, big bones that are cooked to the bone, some of which are eaten meat and some of which are eaten bones.

I just don’t know if it’s because the skeleton dog has completed the transition and started to gnaw bones, and the suppression of those skeleton undead is particularly strong, far greater than the suppression of the dead souls.

There are not many lights on in the community, and it is very quiet at night.

Gauss is tossing things in his basement, the Jishui goddess next to him is also recuperating, and Pei Tugou is sitting on the roof, looking at the night, guarding the entire community.

From inside to outside the community, a large number of evil spirits hanging on the street lights are like strange silent wind chimes, shocking all the aliens.

Of course, there are actually some aliens who are classified as low-risk by the Lieyang Department. They just want to live a good life and don't want to cause trouble. Instead, they feel very safe here.

There will definitely not be a madman who suddenly appears here and shouts and kills aliens indiscriminately.

Just when Decheng was at peace, Wen Yan had already entered the sea on the other side.

Sam's safe house was discovered. There was no safe environment. Wen Yan didn't dare to open the door here casually, otherwise he would be tracked.

On weekdays, he opened the door at home, and the destination was basically safe.

If he could be tracked by someone if he opened a door in Fuyu Mountain or the moon, Wen Yan would accept it.

He rushed all the way to the seaside and entered the sea. There was nothing to worry about, at least he didn't have to worry about Robin's people and aliens.

On his own ship, the Dahlia was cleaned very clean by those diligent ghost sailors. Now it looks a little old at most, but it is no longer dilapidated.

After getting on the boat, of course, the newly recruited sailors of the Sword-wielding Piao were identified. For those who had made meritorious service and whose identities could be confirmed, Wen Yan, as agreed, helped them erase the occupational inheritance characteristics of water ghosts.

Those who lied on key issues or had bad intentions would be completely erased if they could not pass the stage of erasing occupational characteristics.

After Wen Yan's progress in the Water Official Talisman for Relieving Evils was now higher than that of Lieyang. After the progress was pushed up, some things had already changed subtly.

After pacifying a large group of water ghosts, Wen Yan sailed on the boat and braved the wind and waves. After watching the complete sunrise and sunset on the sea for three days, Lieyang's progress inexplicably increased by one point, so he decided to slowly float back.

This time he did not plan to open the door, nor did he plan to take the risk of going to the underworld. After all, the old dreams on both sides were different, and the underworld paths were probably different, so it was better not to make trouble and hide a hand.

Calculating the time, when he gets home, according to the time calculated by the Ministry of Aerospace, he will arrive a few days before the black spider falls into the sun. This time is not fixed, but only a guess.

Because according to the current guess, he may be finished before he actually falls into the sun.

When he goes home to rest for ten days or half a month, it will be the holiday, and he has to prepare New Year's goods. In his first year in Decheng, if he is alone, playing games on New Year's Eve and turning on the TV to play the annual background music is not a big deal.

Now there is a big family, so the first year must be lively.

With a large group of water ghosts, he did not take the normal sea route, but took the shortest route directly when the weather allowed.

On the way, he occasionally went into the sea to touch things, and brought back some unique things in the deep sea as gifts.

Half a month passed in a flash, and Wen Yan appeared at the gate of the community with large and small bags and two suitcases, as if he had just returned from a trip.

He dragged his things to the door of his house, and saw Dao Ge flapping his wings and falling from the roof.

"Your business trip was long enough this time. Is everything going well?"

"It's OK, it's good. Come to the room. I brought gifts for you all."

"I have one too?" Dao Ge was a little surprised.

"Of course I have one. I have one."

Dao Ge muttered something, but finally followed Wen Yan and walked to the living room on the first floor with his head held high.

At the window of the living room, little heads crowded there, looking outside. Lucy was face to face with the little zombie.

When Wen Yan entered the door, the little zombie flashed and hung on Wen Yan, crying non-stop.

The sparrow cat on the side naturally translated to Lucy.

"She was acting like a spoiled child, and praised me by the way. When Wen Yan was not at home, I took on the burden of the head of the family!"

The little zombie immediately turned around and glared at the sparrow cat.

The sparrow cat did not change his face or heart, and immediately changed his words.

"Well, she didn't act like a spoiled child, she just praised me."

Lucy couldn't help laughing out loud. Even if she didn't understand, she could see that the little zombie's expression didn't look like he was praising anyone.

Wen Yan waved his hand and released the ghost horse. The moment the gray cloth entered the house, he didn't know where it went.

Lucy walked forward, stretched out her arms, and hugged Wen Yan.

"Sir, we are all very worried about you. God of Rescue bless you. You are back safely."

The sparrow cat on the side immediately came up and translated seriously.

"She said, God of Rescue bless you. You are finally back safely. When you didn't come back, it was all thanks to my care."

Wen Yan couldn't hold back when he heard Lucy say God of Rescue. Now he laughed out loud when he heard the sparrow cat's serious translation.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed the cat's head fiercely.

"Are you stupid? I can understand, but you forgot?"


Que Mao was stunned. He had been used to being a translator these days and forgot that Wen Yan, who was a poor foreign language learner, was blessed by Gauss to be proficient in languages ​​and master a language. At least there would be no problem in normal communication.

However, Que Mao was thick-skinned and pretended nothing happened.

The next step was to distribute gifts. Wen Yan had no time and no possibility to go shopping there, so all the gifts were dug by himself in the sea.

Beautiful shells, pearls dug from the sea, and some were things that the water ghosts got from the sunken ships they knew where to pick and choose. Everyone's gifts were different.

The things for Chen Qimo, the little zombie, and Lucy were more beautiful.

The things for the skeleton dog were bones that Wen Yan brought out from the Sea of ​​the Dead.

The one for the butler was a very delicate little ornament, and the butler didn't care whether it was picked up from a sunken ship.

As for the gifts for Quemao and Dao Ge, they were food. When they were about to reach the shore, Wen Yan personally went to the sea to catch seafood. When he met a fishing boat, he borrowed the other party's channels to send it back.

As for the ghost horse, there was no objection at all. It got the skin and is still happy now.

After Wen Yan distributed the gifts, he took the remaining gifts and gave some to each of Gauss and others.

The one for Gauss was the skull of the devil. This time, it was basically Gauss who contributed and borrowed his face.

Sure enough, Gauss liked the gift given by Wen Yan very much, saying that it seemed to be the mayor of a demon city.

At that time, this mayor was quite arrogant. At his peak, he thought he could flatten the sea of ​​dead souls and rule the sea of ​​dead souls.

Later, he led the army into the sea of ​​dead souls, and then made the name of the sea of ​​dead souls even louder.

Of course, being able to build a city is a rare existence among demon kings, and Gauss did not build a city.

Of course, this is also because Gauss is quite different. He doesn't like building cities, managing forces, and so on.

After resting at home for a day and enjoying the reunion, Wen Yan went out for a trip. When he came back, he naturally had to report his safety.

After a round, he went to see Feng Yao again. This guy recovered very quickly and there was no big problem.

Since Wen Yan snatched Lucy from Huang Mo over there, Feng Yao has not encountered any problems.

At present, there are no more problems with the rift between Gu Meng and Purgatory, but the hidden dangers are still there.

There is no solution for this thing for the time being, and we can only control the spread of information. Wen Yan is not going to tell others anymore.

The peaceful and comfortable life continues. The identity problem of Lucy will be solved by the Lieyang Department.

After so many days, the latest news is that there is no news. The other side seems to have stopped and entered the dark. I don't know what they are doing.

These are not Wen Yan's turn to manage. Wen Yan just needs to make sure that Feng Yao will not be killed inexplicably in his dream while he is asleep, and the rest of the things will be easy to say.

As for the crack, it was said that a big boss in Laojun Mountain was planning to repair the sky.

The core thing was the strange tree that fell not far from Qingcheng Mountain. It was the strange tree with fangs and claws that Yu Shi used when he got stuck in the bug and asked for a title.

The Lieyang Department blocked the place. Recently, a big boss has been studying it. Because of Feng Yao's accident, a big problem was involved, so a big boss who was practicing in Laojun Mountain was directly invited to come down.

These jobs have nothing to do with Wen Yan. Wen Yan just contributed his efforts. Forget about other things. He read the translated version of the classics and his head hurt.

After a few days of rest, Wen Yan came to the headquarters and talked with the director of the headquarters.

The headquarters has also used the strange objects to re-list the information of Huang Mo. Compared with the previous information, it was found that Huang Mo's "Purgatory Tour" feature had disappeared.

Now that there is no news from the other party, let's do this for now, and keep an eye on him. That guy has reached out to Shenzhou, and he almost killed an acting minister in the garrison of the Lieyang Department. Sooner or later, he will find an opportunity to kill that guy.

However, Wen Yan does not need to follow up on the follow-up and follow-up matters.

As time goes by, Wen Yan is still practicing at home.

The seventh door has been determined, and Dao Ge is here to help.

It happened that Wen Yan was on his way back, and he watched the process from sunrise to sunset for nine consecutive days without any cover or interference.

From dawn to dusk, I calmed down and felt it for nine days. In addition to the three points of Lieyang progress, I also gained some insights in my heart.

The most suitable candidate for the seventh door is Dao Ge.

Although Dao Ge says that he doesn't live at home every day, he likes to live in the yard, stand on the roof every day, and beat sparrows and cats every two or three days. In fact, Dao Ge is more stable than ordinary people.

This is also the only monster Wen Yan has seen so far that has a positive blessing with his ability.

The reason why Wen Yan was not in a hurry even though the progress had been caught up was that he wanted to wait.

After waiting for three days, it was about the same as the twenty-seven days estimated by the Ministry of Space.

Wen Yan sat on the roof early in the morning, watching the sun rise, and he saw the prompt appear.

"The gods have fallen."

"The gods in the most initial state are still gods. This is the essence of the problem.

The real sun always has the real power that the fake sun does not have.

This huge star, which occupies more than 99.8% of the mass of the solar system, can almost be said to be the original source of all the power on this planet.

No one could really use this power, but with the wisdom of a group of people, a corner was opened."

"The dark spider was annihilated in the sun as the one who made it all happen.

You get a special title: Dark Retreat."

"Dark Retreat.

For any dark power, gain 66% extra resistance, extra perception, extra weakness insight...

If the opponent can be judged, the first two prompts are judged , there is a 66% chance of penetrating the opponent's dead point. "

"As one of the pioneers who used the real sun to kill the immortal gods.

You can choose one of the following two options.

1: 15% additional progress of the scorching sun.

2: Dark xx (mythical identity), darkness is eternal, and you who already have a trace of seeds are eligible to obtain a part of the indelible dark status at this time.

As one of the pioneers, you can get additional hints.

Except for the real sun, there is no long-lasting, too blazing brilliance.

The brilliance that blooms in the darkness will be particularly dazzling.

If you don't occupy some things, the enemy will help you occupy them. "

Wen Yan was speechless when he saw the hint. What's the difference between this and having no choice?

He wanted 15% of the scorching sun progress, which would directly advance the progress by two levels.

But with these extra hints, of course he would choose the latter. It took a lot of effort to kill the dark spider this time. If it happens again, and it's more troublesome, he won't be able to kill it in the cradle.

Progress and the like, just push forward slowly, this thing is up to fate, it depends on his own perception.

When Wen Yan chose the second one, there was a new prompt.

"The difficulty of obtaining the title 'Forbidden Land of Gods' in the current camp is reduced by one level."

His camp also has a title?

What does this mean? How much is the reduction of one level?

Also, what camp is he in?

Wen Yan waited for a long time, but nothing happened after that, no explanation at all.

He waited for so many days, and did not open the seventh door, just to wait and see if there would be any results.

There was a result, but it was not what Wen Yan thought.

He had thought before, to see if he could get it together, and then when he opened the seventh door, there would be some additional effects.

Now he didn't really understand it, so he should wait a few days to figure out what this camp was.

There was also the question of the camp's title, and he would go back and talk to the head of the headquarters to see what the Lieyang Department meant and what it meant above.

If the general direction was the same as he thought, then his camp was the Shenzhou camp.

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