I am your natural enemy

Chapter 51 Young and old

In Wen Yan's villa, Zhang Laoxi did not dare to approach the second floor. Feng Yao had already arrived.

Zhang Laoxi heard Wen Yan's last words.

Video is the entrance to the field.

When they were ready, Zhang Laoxi was fully armed and even had a gun around his waist. He picked up the mobile phone dropped on the ground.

What he saw was just a very ordinary short video with low quality, nothing more.

There is no sign of entering the field at all.

Feng Yao also tried. He held his mobile phone and watched the video, but there was no reaction.

But Wen Yan and Que Mao were indeed gone.

And looking at the background in the video, Feng Yao could also recognize it, which was the place where he asked Wen Yan for help.

"What kind of situation is this? Have you seen it before?" Zhang Laoxi looked confused.

"Don't look at me. I've never been in this situation before. I don't even know who to ask."

While the two were talking, Zhang Laoxi's expression changed drastically.

He immediately opened the wooden box on his back, but it was already empty.

"I didn't go in, the little guy I brought did."

"Did you bring him from Mount Fuyu?"

"Yes, I just got permission from Grand Master's uncle, and luckily I persuaded someone to follow me out."

Hearing this, Feng Yao's expression also changed a little.

They couldn't get in, but the zombies brought out of Fuyu Mountain could.

Zhang Laoxi became more and more anxious this time. He finally managed to trick a little zombie in Fuyu Mountain. He had not raised it for two days when it suddenly disappeared into the field.

Finally, a noble person fell from the sky, and a person who knew the blazing sun fell.

He felt that he had worked hard in the past, doing things for others to make money, and had never cheated the poor. He also adopted a few orphans as his apprentices, and he didn't even find a wife. At the age of forty, he finally accumulated enough character.

The biggest opportunity in this life is right in front of you.

If Wen Yan can be as awesome as the Thirteenth Patriarch recorded in Fuyu Mountain's classics in the future, he, as the guide, will have bragging rights for the rest of his life.

Who would have thought that now people just disappear when they say they don’t.

The point is that Wen Yan has just started learning Lieyang Fist, and he is actually just an ordinary person.

He also knows that the Lieyang Department will definitely not be able to find any experts to help, and they have not even found a way to enter the field.

Zhang Laoxi gritted his teeth thinking about the little zombie he brought out.

"I'm going to move...I'm going to find Wen Yanta's uncle!"

"Which uncle is he? Why didn't I know that Wen Yan also had... uh..." Before Feng Yao could finish his words, he wanted to understand what Zhang Laoxi was referring to.

He stood there, looking at Zhang Laoxi's retreating back, hesitated for a moment, but said nothing.

He also knows that this is probably not an ordinary small field with low risk, at least not ordinary.

Entrance to the short video field and being selective about the members who enter are not simple.

He looked at the sky, took out his cell phone, and called He Jian, the director of Decheng Funeral Home.

"Hey, Director He, you haven't left yet, have you? Zhang Laoxi has gone to your unit. He should be paid and reimbursed. If you can help Director He, please welcome him to save him from any taboos. He is not from the Lieyang Department. It's not easy for people like me to make some money, so please be more considerate."

He Jian's car was almost home. When he received the call, he immediately turned around and returned to the funeral home.

The more Feng Yao didn't explain clearly, the more the curator understood that this couldn't be said on the phone.

During an operation of the Lieyang Department, four moles were involved, but they couldn't hide it. Feng Yao himself began to be cautious.

The curator actually didn't care too much about the loss of the wooden armor mask, because even if the wooden armor mask was taken out, even if it could be snatched back, it would have been taken away and sealed by the Lieyang Department, and it had little to do with their funeral home.

As soon as the director arrived at the entrance of the funeral home, Zhang Laoxi's pickup truck followed closely behind and stopped at the door.

The curator squinted his eyes slightly. Seeing that Zhang Laoxi could not hide his anxiety, he immediately greeted him and pointed inside.

"It's time to get off work. Let's go to my office to talk."

The curator walked ahead and all the way to the office, Zhang Laoxi couldn't help it and immediately told the story.

"...That's probably what happened. I can't get in, but that uncle can definitely get in."

The curator looked calm, nodded, and looked at the time.

"You'd better hurry up. If you're a little later, you won't be able to do anything. It just so happens that Wen Yan's uncle is not our client, so it's not cool to live here. It's best to take him away."

The curator went downstairs, turned on the switch, and pulled it directly. The lights dissipated instantly, and all the surveillance cameras in the concierge went out.

He took Zhang Laoxi all the way to the backyard, opened the door of the old office building, took a look at the employee rules posted inside, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

In the mirror, Lao Wang stopped acting and stood leaning against the wall, folding his arms, looking at the curator and laughing, just waiting to see what the curator would do, whether he was breaking the rules.

The curator smiled and waved to Lao Zhang behind him.

"Wen said that his uncle lives in the second office. He is old and may be a little dementia. Take care of him and don't make any mistakes. Remember to close the door when you leave."

Zhang Laoxi entered with a small push bed.

The curator was standing at the door, looking at Lao Wang in the mirror and pointing to the employee code of conduct.

"Old He, what is the third item? I can't see clearly."

The curator chuckled, his face not red, his heart not beating, and he read out the third item naturally.

"No one without a key is allowed to enter the old office building. Violators will be fired."

"Then what?"

"Then what? I'll fire him later!"

"He is not from the funeral home! What am I asking you?"

"I have the key, and I didn't violate the employee rules."

"Lao He, you are so shameless, you are so much better than when you were young!" Lao Wang sighed, convinced.

In the office inside, Zhang Laoxi couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster when he looked at the jumping corpse standing behind the cabinet.

He took out the small incense burner he carried with him, kneaded the incense with his incense finger tips, knelt down directly on the ground, offered the incense above his head, kowtowed three times, and inserted the incense into the incense burner.

"Abo, Wen Yan is in danger. I can't enter the domain, so I have to ask Abo to take action. I will take Abo over now. I hope Abo can cooperate."

The scent of incense floated up and hovered around Tiao Zhi. After waiting for a long time, Tiao Zhi still closed his eyes tightly, but the scent of incense began to disappear into Tiao Zhi's nose.

Zhang Laoxi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, immediately pushed the gurney, wrapped the jumping corpse, and took it out.

And in the field on the other side.

The sky was almost completely dark, and the silver moon was already hanging high in the sky, illuminating the earth in pale white.

Also pale was Wen Yan's face.

The sparrow cat was covered in fur, as if someone had robbed it of cans and filled it with water.

But Wen Yan stood there, not daring to move. His face was as pale as the earth illuminated by the moonlight. On his back, lying on his back, was a little girl dressed in dark red ancient clothes and with her hair in a lily bun.

The little girl had an innocent smile on her face, but unfortunately, the fangs in her mouth were exposed, her complexion was a little pale, and her pupils were only the size of a pinhead.

The green arms were like two cold iron hoops, encircling Wen Yan's neck.

Wen Yan could clearly feel that with just a little effort, this so-called little girl could take off his head and kick it as a ball.

He has completely understood the dangers of the field. If he can survive this time and go back, he will definitely practice martial arts to death.

I clearly noticed something was wrong just now, but my senses caught up with me, my consciousness caught up with me, but my body couldn't keep up.

In the blink of an eye, a small zombie suddenly appeared on his back.

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