I am your natural enemy

Chapter 518: Strong Brick Flying, Disguise Occupation (6k)

Although Luoyue County is adjacent to Nanwu County, the strength of the local Lieyang Department is far inferior to that of the neighboring county, and they often borrow people from the neighboring county to handle cases.

It is rare to ask them to help investigate the cases there, especially when they are not sent to the headquarters of Luoyue County but directly to their local Lieyang Department.

There are not many local cases, and those that are considered big are not small, such as the case of King Guilong. Obviously, such a thing is not something that the local department can intervene in.

With the strength of the local area, it is not even qualified to be a marginal OB.

Occasionally, some ghosts will appear in the local area, mostly trivial matters, and there are no evil spirits, just like some people who died suddenly, hid a lot of money before they died, and were afraid that their families would not know and could not find it after they died.

Before they died, they left this obsession, so they wanted to solve it quickly, but ordinary people could not see ghosts and communicate.

The grassroots of the local Lieyang Department mostly did things that were not very dangerous but very necessary.

Finding the family of the deceased, asking for some biological information, pulling out a hair, drawing some blood, etc., are not difficult, but require people to communicate.

And this kind of thing, those armed field officers may not be able to do it, and communicating with the family members really requires skills.

The middle-aged man looked at the content of the joint investigation. One of them was to provide detailed information of two aliens, and to ask the corresponding assistants of these two aliens, who had close contact experience, to supplement this information.

One of these two aliens was the black guy just now.

The middle-aged man was not too vigilant, because things related to aliens are roughly divided into three levels.

The lightest level is to call the other party, communicate by phone, and at most ask the other party to take time to come to the Lieyang Department.

Generally, it is just to assist in the investigation, or to verify documents and the like. The alien must come in person, and someone can see the other party with their own eyes.

When the other party enters the station of the Lieyang Department, there are actually some passive verification methods. During the verification, the other party does not need to cooperate with anything.

These are generally only notified when applying for identity.

The next step is to investigate and collect evidence at the door, which is usually just questioning and asking some questions.

It is roughly equivalent to a case in this area, and the people of the Lieyang Department come to ask if there are any clues.

By the way, it is also a process of elimination. When you meet and talk face to face, many people who have committed crimes and those who have not committed crimes will have obvious differences in their performance.

The last step is to directly issue a wanted notice, and field agents go to the door and arrest armed.

The requests received by the middle-aged man now are only equivalent to colleagues from other places, asking many details that local people are familiar with, and there is no abnormality at all.

In addition to paying attention to confidentiality measures, there are no other requirements.

This thing can be written by the middle-aged man himself.

He is Hei Zai and another local abnormal assistant.

This Hei Zai was found by two young people on foot. At that time, Hei Zai was only a body of bones, and the joints of his body were basically broken. Large bones such as femurs were also broken.

Even if only bones were left, this guy was still stubbornly trying to move.

Later, the middle-aged man went to collect the bones. Heizi died, but he did not turn into a ghost after death. For some reason, he turned into a monster.

He did not remember how he died, but he only remembered that he went out to work and had a wife and children to support at home.

After the identification of those bones, it was roughly estimated that he might have died of a broken neck bone or a heavy bleeding. It was not very clear to distinguish.

Because there were traces of beasts biting on those bones, and there were also traces of many wild beasts gnawing on them. There were too many and the time was too long.

It can even be distinguished that after his death, the last bit of meat on the bones was licked clean by some small wild beasts, and there were a lot of traces of scraping on the tongues of the small wild beasts.

At this time, Heizi had begun to regain some consciousness and began to turn into a monster.

He could clearly remember that dozens of waves of various snakes, insects, rats, ants, and various large and small wild beasts that he had never seen before came to visit his body, and the dry bone marrow remaining in the big bones was licked clean.

Later, after observation and judgment, the local Lieyang Department reconnected Heizi's bones, allowing him to move, and found him a night shift job.

The requirement is that he must report to the Lieyang Department once a month to complete the registration and filing.

This requirement is actually a monthly check to see if the bone monster has gone astray and is law-abiding.

At the beginning, he was required to work locally. After a long time, this guy's monthly income was unshakable, and almost all of it was transferred back home.

After working locally and being law-abiding, and meeting the required time, supervision began to relax a little.

After that, Heizi found a job with a cargo ship at night. It was hard and dangerous, but the income was much higher than before, and he could leave the local area for work reasons.

But the requirement is still to report to the local Lieyang Department once a month.

After meeting the required time this time, he is still law-abiding and has not committed any crime. Later, it may only take half a year or a year to go to the Lieyang Department to reissue the certificate, and there is no limit on the location.

For some ghosts who died miserably, it is like this. It is not easy to give them an identity.

Because resentment is hard to dispel, and obsession is hard to get rid of.

Unlike people, people may have a time to let go.

But some ghosts can exist only because of their resentment and obsession.

As a bone demon, Hei Zai’s requirements are lower than those of Ah Piao, but he died too tragically and his obsession is too deep, so he has similar requirements.

The middle-aged man continued to write down what he saw and heard truthfully. Hei Zai had a miserable life, but he was very humble and polite. He didn’t have much money, and he would bring some fruits and snacks every time he came.

He was diligent, down-to-earth, hardworking, and able to endure hardships. I don’t know if it was affected by the obsession, but he was always afraid that if he was gone, the orphans and widows in his hometown would not be able to survive.

He came to report every month on a fixed day, and he never let him down.

The middle-aged man didn’t leave until it got dark today, just waiting for Hei Zai to come.

To be honest, this alien was more down-to-earth and hardworking than many people he had met, which was why he was willing to lend a hand if the rules allowed.

He described it in detail according to the requirements, and judged some basic situations through long-term contact.

And these private details, under normal circumstances, would not appear in the records, and the records would only record some very objective things.

For example, what kind of demon the other party is, his name, his obsession, his original body shape and appearance, his changed appearance, etc.

After the normal procedure is completed, this information will fall into the information database.

In normal big data screening, outliers like Hei Zai are actually excluded first, and they are of low suspicion.

All his detailed information has been in the information database from the beginning, and when something happens, he will indeed be screened at the first time.

But at the same time, there is enough detailed information, enough experience, and something similar to credit that has been cultivated with great effort.

Unless there is really some pointing evidence, outliers like Hei Zai will be screened at the first time.

It has been in the open all the time, but no one knows everything.

Time passed, and the middle-aged man went to complete the task the next day. After the materials were sealed, they were sent to the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou through the channels of the Lieyang Department.

The funds of the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County are quite abundant, not only because the local economy is good, but also because the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County is one of the customs in the mysterious world of Shenzhou, and has taken on many major events.

Things that originally needed to be investigated by foot can now be investigated by technical means, so let's use technical means.

If human brain tissue appears, the probability of taking it after a normal death is not too high. The risk is too high. There are many people who need to handle it after a normal death.

From issuing a death certificate to going to the funeral home, even if it is to be burned in the end, there are fixed procedures.

It is impossible that a person's skull has been opened, but no one can see it.

Various records involve more than one unit, which is particularly troublesome.

If the brain of a dead person is taken, the most likely step to be undetected is after arriving at the funeral home.

Unfortunately, there are the most cameras there, and people who know more about the business don't dare to do it now.

Feng Yao is now taking the route of Li Da Zhuan Fei.

At the beginning of the year, there was sufficient funding, plus the nature of the case, and the buff during the New Year, it was just a waste of money.

Send people to use strange objects to fish the river all over the river, and fish out some subtle things. With the current iterative technology, this trace amount of evidence is enough to extract key information for comparison.

This time, through deduction, starting from Yuzhou as the center, all possible routes of the brain tissue were included.

It just so happened that they also paid money to build up the relevant information of the missing persons. The people in the criminal investigation department were quite happy. They could have a database without paying money, which would save them a lot of money and make it easier to handle cases later.

Feng Yao was willing to spend money on the first case of the year. After all, after the database was established, it was not for a single case.

On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the day before everyone had to go to work normally, a piece of information was compared in the database of missing persons in Nanwu County and the surrounding four counties that was being established.

There was a person from Xiaoxiang County who said he went abroad to make a fortune three months ago. Later, this person called his family twice and sent money once, but there was no news.

Then, his family was visited by debt collectors, and his family knew that when this guy left, he borrowed money from relatives and friends and took out online loans.

This guy didn't even have a record of leaving the country, and the two calls he made were indeed from the Nanyang Alliance.

Then the family reported the case, and in the end, this guy had no record of leaving the country and was listed as a missing person.

This time, with Feng Yao's great strength and super wide net, he was matched.

With extremely detailed identity information, Feng Yao called Wen Yan.

"The work will officially start tomorrow. If you have nothing to do, good luck to you."

"You haven't even become a minister yet, and you're already whipping the oxen and horses that pull the mill?"

"I'm just finding you something to do. You have a big family to support, and your bonus this month is directly reduced by a single digit.

You're not in a hurry, but I'm in a hurry for you. I'm just finding you something easy to do, but with a lot of bonus.

It's fine if you don't thank me, but why are you so sarcastic right away?"

"Okay, okay, you're right, you're right." Wen Yan sighed and didn't continue to argue with Feng Yao: "What do you want to do?"

"Help to summon a soul and ask about the case. What do you need? Personal belongings before death? Or something else?"

"No, send me the detailed identity information and whatever you want to ask."

"Okay, take it and see if you need anything else. Just tell me, and I'll give it to you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? What tomorrow? How can you say tomorrow when you're handling a case?

Feng Yao, your ideological awareness is not good. I have to talk to you.

Today, it's dark now. I'll go at midnight. I'll tell you the result as soon as possible!"

Wen Yan hung up the phone passionately. Feng Yao held the phone, not knowing whether to grit his teeth or praise Wen Yan.

He didn't need to think to know that there would be a call at midnight today!

On the other side, Wen Yan took the phone, looked at the message, and calculated the time. It was almost just right.

Let the family go to bed early, and Wen Yan took a few sticks of incense and prepared to go to the underworld.

Lucy was wearing pajamas, holding a doll given by a little zombie, and pulling the corner of Wen Yan's clothes.

"Sir, I heard you're going to work, right?"

"Yes, I'm going to work now."

"Then... can we continue to play board games during our vacation?"

"Of course, but can you tell me why you want to play that game?"

"I want to draw a wish and wish for my friend to come back."

"Your friend has always been with you." Wen Yan reached out his hand, rubbed the little girl's head, and let the little girl go to sleep.

That wish, in the final analysis, was just the use of Lucy's ability, not a real magic lamp that could do anything.

There is a high cost and great side effects for things like resurrection from the dead.

Especially since it has been so long, it is impossible to resurrect without side effects.

After sending the little girl back to her room to sleep, Wen Yan carried incense and came to the underworld.

He first inserted a handful of incense at the crossroads, then crossed the crossroads, went straight forward, reached the broken road, went down to the sea and came to the other side, and routinely saved the souls of the dead.

When today's routine tasks were completed and he returned to the crossroads, the time was just over twelve o'clock.

The person he was looking for was probably unlikely to become a ghost. He existed in the world, and the probability of appearing in the underworld should be higher.

He read the information again, then stamped his feet, and a shadow of an altar rose under his feet, and two white flags slowly floated.

Wen Yan shouted in a deep voice and began to summon the soul.

"Sun Fuan."

With a loud shout, a golden road stretched out from under the altar and quickly disappeared into the end of the field of vision.

After waiting for a few seconds, Wen Yan saw a dead soul with a head above eyebrows and dull eyes appearing in front of him on the golden road.

Wen Yan looked at the dead soul carefully, and it was indeed the person in the photo.

There were no obvious scars on the other party, and there should be no external injuries when he died, and the cutting method of the skull looked like a professional dissection method.

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of the other party, leaving them for storage. More professional people should be able to see more information.

He stretched out his hand and gave the other party a little Yang Qi, but the other party's eyes were still empty and dull, standing still and unresponsive.

Wen Yan gave the other party Yang Qi again according to the limit that the other party could bear, and the other party's soul became stable, but his eyes were still dull, and there was no sign of regaining consciousness.

Wen Yan had seen this situation before. The empty head meant that the other party's wisdom was lost and the soul was missing the most important part.

Unless it was a special case like Xiao Wu, otherwise, it was only possible to maintain the soul of the dead in the underworld.

This situation is a bit troublesome.

It's impossible to ask anything.

It seems that the cannibal is not just a cannibal, but should have stolen the other party's wisdom by doing so. This is a fundamental difference.

Wen Yan pondered for a while, and the soul was summoned. It can't be that this is the only gain, right?

After thinking again and again, Wen Yan tried to think of his family, the things he loved most and the things he cared about most when he was alive, and the other party had a little instinctive reaction.

He took out his phone and called up a picture in the file. It was this guy's bank card. He almost had it sewn into his underwear when he was alive, for fear that someone would steal it.

Seeing the bank card, Sun Fuan's instinctive reaction was indeed a little bigger, and he clearly wanted to reach out and grab it.

After confirming this, Wen Yan immediately started using other pictures in the file, holding the phone in front of the other person's face and letting him look at the pictures one by one.

For most of the pictures, Sun Fuan had no reaction, like a vegetable.

He reacted most strongly to pictures of money. Every time he saw pictures of money, he wanted to reach out and grab it. He must have loved money very much when he was alive. He had no wisdom, but his instinctive reaction was still so strong.

After confirming dozens of breakthroughs, Wen Yan began to mobilize other pictures in the file.

There were nearly three thousand people who were slightly suspicious, and some of them might not even be suspicious. They just appeared near the dock at that time.

Wen Yan was neither anxious nor slow, and just spent it slowly.

After an hour, when he replenished Yang Qi five times, Sun Fuan finally had some instinctive reaction when he saw one of the pictures. He took a step back, then reached out and tried to grab it.

Wen Yan looked at the picture, which showed a dark-skinned person.

To confirm, he tried three more times and inserted this picture into a pile of pictures.

Just like the picture of Qian, every time it would arouse Sun Fuan's instinctive reaction.

Wen Yan was not in a hurry to stop there. He went through all the pictures in the data, and in the end, except for the picture of Qian, only this picture could arouse the other party's instinctive reaction.

Wen Yan dispersed the altar phantom and let Sun Fuan go.

He came out of the underworld, mobilized the information, and checked the person in the picture.

There is a complete record in the Lieyang Department. It is a bone monster with a very miserable origin. Later, he was diligent and down-to-earth, and he was very family-oriented, so he was given an identity. According to the record, the other party is now working honestly.

The work content is to follow a cargo ship that transports goods on the Xijiang River, basically transporting sand, gravel, coal and other things.

The content of the record is very good. It can be said that it is a standard model alien. It is normal to be given an identity and have a job.

And this bone monster did appear near the port at that time.

Wen Yan pondered for a while, thinking that this bone monster was working the night shift, or on a Xijiang cargo ship, he sent a message to the black box.

"Check, where is the ship where this bone monster works now?"

The black box immediately gave a map. There was a small arrow on the map, floating on the Xijiang River. Looking at the direction, it was from downstream to upstream. At most one hour, it would pass by the river outside Decheng.

"Notify me when the ship is approaching."

Wen Yan took his phone and checked the information. This bone monster was also quite miserable. His body was in pieces, but he did not turn into a ghost. Instead, he attached himself to the bones because of his obsession. He lay on the mountain for an unknown period of time before being discovered.

After his bones were repaired and he could move again, he worked hard to make money. The people of the Lieyang Department had a good impression of him.

If it weren't for the soul summoning, the soul of Sun Fuan, who was summoned, lacked the most important wisdom, but could still have an instinctive reaction to him, and Wen Yan would not have noticed this guy.

According to the information checked by the Lieyang Department, this was probably Sun Fuan who was sold as a piglet. It was impossible for him to have any intersection with this bone monster before his death.

Almost an hour later, at 1:30 in the morning, the black box sent a reminder to Wen Yan that the ship would enter the range of Decheng in five minutes and leave the range of Decheng in about fifty-five minutes.

Wen Yan calculated the time and came to the riverside leisurely. He summoned the big grass carp in the river and chatted with it casually.

While chatting, an ordinary cargo ship slowly sailed up from downstream.

Originally, Wen Yan was going to take a look first. If the bone monster was in the cabin, he would let the big grass carp go over to scare it. As a boatman, the bone monster would definitely come out to check.

At that time, he only needed to take a look in person, and he should be able to confirm a lot of things.

Now it just happened that he saw that the bone monster was not in the cabin, but was just outside for routine inspection.

And the bone monster also noticed that there were people on the shore, and there seemed to be the breath of water monsters in the water.

After a long look, he recognized that the famous Decheng Wen Yan, the person he must pay attention to.

The bone monster was shocked. Didn’t they say that Wen Yan had a very amazing yang energy?

Why did he notice it when he was so close?

If he hadn’t noticed the breath of the water monster, he would have thought it was an ordinary person.

On the other side, Wen Yan saw the bone monster, and a prompt immediately appeared in front of him.

"Bone monster."

"Bone monsters are generally of two types.

One is a skeleton with spirituality, giving birth to a new consciousness.

The other is a monster with its own skeleton as a body and human consciousness.

This monster is deeply obsessed and unwilling, and finally turned into a monster."

"A very ordinary bone monster..."

When the prompt was displayed here, the bracelet on Wen Yan's wrist, which had always been a pendant and had never been cultivated by the Taotie mythology core, shook slightly.

The original prompt flickered, like a layer of fog, and new words appeared faintly under these words.

"Your identity is dark xx, illuminating the darkness, as if there is something hidden in the invisible darkness.

The Taotie mythology core you hold has sensed something familiar."

At this time, Wen Yan looked again, and the original "bone monster" gradually disappeared and turned into another three words.


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