I am your natural enemy

Chapter 64 No difference, no impact (5k)

The last time I entered the water ghost realm, I came in by accident.

The few monsters I met at that time were all able to talk and communicate. In today's era, it is quite normal for these guys to hold their phones and watch videos like sparrow cats.

And the two evil ghosts I encountered this time, and a green-haired zombie, obviously had no brains.

Wen Yan didn't believe that these guys would also watch videos with their mobile phones.

The evil ghost just now couldn't help but take action when he saw him. Such a thing would definitely not dare to operate in a place with a large population.

On the whole, the Sun tribe is short of manpower and has priorities in dealing with matters. However, it has always dealt with such aliens who dare to kill in human settlements, no matter the cost.

If it doesn't work once, he will shake the person on the spot and will never stop until he is shot to death.

Just chasing down an evil ghost is much easier than dealing with the field.

The little zombie squirmed and groaned, and even rubbed its face against Wen Yan's.

"Okay, okay, thank you, little master."

Wen Yan stretched out his finger and touched the little zombie's eyebrows, giving him a little more yang energy this time.

It was thanks to the little zombie just now, otherwise, he would definitely have been hit by a hidden weapon.

The little zombie squinted his eyes and smiled happily, and sniffed his nose gently. A wisp of green air left in the soil flew out and penetrated into the little zombie's nose. The little zombie spoke in a whisper.

The finch cat raised its ears and its whiskers trembled slightly, feeling a little excited.

"She said that the green-haired zombie attacked her just now. She had already recorded the breath, and called to complain when she got back. She said that her family had said that everything else depends on the situation, but being attacked by a zombie cannot be tolerated."

"Huh? She still knows how to make phone calls?" Wen Yan was a little surprised and caught the key point.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the little zombie lying on his shoulder, sleeping soundly.

The sparrow cat drooped its ears. It felt that it seemed that it had said a little too much. The little zombies immediately started sleeping. After returning, they would most likely be tormented by the little zombies...

Wen Yan didn't try to wake up the little zombie. He didn't want to say anything, so he didn't want to get to the bottom of everything. Anyway, as long as he knew that the little zombie wouldn't harm him and would save him at the critical moment, that was enough.

Abo followed Wen Yan and walked all the way to the waterhole.

Halfway through the journey, I saw another walking corpse with only half of its body left, crawling on the ground. It looked like it had become like this not long ago.

Now Wen Yan was absolutely sure that the two evil ghosts he encountered before, as well as a poisonous green-haired zombie, did not come in through the short video entrance.

There's no way this walking zombie, who is completely mindless and looks like a zombie in a movie, is holding a mobile phone and watching videos, right?

"Uncle, I'll leave it to you. Mosquito legs are also meat, don't waste them."

Abo didn't even open his eyes. When he passed by, he just trampled that half of the zombie to death. As he walked, he swallowed the power of that half of the zombie and turned it into ashes.

At this moment, by the pool, the water flowing down from the upper reaches has turned into black water.

The cracked mother stood on the branch of a big tree with a sullen face. Her gold earrings kept gently swaying, and the undetectable sound of metal friction kept ringing.

On the ground, twenty or thirty walking corpses were surrounding a red fox with two tails. The red fox retreated slowly, and in the small river behind, a dense black air floated, and a two-meter-tall unicorn appeared. The evil ghost floated up from the creek, which was no more than half a meter deep.

The red-furred fox's tail flicked, turning into a ball of flame, which suddenly expanded. The flames dissipated, and the red-furred fox also disappeared. In the blink of an eye, it appeared on a tree more than ten meters away.

The red fox's slender eyes moved slightly, looking at the split mother on the other side, and tilted his head slightly, giving a question.

The mother-in-law shook her head slightly, not knowing whether to express that she didn't know or that she didn't want to say anything.

She frowned and looked at the ghosts and walking corpses crawling out of the river. Then she changed her mind and looked at the red fox.

This red fox has not been here since the last time. Today is the second time.

Last time she was busy wooing Su Yue, but she didn't pay too much attention to the red fox, even though the red fox had two tails.

Having more tails does not necessarily mean you are powerful, nor does it necessarily mean you have great potential. This stereotype is just a characteristic of the nine-tailed fox.

As for the Nine-Tails lineage, they are all white foxes.

Other fox monsters can give birth to a second tail, which at most indicates their level of cultivation.

But after going back to check the information and asking others for advice, I came up with some new speculations. This red fox may really have some connection with the Nine-Tails lineage.

Times have changed, and we cannot look at problems from the old perspective. The development of human society will inevitably impact aliens.

Many ideological changes in human society will naturally and inevitably affect aliens. Today's fox tribe is indeed not as conservative as the stereotype.

It would not be impossible if a "rebellious" fox from the Nine-Tails lineage who challenged authority merged with the red fox.

Looking at the mess on the ground, Li Niang looked up into the distance and could see ghosts and zombies appearing in the upper reaches of the river, and the number gradually increased.

As far as the eye can see, there are already forty or fifty ghosts and zombies.

Such a huge number, coupled with the continuous emergence of them, is obviously not something she can solve, and she doesn't want to solve it.

As soon as she thought about it, she had an idea.

"Miss Hong, I'm afraid there's no way to solve the situation now. Moreover, the time for the water ghost to appear is coming soon. How about we just do nothing and let the water ghost drag all these guys away?"

"Can the water ghost drag these guys away?" After the red fox asked, she reacted quickly and immediately added another question: "This isn't the first time this has happened, is it?"

"Yes, these guys can't be killed at all, they are endless, and they are not afraid of life and death. In their eyes, you and I are no different from living people. They will consume us alive, and we can only let the water ghosts take them all away. "

There was a hint of helplessness in the sincere tone of Spanniang's voice.

Red Fox remained silent, finally understanding what Split Mother meant.

Either you go and get rid of all those guys, or you wait for the water ghost to appear and pull everyone here into the water. Choose one of the two.

The red fox just glanced at the place in sight and gave up on the previous options.

On the other side, Wen Yan was still rushing towards the water pool. He had specially calculated the time to come in today.

According to his calculations, by the time he arrived at the grassland next to the pool, it would have been past the time for the water ghost to appear.

Split mother will definitely be here every night. If no one arrives, split mother will take the initiative to enter the pool and complete the rules and procedures of this field.

By the time Ri Niang comes out of the pool, Wen Yan has already arrived, and the time will be stuck just right.

I just didn't expect that when I came in today, I found that today's field was different from what I expected.

He had a bad feeling.

He looked at the time and saw that it was almost the time when the water ghost appeared last time.

Looking up, I first heard the sound of rushing water, and then it was like a flood. The water rushed out of the river and spread indiscriminately.

"Sparrow Cat, fly higher."

Wen Yan took a breath and immediately gave a warning.

"What are you doing standing there, run away." The sparrow cat flapped its wings anxiously and screamed.

"Unless you can fly, you can't run away. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Seeing the rushing water, the waves were two or three meters high, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Wen Yan grabbed the sparrow cat, stamped his feet, twisted his waist, lifted himself up from the ground, and used all his strength to force the sparrow cat. Thrown high into the air.

The sparrow cat flapped its wings and climbed rapidly to a higher place. The water wave jumped more than ten meters high and almost swept it in.

It watched the waves rush past, and the figures of Abo, Zombie, and Wen Yan disappeared.

The sparrow cat was so anxious that she almost burst into tears. She chased the waves in a panic, circling around in search of them.

"Hey...hey, don't scare me, show your face quickly, this joke is not funny at all.

You...come out quickly, come out quickly..."

The sparrow cat screamed in mid-air with a cry, but when the wave washed past, swept across the entire domain, and rolled back again, Wen Yan was still nowhere to be seen.

It did not dare to lower its flight altitude, so it could only hover at an altitude of tens of meters, chasing the waves that were rolling back, and flew towards the water pool.

However, it saw nothing. After the water flow that was enough to cover the entire area was rolled back, the small pool still maintained its original size.

Inside the entire field, there was deathly silence. Except for the sparrow and cat, there was not a single moving thing.

Whether they are walking corpses or ghosts, or split mothers, red foxes, Wen Yan, little zombies, and Abo, they are all involved indiscriminately.

Wen Yan felt himself falling into a dark water without light, as if something was dragging his feet and pulling him forward in the water.

A feeling of weightlessness emerged. When he looked down, he saw Wang Xueqi, who had turned into a water ghost, dragging his feet forward in the water.

He held his breath, twisted his waist, stretched out a hand, and grabbed Wang Xueqi's hand.

With the other hand, he stretched out a finger and touched Wang Xueqi's eyebrows, giving her a little yang energy.

Wang Xueqi's sluggish yet cold eyes suddenly gained a hint of agility, and her consciousness began to be awakened.

The next moment, Wen Yan felt light emerging from the darkness around him.

Everything in front of him changed.

He seemed to be floating in mid-air and saw the stone cliff.

He saw Wang Xueqi and three others arriving here together.

They climbed up the mountain and finally found a flat place, where they prepared to take a rest.

Then, unexpectedly, the environment here began to flicker and change, and this was a field that was about to appear.

They were frightened by this change, and they immediately moved away from the stone cliff. However, Wang Xueqi's position experienced a flicker, and she appeared on the edge of the stone cliff. The moment she stepped out, she fell from the stone cliff. come down.

As she fell, the environment around her continued to change and flicker.

After a flash, she disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had fallen from the rock cliff to the top of a pool.

She fell into the pool. There was a soaked and bloated water ghost lurking in the pool. He had long lost consciousness and only had his last instinct left. The moment he found someone falling into the water, he grabbed Wang Xueqi's feet and killed her. Drag the dead one to the bottom of the pool and drown him in the pool.

The soaked water ghost let Wang Xueqi take over and disappeared into the water.

But from here on, things start to look a little different...

At the last moment when Wang Xueqi was drowned, she already understood what her fate would be. Her last thoughts were like crazy shouts, echoing in the water.

"No, don't come, don't get drowned..."

At that last moment, when she knew that she was bound to die, and that she would definitely take over as a water ghost, what she thought about was that those few friends were worried about her, afraid that she would be too withdrawn, and were willing to take care of her and guide her. Go out for a walk, climb mountains, and relax with friends.

The last thing she thought about was that she would die here and turn into a water ghost. She definitely didn't want to turn into a water ghost and drag her friends into the water to drown when their friends also fell down.

Her last shout and roar, the strongest, purest, and most resolute will in her life, broke out when she took over.

She couldn't prevent her own death, but she changed the things derived from the ancient profession of water ghost a little bit.

A field emerged.

She could not change the bottom rule of the ancient profession of water ghost, that is, if you want to be freed, you must drag a person in, drown him, turn him into a new water ghost, and inherit the profession.

But her shouts and final struggle were still deeply imprinted on this realm, and the moment the realm appeared, it became part of the rules of the realm.

She didn't want her friends to end up like her after falling. Her will and desire were so strong that she began to evolve some of the rules in the field.

People cannot enter this field.

But this directly conflicts with the underlying rules and cannot continue to operate. Therefore, in order for this system to evolve, only non-human beings can enter this field.

The system was working, but a new problem arose. She wanted to be freed, but she had to drag someone to drown in the pool and inherit the water ghost profession.

The rules themselves are contradictory, and the result is that they are stuck in bugs and are stuck here.

From now on, she will never be free.

Wen Yan felt Wang Xueqi's last cry and her last wish. Everything around him disappeared and turned into the dark bottom of the water again.

Wen Yan looked at Wang Xueqi, who had regained some consciousness, and smiled.

He could hardly hold his breath anymore.

Then, he opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

It was clear that he felt water pouring into his mouth and into his lungs, but he didn't feel like he was being choked at all.

It's like standing on land and breathing air normally.

He looked at Wang Xueqi's somewhat panicked expression and offered words of comfort.

"It's okay, don't worry."

His guess was indeed correct. From the first time he saw Wang Xueqi, it was clear that the enemy had given him a hint, but had not generated the corresponding temporary ability.

At that time, Wen Yan actually had some guesses.

Just like meeting the honest man Pei Tugou, the natural enemy profession gave him a choice, whether he needed the corresponding ability or not.

Wen Yan didn't think it was necessary.

After that, the corresponding temporary ability is none.

But this time, when seeing Wang Xueqi, she wasn't even given a chance to choose, it was just no choice.

At the same time, in the natural enemy profession, there will be no small Kalami who will give hints when encountering them. If they can give hints, it proves that they need to give hints. At least they should not be weak or relatively special.

Taken together, Wen Yan guessed that this "nothing" means that there is no necessary meaning at all.

After seeing why Wang Xueqi turned into a water ghost, he was absolutely sure that he was right.

It is indeed completely unnecessary, because the power in this field cannot harm any living person at all.

Wang Xueqi's fiercest will burned and distorted the rules, allowing the ancient profession of water ghost to open up a new direction.

All misfortunes end with oneself.

After me, this career line that has lasted for an unknown number of terms and has harmed an unknown number of people can no longer be inherited.

Wen Yan looked at the water ghost in front of him who had regained some consciousness and was panicking, trying to push Wen Yan out. He no longer knew what to say.

Even though he had already speculated, he was still shocked at the moment when it was truly confirmed.

He thought of those three people, A Piao, who had even forgotten his own name. In order to find the missing Wang Xueqi, he walked the same path again and fell off a cliff to his death.

The only thought left after his death was the phrase "I brought her out, and I will take her back."

And between them, to put it bluntly, they are just netizens who play games together, but their goodwill towards each other is particularly pure.

"Go quickly, get out of here quickly, you will drown..."

Wang Xueqi regained some consciousness and immediately dragged Wen Yan's body frantically and lifted Wen Yan towards the water.

It's just that the water surface seems to never reach it, and she becomes more and more anxious.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Thanks to you, no one will drown here again."

Wang Xueqi gradually became quiet, and she finally realized that there were no bubbles when Wen Yan was talking to her in the water, and Wen Yan never showed any pain.

Things other than the underlying rules of this field also began to appear in her mind.

She gradually understood Wen Yan's words, and she was certain that Wen Yan must be a living person.

"I'd better get you out of the water first..."

Wang Xueqi was still stubborn and wanted to send Wen Yan out. She held Wen Yan up and kept rising.

"How many things do you remember?"

"I lost consciousness after I died, and now I can only recall a few things. It seems that every day I pull weird people or talking animals into the water, and some of them can't drown at all."

"Then do you remember those zombies and other ghosts?"

"I don't remember clearly. I vaguely remember that there were a lot of things, but I only saw them once. Are these things important?"

"Yes, it's very important. If you can remember anything, please tell me as much as possible."

"I can't remember clearly, it's very vague."

"It's okay, think about it slowly, don't be in a hurry."

While chatting, a faint light appeared above the head. Wang Xueqi immediately smiled and speeded up to help Wen Yan float up.

The moment Wen Yan's head burst out of the water, as expected, an accident happened.

As far as the eye could see, it was no longer the pool, and there were no large dense forests or mountains around it.

The place where he emerged was a dilapidated factory building. Under the dim sky, there were only some buildings and vehicles burning with flames, illuminating everything here.

Everything as far as the eye could see was filled with rust and decay. The huge steel buildings were corroded and broken in many places, and one of them had already collapsed in half.

The factory is full of wandering corpses, floating ghosts, pain and lamentation, one after another.

And the place where he emerged was not a pool or a river, but a square pool, and the water didn't look very clean.

In another pool in the distance, the water turned into waves and kept rushing out of it. Walking corpses and ghosts were continuously thrown out by the waves.

Abel and the little zombie are also among them.

Wen Yan looked at this scene and murmured to himself.

"This is indeed sent out of the water, but it should be sent to the wrong surface..."

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