I am your natural enemy

Chapter 72 Echo, Gift (Thanks to the leader Wei, 5k)

Qin Kun's heart sank and he opened the spare oxygen tank. His heartbeat began to slow down, but the power of each beat began to increase.

He was in the water, putting on a boxing stance, and the yang energy in his body was condensed and not released, constantly restrained and accumulated.

This place was indiscriminately cleaned by ultra-high voltage electricity just two minutes ago.

When this super-powerful electricity is submerged in water, even if it is attenuated by four or five orders of magnitude, it can still turn flesh and blood into coke.

Nowadays, the things that can still move in the water can either withstand the wave of cleaning, or they came from other places in these two minutes.

Qin Kun looked at the traces at the gap in the cable. There were no traces of electricity, and it was not broken at once, so it was most likely the latter.

The reaction speed of these guys is really fast. If they could arrive so quickly, they must have entered the water immediately after the power outage.

There was darkness all around. Qin Kun simply closed his eyes and held his breath. His heartbeat became slower and slower. He floated quietly in the water, feeling the flow of the water.

In the darkness, a white-haired zombie looked like a swimming fish, swaying gently, and swam towards Qin Kun silently from underneath Qin Kun.

When the white-haired zombie quietly approached two meters below Qin Kun, he suddenly accelerated his speed.

Qin Kun closed his eyes, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and the lingering yang energy in his body suddenly exploded.

The cicada woke up before the autumn wind moved. He couldn't see it, and he didn't need to see it. The moment he felt the fluctuation of the water flow and felt a sense of crisis, he was in the water and twisted his body to avoid the sharp claws of the white-haired stiffness.

One of his feet hooked onto Bai Mao's stiff arm, his body straightened like a carp, and his waist suddenly exerted force.

The moment he hooked Bai Maozong over, he used his strength to punch out. At this moment, the surging Yang Qi suddenly exploded.

The dark water seemed to be lit with flames, and the fist fell heavily like a meteor with tail flames.

The white steel hair on Bai Mao Zheng's body was ignited the moment it came into contact with the flames, and his fist landed heavily on Bai Mao Zong's head.

A hollow bubble suddenly exploded in the water. Instead of exploding, the white-haired head collapsed inwards with the sound of cracking bones.

It was as if there was an invisible force, kneading and squeezing the inside from all directions, and then being pressed hard by Qin Kun's fist, it was pressed into his chest in one breath.

The white-haired stiff chest expanded, and the power flowed freely inside it, but it couldn't leak out.

The steel-like bones were shattered into countless pieces in an instant under the constant impact of this force.

The next moment, the cavity retracted, rolling up a headless white-haired corpse, rushing towards the distance.

The headless, white-haired creature was like a plastic bag floating in the water. It was weak and boneless, tumbling out of human form and never moving again.

Martial arts, echo.

The yang energy in the body is condensed and formed, bound in the other party's body, and turned into a continuous echo.

If the control is perfect enough, it will only damage the bones and not the flesh and blood. The bones all over the body will be shattered and fractured, but the internal organs and flesh and blood will not be damaged at all.

Previously, Qin Kun used his repercussions to forcefully beat a guy who was strong enough to carry pistol bullets alive.

He is full of yang energy, surging and condensed into bundles. When faced with something sinister, his lethality will be at least doubled.

With one blow, the head of a Bai Mao Zong was driven into the chest, shattering all the bones in the Bai Mao Zong's body, causing him to die on the spot.

Not just any zombies, they all have the terrifying and ridiculous resilience of the Great Zhizhi.

As soon as the blow fell, the water flow became chaotic. At this moment, there was a white-haired zombie rushing up from below.

Qin Kun could not see into the darkness. When he relied on his crisis sense to detect danger in the chaotic water flow, the white-haired zombie was already close.

Sharp claws more than an inch long grabbed him from under his body and went straight to the spare oxygen bottle hanging on Qin Kun's waist.

Qin Kun's body exploded with yang energy, as if a light was lit in the darkness, illuminating an area of ​​one or two meters around him.

He turned his legs, struck with his scissor kicks, clamped Bai Maozheng's head, twisted his waist, and twisted the opponent's head 180 degrees.

The fierce Yang Qi burned, and the white hair on Bai Mao Zong's body seemed to be burned by flames, and his head was almost screwed off. There was still a ferocious smile on Bai Mao Zong's ferocious face.

The spare oxygen bottle on Qin Kun's waist was scratched.

A large number of bubbles continued to gush out, and Bai Maozheng received another blow, but his claws were still trying to scratch Qin Kun's protective suit.

Looking at Bai Maozheng, who had lost all movement and fell into the darkness, Qin Kun looked at the oxygen bottle with a sullen face. The bubbles kept spewing out, and his body was also affected. He moved in the water. .

In addition, he had killed two white-haired zombies in the water and was surrounded by darkness. He could no longer determine where he was now.

This place seems to be endless, there is no light, and the water can no longer be seen above his head. If he were not a warrior and has a strong sense of the body, it might be a problem for him to even distinguish up and down.

The guide was broken, and other means of contact seemed to have been greatly disturbed.

He had to speed up. He was a living person after all. When the oxygen ran out, he could carry it for another seven or eight minutes without losing consciousness and still moving.

In a desperate situation, he became more and more calm, and his potential began to be squeezed out.

After closing his eyes, his perception is continuously amplified. As the Yang Qi circulates, his sensitivity to the dark power is also raised to its limit.

He closed his eyes, waved his arms, and alternated his feet at high speed. His body was like a fish, moving quickly in the water.

He was looking for the way the two white-haired zombies came. If he followed the way the two white-haired zombies came in, he would be able to get out.

In the chemical factory outside, as soon as the cable was disconnected, someone used various instruments with special materials to send signals to Qin Kun.

It's just that the interference in the water was too great, and there was no response.

The signal transmitting device Qin Kun carried on his body could still send back signals from time to time. What was certain was that Qin Kun not only did not go back, but instead went further and further away.

"Release the rays." Cai Qidong made a prompt decision.

"Minister, the interference below is too strong. If you put it in, you will lose contact soon."

"Bring two oxygen bottles and send them to Qin Kun according to his signal position. If the ray loses it, just lose it."


"How many rays did you bring?"


"Let it all go."

Someone here brought three bionic robots that looked like rays, put them in oxygen tanks, put them in the pool, set a goal, and let the rays chase Qin Kun on their own.

Wang Xueqi was swimming in the dark water. She saw that the oxygen tank on Qin Kun's waist had ruptured, but the yang energy in Qin Kun's body was too strong.

Completely different from the yang energy in Wen Yan's body, Qin Kun's power was unparalleled and overbearing, with the power to crush all evil spirits. She could not get close to him at all.

She wanted to lead Qin Kun out of the way, but she couldn't get close enough for Qin Kun to sense her position.

She chased him all the way, and when she saw Qin Kun running extremely fast from afar, he seemed to have found an exit and rushed out, she was slightly relieved.

But then, she became worried again. That exit seemed a bit dangerous.

After she regained consciousness, she had nothing to do and kept exploring in the water.

Because she wanted to avoid making another mistake, she sent Wen Yan to the wrong water surface last time and worried about it for a long time.

She had never been out of the water where Qin Kun went out, but she had seen white-haired zombies appear there many times, and there were more than one or two.

She was filled with worry. When she saw a bionic ray robot swimming toward the water, she grabbed one, guided the ray robot, and sent it to the water surface where Qin Kun had just left.

Then she waited for a long time, but Qin Kun didn't show up. She couldn't wait any longer, so she turned around and left. She might as well go to the water ghost realm to wait for Wen Yan and tell Wen Yan what happened here.

On the other side, Qin Kun rushed out of the water.

As far as the eye can see, there is a wilderness of blood and fire, with corpses everywhere.

It looked like a cruel battlefield in ancient times, with many walking corpses, waving various weapons, gathered together, as if two battles were facing each other, never ending.

The water surface that Qin Kun walked out of was a small lake, and the water of the lake had been dyed black and red.

Then, he saw the black-red water surface. The black gradually faded away, leaving only a faint blood color. That was the blood that gathered into a stream and flowed into the small lake, dyeing the water.

Qin Kun walked out of the water. He felt the blood and fire here, the atmosphere full of chaos and violence, and looked at the walking corpses and jumping corpses that sensed living people and came towards him, and there was also a person pulling a The body of a driver is a white-haired zombie wearing a helmet.

He grinned, took off his protective clothing, killed a few zombies casually, and stretched his hands and feet.

"It seems that we have found another area connected by black water. It's okay to penetrate here first. I happen to not be very good at other things."

The Lieyang tribe is still preparing to send people into the water. The people who go down this time are far less powerful than Qin Kun.

After the other party entered the water, Wang Xueqi swam over. She hung far away in the depths, watching the people in the Lieyang Department heading all the way to the water surface where the chemical plant area was located.

She hesitated for a moment, then said something to the other party from a distance.

"The person in front went to another water surface. The water surface here appears regularly and will be closed soon."

After saying that, she left quickly.

She didn't want to hurt anyone, but she was a water ghost, and the underlying rule was that if she wanted to be freed, she had to recruit someone to succeed her.

She could not see any living people in the water ghost realm, but since the mutation occurred, the water had been connected to other places. As long as she was in this dark water, she could barely be considered in the water ghost realm.

If she wants to be freed, now is actually an opportunity.

She was afraid that she would not be able to control herself, so she stayed away from him and returned to the realm of water ghosts.

The Lieyang tribe's tough battle is still going on, and Wen Yan has finished his boxing practice.

I looked at the time and was too nervous to fall asleep.

He thought for a while, and last time the mother-in-law said that she would bring him something first as a sign of sincerity when she comes next time.

How about going to the water ghost realm?

By the way, let's take a look at how Wang Xueqi is doing, and see how much the effect of the strong sun's blessing has weakened on Wang Xueqi.

"Going out to play?" Wen Yan looked at the little zombie and the sparrow cat.

The little zombie immediately smiled. The sparrow cat hesitated and said nothing.

"Then let's go, go around and receive a gift. Don't give it up for free."

Carrying the little zombie on his back, he took the sparrow cat with him to the basement, opened the short video app, and after scrolling through four or five of them, he came across a video of Wang Xueqi promoting the burial place of the water ghost.

This time, Wen Yan had quick eyes and quick hands and gave him a like first.

The surrounding environment changed silently, and he came to the realm of water ghosts again.

Abe still stood behind him, eyes closed, acting as the most reliable guard.

All the way from the small rock beach to the grassland by the pool, we didn't encounter any unexpected situations this time. We didn't even see two monsters today.

When they arrived, Split Mother was already waiting here.

She was sitting there on her knees, with a short table in front of her and three boxes on it.

Seeing Wen Yan appear, Ri Niang's heart tightened, and she immediately recalled Zhuge Wanjun's words in her mind.

She stood up and saluted solemnly.

"I've met Mr. Su."

"You're welcome."

The mother-in-law lost her previous confidence and was filled with anxiety. Now she began to worry that people would not want the things she brought.

This time, it's not a deal. According to Wan Jun, it's a gift to show their sincerity.

She opened one of the long boxes, and inside was a copper mace about one meter long, covered in patina.

"Master Su, this is the pure mace mentioned before. It is four feet long, has four edges and has no edge.

According to legend, the pure Jun mace has the power to command crowds to fight, and it is a legendary weapon. "

"Isn't this the same routine as the Dragon Slaying Sword? After saying this, you can listen to the story."

Split Mother was a little embarrassed. She also knew that this statement was just a lie. After all, if the pure mace were really a rare treasure, it would not be reduced to the status of an ordinary antique.

They couldn't get it so easily.

Speaking of experiments, it must have been tried, but it had no effect. It was just an antique weapon.

And if modern testing methods are used to detect it, this weapon is at best an antique that is one or two hundred years old, and there are no celebrities behind it as a story, so it is not worth selling as an antique.

"This thing is indeed a real treasure. I will give it to Mr. Su as a gift."

She closed the lid, held it in both hands, and brought it to Wen Yan.

Then he opened another wooden box, which contained an exquisite golden phoenix hairpin.

"This is the token about the Land of Death that I mentioned last time."

She opened a third box.

"This is the map of the past, and it is the original map, with the land of the Fall recorded on it.

These three are all gifts for Mr. Su. "

"Gift?" Wen Yan keenly sensed that something was not right.

The last time I talked about the bargaining chip for cooperation, it was because the little zombie seemed to be very nervous about what the other party said at that time, so he just gave in to the other party.

This time, after seeing something, he could feel that the little zombie was very restrained, but he still couldn't hide his excitement.

Especially after the phoenix hairpin appeared, the little zombie's body became a little tense.

However, you still need to ask questions clearly. If you are courteous for nothing, you will be raped or stolen. There is no reason to give away all the chips as gifts whenever you meet.

"Yes, this is a gift specially requested by our young lady to give to Mr. Su.

These things are indeed valuable, especially the map that has existed for at least seven or eight hundred years.

There are a few gold captains in Guanzhong County who have been thinking about them for a long time, but none of my ladies have traded them.

My young lady feels that this thing will only be truly valuable if it is in the hands of the right person.

The most we take is to exchange some money.

Why not, give them all to Mr. Su. "

Wen Yan didn't say anything. No matter how slow he was, he could still feel that Spanniang's attitude this time was obviously different from before.

"No deal?"

"I don't know about this. I just followed my young lady's order and gave these things to Mr. Su. They are just pure gifts. As for the rest, I don't know. I need Mr. Su to talk to my young lady."

Having said this, Spaniang took out a business card and handed it to Wen Yan with both hands.

"This is my lady's business card."

Wen Yan looked at the business card and was really surprised.

Nanqiang Law Firm, Zhuge Wanjun, there is a phone number below.

That's all on the business card, not even the job title.

"My lady is a lawyer at Yuzhou Nanqiang Law Firm. She has had contact with many aliens and has taken on many alien cases. She is actually quite famous in Nanwu County.

If it is convenient for Mr. Su, you can leave your contact information and my lady will take the initiative to contact Mr. Su. "

Wen Yan fumbled for the business card, wondering why the other party jumped right to the obvious?

Are you really not afraid that the Lieyang Department will come to your door to send warmth?

Moreover, the other party's attitude today seems to be a little too good. This must be something happening that he doesn't know about.

"Okay, I'll give her a call."

"It's Mr. Laosu." Spaniang bowed politely again.

Wen Yan chatted with Se Niang for a while. Se Niang was very polite, but she didn't know each of them clearly or was not qualified to give an answer, so she asked Wen Yan to talk to Zhuge Wanjun.

He was really bored. There was still some time before dawn, so Wen Yan walked to the pool to find Wang Xueqi.

When he entered the water, it was as if he had entered a deep dark sea, but this time, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be a faint light here, which was obviously further away than the last time he saw it.

I don't know if it's because he completed the first stage of Fierce Sun Fist, or the beauty snake gall he ate last time finally started to take effect.

After arriving in the water ghost realm today, he felt that there were more things he could see in the darkness.

As he floated in the water, Wang Xueqi immediately sensed it and came to Wen Yan's side immediately.

"You're here..." Wang Xueqi floated beside Wen Yan, feeling a little happy.

"Let's see you. Do you feel that your consciousness is gradually losing consciousness?"

"That's not true. However, I saw other living people today, and I feel like I still have the urge to drag them into the water..." Wang Xueqi felt a little uneasy and recounted what she had encountered before.

Wen Yan thought about it and realized that there was indeed a decline, but not as severe.

He stretched out his finger and placed it between Wang Xueqi's eyebrows, adding some yang energy to the blessing again.

"how do you feel?"

"I feel good. It seems I am becoming more and more conscious and I can remember many things."

"What did you remember?"

"There was a big, big thing with blue light that fell into the water, and then I was able to find other surfaces in the water."

The second update said, "Ten thousand a day is ten thousand a day," and the two updates I owe will be repaid within this month.

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