I am your natural enemy

Chapter 92 Complex water system, pumping water and pumping water (5k)

Outside the door, Wu Tingsheng was so excited that he almost rushed in.

His son is usually, to put it mildly, not very intelligent, but well-behaved and doesn't cause trouble.

To put it bluntly, he doesn't even bother to care about his family members, so he won't go out to cause trouble.

Now, Wen Yan's words made his son take the initiative to reply. What he didn't understand was that Wen Yan must have found the problem at a glance and found the most suitable entry point.

He resisted the impulse, clenched his fists, stood at the door and watched, and did not rush in to disturb.

Seeing that the young man seemed to be thinking, Wen Yan was not in a hurry and just waited quietly.

After waiting for two or three minutes, the young man seemed to figure out the meaning of Wen Yan's words, and he asked slowly.

"What do you want to ask me?"

"Where did you get the part you filled in?"

The young man looked at Wen Yan blankly and said nothing for a long time. He could not understand the meaning of this sentence.

Wen Yan thought about it and asked again.

"Have you gotten anything before?"

The young man was still in a daze. After being stunned for a long time, he just shook his head, not knowing whether he didn't understand or didn't know.

Wen Yan gave up decisively and asked Wu Tingsheng.

"Don't be in a hurry to paint. It's better to find a teacher first, study hard first, and then take it step by step.

Gradually I understand more, and sometimes I can draw soulful paintings only when I have a flash of inspiration.

Such crazy mechanical painting is useless, at least for you, it is useless.

You can do something other than painting first, such as eating on time every day. "

The young man didn't quite understand, but he probably understood the meaning.

Wen Yan was the first person who could see what he wanted to do at a glance and could express it. He instinctively believed what Wen Yan said.

Wu Tingsheng watched the young man put down his pen and walk out of the studio. He was overjoyed and could hardly hold back his tears.

"Dad, I'm hungry."

"Okay, okay, let's eat right away."

Wen Yan was left to have dinner together. The young man was very obedient and told him to eat well, and he really did.

After eating, he was left to watch cartoons by himself, and Wu Tingsheng followed Wen Yan to the study.

"Wen Sheng, thank you very much. As long as I can make him eat on time, I'm actually very satisfied."

Wu Tingsheng took out two red-skinned real estate certificates and handed them to Wen Yan.

"The building you live in was given to the Lieyang Department before, and now we have applied for the certificate together. The other building has also been applied for at once."

Wen Yan was a little surprised. He just said it yesterday, and he didn't pay a dime and didn't do anything. Wu Tingsheng went to get the certificate first.

In one day, Wen Yan didn't even know that this could be done. Not only did Wu Tingsheng spend a lot of money, he also took care of the matter in advance without looking at the results.

Wen Yan felt a little embarrassed now. If he didn't try his best to handle the matter well, Wen Yan would not be able to accept it.

Wen Yan pushed the two certificates back.

"Don't worry, it will be what it is. No matter how much you do, how much you get paid, you can give it to me now, and I can't accept it."

"It's the same, but I'm very satisfied with it now. Really, my boy forgets to eat and sleep. Our family members have tried to persuade me countless times, but they can't stop it. He is already a little malnourished now. If he continues like this, I'm afraid that his body won't be able to hold on for a while. It's good that he's fine. As for the rest, it all depends on his fate."

Wu Tingsheng said it very sincerely. It has already developed in the worst direction. If it gets a little better, he will be satisfied. His son has been like this for so many years. He has long been used to it. Now he can just ask for good health.

Wen Yan was silent for a moment.

“Let’s talk about this later, let’s talk about the key points first.

This time I was lucky, I could just see the problem with him.

He has more than one problem. "

"What do you mean more than one?" Wu Tingsheng became nervous when he heard this.

"One of the problems is that the soul defect is indeed real, and it is probably due to what happened to him when he was a child.

But let me give you a shot first. After so many years, there is little hope of finding the missing part.

We can only think of ways in the future to see if we can make up for it.

Another problem is that the missing part of him was filled in by a part of someone else's soul.

I remember you said that he suddenly knew something he shouldn't know, and he suddenly wakes up sometimes, right? "

"Yes, yes, yes, I have this, I have recorded it, just in case I forget it." Wu Tingsheng took out his mobile phone and recorded the time in the memo.

Wen Yan just glanced at it and wrote it down. He couldn't tell anything from this.

"During the time when he showed changes, think carefully about whether he encountered anything special, went to any special place, or added anything special to his home."

"It's true that there was nothing special, and I didn't go to any special place. I didn't go out at all during that period, and I didn't add any antiques or anything like that to my home during that period.

Since my son's accident, I have moved all the old things from home, let alone brought them home.

I don’t play with antiques anymore. Who knows where the antiques came from and what they brought.

I've been extremely careful. "

Wen Yan also had a headache when he heard this.

Naturally, nothing will happen to a dead house where you don't go out. There aren't even any old objects with ideas in the house, so how can you find clues?

Since it fills in part of the boy's defect, then naturally it is also defective. This kind of thing cannot appear out of thin air. There must be something attached to it.

Seeing that Wu Tingsheng couldn't think of anything, Wen Yan could only say.

"This is not something that happens overnight. Think about it carefully, and then ask your family members. Don't let go of any small details. Ask them carefully and remember them carefully.

In addition, I suggest that you find a suitable teacher for him so that he can lay a good foundation.

Even a dabbler like me can tell that he is very talented, but his foundation is not very good. He must have never studied seriously.

If he wants to recover later, he hopes that the best way is to rely on himself. "

"I understand, I understand. I will find him a teacher right now."

Wu Tingsheng saw Wen Yan out and walked him all the way to the door of his house before turning back again.

People treat each other with courtesy, and Wen Yan doesn't even boast about it. He can see the problem only through hints. He is not sure how to solve it.

Wu Tingsheng had to find out what the problem was at that time. If Wen Yan wanted to shake people down later, he knew who to ask for help.

Now I can't even decide who to ask for advice, so I can only write this down and see if I can ask by the way when I go to solve the water ghost realm later.

After three days, Wen Yan would call Pei Tugou every day to ask about the little kid.

The little guy recovered quickly and is now able to eat and defecate. He sleeps when he is full, cries after defecating, continues to sleep after crying, and continues to eat when he wakes up.

It will probably take a few days before I feel completely at ease, and then we can talk about moving.

Wen Yan had already talked to the director anyway. In fact, Decheng Funeral Home was always short of people, not only for people who stayed in the hall, but also for people who needed to go out.

Just like collecting corpses, the wages are rising every year, but there are not many people who can do it for a long time.

Especially in recent years, unusual things have gradually increased.

Most people may not feel it at all, and may not encounter it once in decades, but people in funeral parlors deal with dead people every day. No matter how low the overall data for this kind of thing is, for people in funeral parlors, it is certain that it will definitely happen. Encountered such a thing.

There was a rumor on the Internet once before, saying that corpse collectors cost one or two thousand at a time. A group of people made fun of it, and finally the rumor was refuted by a funeral home.

Of course, Decheng Funeral Home also refuted the rumors. How could there be so many every time?

The price is also fluctuating, okay? If you die in good health, have no illness or disaster, and your family is not bad, this kind of work is the daily price for a temporary worker.

Regardless of the lack of money, it's just because it's safe, there are few things to do, the work is easy to do, and the most people are willing to do it.

For example, those who offer a price of one or two thousand at a time have some problems.

Either there was something wrong, or he had been dead for several days, or even a month, before he was discovered.

Anyway, there are actually quite a lot of various kinds of work, it just depends on whether you want to do it or not.

Wen Yan introduced him and praised Pei Tugou for being hard-working and honest. The curator didn't say anything. He just said that as long as he was willing to do it, he could follow Lao Zhang and learn how to burn a stove.

The director knew without asking that the person Wen Yan was willing to introduce to the funeral home would not be an ordinary person.

Wen Yan is not the kind of person who would introduce ordinary friends to a funeral parlor. If others don't know what's going on here, how can Wen Yan know?

After talking to the curator, the curator nodded, so Wen Yan felt relieved.

To be honest, it is definitely possible to introduce him to other places to work. Zhang Laoxi has the channels. It is not difficult to get a stable job, but the income may not be good.

Wen Yan also asked Pei Tugou. Pei Tugou was very honest and said that he wanted to make more money and he could accept a little hardship and fatigue.

What else is there to say? Just come to Decheng Funeral Home. This place is definitely better than moving bricks.

Moreover, Pei Tugou's ability is indeed more suitable in a place like this.

After all, there is no need to worry about this place. If the evil star Pei Butu Gou appears and kills the customers, it will cause big trouble.

Customers are meant to be dead.

In the early morning, after making the phone call and eating breakfast, Zhang Laoxi drove straight to Duanzhou with Wen Yan in his car.

The little zombie and the sparrow cat stayed at home and watched cartoons. They left a cell phone for the sparrow cat and asked him to order takeaway whatever he wanted.

I established a relationship with the takeaway guy who regularly delivers this piece, and I tipped it twice. That guy has been able to do it, and grab the order for this piece in seconds every time.

It’s still scary to be afraid, but it’s even scarier to be unable to stand being poor.

Forget it during the day, if you want to deliver food in the middle of the night, Wen Yan will give that little brother a lot of courage every time.

Of course, if Quemao ordered it himself, Quemao would have to pay for the fifty yuan.

Wen Yan was sitting in the car while continuing to read information about the Lieyang Department, about the Xijiang water system.

He has been reading it for two or three days, but he still hasn't sorted it out. There is really too much information from ancient times to the present.

Because this cannot simply be regarded as a river, it is a large water system. Even different sections of the same main stream have different names.

If you add various legends and changes, it will become even more complicated.

In this place, in the legends on the riverside, there are many names such as water gods, and some are complex. Wen Yan looked at them all in a big way, and he couldn't figure them out clearly.

"Don't look at it. Only those scholars in universities who specialize in this field can barely figure it out. If you want to figure it out in two or three days, you are just thinking too much."

Zhang Laoxi saw Wen Yan's brows furrowed and gave him some advice.

"I've been here for so long. Sometimes when I go to a certain village to perform rituals, I have to re-understand who is being worshiped there. Don't force it."

Wen Yan sighed and put away his phone.

"I never thought before that the situation in this water system would be so complicated. Even in a small river, different water gods would be worshiped at different times.

In addition, you also said that the person worshiped in the legend may not be the actual controller.

Why is this water system so complicated?

I used to really think that for a big river, there is only one He Bo, or Shui Lord. "

"I didn't expect that even for Huai River, there is actually more than one person, and the Xijiang area is even more complicated and gives people a headache, right?"

"Yes..." Wen Yan nodded, thought for a moment, and asked, "So, has Fuyu Mountain never provoked the water system in this area, or has it done so and is no longer in place long ago?"


Zhang Laoxi was shocked. He found that Wen Yan seemed to have found a blind spot in a strange place.

He was speechless and didn't know how to answer this question for a moment.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the question raised by Wen Yan seemed to make sense.

"Fortunately, I am not the one doing this ritual."

The two of them rushed all the way to Duanzhou, arrived at the area where the Water Ghost Domain was located during the day, and arrived in front of the pool.

Many people have come here.

Cai Qidong even came in person to hold the battle here.

The Taoist priest who performed the ritual was a local Taoist priest in Nanwu County and one of the experts hired by the Lieyang Department. He had a good understanding of many customs and water systems in Nanwu County.

If Cai Qidong hadn't come in person this time, and Qin Kun from Binhai County was also there, the Taoist priest wouldn't have wanted to take on this ritual.

Water ghosts have always been the biggest headache for them.

In other places, just say it well, if you offend me, you will be offended. The worst thing is that you will not come near me in the future. If you are a thing in the water, you can come ashore and kill me.

However, there are many water networks in Nanwu County, so it is indeed difficult to stay away from major rivers.

When Wen Yan arrived with Zhang Laoxi, he just blended into the crowd and just watched.

At noon, the Taoist priest who set up the altar began to perform rituals. He took up the talisman with his magic sword and wrote prayers on it. With the Taoist priest's vague chanting, the talisman burned into ashes and fell into the water.

A handful of incense lit up a stream of smoke, followed by ashes, and fell onto the water.

The smoke floats on the water, sometimes gathering and sometimes dispersing.

"How far is this going?" Wen Yan asked Zhang Laoxi in a low voice.

"You can understand that it's polite to be polite first, say something nice, have three animals, and offer incense, but there doesn't seem to be any response in this water system."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the pool was still calm.

Zhang Laoxi frowned slightly and whispered.

"I just thought it was this water system and there was nothing wrong with it, but it doesn't seem right now."

"What's wrong?"

"All the necessary procedures have been completed, and there is Minister Cai's signature on the talisman, so I have given you enough face.

If there was no water god, there would have been some reaction in the water.

Either Wang Xueqi will appear, or there will be strange phenomena where Wang Xueqi's body is.

Anyway, if you can find it, you can follow the following procedure.

Now it looks more like the other party is too lazy to take care of her, and is holding onto Wang Xueqi's bones.

This guy's face is so big, he really doesn't give him any face.

Not even bothering to respond. "

Zhang Laoxi lowered his voice to explain to Wen Yan, but the voice was just enough for the people next to him to hear.

After another ten minutes, Cai Qidong's face was as sinking as water, and he raised his hand and looked at his wrist.

"I remember the construction machinery is still there, go and pull it upstream.

A dozen high-power water pumps that were not used last time were also brought over. "

Half an hour later, the Taoist priest came to Cai Qidong and whispered a few words. Cai Qidong's face turned black.

"Shameless, pump water."

Following Cai Qidong's order, the excavators and earthmoving trucks upstream immediately began to move.

Within half an hour, Wen Yan saw that the gurgling water above the pool gradually shrank and finally stopped flowing.

The thick pipe was directly submerged into the pool in front. Once several high-power water pumps were turned on, the water level in the pool dropped almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There were also people from the Lieyang tribe who drove directly to a small temple by the river. It looked like it was only a few square meters in size. They even dug the foundation.

By the pool, firewood was set up, the small temple was hoisted up, and the gasoline was ready.

Just wait for Cai Qidong to give the order and burn the temple directly.

Wang Xueqi had helped Young Master Lieyang before. During the whole process, no one got lost in the dark waters, and no one drowned there.

In addition, Wang Xueqi is kind-hearted, and the Lieyang Department itself wants to eradicate this water ghost realm.

In addition, Gantang specifically mentioned it to him.

All factors combined together, today's matter is inevitable. If there is anything that dares to stop it, Cai Qidong really dares to burn it.

The Taoist priest who performed the ritual continued to burn the talismans and fell into the water. He said all kinds of good and bad things, but there was no reaction and Wang Xueqi's body was not exposed.

Just when Cai Qidong was about to light the fire himself, the bell rang.

Wen Yan looked left and right, then awkwardly took out his phone.

"Sorry, sorry..."

When he saw the name on the caller ID, Wen Yan's expression changed slightly and he immediately answered the phone.

"Hello, grandma, yes, it's me, Wen Yan, are you... ah? Oh, you say it, I'll listen."

Wen Yan's expression changed when he heard this, and he quickly waved to Minister Cai.

Cai Qidong paused the ignition and came to the side. After waiting for a moment, Wen Yan called Cai Qidong, but heard a beeping sound on the phone.

"This is……"

Cai Qidong was a little confused.

Wen Yan looked a little embarrassed and lowered his voice.

"It's the old fox lady. She called me and said that this water god was a demon before. Now he called the old lady for help."

"Huh?" Cai Qidong frowned: "Then why doesn't he give me some face? It would be terrible to let that little girl go."

"Ahem, he can't let go..." Wen Yan came closer to Cai Qidong, his voice became lower and lower, and his face became more and more embarrassed: "Because this river is not his territory, Minister, you have found the wrong person and dug the wrong person. The temple."


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