There is no way to hide the war between the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the Whitebeard Pirate Group, even if the country of Wano is a closed country, but it cannot withstand the intelligence network of various forces.

Especially when the Whitebeard Pirates left their territory, there were already many forces secretly observing.

There are even people who have watched the drama for most of the day like the navy.

All kinds of information began to spread throughout the world like snowflakes.

When it is learned that the Whitebeard Pirates defeated the Hundred Beast Pirates…

Even after killing the flame embers of the Hundred Beast Pirates…

The whole sea can’t help but shake!!

“Dressrosa Kingdom, after getting the latest information from the country of Wa, the shocked look on Doflamingo’s face was really impossible to hide.

The corners of his mouth on both sides of his mouth almost reached the root of his ear, and for some reason, he gloated a little.

“Boom, Hundred Beast Kaido, you also have today!”

It can be heard from this sentence that Doflamingo’s resentment towards Kaido the Hundred Beast is not low.

After all, it was Kaido who forcibly cooperated with him that year.

Doflamingo remembers those things well.

It was a shame that he would never forget in his life.

However, due to the weakness of his own strength, he had to cooperate with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

In fact, the cooperation with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group…

On the surface, it is a cooperation with the Four Emperors…

In fact, he is just a part-time worker.

“I didn’t expect that the old guy with Whitebeard was actually able to defeat Kaido, and it even took only ten hours, banging… It’s unbelievable. It’s a shame not to see a war of this level with your own eyes, bang! ”

Doflamingo’s excited fingers were trembling, and he seemed to see the picture of the battle between the two sides.

What he didn’t expect was that the Hundred Beast Pirates’ Flame Ember actually died in the war.

You must know that this is one of the three plagues of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

It is also one of the three plagues, the most special one.

Because Flame Ember is still the imperial deputy of the Hundred Beast Pirates!

The royal deputy of a pirate group, in general, means that this guy is the next heir of this pirate group.

I didn’t expect that the Whitebeard Pirates actually had such a powerful figure in addition to Whitebeard.

This is completely different from the group of white-bearded pirates in Doflamingo’s impression.

He felt that the Don Quixote family was now…

Intelligence against the Whitebeard Pirates …

It should be all voided!

Because there are few intelligence on it!


New World, home to the Red-Haired Pirates.

“Hey, hey, kidding, huh?” Beckman held a newspaper from the World Economic News Agency in his hand, and looking at the content of the newspaper, he couldn’t help but shed a drop of cold sweat: “The purpose of the white-bearded pirate group to go to the country of Wano is actually to start a war with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group?” ”

“And the Whitebeard Pirate Group actually defeated the Hundred Beast Pirate Group in only ten hours. Even the Flame Ember was killed by the people of the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

“Fire Fist Ace actually joined the Whitebeard Pirates, and His Majesty Qiwu Hai Jinping is also helping the Whitebeard Pirates.”

“The strength of the Whitebeard Pirates is unbelievable!”

Beckman had a cigarette in his mouth, and the smoke lingered.

After talking to himself, he looked at Shanks next to him rather speechlessly.

“Captain Stupid, can’t you drink less?”

Beckman raised the newspaper in his hand and said with a serious face: “The strength of the Whitebeard Pirates is beyond all of our expectations, and the Whitebeard Pirates are taking the initiative to find trouble with the Hundred Beast Pirates, which shows a big problem.” ”

“Does this mean that Whitebeard’s ambitions have become bigger? He dared to attack the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and defeated the Hundred Beast Pirate Group. Does it represent the future and will attack our red-haired pirates? ”

“Or is it a shot at another bigmom pirate group? Whitebeard Pirates, what is the purpose of this? ”

“Does Whitebeard want to become One Piece?”

Beckman’s face was solemn and serious: “You must know that the Whitebeard Pirates are one of the four emperors, and their every move will affect the situation in the entire world, and now they have defeated the Hundred Beast Pirates…”

“The situation that led to the new world is already invisible, and no one knows what will happen next.”

“If we don’t make some preparations…”

“The future is likely to be very reactive.”

“We can’t see the situation in the new world clearly!”

As the deputy leader of the red-haired pirates, Beckman’s vision is still very long-term.

And he thinks a lot about it, after all, this is not a small thing.

Such a major event would affect the situation in the whole world.

It may even turn the wheel of history around.

This is something that must be taken seriously.

“Hah! That’s interesting. Shanks put down the wine bowl in his hand, touched one of his arms that had long disappeared, and his eyes became a little deep: “Defeated the Hundred Beast Pirates?” ”

“No matter what Whitebeard’s purpose is, it’s not something I can stop it, right?”

Shanks is very simple to see very open, the Whitebeard Pirates can even defeat the Hundred Beast Pirates.

If the Red-Haired Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates go to war …

Obviously, the red-haired pirates will definitely not be able to please.

It is estimated that the end is not much better than the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

In the case of the fundamental unequal strength of the two sides, the Whitebeard Pirates, no matter what kind of ambitions they hold…

Nor can the red-haired pirates stop it.

Shanks looked up at the blue sky.

He smiled casually: “But there is one sentence, Beckman, you are very right, the situation in the new world…”

“We don’t seem to be able to see clearly.”


New World, All Nations, Cake Island.

“mom! mom! mom! “As the only woman who is one of the four emperors of the New World, Bigmom’s figure is terrifying, and the fat on her body trembles even more when she laughs maniacally.

She grinned a seemingly hideous smile: “Kaido, that bastard, actually has today!” ”

“mom! mom! mom! Whitebeard, he really has him! ”

Bigmom is obviously gloating.

After all, the territory of the New World is so big, but there are four sea emperors in the New World.

Although she has not seen Kaido for many years.

But there is often friction between the subordinates on both sides.

There are also a lot of turf disputes.

Now seeing that Hundred Beast Kaido is so unlucky, how else can bigmom express it?

Schadenfreude, of course!

However, she quickly changed her tone, her eyes couldn’t see the look inside, and said: “Then again, that guy with Whitebeard, why did you move Kaido?” The point is that he was able to beat Kaido, which is unbelievable. ”

BigMom was once a member of the Rocks Pirates, and was once on the same ship as Whitebeard and Kaido.

She also knows Whitebeard and Kaido better.

In Bigmom’s eyes, Whitebeard belongs to the kind of strange pirate that is different from normal pirates.

Whitebeard doesn’t like territory too much…

I don’t really like treasure either.

It seems that he doesn’t like fame either.

The Whitebeard guy cares about his family, and as he gets older, the less ambitious this guy becomes, and rarely conflicts with other people.

But now why did Whitebeard take the initiative to find trouble with the Hundred Beast Pirates?

This is something that BigMom can’t figure out.

“Mom, is it possible that the white-bearded man has become more ambitious and wants to become One Piece?”

One of the generals of the Bigmom Pirates, Katakuri hesitated and asked speculatively.

“One Piece? mom! mom! mom! Anyone can think of One Piece, but that guy won’t, and with that guy’s relationship with Roger, hey…”

Bigmom sighed and said, “Maybe he already knew what Onepiece was.” ”

Katakuri frowned, “Then we bigmom pirate group?” ”

“Wait and see!” Bigmom grinned.

“I know Whitebeard, I know Kaido even better, Kaido that guy died a fiery ember, and the country of Wano that he worked hard to run was also handed over, this guy will definitely not be willing.”

“There may be a big drama in the next new world, and one of the protagonists of this big drama is the Whitebeard Pirates.”

“mom! mom! mom! ”

Bigmom let out a terrifying laugh of unknown meaning, which made it a little creepy to hear.

Chilling hair stands on end.



Mary Joya.

World Zheng Province.

“The Whitebeard Pirates defeated the Hundred Beast Pirates, does this mean that the country of Wano is already under the control of the Whitebeard Pirates? Doflamingo that clown is connected with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and our world has always been, relying on Doflamingo as an intermediary and indirectly cooperating with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group. ”

“Now that the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has escaped, and Doflamingo’s cooperation partner is gone, if we still need Sea Lou Stone in our world, we must change the cooperation object, and may also have to trade with the Whitebeard Pirate Group…”

A five-old star of the World Zheng Mansion gritted his teeth and said angrily: “Trading with the Whitebeard Pirate Group, in that case, where should the face of the World Zheng Mansion go?” ”

“Before there was a Doflamingo as a middleman, and now there is not even an intermediary!”

A five-old star holding a tai knife next to him said expressionlessly: “Maybe you can take the opportunity to take down the country of Wano, the Whitebeard Pirates have just experienced a war, or maybe they are still in an empty state.” ”

“Nope!” Another five-old star said: “We don’t have enough troops in the New World to take down the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

“So what to do? Do you want to cooperate with the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

“At the moment, it seems that you can only cooperate with them, right?”

“Damn it! That’s a shame! ”

“Isn’t Haixia Jinping having a good relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates? We can choose this intermediary, and we just need to work with Jinping. The world’s zheng mansion cooperated with His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, so that no one would criticize it. ”

“Huh? It seems okay, seconded! ”

“That’s it, seconded.”

“Is it very flat? Seconded. ”




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