Hearing Roy’s heart again, at the beginning, Whitebeard felt that Roy’s ideas were more naïve than Ace’s ideas, and he wanted to laugh at Roy’s little ghost, which actually has today.

I also think that Roy, the little ghost, is really a little ghost, even if his mind is very mature many times, but there are always immature times.

But when he heard the voice behind him, the ridicule in Whitebeard’s heart suddenly stopped.

Because he found himself unable to refute Roy’s idea.

He actually felt that Roy’s idea was really reasonable.

Whitebeard Pirates and World Zhengfu cooperation?

Two rivals on the sea working together?

That sounds ridiculous…

Sounds weird…

Feel that such an idea…

Very naïve!

Also unreasonable!

But after thinking carefully in his heart, Whitebeard suddenly found out in shock that the method of cooperating with the world’s zhengfu seemed to really work.

If nothing else, in this place in the New World, the Whitebeard Pirates can still speak on an equal footing with the World Zheng Mansion.

It is true that the world’s zhengfu is indeed very strong, but it does not mean that the white-bearded pirate group is weak.

Moreover, doesn’t the World Zheng Mansion cooperate with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group?

This is a Doflamingo sandwiched between the two.

Doflamingo as a middleman…

A little to the world zhengfu to save a little face.

Since the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group was able to act as an intermediary with His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, they could carry out a cooperative relationship with the World Zheng Mansion.

Why can’t the Whitebeard Pirates?

Whitebeard is not a stubborn person.

Even if some ideas are too trendy…

But as long as he felt that it made sense…

None of them will reject these ideas.

This was why he suddenly felt that these naïve thoughts in Roy’s heart were really quite reasonable.


What was in Roy’s mind…

Probably not naïve at all.

This little ghost may have thought it out to come up with such an idea.

Just when Whitebeard fell into deep thought.

Roy’s voice…

Rings again.

[There is also the problem of those who are not willing to open the country of peace, these people who are unwilling to open the country of peace are just some vested interests, these guys are all a group of paper tigers who eat soft and hard. ] 】

[Those guys estimate that most of them are some daimyo of Wano Country, and for these people, the more closed the people’s wisdom, the more suitable for their current dominance. ] 】

[And once the country of peace was founded, the people’s wisdom opened, contacted some new things from abroad, and accepted some advanced ideas from abroad…]

[Gee, it must be these daimyo who have been pushed down, they are just afraid. ] 】

[No matter how high their reputation is in the local area, is there still a high reputation of Mitsuki Ota? 】

[The white beard is also true, actually pinched softly.] 】

[You must know that the Whitebeard Pirates are pirate groups! ] Not some kind and benevolent force! 】

[Those daimyo, which one dares to stop the founding of the country…]

[Directly abruptly and it’s over! ] 】

[As for suddenly, will it cause any not very good effects?] What a joke, the people of Wano Country have been oppressed like this, and if this can cause a bad impact, it means that the country is not saved. 】

[Or that this generation of this country is not saved, it is recommended to directly abandon this generation and cultivate the next generation. ] 】

[Although such an idea is cold-blooded…]

[But it’s also very practical!] 】

[After all, the Whitebeard Pirates…]

[It’s a pirate group! ] 】

[Don’t forget your duty! ] 】

The whitebeard’s eyes suddenly widened, and this stinky imp actually showed a deep thought on his face, as if he couldn’t think about anything.

But in fact, this little ghost’s heart is very clear, and he actually thought of so many things in such a short time.

After all, many things can see the true essence of things.

For example, those daimyo of Wano Country!

Whitebeard just said at first that there are some people with a high reputation who do not agree with the founding of the country of Wano.

But this little devil immediately thought of those daimyo.

And a crude workaround also came to mind.

I have to say…

This workaround that Roy came up with…

It’s really not ordinary roughness.

Because to sum it up…

Just one word!

– Kill!

But Whitebeard thought about it carefully and suddenly realized, isn’t this exactly what the Whitebeard Pirates should do?

In the face of this kind of thing, does the Whitebeard Pirates need to care about any reputation?

Do you need to care what the impact of doing this kind of thing is?

Anyway, it’s not the Whitebeard Pirates who are in power …

Roy is absolutely right!

You can’t forget your essence.

Don’t forget your duty.

A group of pirates, all pirates, a group of pirates, have to do what pirates should do.

Instead of thinking about this and that.

There is no need to worry about this or that.

Because it’s completely unnecessary.

Within the acceptable range, how to be rough and how to come, you can do.

This is the Pirates!

This is the pirate!

All right!


Whitebeard’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and he had to say that every time there was something to discuss, he would directly call Roy over.

Basically, you can know the solution.

After all, Roy is so all-round.

The position of captain of the second team…

Except that he qualifies as …

Who else is eligible?

Just when Whitebeard came up with such an idea, Marko’s voice suddenly sounded: “Dad, I think how to say Ace’s idea, a little bit is inappropriate.” With the strength of our Whitebeard Pirates, it is estimated that it will be difficult to solve the problem of entering and exiting the country of Wano. ”

“But we, as the Whitebeard Pirates, can find some forces that can cooperate in the New World to cooperate to solve this problem together.”

“For many people, the benefits of the founding of the country of Wano are definitely very great.”

“We can use this layer of relationship to select partners to work with.”

“There are so many talented people in the new world, someone will always come up with a solution.”

Marko scratched his head and said: “I can only think of so much in a short time, and the remaining two difficult problems and dilemmas, I can’t think of how to solve them for a while.” ”

Marko’s words made Whitebeard a little side-eyed.

It also made Whitebeard suddenly feel a little relieved.

I didn’t expect it!

Marko finally had the same idea as Roy Little Ghost.

It’s just that Marko’s idea is still not bold enough.

The mind is still not active enough.

Even Roy glanced at Marco in surprise.

[Good guy! Ideas collided? 】

[Brother Pony is not stupid either! ] 】

[It seems that there was some misunderstanding of Xiao Ma before. ] 】

[Brother Pony is still quite smart! ] In other words, am I boasting about myself in disguise? 】

[Ahem! 】

[Low key! ] 】



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