“Dad, are you sure you want to cooperate with the World Zheng Mansion?”

Marko’s tone was a little worried: “If you cooperate with the World Zheng Mansion, it is no longer as simple as plotting with the tiger. ”

“The purpose of the World Zheng Mansion will definitely not be very simple, they may want the entire country of Wazhi!”

“They may want to use the springboard of the Whitebeard Pirates then…”

“For their planning and layout in the new world!”

Marko reminded solemnly and vigilantly: “If the headquarters of the Navy is a tiger, then the World Zhengfu is a monster that is more terrifying than a tiger!” ”

If the comprehensive strength of the Whitebeard Pirates is comparable to Roger’s Pirates…

Perhaps it will also be able to cooperate with the world’s zheng government.

Because then there will be enough confidence.

But with the current group of white-bearded pirates…

It’s not that Marko looks down on the Whitebeard Pirates, where he is currently …

But he knows very well in his heart…

The current Whitebeard Pirates.

Dialogue with the world’s zhengfu on an equal footing.

Apparently unlikely!

“Goo la la-la!”

Whitebeard poured himself a sip of wine and looked at Marko in front of him.

He naturally knew exactly what Marko was worried about.

With a hearty smile, the whitebeard said, “Stupid son, you overlooked a little!” ”

“Huh?” Marko was stunned.

Missed a point yourself?

What point was overlooked?

Only to hear the whitebeard’s voice continue to sound: “You must know that this is the new world, not the East Sea, nor the West Sea, nor the South China Sea, nor the North Sea!” This is the second half of the Great Voyage, not the first half of the Great Voyage, let alone the Red Earth Continent! ”

“Goo la la! This is a new world! And we, the Whitebeard Pirates, are the emperors of the sea of the New World! No matter how huge the strength of the World Zheng Mansion is, how big a wave can it set off in this place in the New World? ”

Whitebeard’s voice woke Marko up instantly, and he couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

That’s right!

You know, this is a new world.

It is the second half of the Great Route!

In this place in the New World, how many forces are there in the World Zhengfu?

You can count it on one hand!

The power of the world’s zhengfu in the new world may not be as good as a large pirate group.

New World is home to the Whitebeard Pirates.

How powerful is the world?

Although the strong dragon can overwhelm the ground head snake, but is the white-bearded pirate group a ground head snake?


Their group of white-bearded pirates …

Also a dragon!

Before Marko found himself, he fell into a kind of thinking mistake.

I only saw the strength of the world’s zhengfu.

But I didn’t see that this is the home of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Their white-bearded pirate group is not a waste-like group of hundred beasts, and they can lose in their home field.

With home field advantage again…

Inside the whole new world…

Who beat the Whitebeard Pirates?

Unless the world mobilizes the crowd and uses all its strength to surround and suppress the Whitebeard Pirates, it is possible to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates on the home field of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The question is…

Will Zheng Fu stir up the crowd because of this?


No way!

Because that requires too much manpower, material resources and resources.

So much that even the world’s zheng province…

It’s a little unaffordable.

“So it is!”

Mal scratched his head and revealed a very bitter smile: “It seems that I am indeed small, but if you cooperate with the world’s zhengfu, you must also maintain a certain vigilance, even if this is the home of the Whitebeard Pirates.” ”

“Goo la la! That’s nature! ”

Whitebeard rolled his eyes and said, “Do you think that daddy and I are so arrogant that I don’t put the world’s zhengfu in my eyes?” ”

This kind of sea emperor of them, on the surface, sounds very powerful.

They are indeed very powerful.

But if you compare it with the headquarters of the Navy …

A single emperor of the sea, there is no way to compare with the headquarters of the navy.

Not to mention the world behind the headquarters of the Navy.

Whitebeard though knows that he is strong.

But he also knows that two fists are difficult to fight with four hands.

There should still be vigilance.

He knew that if he cooperated with a powerful evil dragon like the world…

If once a little careless…

will be the world zhengfu …

Eat without bones!

At this time, Ace, who was a little confused when he listened, couldn’t help but interject and asked, “But, Dad… How can we cooperate with the world? Through what channels do we want to cooperate with them? ”

Hearing Ace’s question, Marko couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

Oh, yes……

How to cooperate with the world?

If the Whitebeard Pirates take the initiative to find the World Zheng Mansion…

Wouldn’t that be a little too passive in cooperative transactions?

Once in a passive state…

On top of mutual negotiations…

May fall into the downwind!

And it is known by outsiders that the Whitebeard Pirates took the initiative to cooperate with the world’s zhengfu, that would definitely be laughing generously, right?

Unless it is able to let the world’s zhengfu take the initiative to come to the door to cooperate.

So if it is known by outsiders…

It will be shocked by the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates, and outsiders will think that the Whitebeard Pirates Group, how powerful is it, and can actually make the world’s zhengfu bow its head and take the initiative to come to the door?

“Goo la la! Rest assured! ”

Whitebeard laughed at all about this: “You know, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, in fact, has always had a cooperative relationship with the world’s zheng mansion. ”

As soon as these words came out, Marko and the others immediately widened their eyes.

The Hundred Beast Pirates have always cooperated with the world’s zheng government?

How can it be?

Are you sure?

“Goo la la! The whole sea can process sea lou stone, and the only place where sea lou stone is rich is Wano Country! Can you think about it, where did so many sea lou stones in the world’s zhengfu come from? Goo la la! ”

Whitebeard’s words woke up the dreamer.

Marko suddenly said in shock: “It turns out that this is the case, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group controls the country of Hezhi, which is equivalent to monopolizing the sea tower stone on the sea, so the World Zheng Mansion must cooperate with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group!” But the question is, why haven’t I heard of it before? ”

Whitebeard took a sip of wine, the corners of his mouth curled, and he explained: “That’s because there used to be a middleman who used to divide the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the transactions between the World Zheng Mansion. ”

“That middleman is Doflamingo, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, and that flamingo imp.”

“Goo la la! And a figure like His Majesty Qiwu Hai…”

“Doesn’t our Whitebeard Pirates happen to have it here?”

Whitebeard’s voice fell.

Marko suddenly thought of a figure, he looked at the white beard in front of him, and asked in surprise: “Dad, do you want to make Jinping a bridge between us and the world’s zhengfu?” Let Jinping be this middleman? ”

Whitebeard nodded without hesitation: “It is estimated that it will not be long before the World Zheng Mansion will take the initiative to contact Jinping.” ”

Whitebeard said with a smile: “After all, this strategic material such as Hailou stone…”

“It is impossible for the World Zheng Mansion to let it go!”

“Goo la la la !!!”

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or what the reason is.

Less than ten minutes after Whitebeard finished saying this, a man came.

And it looks rushed.

As if there was an emergency.

The comer…


It’s Jinping!

“Whitebeard Daddy!” Due to the shelter of the Whitebeard Pirates on Fishman Island, Fishman Island has been relatively peaceful over the years.

Jinping not only regards Whitebeard as a benefactor, but also regards Whitebeard as a father.

This is his greatest respect for Whitebeard.

After the big blue fat fish man walked over, he said with a somewhat solemn expression: “The World Zheng Mansion contacted my phone worm through the Qiwu Sea Mobilization Order, and a five-old star told me that they wanted to discuss cooperation with the Whitebeard Pirate Group through me!” ”

After speaking, Jinping also took a special look at the whitebeard’s expression.

Then he was extremely shocked to find that there was no shocked look on Whitebeard’s face.

There wasn’t even the slightest expression of surprise.

On the contrary, Marko, Ace, and Tichy next to Whitebeard showed a surprised look.

Hey? Is Roy actually here?

“Hah! Unexpectedly, I was really hit by my father, and the world’s zhengfu took the initiative to contact us, and still contacted us through Jinping. ”

Marko’s face showed a smile: “This is really rare, such a proud world, actually lowered his head, chose to cooperate with us pirates, is it for these sea lou stones?” ”

Ace said in surprise: “The World Zheng Mansion is really connected, it’s a little surprising!” ”

Tiqi laughed: “Thief hahaha, daddy is really like a god!” ”

Roy: “… The white-bearded uncle is really powerful. ”

[Good guy, this is also too coincidence, then I should have guessed this situation earlier than Bai or earlier, right?] Mean I’m still a little smarter than Whitebeard? Well! That’s right, that’s it! 】

[Jinping’s current confused expression, it is estimated that he has no idea what happened. ] 】

[How can he know the movements of the world’s zheng mansion, he has already given us insight. 】

[Ah no, strictly speaking, not us. 】

[It was just that Whitebeard and I learned about it.] 】

[As for Marko, Ace, and Tichy, these only need to be spectators who can only shout 666.] 】

At this time, Jinping was indeed confused.

Could it be that these things I said…

Isn’t it shocking?

“Goo la la! Jinping, in fact, we were talking about this just now. ”

Whitebeard smiled heartily and explained in a relatively short sentence what had just happened.

Jinping, finally realized.

I see!

No wonder!

“Goo la la! Jinping, what did the five old stars say? How to work together? Whitebeard asked.

With a straight face, he replied, “The five old stars said that the two sides can prepare each other’s respective needs for cooperation, and then each send a representative to Fishman Island for face-to-face rewards.” ”

“Is that so?” Whitebeard grinned and said, “It seems that the World Zheng Mansion still wants to take care of their own face!” ”

The other party is not willing to let the Whitebeard Pirates go to Mary Joa.

I don’t want to come to this place in Wano Country in person.

It must be too humiliating to worry.

“Send a representative each?”

Whitebeard began to think, and then suddenly, he smiled and said, “Goo la la la, then send a representative!” ”

Jinping asked curiously, “Whitebeard Daddy, have you thought of sending someone?” ”

Whitebeard replied, “If you think of it, send Roy!” ”

His words were very concise.

Marko: “!!! ”

Ace: “!!! ”

Tichy: “!!! ”

Jinping: “!!! ”

Roy: “??? ”

【What?】 】



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