“What? Let me negotiate with the Whitebeard Pirates? Are you kidding! I am the marshal of the headquarters of the Navy, let the people of the Whitebeard Pirates negotiate peacefully and equally? ”

“If this gets out, what face will the Navy have?” Isn’t it necessary to be ridiculed by all forces? The Navy negotiates with the pirates, this is simply outrageous, okay? ”

“And the Navy took the initiative to go to Fishman Island and take the initiative to negotiate with the Whitebeard Pirates?”

“Why don’t you let your people go to Fishman Island?”

Sengoku gritted his teeth and said to the phone worm: “Marshal of the Navy headquarters, negotiate with the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

“What kind of system is this? Is there still a view of good and evil? ”

Sengoku simply could not accept this task, he did not burst into foul language with anger …

Even if his quality is very high.

Are you kidding?

Navy and pirates for peace negotiations?

If the Whitebeard Pirates were His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai, then he could barely accept it.

The problem is the Whitebeard Pirates …

It is the four emperors of the new world!

It’s the emperor of the sea!

Pure evil party!

The Warring States actually know that the World Zheng Mansion has always had a very close cooperative relationship with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, because before the Hundred Beast Pirate Group controlled the entire country of Wa, and the World Zheng Mansion needed those sea towers in the country of He.

Now the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has been driven out of the country of Wano by the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and the country of Wano has changed owners.

It is also reasonable for the world’s zhengfu to want to change a partner to work with.

But the question is why let yourself negotiate?

Such disgraceful negotiations …

Why let the Navy do it?

Let the Navy be this harlequin?

At this moment, on the other side of the phone worm, a clear voice came, which was the voice of one of the five old stars of the world’s zheng mansion: “Warring States, you have no room for refusal, this is not our request for you, but our order for you!” ”

“Although you are the marshal of the Navy headquarters, you must also recognize your status, the Navy headquarters is just a department below the world’s zhengfu!”

“We can make the highest command transfer to the navy headquarters, including the transfer of you, the marshal of the navy.”

“Negotiations with the Whitebeard Pirates, you have to go if you don’t go!”

The words of the five old stars were in a high-spirited tone…

It made the Warring States so angry that it was called a tooth itch, and the forehead showed some green tendons.

As a naval marshal, negotiate with the pirates…

Where to put the face of the headquarters of the Navy?

Pirates are so rampant …

The Navy doesn’t just have to be tolerant.

And also to negotiate?

But when the Warring States suddenly thought of something, he gritted his teeth with a black face and said, “I know!” ”

After speaking, he directly and rudely hung up the phone worm.

Sengoku couldn’t help but take a few deep breaths.

Try to calm your mind a little.

Although he is the marshal of the navy headquarters, many times he needs to see the orders of the world’s zheng government.

To put it ugly, the Navy is just a dog raised by the world’s zhengfu.

At most, it is just a dog that can beat more.

Half of him refused this order from the five old stars.

The world’s government only needs a little trick to keep the naval headquarters busy for the next few months.

So Sengoku knew he could endure it.

Marshal of the Navy Headquarters …

Being called like this…

He could only endure.

“Ahh It’s like accidentally hearing something, something you shouldn’t have heard. At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and a tall and strong man walked in.

The height of three meters looks extremely tall, with fluffy curly hair and slightly thick lips.

From beginning to end, this man’s face was a slightly lazy look.

He scratched his head and said, “It seems that a lot of big things have happened in the past few days I have been out. ”

“Mr. Sengoku, I haven’t seen you for two or three months!”

Sengoku raised his eyelids and recognized the other party at once: “Kuzan.” ”

Yes! The man who walked into the office…

It was one of the three admirals of the headquarters of the Navy.

General Kuzan, known as the Pheasant!

“Ahh Mr. Sengoku doesn’t seem to be in a particularly good mood, I heard that the Whitebeard Pirates defeated the Hundred Beast Pirates, is this related to the Five Old Stars letting you negotiate with the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

Kuzan is obviously not very aware of the recent major events on the sea.

Because some time ago he has been out on a mission.

This mission is to protect a few Draco who are traveling.


Draco travels…

Let the admirals protect.

And the admirals again had to go.

In the final analysis……

The Navy is nothing more than the province of the world …

A dog with a husband.

Faced with this curious question from the green pheasant, Sengoku took a deep breath and explained expressionlessly: “The Whitebeard Pirates defeated the Hundred Beast Pirates in the country of Wa, and the monopoly business of the Sea Lou Shi controlled by the Hundred Beast Pirates has fallen into the hands of the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

“And the world’s zheng province needs strategic materials such as sea lou stone, and it is still needed in large quantities. Therefore, the world’s zhengfu wants to transform the object of cooperation from a hundred beast pirate group to a white-bearded pirate group. ”

“And through the sea hero Jinping, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, as an intermediary.”

“Let me go to Fishman Island and negotiate with representatives of the Whitebeard Pirates.”

When he said this, Sengoku’s face turned black and blue.

Because he felt it was an insult to himself.

It is also an insult to naval justice.

“Ahhh The green pheasant scratched his head: “It sounds like it’s a bit excessive, isn’t it clear that you want the navy to be this clown?” Is this a disguised suppression of the Navy? ”

Sengoku did not answer this question.

He is clearly not in a good mood now.

And this kind of very sensitive topic is not suitable for small talk here.

After a few seconds of silence, Sengoku said: “The representative of the Whitebeard Pirates, in a few days, it is estimated that I will arrive at Fishman Island, and I have to prepare to leave.” ”

Mention this stubble…

The Warring States had a headache.



PS: Yesterday there was chaos in my head, there was not a single plot, and I was thinking about the plot all day. All in all, there’s a little bit of Kavin, ahem! Today will definitely return to normal swastika update! Try to write more than 10,000 words!

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