Sengoku is actually qualified and has the authority to agree to the first demand of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Although the cost of sea trains is very expensive.

And the progress of the project will be very difficult.

But it is not unacceptable.

The sea train plan of the world’s zhengfu is not fully mature.

You can also take the opportunity to be in the country of Wa…

Conduct some experimentation.


The second need of the Whitebeard Pirates, Sengoku knew that he did not have any authority at all, and could agree to this demand, and he, the marshal of the navy, even if he agreed to this demand, did not count.

That’s why he looks ugly, because he thinks Roy is too greedy.

This can be seen from Jinping’s stunned expression.

This last demand was definitely added by this little Roy ghost.

In this way, the expression of the Sengoku is not particularly good-looking.

This little devil is also too greedy, right?

Such a need…

It is impossible for the world’s zhengfu to agree!

After all, today’s country of peace is already controlled by the Whitebeard Pirates.

If the country of Wano can participate in the world conference as a non-member country of the world…

Wouldn’t that mean that pirates would be able to participate in the World Conference?

Such treatment…

Even if it was the original One Piece…

Can’t do it!

But looking at the smile on Roy’s face in front of him, Sengoku knew that this little ghost would definitely not be able to take a step back.

After a few seconds of silence, Sengoku took a deep breath and said, “I need to contact the five old stars. ”

“Feel free.” Roy shrugged.

Sengoku stood up and walked outside the hall.

Pulling out a phone bug from his arms.

Contacted the five old stars.

“Hello? Yes, it’s me! The negotiations are not over yet, and the Whitebeard Pirates have two needs, the first demand is that the world’s zhengfu needs to establish two sea train channels in the country of Wazhi. ”

“The second demand is that in the future, the country of Wano can participate in the world conference as a non-member country of the world. And there is no need to pay heavenly gold to the world’s zhengfu. ”

“I think it’s hard for me to agree to this demand, but it depends on your ideas.”

Sengoku kicked the ball directly to the five old stars.

Put such a puzzle…

Leave it to the five old stars to solve it themselves.



Mary Joya.

World Zheng Province.

After getting the report from the Sengoku, although I knew that the Sengoku was kicking the ball.

But the five old stars also knew that the Warring States were not qualified to agree to such a demand.

After all, how the Warring States say, they are only the marshal of the headquarters of the Navy.

The headquarters of the Navy is nothing more than a department below the world’s zhengfu.

As a naval marshal, he could not meet such a demand.

It’s because he doesn’t have the qualifications to say yes.

The five old stars who answered the phone worm’s brows were already tightly furrowed.

Apparently how things are going…

Some were beyond expectations.

The demand put forward by the Whitebeard Pirates…

It was something they didn’t expect.

“What do you think? The request of the Whitebeard Pirates seems to be a bit excessive. The five-old star casually put the phone worm aside, and then turned to the other four five-old stars and asked.

Hearing his question, a bald five-old star holding a tai knife.

Raised his eyelids and said: “Pirates are pirates after all, it is too easy to get an inch, these two requirements, the first alone, we have no way to accept.” The cost of sea trains is simply too high. ”

“Even if it is just a sea train channel, it will cost at least a billion Baileys.”

“The white-bearded pirate group is simply opening the mouth of the lion.”

“If you really follow their requirements to build two sea train channels…”

“It’s equivalent to smashing two billion Baileys on the pirates.”

When the bald five-old star holding the tai knife said this, he snorted coldly and continued: “If Whitebeard is still so greedy, we don’t have to cooperate with them at all!” ”

At this time…

A five-old star with blond hair said expressionlessly: “If we don’t cooperate with the Whitebeard Pirate Group, where can we get the Sea Lou Stone?” ”

The five old stars holding the tai knife sneered: “It’s a big deal to send troops and destroy the white-bearded pirate group!” ”

The blond five old stars “sighed”: “Whitebeard Pirates, but in the new world, you can destroy if you want?” The new world of the world’s zhengfu does not have much power at all, and hastily throwing a large amount of power into the new world may cause a reaction from the pirates of the new world. ”

“At that time, if the pirates of the new world unite, it will be a picture that all of us don’t want to see, and I don’t think you want the Rocks Pirates to reappear in the sea, right?”

After hearing these words, the five old stars holding the tai knife fell silent.

At this time, another five old stars came out to play the circle.

“Okay, let me say it! The first demand put forward by the Whitebeard Pirates, in fact, the World Zheng Mansion can agree, and the budget of two billion Bailey is nothing for the World Zheng Mansion. ”

“The most important problem comes from their second demand, if the country of Hezhi is not a member country, and you don’t even need to pay heavenly gold, you can participate in the world conference of the world…”

“I’m afraid other allied countries will question, why do they need to pay heavenly gold, but the country of peace does not?”

The five old stars narrowed his eyes and continued, “The Whitebeard Pirates put forward this demand…”

“It’s enough to show that they have a very special ambition.”

“We don’t know what exactly this is, maybe the whitebeard pirate group will be exposed in the future.”

“At present, what is most needed is the resources of sea lou stone.”

“It is also necessary to stabilize the powerful Whitebeard Pirates.”

“The second demand of the Whitebeard Pirates, we can actually agree, but we can make a little article from the inside, sell the Sea Lou Stone of the Hezhi Country to the world’s zheng mansion, and declare that this is the heavenly gold handed over by the Hezhi Country.”

“And the country of Wazhi is not a member country of the world, but in terms of external propaganda, we can promote that he is an allied country.”

“And the Whitebeard Pirates have to cooperate with our propaganda.”

Saying that, the five old stars smiled: “In short, in the eyes of others, the country of harmony has become an allied country, and it has also honestly handed over the heavenly gold.” ”

“In fact, in the eyes of the world’s zheng mansion, and the white-bearded pirate group, both sides…”

“It’s just a play for someone else.”

The five old stars holding the Taisao sneered, “Isn’t that fooling yourself? ”

“Do you have a better way?”

“…… Boom! ”




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