In the end, under the witness of the king, three princes, a princess, and the sea hero Jinping, the Whitebeard Pirates and the world’s zhengfu finally reached a consensus on cooperation.

And at the moment when Roy and Sengoku signed documents and shook hands with each other, the cooperation was reached!

The world’s zhengfu spends five billion Bailey every year to buy sea lou stones from the white-bearded pirate group.

The Whitebeard Pirates need to provide twelve tons of processed sea lou stones to the world’s zhengfu every year.

The world’s zhengfu is to build two sea train channels for the country of peace.

And the cost of building the sea train is contracted by the world’s zheng government.

That is to say, on the construction of two sea train channels, the Whitebeard Pirates do not need to spend a penny.

All of them are contracted by the world’s deep-pocketed Zheng Province.

However, the follow-up maintenance costs of the sea train channel are borne by the Whitebeard Pirates and the two sides of the world.

And the proceeds of the sea train in the future …

It is also divided equally between the two forces.

Mutual benefit.

to last.

At the same time, the World Government allows the country of Wano to participate in world conferences as a non-member country, and does not need to hand over heavenly gold.

The Whitebeard Pirates, on the other hand, allowed the World Zheng Prefecture to open a naval branch in the Land of Wano.

Of course, these are just a few of the main projects to work with.

There are also several of the main requirements.

And a lot of little details…

No examples are given.

All in all, the World Zheng Mansion and the Whitebeard Pirates have launched a series of all-round cooperation.

If these collaborations are known…

It’s going to be a shock.


It doesn’t even need to be known by others what the content of the collaboration is.

Just let others know that the Whitebeard Pirates cooperate with the World Zheng Mansion…

It was enough to plunge the whole sea into shock.

After all, one force is the hegemon of this world.

The other force is the sea emperor on the sea.

The two sides are usually incompatible…

The result is now a collaboration.

If the news gets out, at least 99 out of 100 people will not believe it.

But this kind of thing that is logically impossible to happen…

And so it really happened.

It can well be imagined……

Roy, the crosser, caused by the butterfly effect, how huge it is.

Of course……

The cooperation of the two forces does not mean that they can live in peace.

For example, some countries have cooperative business with each other.

But want them to live in true peace?

Are you kidding?

When one party feels that they can gain greater benefits by getting rid of the other, and there is a time when they are confident that they can do so.

Then this party will definitely not hesitate to find a way to destroy the other party.

This is the cooperation between the Whitebeard Pirates and the World Zheng House.

Both sides are simply plotting with the tiger.

When the world’s zhengfu cooperates, it is also afraid of the white-bearded pirate group.


The same goes for the Whitebeard Pirates.

I want both sides to trust each other…

That’s absolutely impossible!

The two sides are just walking together because of some immediate interests.

Wait until the benefits become unsatisfactory …


It’s time to break up.

Of course.

For Roy.

What’s to come…

It’s none of his business.

He didn’t stay in this place of Fishman Island for a long time, because he always felt that the way the Warring States in front of him looked at him as if something was not quite right.

Thinking that the other party is the marshal of the navy headquarters, Roy is really a little worried about the other party, will he directly arrest himself?


Although Sengoku is not such an extreme navy as Akainu.

But after all, it is also a navy, and it is also the marshal of the headquarters of the navy.

And he is nothing more than a pirate.

To be on the safe side…

Sneak away first!

With such a strong desire for survival, Roy has already embarked on a voyage back to the country of peace with Jinping.

As a marshal of the Navy headquarters, the Sengoku embarked on a voyage back to the Navy headquarters.

Stand on the deck of a naval warship.

Sengoku’s gaze was slightly deep.

“Roy…” he looked up at the blue sky and couldn’t help but say with some emotion: “The Whitebeard Pirates are full of talents, not only Fire Fist Ace joined the Whitebeard Pirates, but even Jinping this guy is very close to the Whitebeard Pirates, and the White Tiger Zhihai Group has recently risen a guy named Tichy.” ”

“As a result, this is not over, and now there is another Roy, and this Roy is likely to be one of the three plagues that killed the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, the mysterious Great Sword Hao of the Flame Ember.”

“That knife on this guy’s waist is definitely a big fast knife, a swordsman with a big fast knife…”

“How could it be an ordinary newcomer?”

“How could Whitebeard send an ordinary newcomer to negotiate with me?”

“It can only mean that the pirate imp named Roy…”

“It’s the man who killed the Flame Ember!”

Sengoku’s gaze sank slightly.

This shows that the pirate imp named Roy may be greater than Marko, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates’ team, in terms of threat.

In the cognitive impression of the Warring States period, Marko, who was the captain of the first team, even if he could fight the flame and ember, he could not kill the other party.

But that Roy pirate imp was able to kill the Flame Ember.

Let the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Hundred Beast Pirates be won.

It can well be imagined……

In that war between the two Four Emperors.

This Roy pirate imp…

Definitely a top priority.

Because if it weren’t for him and killing the flame embers of the Hundred Beast Pirates, the two sides would not have been able to fight for such a short time.

It is precisely because of this imp that the Navy has no way to pick up bargains.

Even let the country of Wano fall into the hands of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Should this imp control the Whitebeard Pirates in the future?

Because this imp is so young.

The potential is also too great.

So big that the Navy felt a hint of threat.

When he was thirty or forty years old…

Will it replace Whitebeard as the strongest man in the world?

With this potential of him…


Very big!

Warring States’ expression became not particularly good-looking, and he gritted his teeth and said: “The navy has become a little green and yellow recently, but the pirates are full of talents, hateful!” It is necessary to offer a reward for that Roy imp, and the amount of the reward cannot be low! ”


Sengoku, who was the marshal of the navy headquarters, decided to draw up a bounty order for Roy.

And the bounty amount cannot be low.

At least……

Not less than a billion Baileys!



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