Seeing that Whitebeard was still asking, Roy was a little confused.

[Why is Whitebeard so entangled in asking my opinion.] 】

[This old man won’t really be…”

[Gee, forget it, I’m a little afraid when I think about it…]

This kid…

The mind is quite flexible, but what kind of wolf words are in the heart.

If it weren’t for the voice of his heart, it is estimated that he would be like his stupid sons, who would be played by this little ghost.

[But just looking at their road map, could it be…]

Just then, Roy had a bold guess.

It can’t be completely said to be speculation, according to the direction of the plot, although the current timeline is somewhat misaligned.

Most of these dozens of proposed destinations do not seem to have any connection to Kaido. 】

But soon, Roy was drawn to a place.

【Cake Island! 】

[That’s right! This is it! 】

If you guessed correctly, Kaido guy wasn’t on the run as they had previously understood.

Went in the wrong direction from the beginning.

Kaido’s purpose is to move the soldiers to Cake Island.

[BIGMOM, another difficult guy…]

And he didn’t know that the whitebeard on the other side of the phone had been shocked by the information brought by Roy and could not digest it for a long time.


Previously on Locks’ ship, the two interns boarded the ship at almost the same time.

But the two of them were in an alliance, and Whitebeard really couldn’t imagine this picture.

Or to put it another way, it’s simply impossible.

This time…… Maybe Roy made a mistake?

Whitebeard said secretly in his heart.

“Goo la la, you two return immediately!”

But in the end, Whitebeard still couldn’t get tangled.

It is better to trust what it is, not to trust what it does not have.

If it is really like what Roy said, the alliance of those two terrifying guys will not only be a huge impact on the Whitebeard Pirates, it is estimated that by then, the entire sea will tremble.

“What do you mean Daddy? Did something happen? ”

Even Roy didn’t expect this sentence to come out of Whitebeard’s mouth without warning.

“Goo la la, listen to me, now it’s time to return.”

If that hadn’t happened, it would have been fine, but it would have been exactly as Roy said.

The Hundred Beast Pirates and the Aunt Pirates Unite Alliance…

Although they have just experienced a big victory, the chance of forming an alliance with the two of them is definitely not more than ten percent.

After that, Whitebeard also immediately hung up the phone worm.

Only Bistaroi was left with the two confused on deck.

This old guy really wants to play out one by one.

Roy doesn’t even know where to complain now.

Finally, as night approached, Bista and Roy arrived at the port of Wano Country smoothly.

Marko didn’t know how long he had been waiting.

“Brother Marko, why are you here?”

After seeing the familiar figure, Roy immediately stepped forward.

“Dad is very worried about you, so he specially asked me to wait here, and immediately brought him to meet him after seeing you.”

[This sentence sounds more like a prisoner in captivity than worry.] 】



Cake Island.

“Pelopero, mother, the scout ship of the island of the Totland Kingdom has found that the pirate ship of the hundred beast Kaido is heading towards the nations.”

The Minister of Sweets, Peros Pero, immediately reported to his mother after receiving the news from the front.

“Hee hee, Kaido that guy is here.”

“What do we do now, Mom?”

Although Perospero is the best thinker under Auntie, a decision like this is definitely not something he can afford.

In the New World, a single sneeze of the Four Emperors is enough to make an island tremble.

“Ji hee hee, do you still need to say this kind of thing? Deporting them, of course. ”

Unexpectedly, this sentence came out of the mouth of the aunt without the slightest hesitation.

“Okay mom, I’ll go and summon Katakuri now…”

Perospero was just about to leave after hearing his mother’s instructions, but he heard a sway behind him.

“Whoops, my son, just by you, you don’t have this strength yet.”

Auntie put down the cake in her hand and stood up directly.

“I don’t want Kaido’s bastard to ruin my Cake Island, so… Just fix it outside. ”

After feeling the momentum exuding from his mother, Perospero, who was still a little worried just now, was also relieved.

After all, the emperor on the other side is like an emperor on the sea.

Although their two pirate groups have had a lot of conflicts before because of the division of territory, they are usually solved by their cadres, and it is the first time that Kaido has poured out of their nest this time.

Sea level.

Thunder and lightning, the sky seemed to be torn open.

Mama’s pirate fleet quickly gathered in front of their path and had to stop Kaido here.

“Bastard, you guys crossed the line, you know!”

Compared with the empty sea around them, the lightning falling everywhere made the fleet of the Hundred Beast Pirates look particularly silent.

I don’t know if Perospero’s shouts were heard, but their ships gradually docked.

Everyone’s eyes were firmly watching ahead.

Now it is impossible to deal with the current situation according to the previous routine, and inside the pirate ship opposite, there is Kaido, a hundred beasts known as the world’s strongest creatures.

Although now such a description is more of a kind of irony.


I only heard an extremely deafening loud sound echoing over the sea and gradually falling.

When everyone was at a loss, a figure suddenly passed through the air –

“It’s coming…”

After hearing the noise, Aunt slowly closed her eyes.

When the pirates on her side came back to their senses, they looked up and found that the hundred beast Kaido had appeared above their heads.

A huge black shadow shrouded in it.

“This… Be…… When…”

“Is this the deterrent of Hundred Beast Kaido?”

“Ahhh… This oncoming sense of oppression…”

Seeing that they had never seen the market, Aunt was also helpless.

“Little ones, if you don’t want to die, get out of here quickly.”

The words came out of Auntie’s mouth, and there was no fluctuation in her voice.

It seems that it is just a reminder to them, and whether to listen or not is your business.

As soon as the words fell, the aunt also slowly moved her feet and retreated.

On the other side, Kaido’s figure fell directly towards the pirate ship where Auntie was with the howling wind!

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