“By the way, Dad, what to do with that Katakuri, we’re leaving soon.”

When he heard this, Whitebeard didn’t seem to react at first.


“Oooh, that son of a gluttonous woman, huh?”

At this point, Whitebeard remembered that this guy had been locked up inside.

“I almost forgot about this, did someone bring him food, be in it for a few days, don’t starve to death.”

After hearing what Whitebeard said, Roy was a little curious about his brain circuitry.

“Don’t worry, Dad, we send him every day, but…”

“He seems to have some emotions, and things don’t move.”

Whitebeard seemed a little surprised.

In his eyes, it was as if all the people of all nations were labeled gluttonous.

This guy’s backbone really surprised him.

“This way.”

“Let him go.”

Whitebeard’s words made Marko a little puzzled.

That guy is the ceiling of strength under Auntie.

Although it was quite easy to catch it, it was really a bit of a loss to just let it go.

“Why, Daddy, maybe this guy has other uses.”

And Roy didn’t say anything next to him.

[It’s really dizzy, releasing him is the biggest use. ] 】

[Now in this time period, there is no movement on the aunt’s side, there must be something to prepare. ] 】

[Maybe it’s for this guy.] 】

After all, from beginning to end, Whitebeard has never met his aunt, and he has always been the head of the Navy.

Although there are some episodes in the middle, Roy also hides his strength as much as possible.

Now their only thought is Katakuri.

After seeing Roy’s thoughts, Whitebeard nodded.

The question is clear.

“Just do it, but be careful, that guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.”

Since Whitebeard had already spoken, Marko naturally had nothing to say.

But as they were about to leave, Whitebeard suddenly left Roy behind.

“Is there something going on, uncle?”

[This old thing, there won’t be any damage to it. 】

[Don’t come.] 】

Now I don’t know what’s going on, as soon as he saw the smile on Whitebeard’s face, Roy sensed the danger.

Every time I saw the smile on his face, nothing good happened.

Although Whitebeard had some opinions about Roy’s words, there was no way to refute them.

He did guess correctly.

“It’s not a big deal, it’s that this time I want you to help me with something.”

When he heard this, Roy’s whole body almost collapsed.

“But I…”

[Anyway, this time must be stopped! ] 】

[You must not be led by the nose again.] 】

“I’m really inconvenient now, uncle, I also sprained my ankle during the last training.”

Ankles… Sprain?

Roy’s excuse is really not his level.

After Whitebeard heard it, he couldn’t bear to debunk it.

This kid… When did you train?

“Don’t worry, it’s not something to fight and kill.”

Unexpectedly, Whitebeard was waiting here.

“And I’ll let Ace go with you, and he can protect you when necessary.”

[No, no, no. 】

[When is this kind of thing a head?] 】

Roy felt helpless.

No matter what he says, Whitebeard is ready.

“So, uncle, what’s going on?”

[After the specific things come out, I’ll have a good fight with you.] 】

After all, it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine.

Seeing that all Roy was thinking about now was escape, Whitebeard was a little suspicious of whether he had seen it away.

The temperament on this kid is completely inconsistent.

“It’s not a big deal, I want you to meet someone.”

At first, everything was fine when I said this.

But when Roy asked for the name, Whitebeard simply left Hawkeye’s name.

“What… What the? Mihawk? ”

From the look in Whitebeard’s eyes just now, you can see that something is wrong.

That guy is His Majesty Qiwu Hai, although he has some personality, but after all, he still stands with the navy.

To let him go over and meet now is to push him into the fire pit.

“Great… Uncle, what does this mean? ”

Roy slowly looked up and looked at Whitebeard.

[What is going on in the heart of this old thing!] 】

[Although Nami Hawk usually looks quite cold, the more such a person is, the more dangerous it is. ] 】

[Going to see him at this time is completely chaotic. 】

What Whitebeard didn’t expect was that Roy actually knew something about that guy.

It seems to confirm some of his thoughts.

“It’s just a meeting, I want you to look for it, see if he knows anything about knife cultivation, and maybe find a solution to your problem.”

After hearing Whitebeard’s words, Roy’s whole person was stunned.

[Ace… It’s that guy, right…”

It looks like he was stabbed in the back, although there is no malice.

[This guy is really nosy. 】

[Obviously he has already been told not to say anything.] 】

Now it turned out to be directly stabbed here by Whitebeard.

After seeing Roy’s tangled look, a smile gradually appeared on Whitebeard’s face.

Thanks to Ace that kid, if it weren’t for him, how could he have such a good opportunity and excuse.

“Even so, that Mihawk…”

It seemed to see Roy’s hesitation, or that he had no intention of going at all.

Whitebeard can also be regarded as a dangerous move.

“Don’t worry, I have already informed him of this matter in advance, and he will not embarrass you.”

Speaking of this, he did not expect Roy’s response to be even more impeccable.

“If that’s the case, then let him come directly.”

Whitebeard really didn’t expect that Roy had thick skin to this extent.

“He is nothing more than a king Qiwu Sea, how can our white-bearded pirate group go to him so grovelly.”

At this time, Whitebeard was defeated and could not resist Roy’s fierce artillery fire.


Looking at Whitebeard’s hesitant expression, Roy’s heart was also in ecstasy.

[There’s nothing more to say now.] 】

[Finally won a round.] 】

[Whitebeard’s excuse, I am embarrassed for him. ] 】

There is no thought at all.

Seeing that Roy was still mocking like this in his heart, Whitebeard showed a malicious smile.

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