After hearing the voice in Roy’s heart, Whitebeard’s mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

Let you, little devil, have been cursing me in my heart!

At this point, everyone fell silent.

It stands to reason that they are all Whitebeard’s sons, and when Whitebeard says these words, they should tell him not to say any more.

After all, if you can’t move, you will die or something….

It’s just too obscure.

The reason why they fell silent was because in fact, everyone knew in their hearts that Daddy was old!

This is a fact that everyone has to admit.

Daddy is almost seventy this year, and his trademark crescent beard has turned white.

The hair under the turban is actually pale.

There are also more wrinkles on the face than before.

And now you need an infusion at every turn.

The various battles he experienced when he was young, the dark illnesses left behind, could not be recovered.



Daddy is two….

All accounted for.

If, as Daddy said, if one day, he made any mistakes.

Can the Whitebeard Pirates fend off those enemies?

Those ordinary sea pirates, maybe no problem.

But what about those old-time monsters?

What about Kaido?

What about bigmom?

What about Shanks?

If there is no daddy in bed, who of these three can stop it?

Ask yourself!

Who can stand in the way?

Who are the opponents?

Even Marko, who is the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ichiban.

At this moment, he also lowered his head and did not speak.

Because he has a certain clear understanding of his strength.

Although his strength in the new world, he already belongs to a very powerful kind.

It can be regarded as a very strong existence in the imperial vice.

But from the top of this world….

There will still be a big gap.

“Goo la la! Stupid sons! Do you want to show such frustration, as long as your daddy is still alive for one day, no one in the new world dares to move the Whitebeard Pirates! ”

The white-bearded spirit is extremely heroic, and the natural sense of oppression of the huge body merges with the spirit.

That kind of domineering unique to the emperor of the new world is enough to make people tremble!

If there are people who are not suitable for the Whitebeard Pirates….

See Whitebeard’s heroic spirit.

Feel the aura of Whitebeard.

I’m afraid I’ll be scared and can’t walk.

It may even be scared incontinent!

That’s no exaggeration!

“As long as Lao Tzu’s name is still circulating on the sea, who in the world dares to make a move against the Whitebeard Pirates? The red-haired Shanks who just became known as the Emperor of the Seas? Or that Kaido? Or is it bigmom? ”

“Hmph! Lao Tzu only needs to be alive for one day! He is the strongest man in the world! Who dares to touch Lao Tzu’s pirate group?! ”

【Got it! What a bull! So the pirates don’t dare to move you, put aside the navy to see? As long as you find the right opportunity for the Navy, do you think they dare to move you? 】

[I’m afraid I don’t just want to move you, I’m afraid I also want to annihilate the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group in one fell swoop. ] 】

[I thought there was something, it turned out to be listening to him bragging! ] 】

[That’s better than going back to sleep.] 】

[Last night I stayed up late and got drunk…].

[Sleepy and tired…].

[I want to sleep…].

Why does Roy, the stinky little ghost, always run out and spit on him at critical times?

And this bastard Roy, is he listening carefully?

Whitebeard was so angry that his teeth itched.


Roy’s words.

But it left him lost in thought.

Oh, yes!

Said to take the lead, it was just a pirate, and he did not dare to move him.

If the Navy finds an opportunity, then the Navy will definitely not hesitate to launch a thunderous blow.

In fact, the real overlord of the sea….

It is not some His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas.

Nor the Four Emperors of the New World.

Not even a supernova.

Rather, the Navy!!!

The overall combat strength of the Navy headquarters is very strong, and there are already many top masters alone.

Red dogs.


Yellow Ape.

Warring states.



In addition, there are two candidates for generals who are definitely comparable to Marko, and many elite lieutenant generals whose strength is not weaker than Captain Fan.

And the overall strength of the navy is even more.

Add up all the navy, all of them.

I’m afraid there must be millions of troops!

What a true overlord!

Whitebeard straightened the emotions in his heart, he looked at these stupid sons in front of him, and then looked at Roy, who seemed to be a little wandering, and his thoughts didn’t know where to float.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he continued: “So the Whitebeard Pirates, we must draw up a path for the future, and we can’t continue to be leisurely!” Some things must be changed to make the existence of the pirate group more long-lasting. ”

“Daddy! No matter what path you take, I, Marko, have always been with you. ”

Marko, who is the captain of the first team.

The first one came forward and made a statement.

Joz, the captain of the third team, also had a big rough face full of determination: “We are the same with the third team!” ”

“Dad, just say what you want, we will definitely support you!”

“You’re our daddy!”

“We’re family!”

Everyone took a stand.

It has to be said….

Whitebeard Pirates….

Very united!

After all, they do not take their partners as their philosophy on board, but their families as their philosophy on board.

It is precisely because of this concept of getting on board.

Let them be intimate.

Although there is no blood relation.

But incomparably close.

More like family than family.


PS: There will be another chapter later, it is 40,000 words, and it has only been less than a day and a half since the book was published, which is close to 40,000 words! The author is trying to burst the liver, asking for a little data support!

Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass!

Give the author a little motivation!

Strive to be within tonight….

It was close to 50,000 words!!


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