But looking at Ace’s state just now, I don’t know if I can withstand the next high-intensity battle.

Roy stood back alone and looked at Ace’s back and began to analyze.

But Roy can’t stay in this place for long, maybe the guy from Tichy will find him later.

Touching the dark fruit in his arms, Roy’s heart began to swallow again.

Only in this way can there be no worries, but it will be less useful.

Maybe you can use this thing to blackmail Tichy.

“Boy, I finally found you.”

Just as Roy was trying to see how to blackmail Tichy, he suddenly heard Katakuri’s voice behind him.

“You bastards don’t even abide by the agreement between us!”

It can be heard that Katakuri is now in a state of anger and depravity.

“How? Blame us for being too fast, aren’t you ready? ”

Roy answered with a smile after hearing his question.

And what’s even funnier is that this guy now has an innocent expression.

“Less nonsense, I’m going to kill you today!”

Katakuri knew that he couldn’t say anything about Roy, and directly began a personal attack.

But at this point, he still doesn’t seem to have any advantages.

So much so that when Roy heard this sentence, he first suspected that his ears had misheard, and then he also raised his head and looked at Katakuri in front of him with a puzzled face.

“What did you just say? I heard you right, you are a defeated subordinate, come to me when you can defeat Yamato. ”

Now Roy doesn’t bother to fight him at all, the level is too low, and it doesn’t do him any good.

“Last time it was just a fluke on you, and this time you didn’t have such good luck.”

When he heard this, Roy slowly raised his gaze.

“It’s beautiful, it’s a quick deal.”

Roy replied with a smile.

But then, the smile on Roy’s face gradually froze.

Just when Katakuri thought that his deterrent power was working, he suddenly felt that there was a danger approaching behind him.

Fortunately, the domineering who saw the smell forgot to turn it off, and when he dodged away, an explosive impact smashed directly on his body.

The familiar mace …

Familiar coercion…

But…… The woman in front of him didn’t seem too familiar to him.

“I heard someone is looking for me?”

Yamato asked with a hint of playfulness after seeing Katakuri and Roy.

Now Roy really suspected that she had heard the conversation with Katakuri.

“You’re a tailwind, aren’t you?”

Roy looked at Yamato and asked.

“What are you?”

But among the three people, there seems to be one who does not react and always has to take a slow beat.

“Our last battle is not over, and I won’t give you another chance this time.”

After hearing Katakuri’s voice, Yamato slowly put the mace in his hand on his shoulder.

“Are you…”

After seeing this familiar action, Katakuri reacted, but it seemed that he still couldn’t believe it, perhaps because he didn’t want to admit that he had fought back and forth with the petite and weak woman in front of him last time, and he didn’t even have the upper hand.

“That’s right, that’s me.”

Hearing Yamato’s cheerful agreement, Roy waved at her.

“In that case, then this side will be left to you.”

But turning to look at the Katakuri guy’s eyes, he seemed to be a little unhappy.

“You are really lazy, Dad was still looking for you just now.”

Yamato teased after hearing what Roy said.

“Come on, didn’t you find it yourself, I can also be regarded as fulfilling one of your wishes, after all, I actually fought with this kid back and forth last time.”

Saying that, Roy also slowly stepped back, found a place to rest, and sat down directly.

Now there are shortcomings snacks in hand, and this duel waiting for is absolutely wonderful.

But the two of them didn’t notice the expression on Katakuri’s face at all, ugly.

These two guys… They didn’t put me in their eyes at all, damn it!

Before Yamato could speak, Katakuri rushed directly towards Roy with an arrow.

But in the next second, Roy just gently raised his arm, and the air around him instantly distorted!

The moment Katakuri rushed to Roy, he felt a pair of invisible arms blocking in front of him and wrapping them tightly.

There is no way to move one step forward.

At this time, Roy slowly looked up towards Katakuri.

“Your eyes seem to be short-sighted, your opponent is over there.”

This sentence completely broke Katakuri’s psychological defenses.

Yamato stood next to him as if he were watching a play.

Katakuri knew that the difference between his and Roy’s internship was not a star and a half, it was completely a crushing existence.

After that, Yamato also shook his head helplessly, clenched the mace in his hand, and slowly walked towards Katakuri.

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